//------------------------------// // An Almost Mistake // Story: Spare Some Change? // by Nadir //------------------------------// Octavia tried her best to smile. She really did, but smiling in the face of something like that, well it felt quite strange, didn’t it? Her smile wavered as she gave the softest of chuckles.”Why, it’s nothin-” Octavia suddenly found her muzzle sealed shut by a light azure glow of all things. Vinyl practically glared at her, those brilliant ruby eyes boring into Octavia’s very soul. “Tavi, I know you were talkin’ about me. I need to stay here, so it’s like, not a big deal or whatever, but I really don’t appreciate that shit, okay?” she asked, Vinyl’s look growing all the more stern. “I want you to tell me what you two talked about. If it’s really nothing, nothing will change, right? And if it’s not.” The seriousness started to fade, replaced with a downtrodden look instead. “I’ll get it if you want me to move back out. I like living here and shit, but I’m not gonna force it on you or anything like that. So, let’s hear it, alright!? Tell me the truth!”  Vinyl punctuated her words with a jab of her hoof, poking Octavia dead on in the chest.Fine, fine, she could tell the truth, she supposed. Octavia began to open her muzzle again to explain everything, but couldn’t. “Oh, right! Sorry, sorry, I got a little hot headed,” Vinyl explained, letting her magic finally fade. “Sorry, there.” A pink blush colored the white of Vinyl’s cheeks even, the color so vibrant against such a clear canvas. With her muzzle now returned to her, Octavia cleared her throat, a hoof coming up to cover her muzzle. “Yes, right,” she began, a touch awkwardly. “Those investigators that came to the house worried me. Now, I wanted to put my complete faith in you, but truthfully, I still felt a tickle in the back of my head, fearing that their accusations weren't baseless. I’m sure you can understand that, right?” Vinyl didn’t look convinced. “You know I woulda believed whatever you said, Octy. I guess we’re just different that way.” Octavia couldn't help but wince at Vinyl's words. “Regardless,” Octavia continued. “Do you know who Fancy Pants is?” A shake of her head. “Okay, the long and short is that he’s a friend of mine and a very important pony. He’s got connections throughout the city, so I had him do a bit of digging. I got him to go ask some of his friends at the Canterlot Police department if those thugs were telling the truth, or if it were all just a lie. It’s why he came here today, to deliver the news. I swear to you, Vinyl, nothing but your innocence came back. I knew from the start you would be, I trust you, really, but I had to know for sure, especially if I’m going to do anything about those miscreants,” she noted, with a huff. Vinyl examined Octavia in silence, her eyes pouring over the refined mare, attempting to pierce through any remaining façade. After a tense moment or two, a nod announced that Vinyl had finished her inspection. “Kay.” That’s all Vinyl said. A single word. Tartarus, not even a real word, just a single syllable. Vinyl instead decided to speak with actions, leaning forward and pulling Octavia into a hug. Tighter than their last one, it seemed to Octy like Vinyl put all of her emotions into that hug. She could even feel Vinyl’s legs trembling just a tiny bit. Had she really gotten that nervous? Octavia did suppose she could have said something earlier. Maybe something that would have reassured her new friend without making her wait for a real confrontation. With a sigh and a relaxing of her shoulders, Octavia leaned into the hug as well. It only lasted a few moments total, even if it felt like so much longer. Eventually, the two would pull away, even if they stayed close. “I’m sorry to worry you. I really am, I didn’t mean to make you stressed or anything like that. I, truth be told, I’ve found myself admiring you a great deal. I think I care for you more than I probably should. Listen to me, I probably sound like a crazy mare,” Octavia noted, with a shake of her head and a little chuckle. “It’s just that I’ve been alone for such a long time, and you’ve been so amazing to have around. I wouldn’t want to worry you, so I wanted to keep all this hidden while I took care of it. I hope you can understand.” Octavia finally looked up, peeking to try and analyze her friend’s expression. Was it too much? It could have been too much. Vinyl’s eyes stayed half closed and peered right at Octavia, like she stared into her very soul. Even the mare’s ears had gone back, as if she couldn’t decide if she wanted a part of this or not. She raised a hoof, then lowered it again, then opened her muzzle, then closed it again. Finally, Viny’s twisted up expression gave way to her usually easygoing smile, showing her lovely white teeth. “Y’know, you coulda just made this easier from the start and said you loved me,” Vinyl joked.  