Guess this is happening

by Silver Butcher

Better than the worst

"...and then she just exploded into pink dust and turned into this," Applejack said in confusion as she motioned to the Heart-shaped gem on the table, After the incident outside she and Big Mac had carefully picked it up and moved it into their home, Big Mac was outside at the moment combing through the orchard to make sure there were no other weird gem things hiding in the trees, meanwhile Applejack was asking Granny smith if she'd ever seen or heard about something like this before, mainly cause she didn't know if walking around with it would attract attention from more of them.
"Hmm..."Granny said as she looked at it, Applebloom, who had been listening to Applejack's story from the other side of the table, walked over and rubbed her chin as Granny poked at the rock with her hoof "I have no idea what this is," Granny decided with a nod "Can't say I know any stories about living gems or creatures that turn into gems when they die," Applejack sighed,
"Guess I better go get Twi-"
"I have an idea!" Applebloom suddenly cried out making her two family members jump "What if it's a Golem?" AJ and Granny smith thought the idea over.
"That's a theory," Granny said as she looked at it "It could be that this gem was used as a catalyst to make a Golem almost entirely out of magic," Applejack nodded as she followed along with the thought.
"Witch is why she exploded into pink dust," She said "but that doesn't explain why it was in one of our trees," While Granny and AJ tried to solve that mystery Applebloom picked up the Gem and rubbed it.
"Maybe it works like a Genie lamp," She said.
"Applebloom don't be-" Granny was interrupted when the Gem started glowing. "Hit the deck!" She yelped as she did just that, Applejack and Applebloom watched as the Gem flew into the air, a White silhouette formed before snapping into Spinel, who proceeded to fall onto the table.
"oh, I hated that," She said as she removed a fork from her back. "Wait why am I in a-" Applejack tackled Spinel and pinned her to the floor "Ow," Spinel complained as Applejack looked her in the eye.
"Alright you rock thing, I want answers,"
"I probably don't have any," Spinel replied as she enlarged her hand and picked Applejack up and placed her on the other side of the room, "Though that said I would like answers as well"
"You can't just-" Applejack was cut off when Granny Smith got up.
"Alright calm down," She said as she walked over to Spinel "I apologize for her behavior, we've been having some trouble with critters as of late and it's really getting to her, now why don't I put on a pot of tea and we all just sit down and talk?"
"I think I can live with that," Spinel said with a shrug before looking over at Applejack "Just don't stab me with your hooves again,"
"That was an accident,"

"That's it?" Applejack asked after hearing Spinel's very short story.
"Yup fell asleep, woke up in your tree, got murdered," Spinel said simply before taking a sip of her tea, without much afterthought she decided to keep the, I also turned into a fictional character, part to herself as the creatures before her where also fictional characters and she didn't wanna be the ones to break there own knowledge of reality.
"Alright, where do you live then?" Applejack asked, "We'd be happy to give you directions,"
"Judging from...basic things I've noticed just from looking around...I'm a say that I'm either on the wrong planet or wrong reality,"
"Why can't things just have easy solutions?" Applejack mumbled before getting up "Well as the mare who technically killed you I guess It's only fitting I'm the one that helps you get home?"
"No need," Spinel said simply as she finished her tea. "I was like one bad day away from losing my job, and let's just say I don't think saying I was stuck in the wrong reality will convince my boss to not fire me, I think I'll just live here," There was a moment of silence before she added "Not, you know, literally here I'm not gonna try and steal your house or anything,"
"Yeah no, I got what you meant," Applejack said "But the least I can do is offer you a place to sleep, we got an emergency room in the upper part of the barn for surprise visits from family, it's not the best place to sleep, but it's better than just leaving you to sleep on the streets,"
"I think I can live with better than the worst," Spinel said, shacking Applejack's hoof to accept the deal.
"Alright I've got some work that needs doing, but once that's all said and done I'll give you the tour of ponyville, and just as a heads up, you don't have a job by weeks end your gonna either gonna help around the farm or help one of my friends to pay rent,"
"at least the first week is free," Spinel said "Better than most get," Applejack tipped her hat and headed out, Granny Smith had fallen asleep in a rocking chair, leaving Spinel alone with Applebloom, who was sitting in silence.
"I shall leave now," Spinel said as she got up "I'm gonna go take a nap and hope I don't wake up in another reality," Spinel made to leave when Applebloom spoke up.
"Do you grant wishes," Spinel looked back at her with a raised brow
"That is not a question I was expecting," Spinel turned around and pointed at herself, squishing her face with her large finger as she did so "I am a Spinel, I was made to be someone bestest friend in the whole wide world," She smiled, having decided that since she was Spinel it wasn't technically wrong to steal the backstory of the characters "And then my bestest friend in the world abandoned me and I went crazy and tried to kill her son," Spinel stood up "And then I tried to kill his planet, then he talked me out of it, then I had a panic attack and decided he was trying to trick me and tried to kill him and his planet again before I talked myself down, then things exploded and then I left the Planet with three giant ladies," Spinel bowed "That is my backstory, no questions will be answered, have a good day," Spinel turned to leave and was immediately followed by Applebloom.
"How'd you attempt to kill a planet?"
"Bio Poison, a Glowing Scythe, and a horn." Applebloom was about to ask another question when Spinel raised her hand and curled her hand into a horn and proceeded to blow into it "Horn," She repeated as she made her way to the barn, Applebloom asking an endless stream of questions along the way