//------------------------------// // Episode 4 // Story: My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles // by Hotspot the 626th //------------------------------// Living Underneath the Same Sky You and Me and Pokémon! The sun rose on a new day for the continent New Earthia. The first to be greeted by the early sunlight was none other than Lively Town as well as the Thousand Sunny. The sleepy berg was only barely waking, but there was on already up. Floating atop the Expedition Society’s building, Tapu Koko looked out unwavering and stoic at the town. Everything was as it should be; at least, that is what the Pokemon would like to believe. Much to its chagrin, there was something different, and they were currently sleeping inside the building. The banquet held last night had been quite the party for both the Straw Hat Pirates and the Expedition Society. It was not every day that two species meet each other for what seemed like the first time. The party had lasted long into the night and ended when everyone fell asleep in the hall. Now, as the sun’s rays shined through the windows near them, they all began to awaken. Ampharos, as the leader, rallied his group of Pokémon together. The members began to follow his lead as he leads them all through stretches. Some of the Straw Hat Pirates like Pinkie Pie and Luffy even joined in as they were curious. Then, together, they let out a cheer that appeared to raise everyone’s spirits. All the Pokémon then began to head out except Ampharos and Mawile and then the three recruits to the Expedition Society, Pichu, Eevee, and Riolu, by their leader’s request. “As we-ee hava full da-ay of wur-ck, I am lea-ving our new mem-bers to be your gu-ides,” Ampharos told the Straw Hat Pirates cheerfully. The pirates were okay with this. Franky asked if he could head back to the Sunny and check on her, and then gather any supplies he would need. Ampharos approved and summoned up Munchlax to aid the Minotaur. Sanji also spoke up about joining the shipwright and Pokémon, wanting to ask about the ingredients used last night as well gathering food. Applejack thought she would tag along as well, as an extra hoof to help either of her friends. Robin and Twilight had decided to remain within the building as they wanted to learn what they could about Pokémon from Mawile and vice versa. Everyone else decided they would take in the sights. Disappearing for a moment, Mawile soon returned with a book. “If you’re curious about the townsfolks, you may inquire within this book,” she said as she offered up the book. “What is it?” asked Spike, accepting the item. “It is a collection of all known Pokémon,” Mawile stated. “I’ve also taken the task to mark the ones that live in this town.” “Wow! Thanks,” Spike said eagerly. Afterward, Pichu and his team lead the group out of the building. Once so, Fluttershy asked if Funkfreed would join Franky and his group in collecting what they need to which he complied. Now, the group walked into town, and it was entirely the opposite of what they had seen yesterday. The once vacant streets were now teeming with life as various Pokémon went about their day. Gone was the fear they once had for the group and replaced with a cheerful attitude. Many of them greeted not only the expedition team but the group of pirates, none concerned over the language barrier. The Straw Hat pirates were utterly amazed by this; meanwhile, Spike listed many of them off. “Espurr. Spoink. Aipom. Croconaw. Furret. Cacnea. Simisear. Machop. Wow! There are so many!” Following the team’s lead, the group headed for a large building near the town center. Its roof looked like a brown animal head with two horns sticking out. Pichu excitedly leads the group inside. Everyone was astounded to find that the building appeared very much like a café. Pokémon of all kinds was sitting at tables or stood at stalls and sat in chairs, mats, or floated in the air. Ahead of them, they saw that the counter had the largest Pokémon they had seen so far overseeing the customers, standing taller than even Franky. It was serving the Pokémon patrons food and drinks. It also had a helper, a little version of itself only light purple. “Aw, what a cutie,” Fluttershy commented complimentarily. After flipping through the book, Spike found the page on the creature. “That’s a Kan-gas-kan! It’s the Parent Pokémon and a Normal-type.” “What does that mean?” asked Nami confused. Spike shrugged. “I don’t know, but all of them have some sort of typing going on. A lot even have two types.” While Riolu went to order – the Straw Hats were okay with anything – Pichu and Eevee attempted to find everyone seating. They choose an empty corner of the building with many tables and chairs that they could give their friends. As the pirates took their seat, they began to become curious over their guides. “Hey Spike, what does that book say about our guides?” asked Usopp. Quickly, Spike searched through the book. Being an assistant to a bookworm like Twilight Sparkle had given him the skill to sort through information swiftly. He thus flipped through the book three times before finally responding to Usopp and the group. “Pichu is called the Tiny Mouse Pokémon, and he’s an Electric-type. Eevee is the Evolution Pokémon, and she’s also a Normal-type. And then Riolu, he’s named as the Emanation Pokémon and is a Fighting-type.” Rarity hummed with thought. “Electric, normal, and fighting. These do certainly mean something, right?” “Yeah,” Nami said baffled. “Also, what does that book mean by ‘Evolution’ Pokémon?” Not really understanding either, Luffy turned to Pichu with a thought. “Hey, are you Electric or