How to say Goodbye

by Piemaster128

Chapter 1: Every beginning must lead to an end…

77 years after ‘How to Date a Princess…’

Luna, I hate that beeping…Flash thought as the endless beeping of his heart monitor slowly woke him from his sleep once again. He knew why he needed it, but it was still annoying. If only Tempest was still around to smash the damn thing, or at least the part that wouldn’t stop BEEPING…
Well, at least his IV was quiet.
Slowly, Flash cracked his eyes open. Blinking twice, he smiled as the perfect view outside his hospital window slowly came into focus. An old tree was planted right next to the window and covered some of the landscape, but Flash actually liked it better that way. It framed the horizon, almost like a postcard. The billowy white fluff that covered the tree this spring was…pretty. Nice. Calming. Every now and then, a breeze would gather some of the seeds and blow them across the window like snow.
He was glad he had lived long enough to see it bloom this one final time.
Flash knew it would be his final time. He could almost sense his hours depleting as he lay there, the afternoon sun gently casting the room in an orange light. How he would miss the sun…
But it wasn’t time. Not just yet. Not until he finished his final mission. And until it was time to complete that mission, he may as well take a trot down memory lane.
His eyes left the window and slowly fell on his bedside table, onto the large golden book that was lying there. The cover held a family photo of himself, Twilight, and their two daughters all smiling happily at the camera.
How he loved that photo.
Flash reached over and grabbed the book, sliding it off the table and onto his lap. He then gave the button on his bed railing a push, causing the top of the bed to raise him into a more upright position. Once he was settled, he gave the front image one last smile before opening the book.
The first image he saw was his favorite. Him in a sharp purple, blue, and orange suit decorated to look like his formal guard uniform, and Twilight is the most stunning wedding dress in existence. A smooth white dress with star shaped amethysts scattered down its length. And that was only the beginning of Rarity’s amazing design.
For one thing, she had managed to design the dress so it looked like Twilight was wearing a small golden torc around her neck. It even had an amethyst in the shape of Twilight’s cutie mark sitting in the center, giving it even more of a regal appearance. Rarity had also added a large white bow on the back, and two white fabric flowers over Twilight’s cutie mark, each with an amethyst in the center. The dress’s trim was purple and pink to match the stripes of her mane, and had two ribbons that traces around the back, one in each color. And to finish it off, Twilight wore four golden shoes, had a veil attached to a golden crown that had been pulled back to gently drape over her smooth, flowing mane, and was smiling with such an inner light that not even Pinkie could have outdone her.
Even now, all these years later, she still looked like a perfect angel.
His angel.
Twilight had changed quite a bit since that photo was taken. She was taller now then she had been all those years ago, standing only a bit shorter than Princess Luna used to be. Her body, and legs especially, had gotten thinner and more graceful, giving her this truly amazing air of beauty and power. Her mane had also gained a bright yellow stripe next to her pink one some years back, thought Flash couldn’t remember exactly when.
Yet she was still perfect…
Flash chuckled as he turned the page and saw the picture of a very drunken Tempest grinning up at the camera from the floor. Despite the rough first impression, she had turned out to be an incredible guard and somehow even better aunt to his daughters.
He flipped ahead a few pages until he found the first photo of his older daughter, Breaking Dawn. She was wrapped in a blanket, staring at the camera with all the curiosity of a newborn. She was purple, like her mother, though she had his mane color streaked with a pink and purple stripe. Her eyes were the perfect purple color, just like her mother’s.
She was also an alicorn, just like Flurry Heart. An excitable little alicorn who loved art and music and who had been responsible for some of the best, if most chaotic, moments in his life. Watching her grow and mature into the wonderful princess she was now would always be some of his most cherished memories.
How time flies. Dawn was so much taller now, taller than Twilight had been at her age. She might be taller that Celestia in a few decades. Yet there she was, a small little filly in the hospital room…
She would always be his little filly.
