//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 The Return // Story: Portal // by Ultimauser50 //------------------------------// Everypony departed from the elevator and as we moved towards the next test area everypony notices three floor panels slamming against the wall repeatedly. “Uhh…” I said breaking the silence. “What in the hay are they doing?” asked Applejack. “Can’t tell and don’t care. It’s obviously one of GLaDOS’s games.” replied Rainbow Dash. “Let’s just move on!” Everypony enters the test area and we are stunned by how big the room is. “Well ladies, I say we go into two teams from here on.” I suggested. “Sounds like a plan!” replied Rainbow Dash. “Let me and Twilight do this one.” “Why Twilight?” asked Rarity. “Because there are lasers in here, and she knows more about them than any of us do.” “Makes sense. Alright, good luck you two!” I said giving Rainbow Dash a thumbs up. “Thanks.” replied Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Twilight looks up and sees the height of the room. “Wow, that’s, a long way up.” “What’s up? You scared Twilight?” “No Rainbow, just nervous.” Rainbow Dash then fired a blue portal on the white part of the ceiling and fired an orange portal on the lower wall. “I call first dibs!” yelled Rainbow Dash as she hopped on the Areal Faith Plate. As Rainbow Dash gets launched into the portal she catches a glimpse of Wheatley. “Hey! Hey! It’s me! I’m okay!” yelled Wheatley, unfortunately Wheatley’s words began to fade as Rainbow Dash began to plummet, landing next to Twilight. “Guys! You’ll never guess who I saw!!” “Who?” asked Pinkie Pie. “I bet you saw-” Pinkie was then cut off by a faint beep. “Well, I’m back. The Aerial Faith Plate in here is sending a distress signal. You broke it, didn’t you.” “You can’t prove nothing!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “Whatever…There, try it now.” Rainbow Dash jumps on the Arial Faith Plate again and as she enters the portal she sees Wheatley again. “There I was, I was just lying there-” Wheatley’s words were then muffled by Rainbow Dash’s fall back to earth. “Hmm. This plate must not be calibrated to somepony of your…generousness.” “Actually, Rarity stands for generosity.” replied Rainbow Dash. “Just by looking at her, I agree.” “Sh-Should I be offended?” asked Rarity. “Probably.” I replied. “I’ll just add a few zeroes to the maximum weight. You look great by the way Rarity, very healthy.” “Again, should I be offended?” “I wouldn’t even think about it Rarity, she’s just trying to get in your head.” “Okay, try it again.” Rainbow Dash hops on the Plate again and she passes by Wheatley again. “A bloody bird! Right? Couldn’t believe it either-” Once again Wheatley’s voice was muffled by Rainbow Dash’s fall. “You seem to have defeated its load-bearing capacity. Well done. I’ll just lower the ceiling.” The portal on the white part of the ceiling disappears as the ceiling began to lower until it came to a halt. “Yo Twi.” “Yes Rainbow?” “There’s something I gotta tell ya when we get up.” “Okay?” Rainbow Dash fired a blue portal on the ceiling again she and Twilight hopped on the Ariel Faith Plate and flew through the blue portal and landed on the upper level. “Wow, this test area really IS big. I’m glad David suggested team ups.” “Yeah real nice, anyway Twilight I gotta tell ya this!” “Okay, what is it?” “I saw Wheatley again!” “What? Where?” “He was somewhere between here. I saw him before she lowered the ceiling.” “We’ve gotta tell the others, but first let’s finish this test.” “Right! So what do we do first boss?” Twilight then surveyed the area and saw two platforms reposition them selves and she saw a button. “We need to get up to that button. So go ahead and place a portal on that platform in the back.” “Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash did as she was told and she followed Twilight back to the lower level. Twilight and Rainbow Dash jumped on to the Faith Plate again and they flew straight up to the button. Twilight pressed the button and jumped back down to the lower level and fired an orange portal on the platform in front of the laser and jumps back down to the Arial Faith Plate with Rainbow Dash close behind her. As they were both launched through the portal again they flew past a glass wall and hit a solid wall. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash slowly pick themselves up and Twilight grabs the cube and jumps next to the active laser with Rainbow Dash. Twilight placed the cube in front of the laser, redirecting it to the white wall. “Rainbow, put a portal on the platform next to the wall the laser is hitting.” “Okay boss!” saluted Rainbow Dash as she went off and did what she was told. “Okay, now jump through!” Twilight said trotting up next to Rainbow Dash. Without a single question they both jumped through the platform and landed on the Faith Plate, launching them backwards and they landed on the upper level next to a flight of stairs. “Look at you two. Sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle. Piloting a blimp. So tell me Rainbow Crash, how does it feel to know that if you fly, everyone becomes swiss cheese?” “I don’t have to answer that!” “Oh don’t be mad. If you were able to fly, this would be waay too easy. And I wouldn’t want that.” While Rainbow Dash and GLaDOS were talking to each other Twilight had fired a blue portal on the wall the