Yet, Octavia didn’t laugh. Instead, she blushed a deep red blush that spread across her face and made her ponder Vinyl's words. Did she love Vinyl? She certainly liked the mare. Why, she’d dare to say that she cared for Vinyl like- like what exactly? She didn't have anypony to compare her to. She wasn't like family; Octavia found Vinyl too attractive for that. All of it begged the question, what did Octavia feel about her friend?Octavia's mind raced as she realized how deeply her feelings towards Vinyl had grown. She might even say that she did love her. But would it be too soon? Would it scare Vinyl off? Those words might scare Vinyl off, a thought that shook Octavia to her core. She never wanted to be alone again; she never wanted to be without Vinyl again. So it could be desperation. The feeling of finally having a consistent friend and not wanting to let it go. Maybe that explained it, and it had to be better than loving someone she’d just met. Besides, Vinyl didn’t dare to return those feelings, right? Right? Octavia didn’t even realize how long she’d stopped talking until Vinyl quite literally tapped her shoulder again. It brought her back to Equestria, just as Vinyl tilted her head to inspect the gray mare all the more closely. “You okay, Octy? I mean, uh, you kinda zoned out there for a second and-” Octavia cut Vinyl off as her muzzle lurched towards the other mare. It wasn’t graceful, it wasn’t smooth, but it happened. Octavia’s lips pressed against Vinyl’s. They practically smooshed their muzzles together actually, the sudden movement took Vinyl by such surprise, nearly causing her to jump back. But she didn’t. She stayed put and after just a second, well, she just might have kissed back. As far as first kisses go, this one was rather sloppy actually. But it was a good kiss. It was the manifestation of all of the feelings that had been building between the two. Octavia kept her eyes welded shut, focusing her entire being on savoring the explosive sensation. Only after their lips parted did Octavia open her eyes to take in the mare across from her. It took her a second to recollect herself. Octavia gasped for air as her heart pounded in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying to force herself to calm down as she stared on towards her friend.  Vinyl simply stood there, shocked as could be. Those ruby red eyes were wide and so full of emotion it looked like they might just burst. Her muzzle remained parted, astonished at what had just happened. “I hope that wasn’t too much,” Octavia began with trepidation. She felt the rush die down as fear took over. She began to think that she had ruined their relationship on a mere impulse. Her eyes darted continuously from the ground to Vinyl's face, trying to catch a hint of the white mare's feelings. “It’s,” Vinyl started uneasily, “It’s fine.” With a nervous chuckle, Vinyl muttered, "I think I liked it." “Tavi, you know I was jokin’ with the whole love thing, right? I mean, I admire your, uh, determination, but that was- wow. I didn’t expect that.” Vinyl continued to laugh while shaking her head as if she were trying to shake away her own embarrassment. But really, Octavia should be embarrassed, not Vinyl! After all, Octavia initiated, she started all of it. Vinyl just stood there and accepted it. But she really hadn’t had she? Vinyl had returned it, not just accepted it, and that meant something else entirely. "I'm so sorry, Vinyl," Octavia stuttered, "What you said just got me thinking, and before I knew it, I realized I wanted to kiss you. Am I being stupid? I’m probably being stupid, but you’re amazing Vinyl. I know that this is all too sudden, isn't it?" A hoof waved in answer to the question, another shake of Vinyl’s head. “Hey, hey, it’s cool. I get it, I know I’m pretty awesome, right? Shit, Tavi, I didn’t expect to wake up to this. Hell of a rollercoaster today, isn’t it?” Vinyl asked, her easygoing smile spread across her muzzle once again. Octavia rubbed at the back of her neck, embarrassment and worry still twin dragons nesting inside of her head. At least Vinyl didn't seem mad, which was the best Octavia dared to hope for. “We should probably talk about this, shouldn’t we? I don’t want to make this weird between us.” Her companion answered with a 'hmm.' Was that alright? Could Octavia consider Vinyl her 'companion,' or was that too presumptuous? “Yea, alright. How about you treat me to lunch and we can talk about it there, yea?” Vinyl asked, "Although usually the lunch comes before the kiss," Vinyl laughed, giving Octavia a light, teasing jab to the side. What a big step for the mare who hadn’t wanted to leave the house for fear of getting caught just a while ago! Already wanting to go out for lunch, even if Octavia did notice the worry hiding behind the happiness in Vinyl’s eyes. The way she carried herself always changed when she worried, she’d slump a bit more than usual and let her tail hang, Octavia couldn’t miss it if she tried. “Absolutely. Why don't you get your jacket and we'll go somewhere close. How about Neighponeese?" she proposed. Octavia’s smile had come back and her worries and embarrassment began to melt away. Better.