There were a few pictures more in the hospital, then one of her trying to eat the carpet of the castle, then Tempest entertaining her with little fireworks. On and on the memories went until he skipped ahead again, arriving at one of Dawn’s favorite images: the day when she had gotten her cutie mark. The photo showed an extremely excited Dawn pointing at her flank for the camera as she bounced in place, her wings buzzing happily. The wonderful mark on her flank was that of an artist’s canvas with a harp painted in the center, a quill and a brush crossing behind the canvas, her symbol as the Alicorn of Creativity.
The perfect mark for the perfect little artist.
Skipping ahead again, Flash found an image of her just recently taken. She was standing next to Twilight, making a silly face as they celebrated Hearth’s Warming one last time. The top of Dawn’s head brushed Twilight’s chin, and the angle of the picture highlighted her thin body and slender legs and just gave her this air of grace and liveliness.
She was a sight to behold, and given all that she had accomplished so far, Flash knew she would continue to do great things long after he was gone.
Smiling, he flipped back through the book, stopping at the first image of his younger daughter, Soothing Night. The picture showed Soothing, with Flash’s orange coat and Twilight’s purple mane with dark blue and light yellow streaks, peacefully sleeping in Twilight’s forelegs, her face blissfully calm. Her eyes, though not open in this image, were a deep, dark blue, like an ocean hiding some wonderful lost secret…
Like Dawn, Soothing was born an alicorn, something that Dawn had been beyond excited for. In the picture, an ecstatic Dawn was sitting on Twilight’s bed, staring at her baby sister with a smile bright enough to light up anypony’s day and eyes sparkling with mirth. Flash distinctly remembered Dawn saying how she was going to teach her new sister how to fly and do magic and bake and everything else that came to the top of her mind. It was adorable, and lasted for nearly an hour until Dawn had passed out on the hospital bed.
Their next image of Soothing involved Dawn carrying her out of the hospital on her back, happily chanting ‘I have a sister! I have a sister!’ in the adorably musical way she did. Then there was Soothing watching in fascination as Twilight performed a simple levitation spell, the little filly’s eyes locked on to her mother’s horn like it was the most amazing thing in the world. Then there was the image of her trying to eat one of her picture books.
Such a curious filly she had been.
Skipping ahead again, he arrived back at Dawn’s cutie mark picture. Despite their difference in age, Soothing had earned her cutie mark the exact same day and her individual photograph had been pasted on the opposite page. In it, an excited Dawn could be seen flying in the background as Soothing showed off her cutie mark to the camera, posing almost like a movie star might for a poster. Soothing’s cutie mark was that of a book with a music note being pulled out of a bookcase, showing her status as the Alicorn of Knowledge.
Below Soothing’s image was one of his girls together, each hugging the other happily as they showed off their marks for the camera, their smiles as wide as they could possibly go. At the bottom corner of the picture was a small note written by his little fillies.
‘Without my sister, I would never be the pony I am today.’
Flash smiled every time he read that message. His fillies had discovered their cutie marks together, each sister helping the other realize just where their own talent lay. To both them and to Flash, the fact that they had earned their cutie marks in such a way was a symbol of their bond as sisters and a demonstration of how much more they could accomplish as a team. They were better together, and Flash knew they would always have each other’s backs.
He could still faintly hear that beautiful song they had performed that day…
He flipped forward the Hearth’s Warming party again, this time looking at Soothing as she tried not to laugh at Dawn's ridiculous faces. The angle of the photo clearly showed that Soothing stood a few inches shorter than her sister, her head only reaching her sisters chin at best. If Flash looked closely, he could still that small, barely noticeable scar above her left eye. Compared to her sister and mother, Soothing's body was also much more muscular and well-toned, giving her an air of power even as her cheeks turned red from suppressed laughter.
Flash always felt better knowing that his two fillies would always be there to watch out for one another, and that Dawn would always be there to make Soothing laugh should she ever become too engrossed in her work.
Pausing from his memories, Flash glanced up at the clock above the door. He only had about half an hour before his family arrived. How time flies when you’re browsing through your memories.
Skipping back again, he looked over of more pictures involving his girls. Dawn wearing a carved watermelon as a soldier's helmet, Soothing riding a giant dog made of ice and magic, the two of them climbing on his head to try and be a hat, both of them sleeping peacefully under Twilight’s wing after a intense game of teleportation tag that had thrown him and Tempest into a panic as they tried to keep up.
