
by The 24th Pegasus

Chapter 31

Let him run: 40%

Tumbleweed blew air through parted lips and looked around the desert, at the still sands baking under the sun. “I’d get runnin’, if I was you,” he said. “Law’ll come lookin’ for us ‘fore too long. You might run into ‘em. If you take the train, well, they’re gonna think you’re an accomplice.”

Highball swallowed and nervously looked over his shoulder. “Didn’t you say there were Vipers around here? What if I run into them?”

“Then run faster,” Roughshod growled. “They don’t seem like the prisoner-takin’ type.”

“In essence,” Tumbleweed said. “Just follow the rail tracks toward Rock Ridge. You’ll make it, I’m sure.”

“Alright… if you say so.” Highball looked down the tracks, two gleaming rails of sandy steel stitching the blue sky and yellow earth together. “It was… good seeing you again, Tumbleweed,” he said, bowing his head. “And if Kessie—Kestrel wants to talk when she’s feeling better, I think I’ll be in town for a little bit. Celestia knows the sheriff’s gonna want to run me through the wringer and find out who did this.”

Tumbleweed let out an amused snort. “They ask, you just say them Vipers did it. They’re already a big enough pain in the town’s side. Sheriff’ll believe it in a second.” He waved a hoof and nodded toward Kestrel. “I’ll pass the offer on to Kessie when she wakes up.”

Highball nodded one more time, his eyes lingering on Kestrel. One last look at the rest of the Gang, including Roughshod’s scowling face, however, set him quickly shuffling away from the train. That shuffle turned into a gallop, and soon the engineer was a quickly shrinking figure along the rails.

With that settled, Tumbleweed turned to Sienna and Trixie, his brow lowering in displeasure. “You two let us down today,” he said, making them shrink back. Trixie looked uncomfortable, like a filly being scolded for raiding the cookie jar, while Sienna seemed more like she was about to curl up in a ball and cry. After a moment, Tumbleweed shook his head and turned to Roughshod. “Take the unicorn’s place,” he told him. “Two earth ponies’ll get this wagon moving back to camp faster.”

“What about the wagon on the other side of the ravine?” Roughshod asked.

“We’ll leave it for now, come back and get it in a few days,” Tumbleweed said. “Even if we lose it, it don’t matter none. We got enough gold to buy a thousand wagons if we want.”

Though Roughshod grunted and glowered at the wagon and the mares on it, he nevertheless stripped the harness off of Trixie and threw it over his shoulders. As he hitched himself up, he shot Sienna a predatory grin. “Looks like it’s me and you again, little lady,” he said. “All tied up nice and close-like…”

Silver scowled at him. “Leave the poor lass alone, Shod.”

“I ain’t touchin’ her none,” Roughshod said with a chuckle. He leered at Sienna as he added, “Yet.”

“Enough,” Tumbleweed said, and he gave the train one last look over. “Let’s get goin’. Longer we linger here, longer we’ll get caught by somepony nasty. Silvie, fly on out, circle from up high. Make sure nothin’ sneaks up on us on our way back.”

Silver nodded and spread her wings. “On it, Boss.” With a wash of warm air, Silver’s feathers fanned at the ground, and she rose into the air like a gleaming angel, quickly leaving the Gang below and behind her.

Finding a comfortable thermal to rest her wings on, Silver began to circle around the wagon, now just a little speck far below her. From up here, she could see clearly across the flat desert for miles, and when she pulled the brim of her hat down over her eyes to shade them from the sun, there wasn’t a rattlesnake in the desert that could slither about without her seeing it. She took her time going in circles, scrutinizing every little feature of the country around her, wary for ponies hiding in the rocks or waiting beyond a ridge to jump the wagon down below.

Does Silver see anything concerning? No

It took near three hours to get the loaded wagon back to camp, and Silver saw not a soul for all three of those hours. The desert was hot, hazy, and abandoned. With the sun scorching down on the sands from above, Silver wasn’t too surprised that nopony else was wandering this remote stretch of land, so far from town. Only bandits and murderers roamed the desert at this hour, and that meant it was a good time to be an outlaw.

Silver giggled to herself as she began to circle down toward camp. Being an outlaw was such a more rewarding life than being one of the plantation aristocracy. At least out here, she got to do what she wanted, dress how she wanted, and live like she wanted, and nopony could tell her otherwise. She wondered if her Pa was still looking for her, but she didn’t much care.

Her wings trembled as she landed in the camp, feathers shedding sweat in cloudy rivulets that picked up the dust clinging to the vanes. Miss Irons looked up from the cookfire as she returned and noted the dried blood sticking to her clothes. “Oh, my!” she exclaimed, rising from her seat and cantering over to Silver. “You’re shot! What happened? Where are the others?”

“Train heist didn’t go as planned,” Silver said, shrugging her shoulder. Now that Miss Irons pointed it out, the throbbing pain came back to her wound. “Had to get a little creative, but it was worth it. Tumbleweed and the rest of ‘em are comin’ up with a wagon full of army gold.”

The elder mare’s eyes widened slightly. “Army gold? How much?”

“Thirty-four thousand,” Silver said with a proud rise of her chin. “Ain’t bad, right?”

“It’s just like Appleloosa all over again,” Miss Irons said with an incredulous shake of her head. She leaned forward and hugged Silver, a surprising yet brief embrace that was over almost before it began. Then her eyes narrowed. “Where is Kestrel?”

Silver’s ears dropped. “She got hurt bad,” she said. “She’s ridin’ with the wagon.”

Miss Irons pursed her lips. “Then I suppose I should prepare some bandages for the reckless girl, shouldn’t I?”

“Probably for the best,” Silver said, staggering toward the bucket of drinking water and taking several gulps. She felt like she had sand between her teeth and her tongue had been replaced by sandpaper; a long flight immediately after a frantic flight had a way of leaving a mare exhausted and dehydrated. But a few gulps of water solved that, and she happily walked back to the cookfire with water dripping down her chin.

No sooner had she taken a seat than she saw the Gang draw the wagon up the path leading into camp. Tumbleweed and Roughshod were singing a popular cavalry marching song Roughshod had picked up from his time in the Army, and made all the more fitting considering who they had just robbed. Though Snapshot kept his mouth shut (not like Silver expected him to join in song either), his normally taut shoulders and stiff neck were relaxed, and he bobbed his head along with the marching beat. Trixie looked like she wanted to join in, if only she knew the words, while Sienna looked like she couldn’t wait to find a hole to crawl into and never show her face to the world again.

Silver chuckled and stood up, joining Tumbleweed and Roughshod in song. What a merry band of outlaws they all were, returning to camp with a mighty haul!

“We’re rich!” Tumbleweed shouted as he hopped off the wagon, and Roughshod and Sienna quickly unharnessed themselves once they parked it off to the side. “Let’s get this thing unloaded, and then it’s time for celebration!”

Silver grinned and hopped to her hooves. A celebration was exactly what they needed after all they’d been through today.


Army Train Robbery Summary:

Total Take: $34,000

Gang Savings: $17,147

Camp Morale: Great

Law Attention: 2 (Moderate)

Kestrel’s Honor: +15

Kestrel’s Local Bounty: $500