laser was hitting, then she troted behind the wall and fired a portal on the back, making the laser hit a laser platform. “All I’m saying is that I admire your ability to prove that you’re still, slightly competent even with your flight taken away.” “And I’m saying that you’re a-” “Come on Dash, tell the others that they can make a portal on the wall above us so we can move on!” “Okay, okay.” Rainbow Dash then jumped down and trotted back to the group. “Hey guys, we cleared this test, place a portal behind Twi so we can get moving.” “Hold on, wouldn’t our portals disrupt yours?” “Not really, you see, the reason our portals are connected is because we have the P-Link set to ‘on’. See?” I explained showing the others the bottom of my portal gun, it had ‘P-Link’ written on it and a flip switch set to on. “So if we turn off the P-Link, we can make our own portals without disrupting any other portals on our team. And I also suggest we keep our P-Links off. Since we are going to be on teams, we don’t need to cut each other off from the exit.” Everypony nods in agreement and we deactivate the P-Link setting. “Okay, hold on. Wait I see Twilight. So, I just fire a portal on the ceiling and one behind her right?” I asked. “Yes.” “Alrighty.” I fire a portal behind Twilight and another portal on the ceiling and everypony jumps on the Ariel Faith Plate and we land behind Twilight. “Good, you all made it.” “Yup, and Twilight, you might want to turn you P-Link off.” said Rainbow Dash. “Hm? Oh right!” Twilight flipped the switch. “I completely forgot about that.” Everypony heads to the elevator and arrive on the next floor. “Enjoy this next test, I’m going to the surface. It’s a beautiful day out. Yesterday I saw a deer. If you solve this next test, maybe I’ll let you all ride an elevator all the way up to the break room, and I’ll tell you about the time I saw a deer again.” “She sure does know how to give you motivation huh?” “Doesn’t matter, now listen everypony! I’ve got something to tell all of you!” “What’s up RD?” asked Applejack. “I saw Wheatley in the last test chamber.” “YAY!!” cheered Pinkie Pie. “That’s good, he’s still alive.” said Rarity. “So, did he say anything about a plan?” I asked. “Not really, he was trying to talk to me about, us thinking he was dead, he couldn’t believe it, and something about a bird.” “Huh, well… Let’s just get moving. I’m giving Wheatley the benefit of a doubt and just hope he has a plan. I have a feeling that GLaDOS is going to make a move soon. And if she does, then we’re done.” “Let’s just move on and hopefully Wheatley DOES have a plan. Now let’s keep moving.” said Twilight. “Roger.” replied Everypony. In the next testing area, everyone looks around the room in amazement. “Is it me, or are these test rooms getting bigger?” I asked. “Nope, it’s not just you.” replied Pinkie Pie. “So, who should get this room?” asked Applejack. “I think you and Rarity should this.” I replied. “Huh? Why us?!” Rarity and Applejack asked simultaneously. “Well, it’s been a while since you guys did this, and…well, not to be rude or anything, but your team work is… lacking.” “B-But-” “Come on Rarity, let’s just get it over with.” Applejack said interrupting Rarity. “Fine.” pouted Rarity. Rarity and Applejack looked around the room and Applejack spotted a cube on a platform. “Rarity, look!” Applejack nudged Rarity. “Oh, I see it! But how do we get it?” Applejack then looked at the wall and then looked into the pit that cut them off from the cube. “Ah’m already on it!” Applejack then fired a blue portal on the highest point on the wall behind them and fired an orange portal in the pit. “Alrighty Rarity, time to jump!” “Um, no. That fall is way too long. I refuse, it’s too dangerous!” “Look Rarity, we don’t have a lot of time fer this nonsense! Just jump!” “No, it’s too far down!” “Alright fine, if you don’t want t-” Applejack then instantly shoves Rarity into the pit and she jumps in after her. They both then fell through the orange portal soaring out of the wall, landing in front of the cube. “Applejack, are you insane?!?! You could’ve killed me!!” “But ah didn’t! Ah told you the fall wasn’t that long! You just need to stop whining!” “I’m not whining! I’m complaining! There is a difference.” Applejack ignored Rarity and just grabbed the cube and ran off. “H-Hey, wait for me!” Rarity darted after Applejack as they both jumped down the pit again and landed next to the Arial Faith Plate. Applejack and Rarity launched them selves upward and hit a glass wall. “Ugh. That did not tickle.” “Alright Rarity, let’s not get started.” “So what now?” “Hmm…” Applejack then placed the cube in front of the laser, cutting off the power of the laser platform making the glass wall panels lower into the floor. “Ahh, nice job Applejack!” “Now, let’s try this flyin’ thing one more time.” Applejack and Rarity jumped down and trotted up to the Areal Faith Plate and launched themselves upwards and as they approached the wall, they were launched forward again by another Areal Faith Plate on the wall, knocking them upward where they hit another glass wall. “Okay, this is startin’ to get annoyin’.” “I agree, it seems like it hurts more and more each time.” Applejack then stood up and pressed a button and a cube fell out of the chute above the Areal Faith Plate and as the cube hit the Plate it bounced up eventually hitting the glass wall. Applejack