So many memories.
The images began to space out as the girls got older, but all the important ones were there. Their first flights, their new spells, Dawn’s latest works of art and Soothing’s latest research projects, Dawn covered in paint after something in her workshop exploded…somehow, Soothing posing with her ice wolf she had named Snowflake.
On and on they went.
Flash couldn’t help but stop and smile as he got to the pages with the gold trim. These were perhaps the proudest moments in his life.
The first images involved Dawn’s coronation. It was held in Canterlot, with Twilight standing at front of the hall with Celestia and Cadence to her right and Luna and Flurry Heart to her left. Dawn was walking up to meet her, wearing a flowing purple dress with a blue ribbon tracing along the back. The dress had small blue bows as well, and she wore purple shoes to complete the look.
Behind her walked six identical song mares singing of Dawn’s accomplishments, each with a blonde mane and a white coat. Each wore a saddle that held a large purple banner with Dawn’s cutie mark on it. Flash could still her them singing as Dawn approached her mother, could still feel the liquid pride dripping down his cheeks as Twilight gave a short speech praising her before presenting her with a golden crown with five amethysts. Could still visualize Soothing running out to hug her and congratulate her once she had been crowned.
Dawn had shown the world that she was a princess, just like Flash always knew she would.
Then came Soothing’s images a year later, though her coronation was a bit more complicated. Rather than wear a dress, she was wearing a specialized suit of armor she had personally made herself. It was a deep blue, like ice, yet was decorated with various purple accents that matched the color of her sister’s fur. She was looking ahead with a confident smile that gave her an air of power and sophistication.
Twilight and the other princesses stood where they had last year, only this time, each was joined by the head of their guard, save for Dawn, who stood next to Twilight on the opposite side compared to Flash. Instead of singers, Soothing was followed by six guards each bearing Soothing's cutie mark on their chest-plates, with Tempest Fizzlepop walking by her side.
Flash could still hear the rhythmic clanking as they arrived at the front of the room. Could still see Twilight smile as she congratulated Dawn and presented her a crown with five sapphires along the top, which fit perfectly into a small grove on Soothing’s helmet. Could still feel his own legs move as he and Dawn moved forward to take Twilight’s place and Soothing removed her helmet as she knelt down before them.
Soothing hadn’t just been crowned a princess that day. She had also been sworn in as the first Guard Captain of the recently formed ‘Dawn Guard,’ a division assigned to keep her sister safe. Using a custom sword Luna had helped Flash create, Dawn had knighted Soothing before presenting her with said sword. It had been enchanted with ice magic, Soothing specialty, which she had then named ‘Nix.’
The best image of this group was when Dawn was knighting Soothing, both of them having these small yet sure smiles that showed just how happy they were to be following their dreams.
Soothing had worked so hard in order to obtain that title as Princess/Guard Captain, and Flash couldn’t be prouder of all the work she put in to meet her goal.
Flash took a minute to wipe the liquid pride from his eyes as he smiled at the images. He then made sure to spend a minute flipping back and forth between Dawn’s coronation and Soothings Coronation/Knighting. These were the images he wanted to make sure he had memorized up until the very end.
Once he was sure he wouldn’t forget his little fillies best moments, he flipped the page and began to look at the photos of his fillies families.
Dawn’s husband, Thrilling Tale, came first, and the first image showed him and Dawn upside-down in a tree, reading one his earlier books together. Thrilling was a short red pegasus with a green, gold, and purple mane, orange eyes, and a cutie mark in the shape of a blue writer’s desk. He was a fiction writer Dawn had met at an artist/writer’s convention, and he and Dawn had become inseparable almost immediately. Flash was particularly impressed with the fact that he managed to keep up with Dawn’s endless energy, but could also be a steady, calming force whenever her anxiety got the best of her.
