Playing House

by Krickis

37 – Numb

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Change is never easy, and even good changes can be hard to face. Fluttershy knew this, of course. She’d faced change after change in the past year, and each one had brought its own complications. She only wished she could’ve figured out a way to cope with it all by now.

She hadn’t figured out how to make changes less scary, but perhaps she’d finally gotten a little smarter about how she approached them. Change was once again looming, and this time, she wasn’t trying to figure out how to face it alone.

“Thanks for coming here with me, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said as she parked.

Pinkie quirked her head. “Silly, you don’t have to thank me for coming out to see Applejack! I love visiting her!”

Fluttershy smiled. “Still, thank you. I would’ve been even more nervous coming without you…”

Pinkie seemed perplexed. “There’s no reason to be nervous about talking to Applejack.”

That was probably true, but even so, Fluttershy had a hard time feeling anything but nervous. Applejack was close to Sunset, which was exactly why she was the perfect person to get advice from, but that also meant she wasn’t going to like what Fluttershy had planned.

But sitting in Pinkie’s minivan wasn’t making it any easier, so Fluttershy got out, Pinkie following suit. The two of them made their way up to the farmhouse, and Pinkie knocked on the door.

After a moment, the door opened with Apple Bloom on the other side. “Hi, Pinkie, Fluttershy. Y’all looking for Applejack?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yupperoni! Is she around?”

“She’s out in the orchard.” Apple Bloom’s expression turned sour. “I’d head out there with you, but Applejack says not to disrupt them while they’re working…”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked. “I would’ve thought she’d be all for you being around to lend a hand if they needed it.”

“Yeah, she should be,” Apple Bloom grumbled.

“Aww, she’ll come around,” Pinkie said. “She just needs a little more time.”

Fluttershy looked between the two of them. “Come around to what?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “She doesn’t want me around Trail Blazer while he’s working.”

The name Trail Blazer was familiar, but Fluttershy couldn’t place who it was. She had a pretty good guess though. “The new Sweet Apple Acres employee?”

“Yeah, and my boyfriend.”

“Oh!” Sunset had told her that Apple Bloom had a boyfriend, but Fluttershy hadn’t found out too much about him. She didn’t realize that it was a Sweet Apple Acres employee. “Wait, how old is he?”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “He ain’t that much older than me! He’s nineteen!”

“Fluttershy didn’t mean it like that, she was just wondering,” Pinkie assured Apple Bloom.

She didn’t want to say it, but Fluttershy was pretty sure she could see where Applejack was coming from. Then again, Fluttershy was in no position to say anything against age difference in a relationship. Besides, there was no sense in antagonizing Apple Bloom over something she didn’t know much about. “I’m sorry. Pinkie’s right, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Apple Bloom and Trail Blazer are such a cute couple!” Pinkie insisted. “Just wait until you see them together!”

Apple Bloom smiled a little at that, so Fluttershy decided to push that a little further. “Well, Pinkie is sort of an expert on these things. I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

“You’ll probably see him out there with AJ,” Apple Bloom said. “Maybe you can talk her into letting me do my part to help out Sweet Apple Acres while you’re at it. The whole point of having Trail Blazer work with us was to have more help, which don’t make no sense if he’s just replacing me.”

“We’ll see what we can do, but she’s pretty stubborn,” Pinkie said.

Apple Bloom frowned and folded her arms. “Yeah, I know.”

They said goodbye to Apple Bloom and walked around the house. Along the way, Fluttershy took the chance to ask Pinkie some questions in private. “So uhm, do you think Apple Bloom really wants to help, or is she just trying to spend more time with her boyfriend?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Helping is helping. It doesn’t matter why she wants to as long as she wants to. Besides, she may have a bit of a teenager attitude these days, but AB really does care about Sweet Apple Acres and helping her family.”

Fluttershy nodded. “You’re right, of course. And do you really think Trail Blazer is good for her?”

“Yeah, I do. He’s a perfect gentleman, and Apple Bloom’s really happy with him. But… try to be careful what you say around Applejack. Or, well, any of the Apples. It’s a sensitive subject these days…”

“Of course.”

Winter work wasn’t as constant as the rest of the year, but it was just as hard. They found Applejack, Big Mac, and someone Fluttershy had to guess was Trail Blazer hard at work cutting away dead pieces of apple trees.

