A Little Girls Love

by darkmage1997

Chapter 34: Part of this World

At long last, the war against the Pirates of Shadow was over. And now, everyone was back at Canterlot Castle. And by "everyone", that means every pony, human, Nymph, the Queen Mermaid, some of the Scylla, Kraken, and Cancers that were all rescued from the pirate's evil grasp, "We're all back!" Kelly exclaimed happily.

"So, where are we?" Olivia asked.

"We're in our world. This is the city of Canterlot. Those pirates will never find any of you in this world," Chris replied.

"We are eternally grateful to all of you for what you have done for my kingdom and it's people," the Mermaid Queen replied, bowing to them.

"It was our pleasure to help you all," Celestia replied.

"Well, large mouth bass on a stick! If it ain't Mavis!" Olivia said, walking over to the aforementioned mermaid.

"Olivia! Oh, it is so good to see you again!" Mavis exclaimed happily, embracing the Scylla.

"Hey, what are we, chopped kelp?" the same kraken girl asked, as she, and a few other sea kids approached Mavis.

"Katelynn! Carla! It's so good to see al of you again!" Mavis exclaimed.

"Mavis! There ya are!" Mavis heard Nathan's voice call out to her, as he rushed over to his little sister. It was then he saw something was... off about her, "Mavis, how'd ya git taller?" Nathan questioned. Mavis then noticed that she was closer to Nathan in terms of height.

"Sacre bleu! What happened to moi?!" Mavis exclaimed, seeing that she was taller. She was still a bit shorter than most of the big kids.

"I think I can answer that, sweetie," Wanda said, fluttering down to her student, "See, you were infected by King Sombra's dark magic, which caused you to split into two separate halves. The resulting mingling of his dark magic, with your light magic caused you to.... age by four years, physically speaking," Wanda explained.

"Wait, so she's older because of the unicorn's interference?!" Nathan questioned.

"I'm afraid so. But, the queen was gracious enough to donate four years of HER eternal life to you," Wanda replied.

"Anything for my darling granddaughter!" the Queen replied.

"Then we'll just have to have four years worth of playtime," Katelynn suggested.

"I would like to enjoy my childhood a little longer," Mavis replied.

"And you needn't worry. We're going to make sure every moment counts," Olivia replied.

"So, son, um, here are your gifts, that I got you," James said awkwardly, giving Toby some presents. Toby graciously accepted them, but remained wary, as Silver Spoon, Fluttershy, Icezer and Brian all huddled close by the twelve year old. This didn't go unnoticed by Dana, Marina, Sky, or Polly.

"Is there something wrong?" Sky asked Fluttershy.

"Well, Toby's father there, he's not exactly on good terms with any of us," the yellow Pegasus replied.

"Yeah, he's a bit of an asshole," Brian replied.

"And by 'bit of', he means that's basically his thing. He did a lot of injustice towards Toby in the past," Icezer added.

"Now how can someone do something bad to their own child, especially with someone as cute as Toby here?" Marina asked, smothering Toby with her boobs.

"You know, when he groped me on that ship, Toby reminded me of the Pharaoh of Trotlantis. He looks so much like him, and acts just as bashfully," Dana commented.

"Getting be a ladies man, aren't ya son?" James laughed, before his expression turned intense, "But seriously, if you do anything to these girls, you need to take responsibility," he stated.

"Oh, like you're one to talk!" Silver Spoon defended her boyfriend, who Marina released from her titanic tits.

"Doesn't it bother you that a bunch of older women are hitting on your boyfriend?" James questioned.

"Why would I be bothered?" Silver Spoon asked, a confused expression worked it's way onto her face.

"Well, on our world, it's illegal to have romantic relations with multiple partners," James explained.

"That's just sad. There's no law like that in Equestria," Celestia commented. The humans there couldn't believe what she had just said.

"It's true. Here, the mare to stallion ratio is like six to one, so we not only allow harem marriages, but it's greatly encouraged for that reason," Twilight added.

"Well, what about the fact that they're older than Toby?" James questioned.

"Actually, we Nymphs are ageless beings. We're neither older or younger than anyone here," Cosmo replied.

"So, Toby can not only date as many girls as he wants, but he can even take some of us as his girlfriends. The same goes for the other boys here," Sky added.

