Home of the Ponies and Awesome Bronies

by Lady Spider

9. Rebirths (Special Chapter)

***[A/N] Hello Everypony! Elaruki here. I just wanted to let you all know that, from this point forth, DemonRykuKyuubi will be writing when a part of a chapter is in Ryan’s point of view.

DemonRykuKyuubi: That’s right, Everypony! I hope you enjoy the twist we’re throwing at you, and I hope you continue to enjoy Ela’s story. Well, I hate to hold you up! On with the chapter!***


“Oofph... That wasn’t fun...” I said as I landed on my face. I sat up and instantly realized where I was... and noticed the five people... staring at me. “Umm... Hi there, Mimi... and... everyone...”

I had landed in Mimi’s living room, and Elise’s grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, and uncle were all staring at me in shock and bewilderment.

“Where the hell did you come from? And just where the HELL is Elise?” demanded her five foot tall mother.

Well, the shock lasted as long as I’d expect for her... “Umm... that’s... kind of a long story, Lea...” I was cut off before I could say anything else.

Her eyes narrowed and I could feel them burning into my face. I wasn’t sure if it was for the lack of answers or the use of her first name...

“Where. Is. My. Daughter. It’s been nearly two months.” She growled.

I was scared to death. Four out of five of them were glaring daggers straight through me. The only one that wasn’t was her uncle, Jordan. He had the biggest grin on his face, and he just sat back and laughed at me. “W-Well let’s s-start at the b-beginning...” I stuttered.

I spent the next four and a half hours, curled up in the fetal position in Mimi’s living room, recalling EVERYTHING I remembered. Everything from going to Equestria, to finding ourselves jobs, to what we ate when we did... I told them everything. And their reactions.... well.... they were.... normal. For them. Her uncle laughed, Mimi began a very long rant on unholy actions, her grandfather and father stared blankly, and her mother, I swear, was going to kill me with her eyes.

“So... umm... that’s what happened... can I... Ya know... go now? I’m sure my Dad worried about me too... and I need to find a way back to Elise...” I ventured, already knowing the answer.

After a moment of silence, I wasn’t sure I was even going to get an answer. ... More silence..... then..

“I choose to believe you.” came a short sharp answer from her mother. (Which knocked me flat on my ass. Seriously. I just kinda dropped backwards in the chair.). “Go home. But if I ever see you again, I want my daughter with you. Or I will have you arrested.” The way she said arrested made me think she would rather have me killed .

I did something I probably shouldn’t have. “Heh, arrested? They’ll put me in a psych ward! Because... well... ponies!” I said in a comical voice. The look I received was something on that thin line between confused and murderous. “Okay, okay! I’m going!” I bolted out the door.

Once I was a safe distance away from that house (I.E. HALFWAY ACROSS TOWN), I slowed from a sprint to a slow walk, thinking. How the hell did I get out of THAT alive? I paused. Wait a minute. How did I even end up there? I remember touching Elise’s painting... and then *poof* I’m home... Wait... Elise changes the paint with her magic... oh boy...

Before I knew it, I was nearing my house. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I figured, until I found someone who could help me, it would be nice to have SOMEWHERE to stay. I walked in... and...

“WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!” Came my Dad’s voice, obviously more worried than angry.

My uncle’s voice was next. “You better not be thinkin’ you’re comin’ in with not so much as an explanation, boy.”

I sighed. Ugh. Here we go again...

After another three hours of explaining (By this time it was like ten at night), They both just kinda stared at me. “So. I’m gonna go in my room, and go to sleep. Then, I’m going to figure out how to get to Elise. You two can believe me, or not. I really don’t care. I survived Elise’s family today (and that’s saying something). I can’t get much luckier.” With that, I walked into my room and passed out.



A week later, in Ponyville

I sat, staring into space at the bar. Like I had for the past week since Ryan had disappeared. I hadn’t done much in the way of art the whole time because I was too busy trying to figure out what happened... that is, until Twilight decided to fill me in... then I was too busy drinking at the famous Club Pon-3. I didn’t want to believe it was my fault that he had left me. Twilight had said that my paint, which I had changed color with my magic, was at fault for the whole thing. Because I had painted a real place, the paint opened a portal to that scene. Then Ryan fell through the portal. Afterwards, she told me I couldn’t follow because the paint had dried, and the portal closes after it dries... Who knew painting portals that stole away best friends could create cutie marks of rainbows and paintbrushes....

“Anot’er one.” I growled at the bartender. The stallion looked at me skeptically.

“Don’t you think that’s enough for tonight, Elise?”

I grimaced at him. “I said, anot’er one. Now.”

Suddenly, I heard a voice from behind me. One that I had heard before, but from where, I couldn’t say. “I think Straw’ here has a point, hun. I’ve seen you here for a week straight. Got some stallion on your mind?”