Big Mac was the first to see them. He waved as they approached.

“Hiya, Big Mac!” Pinkie said. That got the attention of the others, who offered their own greetings.

“Howdy, y’all,” Applejack said. She turned to Trail Blazer. “Don’t reckon you’ve met Fluttershy. Fluttershy, this is Trail Blazer, our newest employee here at Sweet Apple Acres. And Trail Blazer, this is Fluttershy, an old friend from high school and Sunset’s girlfriend.”

“Howdy, Miss Fluttershy.” Trail Blazer offered his hand, so Fluttershy shook it. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Fluttershy said. At least he and Applejack seemed to be getting along well, despite her reservations about him dating Apple Bloom.

“What can I do for y’all?” Applejack asked.

Pinkie looked to Fluttershy who tried her best to keep a friendly smile through her nerves. “Uhm, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.”

Applejack nodded. “Sure. I reckon the boys will be alright without me for a spell.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “Come on, let’s get back to it.”

“You got it,” Trail Blazer said. “I hope we’ll be able to get to know each other a bit better some other time, Miss Fluttershy. And Miss Pinkie, always a pleasure to see you too.”

“Bye!” Pinkie said as Trail Blazer and Big Mac returned to work.

“He seems nice,” Fluttershy said as she waved them off.

“Yeah, that’s Trail Blazer alright,” Applejack said. “Let’s head somewhere a bit warmer to talk.”

She led them back towards the house, but rather than go inside the main part of it, she brought them to the cellar. Fluttershy wasn’t sure if it was her reason, but she appreciated that it would be more private down there.

“To tell you the truth,” Applejack said once the door was shut behind them, “I think he’s putting it on a little thick ever since I found out he’s dating Apple Bloom.”

Pinkie waved off the concern. “Aww, he just wants to be extra friendly to his girlfriend’s family and their friends.”

“I still don’t like it one bit,” Applejack said adamantly. “He’s on thin ice, far as I’m concerned. One wrong move and he can hit the road, both as an employee and as Apple Bloom’s boyfriend.”

“Is it because of his age?” Fluttershy asked. “Because you know, uhm, Sunset’s –”

“I know, I know. She said the same thing.”

“Wait, you two know how old Sunset really is?” Pinkie asked. “I thought I was the only one who figured it out.”

“I didn’t have to figure it out, she told me back in high school,” Applejack said. She led them to some chairs and started looking through a minifridge.

“She’s sensitive about it,” Fluttershy pointed out. “She told me after we started dating. I think she was afraid I wouldn’t want to date her anymore once I found out.”

“Sounds like Sunset,” Applejack said. “Either of you want a beer?”

“I’ll take one,” Fluttershy said.

“No thanks,” Pinkie said. “Got any soda in there?”

Applejack passed Fluttershy a can of beer and Pinkie a can of soda. She opened a beer of her own and took a sip, then sat down beside the others. “Anyway, it’s not just his age, it’s the whole thing. I don’t like her dating someone that works for us, makes me wonder what his intentions are.”

“I think he really cares about Apple Bloom,” Pinkie said as she sipped her soda.

Fluttershy sipped her beer quietly, staying out of a conversation that she didn’t know enough to participate in.

“Maybe he does, maybe he just thinks dating the boss’s sister will get him a piece of the company someday.”

“He’s not that kind of guy,” Pinkie defended. “Besides, if they ever did get married, that would mean Sweet Apple Acres kept its tradition of only employing the family after all.”

“I care about my sister a lot more than some tradition,” Applejack said sharply.

“AJ, I’m surprised at you,” Fluttershy said. “I don’t know anything about Trail Blazer, but you know Pinkie wouldn’t think you aren’t putting Apple Bloom first.”

Applejack sighed. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to snap at you, it’s just this whole situation has me on edge.”

“It’s okay,” Pinkie said.

“Anyway, y’all didn’t come here to talk about Trail Blazer. What’s on your mind?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “It’s… about Sunset. And, uhm, Rainbow’s band.”

Applejack nodded. “Think I see where this is going. Sunset told me a bit about what’s been going on with them, said they might be going on tour sooner than anyone thought.”

