//------------------------------// // She Said her Name was Belle // Story: She Said her Name was Belle. // by Sunset Awesomness17 //------------------------------// It was a cool night tonight, with a light breeze lightly brushing the trees. The buzz of the day had died down and the city was quiet, not a sound seemed to disturb it. Most everyone was in their homes, warm, and snug in their respectful beds or maybe up late gaming, watching a movie. But not everyone, for one girl was walking up the darkened sidewalk as she looked onward, blindly seeing. Not really looking to where she was going, but thinking deeply in her mind. She wore black boots, jeans, and a hoodie that had the name “Sunset Shimmer” on the back. A girl with golden amber skin, red and golden hair, and beautiful cyan eyes. No, she had no intention of being home, she needed a moment to think to herself about the past few weeks. She had always came this way whenever she needed a breath of air or to get away from the rest of the world......well worlds. She was headed to a darkened forest. A place at the edge of the city. It behold such great beauty within, especially at night, and it was always quiet. Which is why Sunset liked it. She doesn't usually go very far into the forest, for she didn’t want to get lost, but tonight she didn’t care. She needed to get away. Away from the city. From the school. From them, her “friends”. Sunset is not at all an innocent being and does not claim to be. She has definitely done things that maybe she shouldn’t have. Things that took a toll in her life without her realizing it. But it’s not the same when you truly are innocent. She knew full well that she did not tell anyone about Applejack’s nickname. Piggly Wiggly? She didn’t even care! Like it wasn’t important enough for her to give full thought to, but somehow stuff got shot up into the internet, things that she may never understand how they got there, and her friends immediately turn to her and say she’s the one. Of course it did not happen THAT fast. No, it took another “Anon-A-Miss” post. Something about Rarity’s burn closet that the girls had played around with. It was a slumber party at Rarity’s house that day. And that was one of the activities that took place. Well Sunset had taken photos to savor the moment. Those picture found their way to the internet as well. After that her friends confronted her, blaming her, through her out of their group, and basically belittles her. The student body also followed with the blame as well. For some reason the account was targeting various kids in the school. Sunset became the target of getting bullied. She felt as though it was Karma for how she was a few months ago, but still. She couldn’t stand the constant beating, name calling, shoving in the halls, and whatever other little petty things the school would through at her. Even the principals thought it was her. They too even take part in some of the action. So Sunset, not even watching where she was going, enters the forest, blindly going deep into the forest. After walking several feet into the woody area, she stops in the middle of it all, and stops. She still doesn’t look at her surroundings, nor does she care. She drops to the ground and breaks down in tears. Her body shakes as she sobs into her arms, clutching the long sleeves of her hoodie as she cried. Then she felt heard the sound of a twig breaking. Her crying immediately ceased and she picked her head up to see what it was. It was hard to tell, but across from her she could see what appeared to be a little girl standing behind a tree, facing the ground. She looked about eight and she wore a raggedy pink dress and dirty matching pink slippers. A chill ran down Sunset’s spin as she continued to look at the girl. As she raised her eyes toward the girl’s face, she immediately gained a sick feeling in her stomach and a had goosebumps crawling up her arms. Even though the girl’s head was facing the ground, she couldn’t shake the feeling that the girl was seeing her. The girl’s hair seemed as if she had been rolling in the dirt. It was dirty and matted. That’s when she noticed the air around her. It was suddenly a chilling cold, and the wind had picked up. For some reason she moved toward the girl, and that’s when she moved for the first time. She slowly lifted her head, facing Sunset. What Sunset saw was nothing of what she expected. The girl had a normal look about her, she had a small pair of lips, her skin was a little pale, but then again so was Rarity and Sweetie Belle. The girl had a little nose too. The only thing was she couldn’t see her eyes. The girl had long straight dark hair that covered the area were her eyes are supposed to be. Sunset reminded herself to keep her ground, because although the girl seemed pretty normal, she still had no idea who she was or how she even got there. Doing the only thing she could think of, she decides to ask the girl a question. Maybe she was lost. “Hi, what are you doing there?” The girl blinked at Sunset, but she does not answer her. Feeling her anxiety starting up, she could felt something weird. Something she couldn’t understand at the moment. “What’s you name?” At first, she didn’t think the girl would answer. Then she heard a soft “Belle” come from the girl. It was a sweet innocent voice. Sunset was astonished that the girl even answered, but she also felt her stomach start to churn. She still couldn’t put a finger on what she was feeling but she knew that whatever it was must be a warning of some type, because her