I turned, irritated. All I wanted was my freakin’ drink. My vision wasn’t perfect but I faintly remembered that pony. I started to yell, but my mouth went dry as I realized who it was. “V’Vinyl Scratch...?” I said with as little slurring as I could muster (which wasn’t much),

“Well, at least you’re still sober enough to recognize the most famous DJ in Ponyville. The name’s Strawberry Daquiri, not Straw, by the way.” The bartender said nonchalantly.

I stared at the famous pony, in drunken awe at first which quickly turned to anger. “I don’ care if yer Celestia herself,” I slurred, “I WAN’ MY BUCKIN’ DRINK.”

“Look, I don’t really know you. All I really know is you’ve been here every day for a week, so there has to be somethin’ on your mind. Follow me. I’m on my break. Let’s see if we can’t figure out what’s up. If it turns out I can’t help, I’ll pay for your drink. Alright?” Vinyl said, holding back irritation at my outburst.

I glared at her for a moment then stood wobbly. I thought about it for another minute and sighed. “I... I guesh...”

Vinyl nodded and ushered me toward a door labeled VIP Only. She opened the door and I entered first... after bumping into the doorpost. I swear the DJ pony snickered at me. I flopped myself onto one of the many love seats that were arranged throughout the room. She slammed the door behind us and sat across from me.

“So then. Why don’t you tell me what’s got you this way? You can tell Vinyl anything. Like, your name, for example.”

I didn’t answer her question. “Drink. Want. NOW.”

She slapped me. Hard. “Alright, look. Drowning yourself isn’t gonna get you anywhere. Now answer the damn question.”

I was too drunk to really feel that... but the message got through my foggy head. “Elise.”

“That’s better. Now, what’s got you all bummed out, Ellie?” Vinyl asked calmly.

Usually the use of the nickname “Ellie” would piss me the hay off. I hated Ellie, and Eli was prefered. But, at least she was trying. I gave her some credit for that. I corrected her and then went into story mode. For an hour and a half, I slurred my way through a short fuzzy version of what had happened with Ryan.

When I was done, Vinyl looked at me with half amusement, half sympathy. “Damn. I can see why you’ve been hammered for a week, girl. But you can’t just give up. There are ways to fix things like that.”

“T-there are?!” I said with more clarity than I thought possible at that point. “H-how?”

“Well... I wouldn’t be the one to ask. I’d say if anypony around here knows, it’d be Twilight Sparkle.” Great. I get to deal with HER again.

“Hey. Don’t worry about your drink tab. You’ve spent enough here as it is. Just come back when you’re... less drunk off your flank.”

My temper flared back up slightly, fueled by the alcohol. “I am NOT drunk offa my fank!”

“Just keep tellin’ yourself that, Eli. Go get some sleep. Oh, and warm milk will help in the morning.” Vinyl said with a smile.

I stared blankly at her. “With?”

“Why, your hangover, of course!” She grinned.



“Ugh! It’s been a week, and I’ve tried five different ‘witches’ , three ‘warlocks’ and a freakin’ crazy lady selling Portal cards so far! A lot of good they did me! I think one of the ‘warlocks’ might have just been a pedo with a weird fetish! Is no one serious about any of this?!”

My dad and my uncle pretty much just agreed that I was crazy and let me go off on my own after about the third day. Since then, I’ve been trying everything to try to get back to my lo--I mean, Elise, and avoid her family, who seem to be EVERYWHERE. SERIOUSLY! I’ve seen them at least twice every time I’ve left my house! Anyway, I was heading off to the last person I’d found in my search.

I walked up the front steps to the last of my hopes. A self-proclaimed witch by the name of Mary. I knocked three times... and didn’t like what I found.

“Hi there! Are you the one that wanted my ‘services’?” She asked cheerfully. She was wearing a stereotypical witch outfit... only... it wasn’t covering much. It was ridiculous. Look, I’m not naive here, people. She wasn’t even being discreet about it. She had a typical pointy ragged hat and the typical pointy shoes. It was the dress (?) that got me. If it had been solid it would have looked like some sort of a black freakin’ Tinker Bell outfit... only... it was sheer. I could see straight through the small piece of fabric to her lacy black bra and panties.

As much as I wanted to... I walked away. I slammed HER door, in HER face. And then I bolted. For the second time that week, I ran HALF WAY ACROSS TOWN before stopping. That... was the best witch costume... ever. Of all time. Reminder to self: Buy Elise a pony version of that. Or have Rarity make it. She’s always willing to make something new. I smiled at the thought and walked home. When I got there, I flopped on the lounge chair and stared into space for a few minutes.

*Sigh*. As much as I didn’t like him... I didn’t really have much choice... As the realization hit me that I really had no other choice I groaned. This is going to be... very unpleasant, to put it lightly. Maybe a nap first...