“Yeah.” Fluttershy winced, wondering what Sunset had said to Applejack about that. She felt Pinkie’s hand on her shoulder.

“And I take it this also means you made up your mind about what this means for you?” Applejack’s tone held no judgement, although it had to be obvious that there was only one reason why Fluttershy would be coming to her about this.

“I… yes. I want to go with them.”

Applejack just nodded. “And what’d Sunset have to say about that one?”

Fluttershy frowned and kept her eyes pointed down. “I… I haven’t told her yet…”

“Well, I can’t say I blame you for being hesitant. Sunset isn’t gonna take that one well.”

Fluttershy’s words failed her, so Pinkie stepped in. “That’s what Shy wanted to talk to you about. You’re Sunset’s best friend, if anyone knows how to tell her about this, it’s you.”

“Well, let’s see…” Fluttershy looked up to see Applejack scratching her head as she considered the situation. “One thing you should know about Sunset by now is that no matter what she thinks at first, she can come around to anything. She’s a stubborn one, but enough time will always wear her down. So even if she’s upset about it at first, you can count on her getting over it eventually.”

It was true, but it wasn’t exactly what Fluttershy had hoped for. She really wanted some way to tell Sunset that wouldn’t make her upset in the first place, even if that was impossible. “I think… Sunset really expects me to stay. Uhm, I’ve been staying at her house all week, and… and I think she’s thinking we’re just picking up right where we left off.”

Applejack frowned and took a sip of her beer, so Fluttershy did likewise. “I reckon that’s exactly what Sunset’s been thinkin’, from what she’s told me.”

Fluttershy sunk in her chair. She had been afraid of that. “I don’t want to leave Sunset. It’s just that I need this. If I’m going to keep being Bitchette’s manager on bigger tours, I have to see firsthand what it’s like for this one.”

“I reckon I can see that. Of course, you’re missing the obvious answer here.”

“What do you mean?”

Applejack grinned. “You’ve been so busy thinking of this as choosing between Sunset and the band that ya never stopped to realize you can have both. Just take her with you.”

Fluttershy blinked. “What?”

“A band on tour needs roadies, right? Hire Sunset for the job. That way you don’t have to choose between her and your career.”

“Ooh, what a good idea!” Pinkie said. “That way you can have your cake and eat it to! Which is the best part of having a cake, I might add.”

It was true that Fluttershy hadn’t thought of that. It could work, but then… “I’m not sure what Rainbow would think of that.”

Applejack shrugged. “I’m sure Rainbow would love to crack the whip as Sunset hauls her equipment around. If anything, sounds like Sunset’s the one who might not like it much. But like I said, she’ll come around to anything if you give her enough time.”

“But… she has her job.”

“Which she hates,” Applejack countered. “She’s been working in that same job since before we were friends. With that kind of work experience, she can get a new job when the tour ends. Y’all will just have to save up whatever money the two of you make on this tour. Might be that I’ll even need another set of hands ‘round here when the time comes.”

There was solid logic to Applejack’s solution. It was still a big change and telling Sunset still wouldn’t be easy, but it had to be better than Fluttershy just disappearing without her.

“Maybe… maybe you’re right.”

Applejack nodded. “That’s been known to happen from time to time.”

“This sounds perfect for you, Shy!” Pinkie said.

Although she sounded happy, when Fluttershy turned to look at her, Pinkie looked almost sad. “Is… everything okay, Pinkie?”

Pinkie quickly shook her head. When she was done, her smile was back to its usual. “Of course! I’m super happy that things are working so well for everyone!”

For a second, Fluttershy wondered if Pinkie was actually jealous. But Applejack saw through better than she could and cleared her throat. “Pinkie, ya gotta speak your mind.”

Pinkie bit her lip and looked between the other two. Eventually she launched herself out of her chair and threw her arms around Fluttershy with enough force that she almost spilled her beer.

“I don’t want you to go!”

“What?” Fluttershy placed her empty hand on Pinkie’s back. “I’ll only be gone for a little while, Pinkie. And that’s only if I leave at all.”

“I… I know, but I keep thinking… What if you go on another tour after that? What if you just start touring around the country nonstop and forget all about me…”

“Oh, Pinkie…” Fluttershy set her beer down so she could hug Pinkie with both hands. “That won’t happen. I promise. We can still talk every day, and all of us will be coming back, for sure.”