ears began to ring. “Can you help me? I lost my mommy.” The girl continued. Sunset suddenly felt a feeling of forbidding, but she pushed it down. She didn’t want to let the girl be lost in the forest, like she may be a botch but she wasn’t like that. If the girl needed help, then she was to help her out. “Okay, do you know where your mommy last was?” I asked. She looked behind her and pointed to somewhere behind her. “Over there.” She says. Sunset nods her head and follows the girl into the forest. As they walk, she notices that the wind started to pick up, the air around them grew chillier, and a thick fog began to fall upon the earth. They walked for a little while until they came to a clearing where the trees opened up to reveal a very old two story home. It looked as if it was abandoned, but it was clear that something occupied it, for there were lights eliminating all throughout the house. All the windows were broken, the walls looked ready to cave in. It didn’t look safe, but the girl kept on toward the house. “Wait, where are you going? I thought you said you lost your mom?” Sunset asked the little girl. The Belle paused for a moment, and though she didn’t face Sunset, she could feel eyes on her. “Oh, I did. But you’ve been out for a long time, and you looked sad so I thought we could take a little break. I’m sure Mommy will find me.” She says. Continuing into the house. Sunset followed her all the way to the door and stopped. For some reason she got a feeling of dread, but again, she decided to ignore the red flags going off in her head. Plus, she didn’t want to upset the little girl, something told her that, that would not be pretty. So she forced her way in, and she got a whiff of a disgusting smell. Something that she couldn’t detect. She began to feel a heavy dizziness. As she fell to the floor, she saw the dark black eyeless sockets of the girl’s face before she blacked out. Sunset awakened the house that she had followed Belle in. It was completely dark now aside from the moonlight. The air was ice cold and she could hear her brain screaming at her to get up and run. But before she could even get up, she saw a small human-like figure not far from her. She could see the outline of Belle and even though it was dark, she could see crooked smile spread across the girl’s lips. “Hello, Sunnyyyy.” The girl says in a deep voice. Sunset didn’t even waist time, she jumped up, not caring about anything and turned and ran out the door to see the rotting flesh of an middle aged woman above her head, hung on a tree. She too had the same sick smile on her face. Sunset didn’t stop, in fact she sped up her pace, running as fast as her legs can take her. “GIVE ME YOUR EYES!!!” The little girl growled behind her, chasing after Sunset. Sunset didn’t look back, she didn’t slow down, she kept on. As she neared the end of the forest, she saw the woman The was hung in the way of her path. Smiling at her, “Where you going sweetheart? Why don’t you have some tea with me?” She says, showing a tea cup in her hand and splashing it a little to the ground. Even in the dark, Sunset knew it wasn’t tea. No matter how scary the woman looked, she kept on, forcing her nerves down her throat and pushed the woman aside with all her strength, feeling the rotten flesh go straight through her hands. The woman screamed in agony as Sunset pulled her hand out, not even caring about the disgusting maggots that came with it and kept running. As she got out of the forest, she showed ok her hands to rid of the maggots, and hoped on her motorcycle that she had parked a bit of ways from the forest. As she started it, she could see Belle from the corner of her eye, coming out as well. Just as she started up the motor and backed away, Belle grabbed her by her chest and lifted her up a few feet in the air, causing Sunset to squeak, frightened at the movement. The girl opened her mouth to reveal a nasty black whole with a ratchet smell of rotten flesh and black smoke coming out. Sunset didn’t even think, she kicked the girl away, throwing the girl off of her. She fell to the ground and forced herself to get up, got in her bike and ride off as fast as she could. As she got into town, she heard a familiar siren being heard from behind her. She didn’t even look at what it was, and forced herself to slow to a stop. As the police officer got out of his vehicle, Sunset looked around her. Checking her surroundings. Making sure she was safe. She looked at the officer to see the man looking at her with a grim face. “Do you realize how fast you were going?” “No, but I’m sure you’d tell me.” Sunset said, annoyed at him for his questioning. He groaned and wrote on his book. “Ugh, you’ll receive a warning, but don’t let t happen again!” He warned. Giving her the ticket and getting back in his car before he sped off. Sunset rolled her eyes and kept on, making sure to check her surroundings before she did so. “Sunset?!” “Sunset!” “SUNSET!” Sunset jerked awake for the second time to see that she was in school. She saw Gilda and her crew with bats and soccer balls in their hands, all around her, all wearing angry glares. But Sunset didn’t care, she jumped up and squealed. “YESSS! IM ALIVE!!! IM ALIVE!” And she began crying and laughing at the same time while pulling at her hair as she did so. The group before her looked at each other in fear, which only made Sunset laugh and even louder. To Sunset it was both a blessing and a horror that it was only a dream. All she cared about though, was that she was safe. For now at least.