What It Means To Be A Dragon

by FluttershyLover55

Chapter Two:While You Were Away

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Chapter 2-While You Were Away

"Excellent!" Luna shouted, in the 'Royal Canterlot' voice, nearly blowing Spike off of his feet. She blushed, and said in a much quieter, normal voice, "Sorry."

When his eyes had stopped rolling around in his head, Spike replied, "It's all right." Then, Spike remembered something important. "Oh no! I forgot to close the Library, and leave a note for Twilight! Luna, do you have a quill and some paper anywhere?"

Normally, he would have referred to her by her full title, but since they were on closer terms now, he figured that it was all right to call her by her first name. The Princesses didn't really care about that sort of thing for the most part, but nearly everypony called them by their full title, out of respect.

Luna smiled, and chuckled lightly. "'Tis no problem, for I have the supplies that you require. I can take care of the Library, as well, Spike."

A blank scroll with a quill pen surrounded by midnight blue, floated over to the dragon, and he snatched them out of the alicorn's magical grasp. Spike quickly scribbled a note to Twilight, informing her of his secret business mission. He left out what it was about, or any other details. After making sure it was legible, the dragon took a breath and exhaled, causing emerald flames to lick hungrily at the parchment, until it was consumed. The smoke it became, drifted out the open window.

Luna closed her eyes, and concentrated on the tree library. Several ponies passing by, jumped back, as the Library door slammed shut, and the sign flipped around to 'Closed'. A few seconds later, the note appeared on the table, next to Spike's uneaten nachos.

"There, the Library is now, closed." Luna announced.

"Thank you, Luna. What do we do next?" At the end of Spike's sentence, his stomach rumbled.

"Next, we should order some food to my room. I would take you to the dining hall, but I do not wish for my sister to know that you are here."

"All right, that makes sense."

A voice from outside interrupted their conversation. "Are you all right, dear Sister? I thought, that I heard voices."
The knob slowly turned, signaling that somepony was about to come in. Spike quickly dove under Luna's bed, hidden by its frame and mattress, as Celestia entered the room.

"No, uh, of course not, Sister. I was just, talking to myself."


It had been early evening when they got back, and now, it was nighttime. Twilight paced back and forth across the floor of her library home, worried out of her mind.

"Wherever Spike is, he's gonna get it, when he comes back! I told him, not to leave the Library. Not only that, but he didn't finish his chores!" Twilight was aggravated, but after thinking for a moment, she lightened up a bit. "Oh, who am I kidding? He wouldn't leave, unless something happened to him. I just hope, that he's all right!"

She didn't feel like cooking anything, so she heated up the nachos that she assumed Spike had left for her, earlier, and ate them. When she approached the table, she heard a crackling noise. Twilight looked down at the floor, and noticed a scroll under her front left hoof.

"Huh, it must have fallen from the table." Twilight reasoned, levitating the now, lavender coated parchment, up to her face. Her eyes widened, as they scanned the words written on the paper, and it fell from her magic grip onto the table. "This is suspicious. I wonder what kind of business Spike would have, with the Princesses? I need to go talk to them, in the morning." Twilight sighed, before trotting upstairs to their shared room.

She got into bed, and tried to get some sleep. It was going to be a LONG night.


From his view under the bed, all he could see was both princesses' hooves and the shoes on them.

"Luna, please, don't lie to me. I heard the whole thing."

A golden glow surrounded Spike's tail, dragging him out of his hiding place.

"Uh…heh, heh. Hello, Princess." He greeted, nervously.

"Good evening, Spike."

"Celestia, I can explain! Don't be mad!" Princess Luna tried to diffuse the situation.

"I'm not mad, only disappointed that you tried to hide this from me. I know what you were trying to do, and I will allow you to do this, on one condition."

"What would that be?"

"He can't go in, alone." Celestia ordered.

"Somepony has to go with him?" Luna asked, in surprise.

"No, we just need to get in his head." Celestia smiled, before a blue glow surrounded him.

A thud was heard, as the dragon hit the floor.

"I'm sorry, Spike."