Pinkie wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry… This is really important for you, and I’m just being selfish…”

“No, it’s okay.” Fluttershy squeezed Pinkie tighter. “And you know, I’ll be missing you and Applejack the whole time we’re gone too.”

“So, uh…” Applejack said awkwardly. “Not to break up the moment, but how likely is it that you’ll be going?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I have no idea. We just finished and sent out the demo recording yesterday, and I haven’t heard anything back yet.”

“Gotcha. Well, I really hope this comes through for y’all.”

“We both do,” Pinkie added, pulling away from Fluttershy with a sad smile. “Don’t mind me, I really do want this to work out for you.”

“Thanks, you two.” Fluttershy smiled at them. “We ordered CDs of the new demo, and I made sure to get one for each of you.”

“Suppose I better make it out to one of their shows soon, huh?” Applejack said.

“When’s the next one?” Pinkie asked. “We can both go see them!”

They kept talking about the band for a while, both Pinkie and Applejack showing interest in what Fluttershy did for them as much as what the band themselves were up to. Pinkie had been a regular at their practices and had come out to see the band in their first shows, but Applejack hadn’t been able to get too involved in what they were doing.

Fluttershy didn’t mind, though. Applejack had a job that kept her busy, and late nights didn’t usually work out for her. Still, it was nice that she was interested, and she did promise to come see them soon.

They talked for a while, which did as much to calm Fluttershy as Applejack’s good advice had. She spent so much time with Sunset and Rainbow, and not enough with Pinkie and Applejack.

Unfortunately, it could only last so long, though. “Well, I should probably get back to work. Can’t leave it all to the men and expect it’ll get done right, after all.”

“Oh!” Fluttershy frowned. She had completely forgotten Applejack was supposed to be working. “Sorry, we’re taking up all your time.”

“Nah, no need to be sorry.” Applejack smiled as she stood up. “I appreciate the company, and the excuse to get out of the snow for a bit.”

“Always happy to save a friend in need,” Pinkie said.

They followed Applejack up the stairs, and despite bracing for the cold outside, it still hit Fluttershy hard. She was already looking forward to getting back in Pinkie’s minivan and cranking up the heat.

But when Fluttershy turned towards Applejack to give her a hug before leaving, she saw the other woman looked apprehensive. “Is something wrong?”

“No, I just…” Applejack adjusted her hat. “Do, uh… do you wanna see her before you go?”

There was no doubt about what Applejack meant. Not with that tone, not with the way she couldn’t manage to look at Fluttershy when she asked.

Before she could even answer, she felt Pinkie’s hand take hold of her own. Fluttershy nodded solemnly. “I… I’d like that.”

Fluttershy fell in step behind Applejack as Pinkie stayed by her side. It wasn’t that she needed Applejack to lead the way, it was just easier. From the moment Applejack had asked, Fluttershy had become numb, as if the cold outside had worked its way to her heart. The emotions were too difficult to deal with. Shut them off and let Applejack lead the way.

No one spoke as they walked. No doubt no one knew what to say. Fluttershy kept her eyes pointed at Applejack’s feet until they stopped walking.

Sky Shimmer had a proper headstone now. In addition to her name, there was a picture of a lamb etched on it. That had been Sunset’s suggestion, to Fluttershy’s surprise. She must have known the religious significance, there was no other reason it should be a lamb, which meant she had suggested it for Fluttershy. That meant a lot to her then, as it did now.

In the spring, there would be flowers blooming. Everyone had come together to help plant them, so Sky Shimmer’s grave might one day be filled with life. But not now. Now there was nothing but cold and snow.

Fluttershy bent down and traced her fingers along the headstone. It felt like ice. And yet, that was all she had of her daughter. A few ultrasound photos and a headstone with only one date on it.

She had tried to make her heart numb on the walk over, and she had failed.

It hurt. It still hurt so much, even after so many months. It hardly felt fair that she should hurt so much over someone she had never even met, but nothing about it was fair. Her daughter should be in a warm crib kept safe under her mothers’ loving gaze, not all alone in the cold ground.

