
by Wind Scribe

Canterlot RRW correspondence

Miss Twilight Sparkle,

My name is Archmage Ivory Charm, and I am a member of the Canterlot Royal Research Wing. We’ve actually spoken on a few occasions beforehoof. The reason I am writing to you today is actually related to my current research. 

You see, after the attack on Canterlot, a few of the archmages, including myself, were tasked by the crown to review Visionary Dusk’s findings and anything else related to ‘conduits’. As much I personally would never abide by his methods, his research is still a valuable resource of information on the subject. 

In any case, I will get to the point. As I said before, myself and other archmages are researching the subject of ‘conduits’ and other related subjects. As of a week ago, as of the time of writing this letter, I came across a very peculiar discovery. A few months ago, I was working on another experiment of improving thaumium wire’s magical resonance and flux extraction. As an abbreviated summary of that experiment; I was tweaking the formula and process of manufacturing the material. The experiment was met with minimal success, and I was forced to put the research on hiatus.

Now, I was clearing out some of my older works to make room for other projects when I found this particular experiment buried in one of my lockers. That is when I made my peculiar discovery. One of my spools of experimental wire was not how I had left it. At first, I thought it was some sort of trick of the light, but this particular spool was glowing with an abnormally silver tint. I then tried to pick it up with my magic, and that’s when I discovered that the wire was also suddenly abnormally resistant to magic.

I know for a certainty that I did not use any materials that were magic resistant in the production of this spool, or any other, and I even checked over my notes to confirm the formulas. Yet, here I was, with a spool of experimental thaumium wire that was made to ‘conduct’ more magic that was suddenly ‘resistant’ to magic. I brought it out to check over it in my spare time, and one of the ‘ray-field radiation detectors’ we now keep in the lab suddenly started to show a reaction. 

Yes, it was this spool of thaumium wire that was the cause. It was somehow emitting a distinct signature of RF radiation. As it was related to my current research, I brought it to the attention of my fellow archmages, and we tried to determine how this had happened, even replicating the formula and producing more wire. This is when we made another peculiar discovery. At first, the newly made wire emitted no RF radiation and was still a coppery color. However, after several hours, we noticed that the new wire was taking on a more silvery tint, and when tested, emitted a faint RF radiation signature just like the first. 

As we are still woefully ignorant on these matters concerning conduits, I would like to ask if you have any notes or explanations to this phenomenon, as you are still the leading authority on the subject. I’ve included the Royal Research Wing’s current short notes on the subject and current discovery for your review on the matter. We would be very grateful if you are able to help us on this subject and are eager to hear your reply.

Very Respectfully,

Archmage Ivory Charm

P.S. Just as I was about to send this letter, we were informed that the Manehatten Gemology Society have discovered a peculiar sample of quartz that seems to be showing characteristics of a similar nature as our experimental thaumium. We have already sent requests for its acquisition, and I will forward any relevant notes to you for review at your discretion.