Like her mother, Dawn sometimes struggled with the stresses of being a princess and an artist, but Thrilling Tale was a natural at finding ways to help her. He brewed her tea when she couldn’t sleep, listened to her vent about her artist’s block, and always had a joke or ridiculous pun ready to brighten her stressful day. He even came up with the idea of calling her occasional panic attacks ‘Dawnings,’ (copied from Pinkie’s use of ‘Twilighting,’ no doubt), and Dawn found it so silly that it often calmed her down right on the spot.
Flash smiled at the picture in the bottom corner of the page. He couldn’t remember who had taken it, but they deserved a cupcake or something for such a perfectly timed shot. It showed Dawn and Thrilling in Dawn’s art studio, sitting against a toppled statue Dawn had been working on. There were tear marks on Dawn’s cheeks, but she had her head thrown back, cackling with joy at something Thrilling had told her, and Thrilling was grinning ear-to-ear as he watched her, his eyes full of love.
It was one of Dawn’s favorite pictures of her with her husband, and Flash had to agree. It showcased their relationship so perfectly.
Soothing’s husband, Green Leaf, came next, and the first photo showed him dancing with a shyly blushing Soothing at one of Applejack’s fall Cider Season parties, the warm orange lights making their whole bodies seem to glow with happiness. Green Leaf was a tall and strong green earth pony with a tan and brown mane, golden eyes, and the cutie mark of a healthy tree sampling.
He was a simple farmer who had moved to Ponyville with his family a few years before that photo was taken. Soothing had met him only an hour before that photo was taken, and despite the vast differences in their scientific knowledge, she had immediately found in him the friend she needed after a hard break-up. He was calm, patient, and willing to listen to her speak at length on any topic, even if he absolutely no idea what she was talking about.
Green Leaf was also one of the few ponies able to pull Soothing from the library in the middle of a research project, or who could convince her to take a break from her work. Similarly, Soothing was the only one who was able to drag him to big events like the Grand Galloping Gala or to get him to take a deep breath and relax. Something that came in handy as, unlike Thrilling, Green Leaf had taken a bit more time and quite a bit more anxiety before he was truly used to being a Prince Consort.
Just like with Dawn and Thrilling, there was a perfect picture of the two of them towards the bottom of the page. Like the last one, whoever took it deserved a cookie. In it, a rather frazzled looking Green Leaf was dressed in a wrinkled fancy suit with Soothing dressed in her military dress uniform. Despite his messy mane and blood-shot eyes, Green Leaf had a serene look of calm on his face as a calm and loving Soothing gently hugged him to her chest, her large wings gently tracing down his sides.
She loved him, regardless of his experience or background, and she let him know it every day.
Both Thrilling Tale and Green Leaf were excellent son-in-laws, and Flash was glad to know they would be there to look after his girls when he was gone.
Luna knows Twilight needed all the help she could get.
Though given how Thrilling Tale had once helped Dawn paint every house in town polkadot and Green Leaf had once borrowed his nearly-magic-proof-armor just so he could steal Soothing’s current book and lead her on a merry chase through the castle, chances were they would cause just as much trouble as the girls did.
Still, if it made Twilight laugh, he couldn’t complain.
Then there were his grandkids. Canvas, the eldest child of Dawn, was first. He was currently a tall unicorn stallion and was perfectly white with a light pink mane and bright pink eyes. His cutie mark was an outlined blank canvas against a blue background with a row of rainbow paint cans lining the bottom of the mark, showing that he had inherited his mother’s passion for creating all forms of art. Flash had even put the first painting Canvas had given him, a small image of him hugging Twilight, in the book right next to his grandson’s first image: him as an hours-old foal batting at Dawn’s mane.
Ginger, their second child, was an alicorn mare with a red coat, purple eyes, a frizzy orange mane that refused to be combed, and her cutie mark was a perfectly baked carrot cake with a slice missing. Her first appearance in the book was of her trying to eat one of Dawn’s muffins, showing her love of all things food despite the fact that she was still only a few hours old at the time. She was a wonderful chef, creating all kinds of culinary creations.
Though, for some reason, her newest and wildest culinary creations would occasionally explode because…well, Flash didn’t actually know. They just did, to the point where Flash had decided to label these food catastrophes under ‘things-I-will-never-and-should-never-attempt-to-understand,’ kind of like Pinkie. Anyways, Dawn at least seemed to enjoy it, if the image of her and Ginger covered in food, laughing, and Thrilling Tale double face-hoofing in the background was anything to go by.