Things could have been so different. They could have been better. She and Sunset wouldn’t fight if they had Sky, they never would’ve started drinking again, they would have kept working towards a brighter future for their daughter. And they’d have her. They’d have their little baby girl to light up their world.

When they came, Fluttershy’s tears came silently. At least there was that. No big show of crying her eyes out anymore, it was back to the silent tears she had spent so many years perfecting.

Pinkie knelt down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, Applejack stood stoically beside them with her hat in her hands.

“When does it stop hurting?” Fluttershy asked.

Although she hadn’t done anything to direct her question, Applejack knew it was for her. “It still hurts sometimes. But eventually, you get good times with the bad. You start to smile when you remember, even if it still stings a little.”

Fluttershy bowed her head. She knew what Applejack meant, she had felt that exact same way with her mom. But this was different. “But I don’t have any good times with her. Just this…”

Applejack’s hand rested on her shoulder beside Pinkie’s.

Things would be better if Sky was alive. Fluttershy had always known that, but only now did she realize exactly what that meant. She stood up, surprising Pinkie.

“You okay, Shy?” Pinkie asked quietly as she stood as well.

Fluttershy nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. As if from the cold outside, she would be numb. “I’m fine. We should get going, though.”

“If that’s what you want…” Pinkie said.

Fluttershy’s only answer was to nod and start walking towards the minivan.

The others followed behind her, turning the tables on how they had first come to the grave site. The only sound was snow crunching under their feet as they walked. Although she had her own work to attend to, Applejack walked back with them the whole way.

When they reached the minivan, Fluttershy turned towards Applejack with a smile on her face. That was a part of being numb, too. “Thank you for everything, Applejack.”

The two of them hugged, and Applejack grinned as they pulled apart. “Don’t mention it. And don’t be such a stranger, feels like I hardly get to see you these days.”

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I just get so busy with the band…”

“I know, I understand.” She tipped her hat. “Still, if ya manage to get the time, we’d love to have you come ‘round for family game night some time. Have this one bring ya.”

“I can do that!” Pinkie said. “We’ll all have so much fun, it’ll be just like when we were in high school!”

Fluttershy giggled. “I’d like that.”

Pinkie and Applejack hugged as well, then they said their goodbyes. As Applejack turned to walk away, Fluttershy turned towards Pinkie. “Can you drive us back to Sunset’s? I should give Rainbow a call.”

“You got it, Shy!” Pinkie said. Fluttershy was sure she’d planned on being the one to drive back since she had chosen soda over beer, anyway.

As soon as they were in, Pinkie turned on the heat. She held her hands in front of the air vent, warming her fingers before they started driving.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy dug her phone out of her pocket. She pulled up Rainbow’s number and dialed it, then waited for her to answer.

“Hey, Shy. Everything okay?”

“Yes. I just had an idea to run by you.”

“Alright, shoot.”

Fluttershy wasn’t even worried anymore. She knew she should be, or at least that she would be normally, but she was too numb to worry. “If we go on tour, what do you think of bringing Sunset with us as a roadie?”

There was a moment’s pause, and when she spoke again, Rainbow sounded irritated. “Did she put you up to this?”

“No, I haven’t even asked her yet.”

Rainbow sighed. “I don’t know, Shy… Who even says we’ll need roadies?”

“Do you really want to haul all the equipment around ourselves on top of playing every night?”

“Well, no. But we don’t know what our budget will be like, you know? They’re probably not gonna want to spring a ton of money on a newbie band.”

“Maybe, but we don’t know. I just want to know if we have the option, what do you think?”

Another sigh. “I guess… if that’s what you really want, I’ll go along with it.”

“And you’ll get along with her the whole time?”

“I can’t promise that. It’s not like she doesn’t start shit too, you know?”

That was, unfortunately, too true. “I know. But at least promise me that you won’t be the one starting shit?”

As she had expected, Fluttershy’s rare use of profanity got Rainbow to chuckle. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be as good as she is, whatever that winds up being worth.”

That may or may not wind up being good enough, but only time would tell that. “Thank you. I’ll talk to Sunset about it tonight, then.”

Pinkie finally must have been content with how warm the minivan was, because she shifted into reverse and backed out.

“So, uh…” Rainbow said with a tone of forced casualness. “When are you coming home, anyway?”