then picked up the cube. “This looks like one of them cubes that can redirect lasers. Rarity, see if you can get the laser from the lower level to hit up here so we can power that laser platform.” “Right I’m on it!” said Rarity ready to trot off. “Wait!” yelled Applejack, stopping Rarity in her tracks. “What is it?” “Take this cube. Trust me ah think yer gonna need this.” “Okay. Leave it to me.” Rarity then grabs the cube and runs off. Rarity jumps down one level to the cube still stopping the laser from hitting the laser platform. Rarity then placed the discouragement redirection cube behind the regular cube and picked up the regular cube making the laser hit the wall as it bounces off the discouragement redirection cube. Rarity then remembered what Twilight did in the first test chamber that had lasers and turned on the P-Link on her portal gun, connecting her portals with Applejack’s then she fired a blue portal on the wall that the laser was hitting causing the laser to pop out of the deep pit where the orange portal that Applejack placed. Rarity then picked up the regular cube and jumped on the Faith Plate and got launched up back to Applejack. Rarity then fired an orange portal on the wall next to Applejack causing the laser to come through and hit the laser platform. The glass wall panels then went into the floor and Applejack and Rarity gave each other a high hoof. “Good job Rarity!” “Why thank you darling. All in a days work.” Applejack and Rarity jumped down and landed next to the group. “Okay everypony, we’re done we can go through now.” “Great!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “You two did really great out there.” I complemented. “Yeah, you two may have never met eye to eye but you two did great!” complemented Twilight. “Aw shucks, thanks guys.” replied Applejack. “Well, you passed the test. I didn’t see the deer today. I did see some ponies, but after dealing with Celestia and Luna, not to mention the fact that I have the mane 6 here, I’ve had my fill of ponies.” “An interesting story.” replied Rainbow Dash. Everypony then entered the elevator and arrived on the next floor. Upon arrival everypony looks at the number on the wall before entering the next test area. “We’re on number 11 already?” asked Twilight. “Yup, it won’t be long until we get to the final room.” I replied. “Do you think GLaDOS will make her move before we get to the end?” asked Rarity. “Who knows, all I know is that if Wheatley is planning on making a move, he needs to make it soon. Or else, it’s over.” “So who should get this one?” asks Pinkie Pie. “Well, it has been a while since you’ve got your turn. Who do you want to team up with?” “Hmm… I think I’ll know once we enter the room.” “Alright, let’s go then.” Everypony enters the door and sees a ray of light at the end of the hall. “Ohh, what’s that?!” asks Pinkie Pie. “These bridges are made out of natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed your cheek on one, it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face.” “Oh! Really?!” Pinkie Pie ran up to the ray of light almost instantly and was about to put her face on it. “It could also set your hair on fire. So, do it at your own peril.” Pinkie Pie instantly stops herself and trots back to the group. “That was close.” “I’ll say, talk about late warnings.” replied Twilight. Everypony steps up on the light bridge and runs across it. Everypony then examines the room. “Woah, out of one big room. And into another.” I said. “So, do you know who you want as your partner Pinkie?” “Yup! Twilight!” “Why me?” “Well duh, you were one of the scientist here before you became a test subject with the rest of us. So you must know how these bridges work right?” “Well yes, but-” “Then it’s settled! Let’s do it!” Twilight then let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine.” Pinkie Pie then fired a blue portal on the wall the light bridge was touching and fired an orange portal at the upper wall behind her and they both trot through the portal and stop when there over the water. “Okay Twilight, now what?” “What do you mean ‘now what’?” “Well, you see, I didn’t really think THAT far ahead.” “Pinkie, but you-” Twilight stopped herself with a face hoof and let out another exasperated sigh. “Alright Pinkie, it’s not that hard. As you can tell just by looking behind you, there’s a button in that hall way, behind that glass wall. So what do you think we need to do now? I mean come on, you were able to do the past test chambers with ease, why is it different now?” “Um…to tell you the truth, I didn’t get that far in the trotthrough.” I’m gonna find out what a ‘walkthrough’ is one day, Twilight thought to herself. “Okay, first were gonna need to get a cube.” “Right!” Pinkie Pie then bounced to the button and pressed it, causing a cube to fall from the chute and land into the water. But then another cube came from the chute. “It seems we’ll have plenty, we’ll just have to get down there then.” “I’m already on it.” Pinkie Pie then fired an orange portal on the wall next to the exit making the light bridge Twilight was standing on lower and she fell on her side. “Ugh! Pinkie! Warn me before you do that!” “Oops, sorry Twilight.” “Hmm… Pinkie, turn your P-Link on with mine, I think I know how we can get down there.” “Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie Pie saluted and turned her P-Link on with