//------------------------------// // Seeking Selene // Story: Luna's Daughter // by KayeStar //------------------------------// "Are you positive about this, Sister?" Celestia asked. "Yes. After I hold my nightly court, I will travel to Ponyville's outskirts to search for the young one," Luna replied. "Twilight had a point earlier. We cannot keep waiting. Interrogating her in her dreams will only achieve so much." Celestia relaxed a little and smiled. "You have always had a way with children, Sister. I know you can do it. I do hope she will be alright." "As do I. Again, thank you and Twilight for your help." "You're welcome." Celestia retired to her room for the night while Luna headed away to begin her court session. "Ah, there's my beautiful wife," Sombra sighed as Celestia lied next to him. "How is the search for the filly going?" "Luna is intent on finding her tonight. Rarely have I seen her so worried," Celestia replied. "You says she's always been fond of kids, right? Is it really surprising?" Sombra asked. "Not in the slightest," Celestia answered with a small chuckle. "It is a serious situation, but Luna knows it better than I do. This is in her hooves." Sombra pulled Celestia close and rolled on his side, wrapping around her tightly. "And you are in mine." Luna's patience with the nobles was thin tonight. With all she had on her mind, she was in no mood for their over-privileged "plights". But she already postponed one court and she wanted to get it over with. She announced the start of her court's session, and the first group of nobles trotted in, carrying that same vibe of snobbishness Luna and her sister griped in jest about over dinner or breakfast when they could. "Good evening, Your Highness," one delegate greeted her, head and nose poised high. "On behalf of my family, the noble Trills, we would like to request funds for---" "Excuse you!" another delegate interrupted. "I don't recall the princess giving you permission to speak before me!" "Perhaps," the Trills family noble retorted, getting directly in the other delegate's face, "you'll be quicker with your speech if you want to speak first, sugar." The second delegate scrunched her face in anger, but Luna spoke up at this point to interfere, getting their attention with a strong stomp of her hoof. "I believe I shan't need to remind you of the rules about mine and my sister's courts. Discourtesy is not tolerated!" The second delegate shrank away, embarrassed, but Luna quickly wiped off the smirk of the Trills house noble. "That includes inappropriate pet names!" she added strongly. "Should you need to address each other by name, you will do so properly." She then addressed the remainder of the group. "If anypony exhibits further disrespect, I will revoke your privilege to speak for the remainder of this session. Is that quite clear?" Every noble in the group nodded, all taken aback at Luna's strictness. It wasn't that it was strange to see her enforce her court's rules. Luna and Celestia usually provided a little leeway and didn't really speak up unless an argument became heated. But the mere tone of Luna's voice couldn't have made the message clearer: Princess Luna was having none of it tonight. "Now, again," Luna stated. She gestured to the Trills house noble. "You have the floor. Continue your request." "T-thank you, Y-your Highness. As I was saying..." To Luna's surprise and pleasure, tonight's court ended in only an hour and half instead of its usual three hours. Some of the nobles had receded their requests and arguments, deciding they'd see Celestia about them instead. A few did test Luna's patience, but it took one stern glare and reminder to get them back in line. To Luna, it was an amusing decision to save their complaints for Celestia's day court and she had no doubt her sister would later come to her to mention how the nobles complained of her unusual strictness tonight. For a reason neither sister had ever been able to understand, some of the nobles believed if they couldn't get their way with one of the princesses, they could with the other. Sometimes, the sisters swore they needed to invoke a time-out corner. Not that most of the nobles seemed to have such self-awareness to begin with. Luna stood on the railing of the balcony, wings outstretched. She gazed over all she could see of Equestria as more and more residents turned their lights out, heading to bed for the night. Except for Manehattan, of course. She still fondly remembered when her sister, years ago when Luna was going through a bout of depression, took her for a visit one night. That night was one Luna still considered the best of her life, even if the boisterous activity of the night scene itself over there wasn't her preference. But Luna had no time to admire that tonight. She took off from the balcony and headed directly for Ponyville's outskirts. She glided until the area Twilight described in the letter she received came into view. She made a quiet landing and began to walk down the single path that lied in front of where Selene's former home stood, traveling in the direction opposite of Ponyville's center. She passed a few ponies, but all were going home. Luna was rather relieved they were too sleepy to notice her. Or maybe she blended that well into the night. Either explanation satisfied her. Luna paused when she came a few feet from what seemed to be the end of the road. A few streetlights kept the area lit enough to see clearly. There seemed to be not a soul around, yet Luna had some kind of nagging feeling that wouldn't let up. She continued until she came to an alleyway. No light shone into it, but Luna could see a small silhouette as she peered over its corner. Selene had just wrapped herself in her blanket and seemed to finally be giving in to her tiredness. As her eyes nearly closed, her ears caught a small sound. She tried to ignore it, assuming it was just a passerby, but the small clicks got closer until she looked up to see a dark looming figure peering at her near the alley's entrance. Selene shuddered and pulled her blanket over her head, hoping it was simply some figment her imagination formed out of tiredness. "Selene Skyla Rose?" Selene uncovered one eye to peek up at the figure when she heard her name. "Do you remember me?" Luna stepped beneath the nearby streetlight, revealing herself fully to the young filly. Selene let out a gasp of relief and surprise, popping up from beneath her blanket when she saw the dark mare clearly. "Luna!" Selene threw herself at Luna's hooves. "This is a dream?" "No, young one. Not this time. You are awake."