//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: My little pony: OCs are Magic // by loopertooper //------------------------------// HELLLOOOO EVERYPONY, its me loopertooper? As you can tell my grammar is the best? So i really DON”T need a proofreader or editor. …… But if U wisH to challenge my grammar, please send I an message. And now back to the feature presentation, /) _____________________________________________________________________________ A calm breeze welcomed the little ponies of Ponyville. The sleepy ponies awake to the breeze and bright sunshine to get to work. Hyper and Crit both cautiously and fearfully trot down the roads of Ponyville. They both wear capes to cover the marking so no one could tell they were marked by the “circle”. “I look like a shady pony.” Hyper breaks the silence of the twos rhythmic stride. “WE, idiot, we look like shady ponies.” Crit sighs as he responds to his brother’s obvious remark. “No, you’re too slim to be a shady pony. I’m cool and buff enough to be a shady pony that might steal your saddlebag as you trot, unsuspecting to the crimes that have been commit-.” “Shut up, please, you are going to drive me crazy with that dark nonsense.” Hyper stopped and looked confused. The two continued off in silence, each afraid that their comment will be shot down, like a young pegasus trying to fly. While still walking, the two hear a rhythmic beat. They stop and look, but see nothing. The soil under their hooves rumbles with the unseen beat. “What the pony feathers is that noise?” Crit looked towards his brother for an answer to his question. His brother is standing there bobbing his head. Crit droops, and sighs. “Oh by Celestia that is a righteous beat.” Hyper screamed as loud as he could to let all know his thoughts. “Righteous? No one ever described my beats as “righteous”.” A mysterious voice answers back to Hyper and Crit. “Who is there?” Crit looked around and questioned the mysterious voice. “Wow… you don’t know me?” The voice asked, with a melancholic tone. “Those words don’t fit for me.” The voice got increasingly angrier with every word. “Do you know him?” Crit looked at Hyper to see if his brother knew the voice, completely ignoring the voice’s words. “Nope, is he famous, like an actor?” Hyper shrugged. “Hyperactive, if it was an actor, I would know who it is. I know all the greatest pony actors. You need to start thinking before you speak.” Crit fixed his hair as he spoke proudly of himself. “Maybe it is the princess.” Hyper looked excited. “…………” Crit stared at Hyper, angry and embarrassed. “You… you are a waste of a pony. Just go away.” Crit lectured. “How do you know it isn’t the princess… masking her voice, ha I win.” Hyper gloated over his rebuttal. “WHY IN CELESTIA’S NAME, WOULD THE PRINCESS HERSLEF MASK HER VOICE, YOU BLUNDERING IDIOT!” Crit now yelled the loudest he could muster to demoralize his brother. “HEY, yo’ fools better listen up. I’m no princess, my name is B-.” The voice proudly started to state its name, but Hyper and Crit were still arguing. “Hey it was an idea, didn’t have to yell.” Hyper defensively argued with his enraged brother. “Sorry, but seriously, the voice is obviously a stallion by the tone.” Crit now just spoke in a dull roar. “ORRRRR-.” Hyper was about to give a rebuttal to his brother’s gender guess, but Crit put his hoof up to silence his brother. “Hey, it’s rude to ignore somebody.” The voice lectured the two as they argued. “Hey it is also rude to interrupt other people’s conversation.” Hyper scolded. “The nerve of someponies, didn’t you learn any manners?” Crit scolded the voice as the voice gradually became angrier. “That is it that is it. You two are probably the two rudest stallions ever.” “WE” Hyper defended. “RUDE. Well yes Hyper is rude, but to call me rude is truly a miscalculation on your part.” “Shut up.” Hyper starting laughing as the entire conversation became a joke. “YOU TWO NEED TO DIE, NOW BY THE HOOF OF