Twilight. Twilight then fired an orange portal on the wall inside the pit. Pinkie Pie then hopped up on the bridge and jumped onto the lower one with Twilight. Twilight and Pinkie trot down until they see a white square in the wall and Pinkie Pie fires an orange portal on the wall and they trot forward until Twilight fires another orange portal on the lower wall to the right causing the light bridge to lower again and Pinkie Pie catches the cube before it falls into the water. “Phew, that was a close one huh?” “Yes, good job Pinkie.” “Thanks, so what now.” Twilight closed her eyes half way in annoyance and pointed to the portal behind them. “Oh, right.” Twilight and Pinkie trot through the orange portal and Twilight fires a portal close to the exit. “Alright everypony, we’ve cleared this place. Let’s move!” “Yes ma’am!” replied Everypony. Everypony trotted through the orange portal and jumped off the bridge except Pinkie Pie, she trotted all the way down to the button and placed the cube on top of it. “Good job Pinkie! Now, just find a way over here!” yelled Twilight. “Got it!” Pinkie Pie then fired a portal at the wall below the platform and jumped down and trotted back at the beginning and fired a portal slightly above her and trots to the end of the bridge and hops off, landing next to Twilight. “Excellent! Your all predators and these tests are your prey. Speaking of which, I was researching sharks for an upcoming test.” Fluttershy then let out a tiny yelp. I see, so that’s her motive, I thought. “Well, I hope you all enjoy the next few tests. I know I will.” “It looks like it wont be long now, if Wheatley doesn’t do something soon, we’re all dead!” Rainbow Dash said nearly panicking. “Stay calm, panicking will only give GLaDOS what she wants. We just need to count on Wheatley, remember what I said before: Benefit of a doubt.” “Right, let’s…just move on.” Twilight said. Everypony then boarded the elevator and we arrived in the next floor. “Good news. I figured out what to do with all that money I save recycling your one roomful of air. When you all die, I’m going to laminate your skeletons and pose you all in the lobby. That your ‘princesses’ will learn next time not to leave any ponies or human behind.” Everyponies face begin to turn grey and Fluttershy is ready to cry. “Sh-She’s sick. D-Do you think the test that’ll do us in?” asked Rainbow Dash. “M-Maybe. Th-There’s always that p-possibility.” Applejack stuttered in fear. “W-We can’t go out there.” Rarity stuttered in fear. “We have to.” I said. “B-But she’ll kill us if we go out there.” “She’ll kill us even if we stay here. Let’s just go… and get this over with.” Everypony slowly walk past the door and into a dark hallway and as they approach the door it malfunctions. “Perfect, the door’s malfunctioning. I guess somebody’s going to have to repair that too. No, don’t get up. I’ll be right back. Don’t touch anything.” “Well, savor this moment girls.” I then swallow deeply. “I-It may just be our last.” Wheatley the appears behind the glass window. “Hey! Hey! Up here!” “WHEATLEY!!” shouted Everypony. “Haha! I was wondering when you’d show up!” said Rainbow Dash. “Well, I would’ve been here sooner, but I found some bird eggs up here. Just dropped em’ into the door mechanism. Shut it right down. I-” Wheatley then get’s attacked by a bird. “AGH!! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD!” Everypony just laughed at the scene. Wheatley then came back after a few seconds out of breath. “Okay. That’s probably the bird, isn’t it? Livid!” “Yeah that’s very nice Wheatley, now we’ve seen you from time to time through out the test chambers. So tell us, do you have a plan or not? Incase you haven’t heard, GLaDOS is planning a surprise for us in one of the next test chambers, and knowing her. It’s probably this one.” I said. “Yes, I know I heard the conversation! And don’t worry, like I said in the beginning just stay calm, we’re gonna make a break for it soon. Very soon, I promise! I just have to figure out how. To break us out of here.” “Well figure it out soon. There’s no telling when GLaDOS is gonna make her move.” Twilight shouted slightly. “Okay, don’t worry I- Here she comes! Just keep testing, and remember: you never saw me.” Wheatley then made a quick dash to the left. Everypony then entered the next test area. “I went and spoke to the door mainframe. Let’s just say he won’t be… well, living anymore. Back to testing.” “Fluttershy.” I began. “Yes?” “Let’s do this test together, you and me.” “O-Okay, I’ll do my best.” “Thanks. And activate your P-Link with mine too.” “Right.” Fluttershy activates her P-Link connecting it with mine. I was about to fire a portal, until Twilight stopped me. “Hey, wait!” “Hm? What’s up Twilight?” “Have you guys noticed that chute?” Me and Fluttershy turn and look at the chute. “Huh, you’d think we would’ve seen that.” I then fired a blue portal on the wall the Light Bridge was touching and Fluttershy fires a portal on the wall in the water pit, causing the light bridge to appear under the chute. I then press the button and the cube falls and lands on the bridge. “Thanks for the save Twilight.” “Yeah, we didn’t even see the chute.” “No prob you guys.” “Alright Fluttershy, let’s move.” “Okay!” Me and Fluttershy jump onto the bridge and I grab the cube and we pass through the portal and we stop halfway across the bridge. I then fire a