something?” he asked bluntly. Pichu looked at Luffy confused. Spike then got an idea. “Try pointing to this lightning symbol, Luff.” Luffy immediately did so and showed Pichu as well. To everyone’s surprise, the little Pokémon excitedly nodded his head as if it understood. He then hopped onto the table, much to Eevee’s dismay. Once settled, Pichu began to clench its tiny paws and focus hard. Everyone watched with surprise as the rodents pink cheeks started to glow and spark with electricity. Then, his whole body was covered with the energy and withstanding it, amazing the group. It only lasted a short moment for Pichu suddenly began to appear hurt and abruptly stop altogether. He then collapsed on the table to everyone’s shock. “Pichu!” Quickly, Eevee called out. Riolu was the one to respond, and he swiftly approached the mouse. While Chopper was ready and about to check over him, he stopped when he saw the bipedal dog Pokémon’s paw begin to glow with pink energy. They all watched as the Emanation Pokémon fired it at Pichu. The pink power covered the mouse, seemingly not affecting him. However, in moments, the few scraps that Pichu had received were gone. Again, the group was shocked. “H-How?” Chopper said with utter amazement. The next moment, Pichu was immediately up and energized. Everyone was impressed with Riolu looking relieved. On the other hand, Eevee looked mad. The small fox swiftly gave Pichu a whack with her tail before she began scolding him. Pichu did not like this and yelled back at the fox. It soon became an argument between the two, both sounding childish. The Straw Hat Pirates watched on unsure what to do. Riolu eventually put a stop to his two friends’ argument but not settling it. In a huff, Pichu quickly scurried off from the group and outside. “What do you think that was about?” asked Fluttershy worried. “Reminds of a certain reckless captain and hot-headed navigator,” Zoro commented aloud. Nami immediately crossed her front legs with resentment. “It’s not like he doesn’t deserve to be scolded,” she then added swiftly, “and you as well.” “Whatever,” the swordspony said disinterestedly. “Where do you think he’s going?” asked Usopp, looking out the window. Riolu gave the group some indication that he knew where his friend was heading. He even assured them that things would be okay and that this was a common occurrence. As for Eevee, she was also in a huff but remained with the group, taking her duty seriously. Kangaskan and her child soon delivered them their drinks. The whole group gulped down the contents fast, which they all agreed had a sweet fruity and energizing taste. Only one cup remained, one saved for Pichu. Once finished, Riolu wanted them to follow him to which they did. To their surprise, Eevee took the cup meant for Pichu and carried it along with them. When asked, the little Evolution Pokémon responded by looking away stubbornly. On the edge of town, the group came upon the last building. It was a pavilion structure with a large fenced area with some training equipment scattered throughout. Two similar appearing Pokémon ran the front of this area, Sawk and Throh, and both were Fighting-types. Within the fenced area, the group could see many Pokémon training in some form. Strength, aiming, speed, and agility to name a few. “Looks like a gym,” Rainbow Dash uttered fascinatedly. The two Pokémon let the group in, once Riolu explained to them the situation. The group continued to follow their two guides. Everyone looked around to see the fantastic abilities these Pokémon had as some lifted boulders twice their size and some jumping as high as the trees. None of the Pokémon seem to mind their presence, most of them were too focused on their training. Being excited, Luffy took off to see everything. Spike, Usopp, Pinkie Pie, and Chopper joined after him. In doing so, the baby dragon left the Pokemon book with Nami. Rainbow Dash too took an interest when she saw many flying Pokémon training. Then, Zoro took off as well which left Nami, Rarity, and Fluttershy to follow their guides. For Zoro, he had taken an interest in something he had heard. It was an all too familiar sound that he recognized instantly: the clash of blades. He veered off from the group, as he was in the back, and trotted around the training equipment to find the source. Once he got around a climbing wall, he was instantly surprised to see a familiar scene of a rock garden with raked lines in the gravel. The garden was the border for a small but spacious field that made its center. On the area were four Pokémon that Zoro did not recognize from the few listed earlier. One was a giant bug with blades as hands, another a green lizard with three leaves growing out the sides of its arms, a blue otter holding two shells, and a creature with a skeletal appearance mixed with armor. He watched with great interest as he saw the first three square up in a spare; he somehow knew this as a fact. The three exchanged attacks, each using a unique style fitted to their capabilities. The bug using its sharp appendages, the lizard its arm leaves, and the otter by using its shell. Every time, their weapons would glow with an energy matching their colors, light green, green, and blue. As he watched their exchange, he could tell that the three were skilled. He also made the realization that the one Pokémon watching over them was most likely their teacher, and probably far more experienced than them. It made the swordspony grin with excitement. Zoro took a path that led to the area, which attracted the Pokémons’ attention and stopped the spar. None of them moved as the pony entered their zone, drawing two of his