All they can do is Blame

by Holocron

This is all your fault!

“There isn’t a punishment worthy of what you have done!” Princess Celestia said to the defeated Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, a look of rage burning in her eyes as she glared them down. But just before she and Princess Luna were ready to magically blast the villains into oblivion, Discord whispered something into her ear. Whatever he said, it caused her eyes to widen, followed by a smile.

“Oh, that does seem fitting.” Princess Luna added, smiling along with her sister as a duplicate of Discord whispered in her ear as well.

“May I help?” One of the Discord asked, followed by the other leaning in. “Please?”

With alicorn horns and draconequus claws, magic rippled out as it struck the three villains. White electricity crackled around them as they could feel their bodies hardening, worse than that, they were being petrified into stone. The same curse that had struck Discord centuries ago was to be their fate. Cozy panicked, while Tirek cowered, but it was Chrysalis who hiss in a hate filled anger, trying to lunge at the Princesses, only to be just as frozen as the others. The three villains who had nearly conquered all of Equestria, were now stone; their last moments cause in this inanimate prison.

“Together, forever.” Discord laughed, walking over as he teased and flicked at the new statue. “I can’t think of anything they could want less.”

But as many denizens of Equestria, as well as the kingdoms beyond, cheered in their victory, the three defeated foes though physically bound in stone, their minds were ever active; and ever enraged. Celestia, Luna, Discord, as well as even Twilight and her friends were more than aware that this spell did not kill them. Instead, the three who had hated each other from the very beginning were now their only company. And none of them were happy about it. Now that they were to remain with each other, all they could do now was complain. And did they have a few words for each other.

"This is all YOUR faults!" Chrysalis screamed at the others, hissing in her rage. "Now we are stuck in stone forever!"

"MY fault?!" Tirek replied with an annoyed tone, followed by a groaning sigh. "Well if some bug didn't try to draw out some pointless need for revenge against some nopony, then we would've won!"

"No! It both your faults!" Cozy Glow added, speaking in her superiority complex tone. "If you two idiots just let me take in Discord's Chaos Magic, I would've easily defeated them!"

"And enslaved us along with the others?" Tirek added, his attitude showing how little he cared for what the filly had to say. "After what you pulled back when you tried the Chaos Magic, you think I'd really let you have even a little more magic. You'd drain us dry given the chance. You scheming little brat!"

"Oh, like you're so innocent." Chrysalis said, still fuming with anger. "We all know how you would've loved to take all the magic for yourself. You and your precious muscles, pathetic really. Discord was right, you're just some pathetic centaur compensating with magic because you can't be as good as your father."

"Don't you ever, EVER bring up that pathetic, worthless, failure again!" Tirek snapped, his anger nearly causing their stone prison to shake. "I am far stronger than he would ever be! And don't you dare forget it!"

"Doesn't change the fact that we're going to be stuck here forever." Cozy said, groaning in an annoyed tone. "I can't believe I'm going to be with you two idiots forever."

"Not forever." Chrysalis stated, her tone sound more monotone as she spoke. "While I'm more than certain Tirek and I will be stuck like this for a few more centuries before dying." Her tone became even darker as she continued. "But you'll be dead in a few days."

"A few...days?!" Cozy replied, shocked at what she heard. "B-b-but I'm sealed in stone."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you are kept alive." Tirek added, sharing the same tone as Chrysalis. "The fact we don't suffocate is just Celestia's way to draw out our suffering."

"Indeed." Chrysalis explained. "Tirek and I can survive with no food for quite a long time. And even if you won’t die of starvation, you’ll most certainly die of old age.”

“T-t-that can’t be right.” Cozy said, her voice trembling as the realization was dawning on her. “B-b-b-but Discord...he-”

“Discord is a near immortal being of raw chaos and disorder.” Tirek interrupted, savoring the fear and misery the pegaus filly was feeling. “You’re just some spoiled brat who’ll die within the next century, maybe even a few long decades if we’re lucky. Then it will be between Chrysalis and myself who will out last the other.”

“B-b-but Princess Celestia can’t do that...” Cozy said, her mind racing as she could feel herself ready to panic. “If not her, or even Luna, Princess Twilight wouldn’t allow-”

“Who says they’re tell anyone?” Chrysalis interjected, now sounding more and more apathetic, with small hints of enjoying how much the filly was suffering. “Celestia, Luna, and Discord were the ones to do this to us, so they’ll probably tell her that we’re just frozen, or something. She’ll believe her, why wouldn’t she? And we’ll all slowly die.”

Cozy tried to reply, but her mind couldn’t process this in any way that worked. Chrysalis was right, why would they tell Twilight. Maybe because she would pity them, free them, seek a new prison for them, and what then? They would escape, find a way to exact some attempt at revenge, only to be defeated. Or worse yet, what the new Princess not only agreed with this punishment, but used her magic to prolong the agony? Would they deserve this miserable fate? Yes, with all they had done, and all who had and would’ve suffered under them. Cozy could only realize now, that this wasn’t a prison, but their grave.