blue portal under on the platform where the entrance is and we walk back through and as we walk towards the door, everypony jumps down into the bridge to join us. “This was incredibly short compared to the others, I wonder why.” I said. “This was probably the room before her, ‘endgame’.” said Twilight. “I just hope Wheatley can get us out of here.” said Fluttershy. Hm, she was quiet almost the entire time. Poor girl, she was probably scared out of her mind, I thought. “Let’s just hurry up and get into the next room, can’t wait to see what Wheats got up his sleeve.” said Rainbow Dash. I put the cube on the button and the door opens. “Well done, in fact, you did so well, I’m going to note this on each of your files, in the commendations section. Oh, there’s a lot of room for all of you. And I’ve got to type this down on seven profiles. So this shouldn’t take long at all. ‘Did… well. … enough’.” Everypony hurried into elevator and arrived on the next floor. As we exited the elevator we instantly noticed a turret in front of us, making Fluttershy almost scream, but me and Rainbow Dash quickly shut her mouth. “Phew, Fluttershy, you’ve gotta stay quiet.” whispered Applejack. “So, how do we get past it?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Really? You seriously asked that?” I asked in a disappointed tone. I then walk up to the turret and tilt it over with my foot. “Ow ow ow ow.” Screamed the turret as it fell over and fired rounds at the floor. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that joke about gravity you made about them before.” “Of course you did.” Everypony then notices the red beam aimed at the wall. “Great, another turret.” said Twilight. “Don’t worry, I got it!” said Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then glared down the hall way and saw the turret. Before the turret had time to deploy its bullets, Rainbow Dash quickly fired a portal behind it and ducked back. Rainbow Dash then fired a blue portal on the wall in front of her and jumped right through hitting the turret, knocking it over. “Ouchy.” the turret quietly moaned as it fired rounds at the floor. Everypony then jumped through the portal and joined Rainbow Dash as they clinged to the wall. “Good job Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy complemented. “Thanks. Unfortunately there’s one turret left.” “Don’t worry, I’m on it!” I said excitedly. I then peered down the hallway and fired a portal above the turret and fired another portal on the floor in front me. “Banzaaaaiiii!” I yelled as I jumped down into the portal and landed on top of the turret. As soon as I land on the turret I hold it down as it unloads its round on the floor. “Critical error.” the Turret said quietly. The mane six quickly joined me. “Yeah! Take that turret! That’s for what happened two years ago!” “What happened two years ago?” Twilight asks. -2 years into the past- I walk into a test room and the lights are off, making the room pitch black. “Alright, so, what’s today’s test Princess Celestia?” “Today is a survival test.” “Sweet! Lez do dis!” “Alright, let the test… Begin!” The lights turn on revealing the seventeen turrets surrounding me. “Well… fu-” The turrets unleash there bullets. -Back in the present- “Umm… No reason.” I said rubbing the back of my head smiling sheepishly. “Oookay?” Rainbow Dash started with an awkward tone. “Let’s just continue on.” Everypony then proceeds up stairs and sees the two turrets facing each other. “Dang it!” I started. “A direct attempt is suicide. There’s gotta be someway to knock them down without getting ourselves killed.” Pinkie Pie then noticed a cube and picked it up. “Hey, maybe we can use this?” “How, did we, miss that?” I ask dumbfounded. “I dunno.” “Let me see it Pinkie, I have an idea.” said Twilight. “Okie Dokie Lokie.” Pinkie Pie handed the cube over to Twilight and she placed it on the ground and fired a blue portal under the cube and fires an orange portal over where the turret was standing. The cube then fell through the portal and hit the turret in the head and it tilted over. “Ouch!” the turret moaned slowly in agony as it unleashed its bullets into the floor. “Good one Twi!” said Rainbow Dash. “Now let me deal with that last one.” Rainbow Dash then fired a blue portal below her and an orange portal above her and jumped into the portal and landed on top of the turret and ducked quickly into the hallway as the turret fell on its side and started firing rounds. After the turret shut down everypony joins Rainbow Dash. “Heh, that really WAS fun.” Rainbow Dash said. “Ha! Told ya so.” I said. Everypony then moved down the hall and clinged to the wall instantly as soon as they saw three turrets in the room. “O-Okay, wh-what d-do we d-d-do?” stuttered Fluttershy barely able to form the sentence. “Um… Oh! Rainbow Dash, do you still have your portals active?” I asked. “Um…Yeah, why?” “Good, take down the orange one and fire another orange one at the far end of the room I have an idea.” “Got it!” Rainbow Dash held up her portal gun and deactivated her orange portal and fired it under the turret closes to the door. Causing it to fall into the previous room with its gun rounds and its moan of pain to be heard. “Good job Rainbow! Now it’s my turn.” I then run out of the room and grab a the cube that was laying next to the deactivated turret and ran back into the hallway. “What’re you gonna