BLAZE ARLIS.” As he finished, the dark grey pegasus jumped out. He had a dark blue and green mane and tail. His cutie mark is a microphone on an orange cap. “Wait, wait, wait… nope Blaze Arlis doesn’t ring any bells, you sure I should know you?” “SHUT UP!” Blaze yelled. He landed and charged at the two brothers. “WATCH OUT!” Crit turned to see Blaze charging at him. As Hyper yelled to Crit, the markings began to glow. “Huh?” Blaze stopped and backed off. “Oh. Killing two birds with one stone.” Blaze smirked. Again he charge at Crit, still confused by the glowing. “Don’t go near my BROTHER!” As Hyper yelled the markings got brighter. He lunged to save his brother. But he flew faster than he could, like he was shot out of Pinkie’s party cannon. “WHAT THE-?” The speed of Hyper created a gust that launched Blaze back. “You two aren’t getting away from me!” “I can’t leave you for a second, can I?” Another voice arose from the silence. “I’m not a filly, Bronze!” Blaze yelled at the mysterious voice. “No, just come out, we aren’t playing the “Who am I game” so no just come out NOW!” Bronze trotted out from the darkness. He is a brownish-grey unicorn with a dark brown mane and tail, and a donut for a cutie mark. He also wore a pair of reddish-brown glasses. “Sorry to scare you two. Please Blaze and I will explain everything at Sugarcube Corner, please follow me.” Bronze spoke smoothly to the two. “I’ll listen, sorry for overreacting.” Blaze looked down as he said his apology. “Actually, may I ask one quick question?” Bronze looked towards Over Critical. “Go ahead.” Critical looked at the kind stallion. “Have you met anyponies that also had the markings?” Bronze looked very concerned when he asked the question. “Yes, two mares, but they ran away.” Hyper was quick to answer the stallion. “Two mares? I know them. Just come to Sugarcube Corner please, it is urgent.” Critical followed immediately behind Bronze. Hyper followed behind, he didn’t trust them, but trusted Critical with his life. At Sugarcube Corner, Bronze guided the group in and towards an already occupied table. “Hey, *gasp* you two.” A mare stood and dove at Hyper. “Oh, come on why is everyone hitting me? Oh yeah these are the two. My name is Hyperactive the greatest actor in all of Ponyville. And this is my “grand” brother Over Critical, the posh guy who review pony movies and such.” The mare still on top of Hyper looked between the two. Everyone took a seat as Pinkie came over to help. “…You two are playing without ME?! WELL HERE I COME!” Pinkie jumped up to land on the two. “OH NOOOO PINKI-.” As Pinkie came down, Critical moved Potion Note out of Pinkie’s bomb. Hyper was unlucky enough to be the one who was trampled on. Pinkie’s hooves dug into Hyper. “YAY, fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun, *GASP* FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Pinkie screamed as she jumped every time she said fun. Bronze looked at Pinkie, who caught his gaze and understood to get off her playmate. “No, just kill me, please. Hey, umm, oh yeah Blaze I DON’T KNOW YOU! KILL ME!” Hyper begged for death from the onslaught of Pinkie’s hooves. She smiled and helped up the dying Hyper. “Oh, Hyper doesn’t mind, he is my lover, right honey?” Pinkie winked and blew a kiss towards Hyper and went back to the kitchen. “You two are dating, Blue Bird?” Blaze insulted the crippled Hyper. “NO, and you call me Blue Bird ONE MORE TIME, I’M GONNA BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY, Ghosty.” Hyper smirked and Crit chuckled. “GHOSTY, how is that an insult?” Blaze looked very confused as he tried to put together the “insult” by his adversary. “Because no one knows and acknowledges ghosts, Ghosty.” Hyper smirked and tried sitting down, but failed to do so without injuring himself. Blaze looked straight at Hyper and started an epic stare off. “BLUE BIRD!!” “GHOSTY” “BLUE BIRD” “GHOSTY” “BLUE BIRD” “G-.” Critical stopped Hyper from continuing the insulting contest. “But bro, he can’t win. PLEAS-.” “Shut up and stop embarrassing the family you loud mouthed idiot. Drop it and listen.” Crit looked towards the two mares. “Now to formally introduce myself, I’m Over Critical, and you are?” “Colorlove, and this is Potion Note. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Over Critical.” Colorlove smiled as she introduced them to the group. “Excellent, now everyone let’s all take Critical’s and Colorlove’s example and introduce ourselves. I’ll begin, I’m Bronze, I work here at Sugarcube Corner, also I’m partnered with Blaze.” “Yo, I’m Blaze Arlis, First rapper in all of Equestria, hold your applause till the end.” “Also known as Ghosty” Hyper exploded in laughter. Everypony looked at Hyper. “Oh, I’m Hyperactive, I’m an actor and I’m partnered with my brother, Over Critical.” “I’m Potion Note, I’m Zecora’s prodigy. I make potions and I love to sing. Nice to meet you. “I’m Colorlove, I love to draw and I’m partnered with Potion Note, who forgot to mention that.” Colorlove giggled with her words towards Potion Note. Potion blushed. “Alright, now let’s all be completely honest with what we know about these, markings.” “And abilities.” Hyper interrupted Bronze to put his two words in. “Abilities?” Bronze looked intrigued. “Yeah, when fighting Ghosty I moved at supersonic speeds.” “How ‘bout we get back to that later.” Bronze kindly put. “Now, when the circle spoke to Blaze and I, it said that all with the mark must be quelled.” “Ours said that a bond was created to win the battles.” Hyper added. “Ours said that the bond can never be broken, for it symbolizes the trust in all of Equestria.” Colorlove gave the final information. “Wait, trust of Equ… never mind I don’t care.” Hyper just gave up. “Alright well the moral of me bringing all of us together was that we 6 should make a truce.” Bronze came forward with his idea. “No, No, No there is no way in Discord’s chaos world that I’ll work with Ghosty, the rest of you I got no problem with, especially you two.” Hyper winked towards Potion and Colorlove who both giggled. “Yeah, I’m not working with Blue Bird.” Blaze argued. “STOP!!” Critical stood up. “According to what I can remember, Princess Celestia said that she and Luna competed before, so that means others could be experts. If they attack any of us when we are alone then the two will have no chance. We are all greenhorns to this, so the 6 of us WILL be an overall team, got it you two hooligans.” “Thank you” Bronze shook hooves with Critical. “Now to get to know each other, let’s all go out with another ponies partner, okay?” Potion Note nudged Colorlove. Colorlove looked towards Bronze and whispered something to him. “Okay, Potion Note and I, Critical and Colorlove, and finally you two are together.” “I’D RATHER DIE” The two spoke in unison. “Hyper!” Crit looked at Hyper. Hyper sighed and agreed. “Colorlove, was it? What would you like to do?” “Well, I had to do some shopping, but-.” “Alright, that is fine. As a gentleman, I will help you buy whatever you need.” The two departed and then Potion and Bronze left after words. “Time to finish this, Ghosty!” “NO!” Hyper looked confused. Blaze explained about how he wants this truce to work out. “So what do you want to do, Blue Bird?” “Well, up to you. We’ll do what you want to then we can go to the theater so I can make my rehearsal.” “Well I got to meet up with Vinyl so I guess-. Wait follow me.” Hyper and Blaze went out to the lake outside of Ponyville. The two sat at the edge of the lake. “This is my inspiration.” “Excuse me, what did ya’ say Blaze? What do you mean by “inspiration”?” Hyper looked confused. “My inspiration for life. Look at the water, it sits and waits for anything to disrupt its sleep. Anypony can miss this perfect place. When life and work gets hard I come here and look towards the lake for the inner peace and solution to life’s problems. When I first met Bronze the circle appeared. After