//------------------------------// // Settling In // Story: Luna's Daughter // by KayeStar //------------------------------// Celestia and Sombra took up some of Luna's evening responsibilities to allow her extra time with Selene to help the young one settle in more quickly. Sombra decided to finally try his hoof at holding a full court session by himself, taking charge of Luna's night court with her permission. It wasn't particularly strenuous. Simply tedious and aggravating. Merely the first night made him regret his decision. "Please! More aspirin, my dear!" he begged his wife, who couldn't hold in her laughter. She placed two aspirin pills into a glass of seltzer water and passed the glass over to him. "Shall I assume you'd prefer me to take charge of my sister's night court for the rest of the week?" Celestia asked sincerely. "No," Sombra answered with exasperation after he downed the water. "It wouldn't be fair to you to deal with two courts. And Luna should have time to help Selene get settled, so I won't quit. That said... how do you ladies handle this?!" Celestia had to force her laughter to cease. "I can't speak for Luna, but I suppose I'm used to it because I had no choice. Over a millennium ago, Luna and I shared day court. We used to take turns, but we started holding it together because it moved along faster that way. After Luna was lost, I had to take up whichever duties of hers I could. The court became vicious without her, the attendees believing they could win over just one princess. I built up a tolerance I didn't know I had." "I don't know if I should be stunned or annoyed things haven't changed," Sombra groaned as Celestia got him more seltzer water. "They kept asking me where Luna was, questioning my capability, and threatening to report me to her. I suppose I'm not a true prince in their eyes. I'm just some lowly stallion married to a princess." "Don't speak that way," Celestia consoled him, nuzzling him for a few seconds. "When Luna began her night court so many years ago, she got the same treatment. They even dared to use her banishment against her, and it took all my restraint not to give them a piece of my own mind. I had to let Luna defend herself and she did so gracefully. It took several months, but they got the message. Luna was to be taken seriously." Sombra relaxed a little as his headache began dying down. "Thank you, dear. If you and Luna can do it, I think I can manage. But right now, I'm ready to turn in." "I can't imagine you wouldn't be." The couple walked together to their bedroom, the stallion letting the sight of his beautiful wife wear away his aggravation. Selene's first full day in her new home was spent with Luna touring her around the castle. It essentially doubled as the day Selene couldn't keep her jaw off the floor. From just how large it was to how many rooms there were, there was so much to be amazed at. Her favorite part of the day, without a doubt, had been watching Luna raise the moon. She hadn't taken her eyes away for a moment. Luna offered to wake her up early enough to see Celestia raise the sun, which she excitedly accepted. For now, the two of them were relaxing in the gardens. Selene was atop Luna's back as Luna lied in a bed of lavender, and they were enjoying the night's starry sky. "How many stars are up there?" "Too many to be counted." "Where do the stars go when it's daytime?" "The stars never leave the sky. The day is too bright for them to shine." "I think they should shine all the time. They make the sky really pretty. They could make the sky look pretty in daytime too." "Tis the sun's job. The sun is also a star." Selene asked no more questions and they watched the stars together until Selene began to yawn and stretch her hooves a little. "I believe somepony is getting sleepy," Luna teased. "No, I'm not sleepy," Selene insisted, though her yawns betrayed her words. "Let's get you to bed." Luna began to stand up, but Selene grabbed her neck. "No, Luna! I'm not sleepy! I want to stay out here with you!" "We can spend some time in the gardens tomorrow. It's time for you to sleep now." Selene hopped off Luna's back before she could carry her back inside. "Please, Luna? Can't I sleep in the garden tonight?" Luna shook her head. "Selene, it is not warm enough for you to slumber in the garden tonight. And I know if I permit you to, you won't fall asleep." "Yes, I would!" Luna briefly stared at Selene with a skeptical face before letting it become neutral again. "On a warmer night, I will permit you to sleep in the gardens. Tonight, you must sleep in your room. Please come along." "Hmph!" Instead of following, Selene plopped herself on the ground, pouting and glaring at Luna. Luna had enough at that point. "Selene!" She raised her voice, but did not yell. "If you will not behave, I will not permit you to be in the gardens at all. It is time for bed. That is final!" Selene slowly stood upright and walked back to Luna's side without so much as a mumble. Luna walked her to her bedroom, and both were quiet along the way. They passed by Celestia, who seemed to be coming from the kitchen. "Good evening, Sister! Good evening, little one." When Selene didn't look up, Celestia became curious and Luna gestured for her to lower her head. "I'll talk about it after I put her to bed," Luna whispered. "Meet me in my room." Celestia nodded and continued on while Luna led Selene to her bedroom. Selene climbed into her bed and grabbed her blanket. Luna pulled a book from the bookcase with her magic and held it next to Selene. "Would you still like a bedtime story?" Selene was quiet. "Selene." Luna placed the book on her bed. "I am not angry with you. If you refuse to listen to me, I must do what will get your attention. I tried three times before I raised my voice." "I was having fun in the garden with you." "I also enjoyed the time, but it is not warm enough to sleep outside. On a warmer night, I will consider allowing you." "That means no." "It means if you behave yourself, the answer is yes. Now," she said gently as she picked up the book again, "would you like a story before you fall asleep?" Selene hesitated for a moment before relaxing. "Can I read it with you?" "Of course. And Selene, dear, I still love you when you act out. I don't love what you're doing. Does that make sense?" "Like at the picnic." "Yes! You understand." Luna opened the book to the first page and placed it between them. "Go ahead. I know you can do it." Selene took a small breath and began to read, followed by Luna shortly after. Celestia waited patiently in Luna's room. The small snack she brought from the kitchen had long been devoured, so she was playing with Luna's pet opossum while she waited. Finally, she heard the doors open. "I get the feeling something happened tonight," Celestia said upon seeing her sister's frustrated expression. "You'd be correct," Luna replied as she walked in and rested next to the older pony. "I'm listening." "It's not a huge matter," Luna assured her. "The day went well, but she had a fit when it was time to put her to bed. She wanted to sleep in the garden and she did not comply with me until I raised my voice and stunned her." "That doesn't sound abnormal. When we were fillies, we didn't go to bed without a fight either." "That is not what concerns me," Luna explained. "We had a similar occurrence when I had a picnic with her some weeks ago. She believes one cannot be angry and still love the one they are angry with. That is why she didn't look at you when you addressed her as you passed us in the hall." "My, that sounds very familiar," Celestia said. "Does it?" "Do you recall when Twilight was my student, she was often anxious? She always worried the smallest mistake would have me punish her." "I do," Luna answered. "You hated she viewed you that way. I believe merely your disappointment was enough punishment for her. Many years ago, before she ascended to an alicorn and title of princess, she did confide in me her worst fear was you'd dismiss her as your student. Do you believe Selene could regard me similarly or am I narcissistic to suggest such?" "No, I think she does," Celestia agreed. "She has lost her genetic parents and was never chosen to be adopted before you stepped up to do it. Melodía and Ivory were probably the first real parents she had, and now, you're working your way onto that list." Luna's heart was already pulling apart at the idea Selene could fear she'd give up on her. "It seems I'll have to prove her fears are needless." "You don't need to act special," Celestia assured her. "You'll prove it just by loving her and helping her grow. And of course, if you ever need some advice or just somepony to hear you out, I'm here. Believe me. I know the challenges all too well." "That's why I trust you."