"Could you excuse me for a moment?" James asked calmly, walking over to a stone pillar. Without warning, he started bashing his head against it, causing massive cracks to form, until he collapsed.

"Dad, are you ok?" Toby asked.

"I'm a happy little woodpecker!" James slurred, before loosing consciousness.

"We'd better take our leave of this place. We'll meet again!" the Mane-iac declared, as she loaded James onto the hovercraft, and they left. During this whole thing, Mavis couldn't help but think about the conversation that had just occurred.

'If it's alright for Toby to have many girlfriends, then maybe....' Mavis' entire body turned red at the thought of Toby and her being a couple.

"Hey, Mavis, are you ok?" Olivia asked, snapping Mavis out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, uh, oui," Mavis replied, a blush still on her face.

"You sure? You seem fidgety, and your face is red and...." Carla trailed off when she and Mavis' other sea friends realized were this was going.

"Mavis.... do you... have a crush on one of those humans?" Katelynn asked cheekily. Mavis felt she could die of embarrassment. Thankfully, salvation came in the form of the Royal Sisters. Mavis' friends decided to back off on the subject.

"Mavis, dear, there is someone we would like for you to meet," Celestia said. Mavis turned to her parents, who urged her to go with them.

"Oui, Princess," Mavis complied, as the three of them were teleported away from them.

"Who are they taking her to meet?" Katelynn asked.

"I think I may have an inkling," Josh replied.

In an astral plane,

Mavis looked around, seeing what looked to be some kind of peculiar space, "Where are we?" Mavis asked.

"We are in the very place that Twilight became a princess. We brought you here to meet someone very important," Celestia replied. It was then that large, white Alicorn mare with a red man and tail materialized, "Mavis, we'd like to introduce you to..." Celestia was cut off by Luna.

"MOMMY!" Luna exclaimed, running up to hug the new alicorn.

"Our mother, Empress Faust," Celestia said in a dejected tone at Luna's antics. The new mare glared fiercely at Celestia, who shuddered at the fierceness of the glare. With a sigh, Celestia then turned to Mavis, "Mavis, what I am about to do would get me nonstop teasing from the others back at the party, so please keep this a secret," Celestia pleaded.

"Um... ok?" Mavis replied warily. With a deep breath, Celestia turned back to the new mare.

"MOMMY!" Celestia yelled in a high pitched voice. The mare's glare softened, as she pulled Celestia into a hug, putting Celestia into an uncomfortable position.

"Oh, how have my babies been? Are you two getting along?" the mare asked.

"We've been doing just fine Mommy!" Luna replied.

"Mommy, this is Mavis, the latest addition to our family in Equestria," Celestia said, introducing Mavis.

"Aw, and what a doll she is!" Faust exclaimed.

"Indeed she is, but she is terribly shy," Luna replied.

"The poor dear," Faust commented, taking notice of Mavis' metal arm, "And I take it those pirates are responsible for that arm?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so," Luna replied sadly.

"Approach, little one," Faust said in a gentle tone. Mavis cautiously did so, "I have met with two adults that you may recognize, and they have come bearing a gift for you," Faust said, as the two adults she mentioned materialized, and Mavis recognized them instantly.

"MAMAN! PAPA!" Mavis cried, as she ran up to hug them.

"Mavis, mon enfant, I am so happy to hold you in mon arms again," Alice said, as she and David embraced their beloved daughter.

"Mavis, are you.... taller? And have fairy wings?" David questioned.

"It is a long story..... but I thought I would never see you again!" Mavis cried, hugging her parents.

"We're happy to see you again too. Unfortunately, once we leave this realm, we will be unable to meet again for one whole year," Alice sadly told her precious daughter.

"I kind of figured that, but it still hurts hearing that for myself," Mavis admitted.

"We know it hurts to let someone you care about go, but you should always remember that song I used to sing while I was making art," David suggested. Mavis knew exactly the song he was talking about.

"Oui, I know of the song. And i shall keep it in mon heart,"Mavis said.

"That's good. Now then, I'm sure Empress Faust has told you that we have a gift just for you. We want for you to take it," Alice replied, as she and David mixed their magic around Mavis' metal arm, which began to come apart, "Always remember that we love you, our special little angel," Alice said, as Mavis was being transported back to Canterlot.

"I will! AU REVOiR MAMAN, PAPA!" Mavis was crying as she bid her parents one last goodbye, as she was taken out of the astral realm.