Fluttershy smiled a little. “Miss me that much?”

She could imagine Rainbow’s blush through the phone as she tried her best not to sound too uncool. “Well, you know, it’s more interesting with you around.”

“I’ll be back before too long, I’m sure. I just got back together with Sunset, let us have at least a little time together.”

“You’ve been there all week.”

“It hasn’t been all week.”

“Most of it.”

Well, that was true. “I’ll be back soon. Anyway, I should get going, I’m with Pinkie right now.”

“Hiya, Rainbow!” Pinkie said loudly.

“Tell Pinkie I said hey.”

Fluttershy held the phone away from her mouth. “Rainbow says hi.”

“Guess I’ll see you around sometime. You’re still coming to practice this weekend, right?”

“Of course I am. I’ll see you there if I don’t see you sooner.”

“Alright, cool. Later, Shy.”

“Bye.” Fluttershy hung up and put her phone back in her pocket.

“Next stop, home!” Pinkie announced.

Fluttershy looked out the window. Pinkie called Sunset’s house Fluttershy’s home, Rainbow said the same about her own house. Neither of them felt like a home though, not really.

But there was no sense of worrying Pinkie. “Yeah,” she said. “Home.”

At least the house was warmer than it was outside, although that wasn’t saying much. Fluttershy left on her jacket as she came in from the cold, and she saw Sunset had done the same.

“Hey, Shy,” Sunset said as she walked in. “How’d it go with Pinkie?”

“Good,” Fluttershy said. She thought of everything Applejack said and wondered how to bring it up with Sunset. “I, uhm… I need to talk to you about something.”

Sunset grabbed the remote and hit pause on the movie she was watching, then turned to look at Fluttershy. “What’s up?”

Since Sunset was sitting on the couch, Fluttershy took a seat beside her. “It’s about the band. I’ve… I’ve decided if they go on tour then I want to go with them.”

Sunset blinked, then furrowed her brow. “Seriously? I thought, you know, things have been going really good for us.”

“They have been!” Fluttershy insisted. “It’s not about us, this is about me and my career. Or at least, what I’m trying to make my career.”

“What about your veterinary degree? You were making good progress towards that.”

Fluttershy turned away. She hadn’t gotten around to tell Sunset yet, but it seemed this was as good a time as any. “I failed both my online classes last semester, and I didn’t sign up for any more after winter break.”

“Wait, what? Shy, that’s your dream!”

“It was. Now… I don’t know anymore.”

She chanced a look at Sunset, only to find she was frowning. “You can’t let Rainbow talk you out of this.”

“She didn’t!” Fluttershy insisted. “Why do you think Rainbow’s the one who decided this? I can make my own decisions too, you know.”

“Veterinary is a good career, and you want to give it up for managing a band? That’s an unstable career at best!”

“I know, but it’s not just about them either! I’m taking the time I need to sort out my life, okay?”

“I don’t believe this.” Sunset stood up and took a few steps away.

Fluttershy was going to throw the fact that Sunset was getting all worked up over nothing at her, let her know that she was invited to come along and they could work things out together, but something stopped her.

She thought of Sky, and the realization she felt when she was at her grave. Things would be better if Sky was still with them.

Which meant they just weren’t as strong without her.

Everything had happened so fast when they first got together, Fluttershy was already pregnant even if they didn’t know back then. They were barely a couple for a few weeks before they found out. It had all moved faster than they could keep up with, and they had managed it better than anyone could have expected.

But that had come at a cost. They built their entire relationship on being moms together. There was no solid foundation for them to fall back on after they lost Sky, because she was all they ever had together.

And when she left, she took too much of them with her.

“Believe what you want,” Fluttershy said miserably. “But I’ve made my decision. It’s up to you whether you support me in it.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t support you throwing your life away.”

That’s what Fluttershy had thought. Maybe Applejack was right, maybe Sunset really could come around to anything with enough time. But maybe, Fluttershy realized, she just didn’t want to wait around for her anymore.

“I think coming back tonight was a mistake,” Fluttershy said. “I should call Rainbow, have her pick me up.”

“Fine. Guess that’s your decision too, huh?”

Fluttershy was already reaching for her phone. “Yeah. I guess it is.”