do with that?” asked Applejack. “Simple, I’m gonna solve this problem, army style.” I then get on my belly with my portal gun carrying the cube and I begin to crawl into the room and I knock down the first turret and it began to unload its round in the ceiling, causing the second turret to lock onto the cube and it began to fire its rounds at the cube. The seemingly endless rounds of bullets slowed me down slightly as I slowly pressed on being careful not to get shot. I finally reached the turret and I knocked it back causing it to fall on its side and it unleashed more rounds on the wall until it deactivated. I slowly stand up and wipe off my fore head. “Sheesh, just how many rounds do these things have?!” Everypony quickly joined me in the testing room. “That was awesome!” said Rainbow Dash. Awesome for you, scariest moment in my life. At least I don’t have to do it again, I thought. “That was well thought out.” Twilight started. “I didn’t know you were a strategist.” “I’m not.” I began rubbing the back of my head. “I saw some other pony use that tactic before all this mess happened. I just so happened to remember. I’m just glad it’s over.” “Are you alright?” asked Fluttershy. “Yeah, I’m good Flutter.” “Flutter huh?” Rainbow Dash snickered. “What? It’s short for Fluttershy.” “Oh, nothing.” Rainbow Dash responded trying her best not to laugh. “Well I think it’s a cute nickname.” said Fluttershy. “Thank you, at least you appreciate my nicknames.” I said crossing my arms. “Alright everypony, ah don’t mean to sound pushy, but ah think it’s time we moved forward.” Applejack said pointing to the door. “Right! Let’s go!” Twilight said. Everypony passed the emancipation grill only to find the path to the elevator was destroyed. “Woah, what do you think happened here?” asked Rainbow Dash. “GLaDOS, on her period.” I said laughing. Everypony just stared at me until I slowly stopped laughing. “Looks like the only way to go is down.” Twilight said. “Right! Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash said jumping down. Everypony followed suit and walked past two automatic doors and began to walk down a hallway. “To maintain a constant testing cycle, I stimulate daylight at all hours and add adrenal vapor to your oxygen supply. So you may be confused about the passage of time. The point is, yesterday was the anniversary of your princesses abandoning you. I thought you’d want to know.” “Is it me or is her voice losing what little emotion it had?” I asked. “She may be close to putting her plan into action.” Twilight responded. “Well, Wheatley does have a plan, so let’s just keep hoping for the best.” said Rainbow Dash. Everypony reached the end of the walkway and the floor panel lifted them up to the next test room. Everypony looks around the room in confusion until they all stare at Twilight. “Huh? What!? Why are you all staring at me?” “Well, you are an egghead.” Rainbow Dash stated. “And you did study with all the scientist.” Rarity added. “And basically, you pretty much know all of the stuff about theses test chamber that we don’t know about.” I said. “Well, from as far as I can tell, that laser powers those small laser conductors. So all we’ve gotta do is power them all.” Twilight explained. “Could we see a demonstration?” Rainbow Dash asked sheepishly. Twilight then let out a sigh. “Fine.” Twilight took the cube that was redirecting the laser and moved it carefully so that she was moving it down but still redirecting the laser. She kept moving down with the cube until it hit the first laser conductor. Twilight then fires a portal at the part of the wall that the laser was hitting and fired another portal in front of the last two laser conductors, causing the door to open. “Oooooooh.” said Everypony. “Now do you guys get it?” asked Twilight. “Yup, it seems easy enough.” said Rainbow Dash. “Alright. In the next test chamber, I want you to do it then Rainbow, think of it as a pop quiz.” “Aw, I hate pop quizzes!” Everypony then made there way to the elevator. “You know how I’m going to live forever, but you’re all going to be dead in sixty years? Well, I’ve been working on a birthday surprise for you all, since you all will probably never have another birthday ever again, I decided to give you all a present.” “Wow. Really?!” asked Pinkie Pie in excitement. “Well… more of a birthday medical procedure. Well. Technically, it’s a medical EXPERIMENT. What’s important is, it’s a present.” “True, that lady’s so evil, I’m surprised that she even GOT a present.” I said. “And I’m sure its something we all can go the rest of our lives without.” said Rainbow Dash. “I just hope its not what I think it is.” Twilight said nervously. Everypony then enters the elevator and they arrive on the next test area. “That jump suit you’re all wearing looks stupid.” “WHAT?!?!?” Rarity yelled. “That’s not me talking, its right here on your file. On other ponies it looks fine. But on you it looks ‘stupid’.” “I’ll have you know that MY jumpsuit is custom made. I couldn’t just wear those ugly orange jumpsuits they wanted us to wear.” “Hey!” I squeaked. “All of my clothes are hoof made. And trust me, this lady knows how to make clothes.” “Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion?” “Exactly.” Rarity replied. “Oh wait, it’s a she. Still, what does she know? Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!” “Grr!” Rarity growled with her face turning red. “Easy Rarity. She’s just trying to ruffle your fur.” I said. “Let’s just focus on getting out of here.” Rarity then let out a big sigh. “I guess you’re right.” Everypony walked down the hall until they saw the four turrets behind a light wall, causing everypony to freeze and Fluttershy to hide behind me. “W-Woah, th-those things gave me a scare.” Rainbow Dash stuttered. “I-I know, but, why aren’t they firing?” asked Twilight. “Well, in my… unfortunate years of testing with turrets, I know a thing or two about them.” I said. “The reason why they aren’t firing is because they use that red laser light to see. If they detect you with that red light, then they can track you and fire at you as long as you stay within there perimeter. So technically without that red light, they’re basically blind.” Me and Twilight take a quick look from behind the wall and see that the room is full turrets. The closest turret aims at my head and me and Twilight quickly duck behind the wall before it unloads its rounds. “W-Well, since you kn-know more about t-turrets, I-I think you should g-go.” Twilight said trying to calm herself down. “Fine by me. I have a personal score to settle with these things anyway.” I fired a portal on the part of the wall where the light bridge hit and fired another portal in front of the turret’s line of sight and I run up and cling to the wall where I put the portal. I then deactivate my portals and tip toe past the turret. “Is anyone there?” the turret asks. I then pick up the turret. “Oh yeah, someone’s here alright.” I slam the turret against the wall and stomp on it repeatedly. “Ha! Take that ya little freak!” I put a portal back against the light wall and I fire another portal on the wall in front of me and I shimmy next to one of the four turrets and I title the first one over with my foot and I quickly duck back behind the wall as they all tilt over and unload there rounds. “Yeah! I’m going man hunter on these turrets. Although, I guess under the circumstances I guess its turret hunter…. Hmm. I’ll have to think about that.” I then cling to the wall and shimmy to the edge and look past the wall to see multiple turrets in the room. “Damn, she went crazy with the turrets. I have to get this perfectly, one wrong move and the mane 6 will have to press on without me.” I then look back and see my two portals are still active and I look back into the room. “A direct approach is suicide, luckily I know the turrets inner most workings. Outsmarting them should be a snap.” I deactivate the blue portal and fire it at the wall under the security camera, leaving the path blocked off from the turrets line of sight. I bolt forward and launch my self from an Areal Faith Plate and I land on the other side of the room. I then cling to the wall on the platform in the center of the room and I take another look around the room and I notice a cube with four turrets guarding its perimeter. “Damn, they’ve got that covered too. It looks like I’ll have to attack from above.” I then look at the top of the platform. “If only I could get up there, then I’d have all the advantages I’d need.” I rub my chin for a few seconds and then a light bulb appears above my head. “Aha! That’s it!” I fire another blue portal on the upper wall causing the light bridge to cover the top platform. I then jump onto the Arial Faith Plate and I fly upward hitting the light bridge. I then run to the end of the walkway and I stare down at the four turrets. “Alright, I need to hit them fast and hard…I’m soooo gonna enjoy this.” I jump down and grab the cube and I spin in place knocking down the four turrets and as they hit the ground I quickly jumped off the platform before they unleashed there rounds, and I ducked down until they stopped. I then picked up the cube again and placed it on the button on the center. The door then opened and to my horror, there were two turrets directly behind the door and as soon as I ran they unleashed there bullets. As I quickly ducked behind the wall to my right, having a bullet graze my arm. “Damn it! That was close, I really need to be more careful.” I then canceled my portals and I fired a blue portal on the wall in front of me and I fired a portal next to the two turrets. I then slowly stepped into the portal and kicked the two turrets down and I quickly jumped back through the portal and canceled them before the turrets unleashed there rounds. “Phew, that was a little too close.” I then walk back to the mane 6. “Alright ladies. The room’s all clear, we can now move freely.” “Good, great job.” Twilight said. “Are you okay though?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, we heard alooot of rounds go off.” added Rainbow Dash. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. Although I’ll admit that one of those turret’s bullet grazed my arm.” “Did it break the skin?!” Fluttershy asked almost scared. “Heh heh, no Flutter, it just grazed me. Trust me, I don’t need another bandage on me.” I then looked up to see the strand “Speaking of which, I forgot that this thing was on me entirely.” I then begin to unwrap the cloth and let it drop to the floor. “Are you sure that you’re alright?” Fluttershy asked. “Yes, mom. I’m okay, don’t worry.” Everypony laughed and we continued to the elevator. “Hay David.” “What do ya want GLaDOS?” “I’m going through a list of test subjects in cryogenic storage. And I managed to find two with your last name. A boy and a girl, one’s a Pegasus and the other’s an Earth Pony.” “And I should care…why?” “I just thought it was interesting. It’s a small world.” “Right, I could’ve gone my whole life not knowing that.” Everypony then enters the elevator and arrives on the next floor. “I have a surprise for you all after this next test. Telling you would spoil the surprise, so I’ll give you all a hint: It involves two people you haven’t seen in a long time.” Pinkie Pie then let out a loud and long gasp. “Calm yourself Pinkie, there is no surprise.” “Huh? Really?” “Yes, knowing GLaDOS, the surprise is probably her ‘end game’ move. So let’s hope Wheatley comes through. Before it’s too late.” Everypony walks into the test area and sees a red laser coming out of a vent. “Uhh, what is that?” asked Rarity. “10 bits on it being a turret.” replied Rainbow Dash. “Something tells me you’d win that bet. Alright ladies, lets just jump over it and try not to trigger it.” I said. “Okie Dokie Lokie!” Everypony then slowly approached the red laser and jumped over it without setting the turret off. Everypony then takes a look around the test room and sees turrets lined up after each other. “Seriously! What is up with all these freaking turrets?!?!” I yelled in frustration. “What do we do now?” asks Fluttershy. “We can’t get past that without getting really hurt.” I look at the button in the room and I step on it causing a laser to hit the ground. An evil smile slowly formed on my face. “Not entirely my dear little Flutter. Not entirely.” “Dude, what are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked giving me a weird look. “Watch this.” I then fired a portal on the wall in front of the turret and I fire a portal on the part of the ground that the laser was touching and the laser moves through the portal and it slowly blows through the three turrets in the row. “See? No problem at all.” “But what about the last three?” asked Twilight. I scratch my chin and I look around the room. “Aha! I’ve got an idea! Twilight, stand on this button for me.” “Uh, okay?” Twilight stand on the button keeping the laser active and I run off and grab the discouragement redirection cube and put it in front of the laser and I use the laser to slowly destroy one turret after another until the exit was empty. I then put the cube in front of the laser platform which powered the door and I ran back to the mane 6 with another cube on my portal gun. “Alright Twilight, you can get off now.” Twilight hopped off the button and I placed the cube on the button. “Man, these past few test chambers have been great for me. I’m getting soooo much sweet revenge on these portals.” “You sure ya don’t wanna share what these turrets did to ya?” Applejack asked. “Trust me, I’d rather not talk about it.” “Are you sure?” Fluttershy asks. “Talking will make you feel better.” “Trust me Flutter, what I’m doing to these turrets is making me feel better already. Let’s just move onto the elevator.” Everypony trots off to the elevator and as we approach the elevator GLaDOS begins to hum ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow.’. “Is she humming?” I asked as everypony entered the elevator. “I think so.” Twilight replied. “It’s freaking me out.” “Same here.” said Rarity. “I dunno guys, I like her humming. And besides, everypony should be in a good mood, even if they’re psychotic killer robots.” “Sure, Pinkie. Sure.” I replied. The elevator comes to a stop and Everypony makes there way to the test room and we all stop as soon as we reach the test room. “Uhh…okay. And how the heck are we supposed to solve this!?” I asked looking around the room. “Hmm…I think I might know.” said Twilight as she fires a portal in front of the light bridge and fires another portal on the white part of the wall that’s closest to the button. Twilight then trotted through the portal and moved the cube out of the way of the laser, causing the platform at the back of the room to move up. “Aha! I see.” Twilight then fired a portal on the white square on the wall that was next to her and she grabbed the cube and brought it through the portal and placed the cube directly in front of the laser platform, cutting off the lasers contact and causing the platform to lower. “Everypony onto that platform!” Twilight then jumped off the light platform and joined the rest of the group and as everypony made it onto the platform, Twilight cancelled the portals cutting off the light bridge and causing the cube to fall on the button. The platform then began to raise and the door to the elevator was opened. “I’ll bet you all thought I forgot about your surprise. I didn’t. In fact, we’re headed to your group surprise right now. After all this time, I’m getting chocked up just thinking about it.” Everypony gulps heavily and enters the elevator. END OF CHAPTER 3 ------------------------------------ Yo! What up Everypony! Now, I'm really sorry this took so long. And as you can obviously tell, I gots me a new monitor. That old piece of junk finnaly died on me and I got a new one. And I gotta say, it's a pretty badass apple monitor. Anyway, enjoy the new chapter and I'll see you all next chapter. Later. Oh and by the by, thanks for the support. I really didn't expexct this to be like as much as it it now. So thanks for the love and support, and like I said I'll see you next chap. later.