"You've both raised a very kind daughter," Celestia said to Mavis' parents.

"We know. Could you and all of her new friends and family make sure she grows up to stay that way?" Alice asked the Royal Sisters.

"We will, we promise," Luna replied.

"Merci beacoup. Oh, and could you tell mon maman that I said 'bonjour'?" Alice added.

"Of course," Celestia said, as the two sisters left back for Canterlot.

Back at the Party,

Everyone there was mingling with one another, with the Equestrian Mayhem getting ready for one last performance for the night, when a ball of light shone high above the gardens, "Mavis? Is that you?" Cadence asked, as the light dissipated, revealing Mavis once more.

"Maman? Am I back in Canterlot?" Mavis asked, holding her dizzy head with her hands. She heard a round of shocked gasps. Confused, she then saw that her metal arm was replaced with a real, flesh and bone arm, "What happened to mon arm?!" Mavis exclaimed.

"That is a result of what your parents did," Celestia replied, as she and Luna landed in front of everyone.

"Mavis, we know you wanted to keep your metal arm as a reminder of what happened between you and those pirates, but it would appear that your parents wanted you to live life with a real arm, which was the gift they wished to give you," Luna added. Mavis looked at her now real arm, and smiled, as this would serve as a reminder for what her parents did for her.

"This is great Mavis! At least this way, your clothes won't get caught on the metallic hinges," Kelly commented.

"Plus, the metal would make it difficult for you to grow properly, given how heavy it is," Raiden added.

"Come, sweetie, the band is about to perform, and I would like to share a good spot with you," the Queen Mermaid invited, as Mavis sat next to the queen, along with her friends from both land and sea, as well as her family, "You know Mavis, that whole, giant mermaid thing you did back in the ocean? You can still use the transformation. All you need is to be in a very large body of water, and think big. To shrink, you just need to think small," the Queen quipped.

"Mavis is going to make a very good student for each of you, and maybe the others from the East and West grottos too," Wanda said to the other eight Nymphs.

"Yeah. We'll need to show her the Southern Grotto first," Mariah replied.

"We can give you girls some crystals that connect to her amulet. That way, she can teleport instantly," Dana suggested.

"Alright Canterlot! Happy Hearth's Warming!" Nathan said over the mic, "Now, Ah know we had a few.... unexpected surprises, but now that's all behind us, and Ah'm happy to say that we can celebrate the joyous holiday in harmony!" he exclaimed, as the band began to play, with Nathan singing in the voice of Donny Osmond, for some reason.

After their performance, they were showered in applause from the audience ,"Thank you! Thank you!" Josh called out.

"We'll all see you at the concert tomorrow!" Mike exclaimed.

"See? Ah told ya they'd like it if Ah sang like Donny Osmond," Nathan said.

"Yeah, but I still think we could've done Elton John like vocals," Toby countered, as they went backstage.

"A most excellent performance! You son and his friends are quite talented," the Queen commented to Cadence.

"Well, this boy band they started is a hobby they all got together to do," Cadence replied. It was then they all saw the time on the clock tower.

"Oh my, is it that late already?" Tabby commented. Some of the kids were all starting to get tired.

"You're all welcome to stay in the castle," Luna said to the friends.

"I'd better get going to the ocean. I'm eager to see what the oceans here are like. I'll see you later Mavis," the Queen said, as Mavis tiredly nodded.

"As for you, I'd better get you to bed," Cadence said, picking Mavis up in her arms, "As for you, your majesty, I hope you and your subjects have a safe trip to your new home," the Crystal Princess said.

"Thank you, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday," the queen replied, as she and the others all gather around Eris.

"Oh wait!" Twilight said, giving the queen some parchments, "I run a school of friendship where I live. If you're interested, you could have some of your people attend?" she offered. The queen thought about this for a moment.

"Well, if some of the children are interested, I will be more than happy to approve of this," the queen replied.

"Katelynn, take this with vous," Mavis said, giving the kraken girl a cluster of crystals, "We can use this to keep in touch," Mavis explained.

"We'll be sure to call when we get to our new home," Olivia replied, as Eris snapped her eagle talon, and teleported them all to the ocean.

"Come along everyone, we'll show you to your rooms," Celestia said, as they all entered the castle.