swords in the process. Still grinning, he looked at the group and asked, “Mind if I join?” Returning to the group, now consisting of Nami, Rarity, and Fluttershy, they continued to follow Riolu and Eevee further through the gym area. After going around some boulders, used for pushing, the group came upon an open space with many standees made from either rocks or logs. It was here that they saw sparks of electricity fly and strike a wooden dummy. They did not have to look far to find Pichu. He was nearby, huffing with exhaustion, with a tall dragon creature adorned with scales worn like chain mail standing nearby. “Who’s that Pokemon?” asked Fluttershy. Flipping through quickly, Nami soon found the answer in the book. “It’s…Kommo-o! The Scaly Pokemon, and a Dragon-Fighting type.” “It certainly looks like one,” Rarity commented. Riolu immediately called out towards his friend. Pichu turned to them and smiled for a moment, but his attitude changed upon seeing Eevee and he scoffed. His action made Eevee angry again, but she still approached the little mouse. She set the cup of juice down near her friend, said a few things, and then turned away. “Oh dear,” Rarity commented worriedly, “it looks as if their situation hasn’t quite patched itself up yet.” The group then watched as Pichu begrudgingly accepted the drink. After he finished drinking, he appeared blissful and completely energized once again. They witnessed as Eevee’s grouchy frown morph into a small smile. She then turned around, and the two seem to share a sweet moment. It looked very much like reconciling. Nami – and Rarity and Fluttershy – smiled at the scene. “Looks like it worked out,” she stated happily. Unfortunately, the happy moment did not last long. Despite have seemingly made up, Pichu still appeared ready to continue training. Eevee immediately voiced her concern, but the Electric Pokémon was not listening. Even Kommo-o gave out a soft growl in worry over the mouse. The yellow Pokémon continued not to hear, and he soon began to charge up for another attack. “Oh no, not again,” Fluttershy said dismayed. Then, there came a cheerful shout. “Ya-hoo!” The mares looked back towards the front, where the yell came from before they gazed up. To their surprise, they saw Luffy hurdling through the air, but unlike the usual, it did not look to be of his own doing. Gravity soon took its effect, and the Earth pony came down towards where Pichu was practicing. Quickly, all three mares shouted, “Look out!” Riolu too shouted with similar urgency. The shout, while not knowing what the ponies said, reached Eevee and Kommo-o and they looked at the group. They both were confused, but then they noticed a shadow over them. Once they looked up, they quickly moved out of the way. Pichu had not seen the incoming pony yet. Luffy crashed in front of the Electric Mouse, and Pichu yelped with shock, both surprise and electricity. The electrical sparks flew out and hit Luffy, who had been otherwise okay. In realizing he was attacking his friend, Pichu ceased his electric energy output. Much to the mouse’s surprise, the pony was still okay. “Pi?” “Oh, I’m made of rubber,” Luffy told Pichu with a grin. He then did his trick of pulling his cheek and stretching it. Pichu gasped with amazement. In seeing what the pony did themselves, the other three Pokémon were shocked to see what the pony was doing. None of the ponies were surprised by all this. It was the usual reaction that new friends would often make. The little mouse was so excited that he began to pull on the pony’s body and to stretch it. Luffy did not mind, but then he had an idea. “Hey!” The Earth pony then hopped up on all fours, and he got himself ready for a fight. “Do you know how to fight?” Again, despite not knowing what the pony said, Pichu seemed to understand his intent. The mouse Pokémon thus smirked determinedly, and his cheeks began to spark. While the Straw Hat mares had some concerns, much like Eevee and Riolu did, none of them could stop the two from having their spar. Kommo-o understood the two’s intent and also encouraged it out of interest. Before the two fighters began, Eevee had some words for her friend. She appeared to be showing much concern towards the little mouse, but the mouse himself looked confident. “Luffy,” spoke Nami as she approached him. She had concern expressed as she asked him, “Do you think this is a good idea?” “Sure!” Luffy stated confidently. “He looks like he’s training. What better way than to spar a bit.” Nami did not look convinced but knowing there was little that could convince him, she relented. “You’ll at least hold back, right?” she asked. Luffy laughed. “I don’t really know how to hold back!” “Don’t Kill Him!” Nami roared out furiously, which only made the stallion laugh more. Kommo-o led the group aside from the field of dummies. He brought them to a clearing devoid of grass. On the ground were white lines painted to form a wide rectangle out of the area. At the center, there was a white circle in a bigger ring. A line extended out from the middlemost circle and went all the way to the edge of the field. Luffy looked excited, stating that this area looked cool spot to fight. The dragon and the mares and Pokemon stood outside the zone on different sides, one to judge and the others to watch. Luffy and Pichu then positioned themselves opposite from the other end of the rectangle space. Both grinning eagerly, readied for the signal to begin. “Ko…” said Kommo-o placing his claw in a downward position. He looked at the two combatants and then raised the same arm. He then set it swiftly down to midway down and shouted, “Kommo-o!” TO BE CONTINUED...