words, I came here and the water wouldn’t stay calm and sleep. Nothing was in the water or on it, but it kept rippling. It is a sign. We… aren’t gonna make it out.” Blaze looked downcast. “I understand.” Blaze was flabbergasted. “This lake is the bond of Equestria, this lake is the emotions of people, and it is the future. Blaze, you’re saying that the lake wouldn’t stop rippling, but there was nothing obstructing its peace. Equestria is changing because of these markings, and it will end up rippling apart into destruction.” “You really are deep, Hyper.” “You too, Blaze.” “Finally, you two compromise.” Bronze and Potion Note came out of the forest into the clearing. “This was just to get us to agree, wasn’t it Broz?” Bronze shook his head. “Nope, it just worked out that way.” Bronze smiled and asked the two to follow him. “We talked to Colorlove and your brother, they will meet us at the Sugarcube Corner later, and then we will all go out to dinner, okay?” Potion Note was still behind Bronze. At Rarity’s boutique, Colorlove and Over Critical were shopping for Colorlove’s clothes. “Crit, this one look good?” Colorlove came out of the changing room in an artistic dress. “That looks brilliant, darling.” Rarity came out and remarked on the beautiful dress on Colorlove. “Now, Ovy, come with me.” Crit followed his fiancée “NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Crit yelled from behind a changing screen “Umm, what is happening back there.” Colorlove looked confused and worried. “Don’t worry andddd… there.” Rarity pushed Over Critical out with a large hat. “Not again like I said, I like my hat, it isn’t eccentric.” Crit sighed and took off the hat. “How about this one, Ovy?” Rarity put a top hat on Critical. “I like my hat, it isn’t eccentric.” Crit just sat as Rarity kept running through hats. “Okay this is the hat for you.” Rarity put a bowler hat on Critical. “I like my hat, it isn’t eccentric.” Crit just sat as Rarity continues to throw hats on him. “Okay, if you say that one more time, I will leave you, now here.” Rarity put a fedora with many accessories on it onto Crit. “Again, say it again, wedding off.” “I don’t like this hat, it is too eccentric.” Crit smirked and grabbed his hat. “Welcome back old friend.” “Oh, Over Critical, were going to be late to meet up with the others.” Colorlove stopped laughing long enough to inform Critical on the time. “Okay, darling, we have to go. I’ll see you later okay.” Crit embraced Rarity. “Okay, bye Ovy.” Rarity kissed Critical. “There you are.” Potion ran over to Colorlove. “Ooo, I like the dress.” “Thanks, Potion, how was your date with Bronze?” “It wasn’t a date.” Potion blushed. “Okay, so where are we going to go eat dinner?” Hyper asked. “Here, I guess. Since we are here and all and I’m very hungry.” Bronze decided for the group. After dinner, the people all separated and went their separate ways. They promised to keep a truce to survive the trial ahead of them. _________________________________________________________________________________________ FILLIES AND GENTLECOLTS, it is time for the *drumroll* APPRECIATION GAME (yay woohoo) Now HERE WE GO: Colorlove= bigMAREmac, Potion Note= B_Bubble132, Over Critical= Donceluzza(p.s. check out my bro’s fanfics they are AWSOME ), Hyperactive= ME (you rock, woohoo). AND NOW FOR OUR NEW COMERS: Blaze Arlis= BronyGC, And Bronze= epicdonus1123. ALL TOGETHER PONIES (KILL THEM WITH LOVE AND AFFECTION) THANK YOU. P.S. I seriously need a proofreader if you would be willing to I WOULD LOVE YOU LONG TIME (insert twilight smile here) Also I thought I need an image but I suck at drawing (No one needs to see that) So If you want to draw it then again I WOULD LOVE YOU LONGER TIME (insert 2 twilight smiles here) The idea is just the Mane 6 of my story, Blaze, Crit, Hyper, Bronze, Potion, and Colorlove. If you do and need pictures, PM me and I’ll get back to you ASAPP (As Soon As Ponyly Possible) All right that is all.