//------------------------------// // Sentry Bright // Story: Stuck in my own Sequel // by AntiBronyBenSwolo //------------------------------// Sentry Bright was born to a couple of lowly farmers that lived off of the crops they owned. Sentry's farm lived far away from any kingdom, so her family resorted to defending themselves and their crops from monstrous beasts that dared attack. Sentry Bright longed to become a beautiful and kind princess, helping her subjects in need. "Sounds like a cliche hero's journey story, if you ask me," Adagio said, as I read the booklet to the Dazzlings. "Well, every story starts out cliche, until it's expanded on," I replied as I continued reading. However, one fateful day, the farm was attacked by a swarm of changelings, and she had to escape. As she ran, she was almost captured and cocoon until she was saved by a mighty wizard, who taught her everything he knew. "Please don't tell us it's Starswirl," Aria cringed, placing her hand on her head. "Luckily for you, it doesn't say. Boy, Sunset sure seems like a lazy writer if she couldn't create Sentry Bright's mentor character," I commented as I flipped the page. Sentry was instructed by her master to build her own staff. So she went to sea and cast a spell on a large chunk of wood, transforming the wood, and placed a bright red crystal on the tip. "Wait, why not have her mentor cast the spell instead of Sentry Bright? Or at least have a little magical training before creating her staff?" I asked, scratching my head. The Dazzlings looked at me, as I flipped through more pages. But unfortunately, it was all so rushed I couldn't bare to read it anymore. "I thought Sunset would be a better writer than this. She writes to Equestria's Twilight via. Magic Book a lot, so how come she's terrible at creative writing?" I asked, tossing the booklet aside. "Maybe you're making her a terrible writer?" Adagio joked. "Point taken," I said. I thought about our next move and decided to pack up and head back over to Canterlot High. "Wait, where are you going?" Sonata asked, grabbing the booklet. "We're going back to the school. I'd like you to meet this Sentry Bright personally. Maybe then it'll make more sense," I said as the Dazzlings followed me out of our Ship and our secret cave. The Dazzlings forgot how long of a walk it was from here to the school, but not me (considering I was there earlier). When we got there, I halted the Dazzlings. "I think it would be best if we snuck in there," I whispered, as we examined outside the school building. Just because I fixed the Dazzling's spirits after losing their gems, doesn't mean I changed how the school views them. So, we still had to keep incognito. As we snuck, we heard the sound of a school meeting inside the auditorium, where Principal Celestia was holding a speech for all unenthusiastic students. "Since the games happen every four years, you're likely curious what's going to happen," Principal Celestia announced, as the school sounded so...dis-interested. For once, I wondered why. "You mean other than us losing?" Flash Sentry called out. None of the classmates laughed at it. I looked back at Adagio and back inside the door. I knew where all this was coming from, and I knew what I had to do. Principle Celestia handed the microphone off to Rainbow Dash, who had something planned. "Thank you, Princaple Celestia," Rainbow Dash said, before the microphone was yanked out of her hands telekinetically, and into my own. "No, thank you," I remarked, as I made my way upstairs, with the Dazzlings sneaking backstage. "Hello there!" I proudly proclaimed before being barraged by boos, jeers, and wads of paper. Except for one kid who responded with "General Kenobi". I chuckled to myself and called him out "You're breathtaking!" I proclaimed before getting back to what I was about to say. "Now, I know you guys don't like me, and that's because I brought the Dazzlings back," I explained. "Yeah, which is exactly why we shouldn't trust you!" Sunset Shimmer yelled as if I was undoing all the school's hard work. "If you don't mind! Anyway, the reason why I came here and helped the Dazzlings specifically is that their spirits have been broken. They barely had a place to go and jobs to support themselves since their pendants were destroyed. But now that I look back at all of you, I can see why. Your spirits have been long broken by the Shadowbolts time and again. No wonder you retaliated on the Dazzlings like that!" I said as Flash Sentry rolled his eyes. Everyone else was actually starting to feel a little guilty for themselves. "But since I came here to mend the broken spirits of three lost girls, I thought it would be nice to mend the spirits of an entire school! Who's with me?" I yelled, in which everyone, with the exception of a few, got up and applauded before sitting back down. "And just how do you plan on fixing the school's spirit?" Principal Celestia asked, suspicious of my powers. "You better not do something like make anyone cheat," Vice Principal Luna responded. "Oh, heavens no. Not my intention at all. I just thought I'd make them more fun for everyone," I explained, before being knocked back by a red beam of Magic. Adagio gasped at the attack. "You were a fool to come out and deceive the school like that," Sentry Bright proclaimed pointing her staff at me. "And what makes you think he's lying?" Adagio asked, with Aria and Sonata closeby. "I'm just plain hurt that you wouldn't trust me after everything that I said. That, and blasting me like that. That was not cool," I said, holding my side as I got up. Sentry Bright cast a spell on me, causing me to glow a bright red before it faded away. "Interesting. You are telling the truth. In which case, I shall watch over you and the Dazzlings in case you step out of line," Sentry Blast said, as she left the stage. Sentry then disappeared beside the bleachers. "Right, sorry about that everyone," I said as if it was nothing. A few people chuckled, and I continued my speech. "So, I have specific instructions for all of you, since you don't like losing to the Shadowbolts all that much. My advice: Just make friends with them. You're good at that. And you shouldn't get all salty if you lose a game or the games in general. That's bad sportsmanship. I should know. Only then will the Friendship Games be way better than you think they're going to be," I advised as I passed off the microphone to Principal Celestia as the Dazzlings followed me out the backstage. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer took Sentry Bright out where nobody was in the school building. "I apologize for the attack, Creator Sunset. I just thought I would--" Sentry Bright said, bowing to Sunset like a queen. "No, you're fine. Though I don't advise you do it again. What worries me is his honesty. BenSwolo said before that he was gonna ruin the Friendship Games. Maybe he lied about ruining then?" Sunset asked as she pondered away at the greater mystery. "Or maybe this is how he ruins it. By lifting their spirits" Sentry Bright said, theorizing. Also Meanwhile, Flash Sentry waited out by the school waiting for someone. He kept a close eye out for any interlopers. "Uhh, Flash? I got the pictures you need," A young girl said, catching his attention. The young girl wore green, had green skin, and hair along with it. And she passed a handful of pictures off to Flash. "Thank you Wallflower. This is just what I needed," Flash said, as he saw the pictures; Pictures of my speech. He examined one of them closely and saw a small bit of fluffy orange hair: Adagio's hair. "Oh, I have you know," Flash Sentry muttered as if he had Adagio tied up on a silver platter. "So, what's the plan?" Wallflower Blush asked as she looked over the images with Flash. "Let's go fishing," Flash said, putting the images in his bag and headed off, with Wallflower close by.