Two hours later, and here I am... outside his apartment... Maybe I should have brought my shotgun... too late now I guess... He opens the door...

“Oh. Hi.” The person that opened the door said simply.

I looked away. “Um... Hey, Tony... I uh... need your help...”

The boy just stared blankly at me. Then, a small smile crept onto his face. “Heh. Never thought I’d hear that from you. Come on in. Whatcha need?”

“Well... it’s about Elise...” I started as I sat on his couch.

The smug, ‘I know it all’ look I’d seen far too often appeared on his face. “What happened? She finally get to you? You flip out on her? Did she become a handful? Oh! Did you ---”

“She’s in Equestria. She’s a pony in Equestria.” I stated bluntly, trying to stop his ‘I told you so’ speech.

He blinked. “Wait. What?”

“...And I know she taught you at least some of her spells. Please. I need to get back to her. I was there. We... bought a house, Tony. We got jobs there. I was... happy... for once. Please. You know I wouldn’t come to you unless I was beyond desperate. Can you help me out?” I said to the very confused Italian.

For a few minutes, we just kind of stayed there. Him in a chair and me on the couch.

“I might know something....but...” He started.

I face-palmed. “There’s always a but, isn’t there? Well... what is it?”

He sheepishly fought off a grin. “Well... I’m not as skilled with the spells as Elise... so there could be some side effects...”

“Like what?” I said with a slight hint of hesitation in my voice.

Tony flipped open a book and looked through it quickly. “...Loss of limbs... mental breakdown... gender changes... memory lock... aging... there’s any number of things that could go wrong.”

I thought for a moment. “I got all of those, except... memory lock? What’s that?”

“It’s kinda like memory loss, only the memories are just sealed. They’re still there instead of being lost.”

I breathed in deeply. “Alright... let’s do this. I have to get back to her.”

“Okay. I hope you know what you’re doing, Ryan. I know we don’t get along very well, but... be careful over there, alright, man?” He said with a hint of worry in his voice.

I nodded. “Of course. And... Thanks, Tony.

Tony set up the spell quickly and told me to stand in the center of the room. “I’ll tell your Dad and Elise’s family where you went. You ready?”

I nodded again. I closed my eyes, and waited for him to finish the spell. I felt a rush of energy and saw a bright light, and then I blacked out.



“...Damn...hangovers suck...” I said to myself. I thought back painfully to what Vinyl had said, and poured myself a glass of warm milk. I drank it down and blinked. “Wow... that took a good bit of the edge off...”

I walked through the front door of my house. I trotted down the road to Sugarcube Corner and bought a fresh cinnamon roll form Pinkie Pie. I say bought, but... she kinda just gave it to me when I walked in.

“Thanks, Pinkie. These are always the best in the morning!” The happiness was short-lived. My next stop of the day was Twilight’s library... Oh goody... I sighed. It was going to be a LONG day.

Pinkie stopped what she was doing and looked at me. “What’s got you all frowny-wowny?”

“Just... this whole thing with Ryan, I guess. I miss him, and I want him back here...

“Don’t worry, Eli! I’m sure he’s trying his best to get back here!” She smiled wide.

I grinned a bit, then frowned. “That’s just what I’m afraid of, Pinkie. He’s probably gonna try something stupid...”

“It’ll all turn out okay! It always does!” The party pony assured me.

I gave a small smile in return. “Yeah... I guess you’re right...”

I thanked Pinkie again, slipped the bits for the roll on the counter when she wasn’t looking, and walked out of the bakery. Let’s see... Twilight’s was... that way. I traveled at a slow trot and took as many back routes as I could to draw out the time before this conversation. I even took the farthest road, leading into Whitetail Wood. It was pretty peaceful, actually. Taking the backroads gave me some time to really take in the scenery, which I really haven’t been able to do since I first arrived here. I’d say the trip other than that was uneventful, but... I’d be lying.

As I made it into Whitetail Wood, I happened to glance into a nearby field, and... I wasn’t sure what to make of what I saw. There was a pinkish orange earth pony with a fiery red, orange and yellow mane, sleeping in the center of the field. He looked really close to Ryan’s OC, Ryku, except without a Cutie Mark. At first I was going to just ignore him... but... something felt different about him. I walked up to him and prodded him in the side with my hoof. He stirred and looked up at me.

“Uh... hello there, miss? Where are we?” He said cautiously. “And for that matter, who are we? I can’t seem to remember what happened... yesterday... or any other day, really.”

I looked at him and a light bulb went off... one that I hoped was wrong. “Um... do you remember your name at least? I might be about to help you...”

“Yeah, I think I do. It’s Ryku.” He said with a very serious face.

My inner emotions did a literal flip. Ryan was back. Sorta.