Singing Star, Dawn’s youngest child, was a graceful yellow earth pony mare with a blue and tan mane, light blue-green eyes, and a cutie mark of a piano. Her first image was of her banging on a toy piano, having the time of her life. She had a love of all things music, the piano and harp especially, and had become rather famous after Applejack’s old friend Rara had started to teach her.
He still remembered how she had sung for him and Twilight at their fiftieth anniversary. Pinkie had gone all out for the party, turning the castle ballroom into a golden masterpiece, and Rarity had made Star a stunning golden dress that sparkled like it was covered in a thousand stars. She had given a small congratulations speech to him and Twilight before singing the song ‘Perfect.’ That had been the first song he and Twilight had danced to at their wedding, and it had made that anniversary one of their best.
What a great night that had been.
The good news was that Star had just finished her recent concert tour around Equestria according to Dawn, and had come home just two days ago.
It would be so nice to see her again. Flash had been moved to the hospital after she had gone on tour, so he hadn’t been able to make the trip to visit her in several months. Good to know he would at least be able to say goodbye when the time came…
Soothing’s children were just as special. First was Watchful Eye, whose first image was of her trying to eat a picture book, just like her mother. She was a short alicorn mare with a dark blue coat, deep blue eyes, and a white mane speckled with splotches of blue. She was a teacher and had a cutie mark of three textbooks, signifying her ability to help creatures of any kind overcome their problems or struggles when it came to learning. The image of her taking a class of young foals through the Castle of Friendship always brought a smile to his face.
Then, last but certainly not least, came Sunrise. He was a bulky earth pony stallion with a bright orange coat, brown eyes, a yellow mane, and his cutie mark was a sunrise over a field full of perfect crops. His first picture was of Green Leaf trying to catch him as he ran about the hospital room nonstop, Soothing laughing in the background, and Flash had placed it next to a photo of him standing proudly next to a field of corn ready to harvest. Sunrise had followed his father and became one of the best farmers in the region. He brought Flash fresh produce every month, even after he had to be moved into the hospital.
So many pictures…
So many memories…
So little time left to enjoy them…
“Mister Flash, your family is here,” the voice of a nurse called out, making Flash look up, wiping his watering eyes. “Shall I send them in?” He blinked, then looked up at the clock. They were right on time.
Perfect timing as always.
“Yes, please,” Flash said quietly, nodding gently and giving Nurse Cotton Swab a warm smile. She was a good nurse; always attentive, willing to listen to his rambling stories when he was alone, and a wonderful friend, even if Flash had only known her a week or two. Though given that she had been on call for him almost all the time at Twilight’s request, that wasn’t too surprising.
Cotton Swab nodded back and ushered the waiting ponies in. First came Twilight, then Dawn, Soothing, Thrilling Tale, Green Leaf, Canvas, Ginger, Singing Star, Watchful Eye, and Sunrise.
Everypony was here.
Flash looked at them all with a gentle smile, making sure that he memorized ever inch of their faces as his time continued to run down. He wanted to remember them all right to the very end.
Twilight walked straight to his bedside, bent down, and kissed him. Flash hummed quietly as he returned her love as best he could.
“How are you, honey?” she asked quietly as she pulled away. Such a simple question, yet Flash could her voice waver slightly. She knew it was time, but was still reluctant.
“You know, same old, same old, which in this case is very old,” Flash joked with a quiet laugh, earning a few sad smiles among the droopy faces. “But…I think we both know it’s time.”
“But you’re still stable. Maybe we could find something! A-A spell! Or a relic o-or something that would help—”
“Twilight…” Flash whispered, stopping her pleading rant. This was the fifth time she had tried to convince him to let her find a solution, but they both knew there was no solution to be had. She just didn’t want to see him go, a feeling he knew all too well. He gently placed a hoof on hers. “It’s time. I love you. More than I can ever put into words.”
Twilight let out a choked sob, but nodded. “I-I know,” she whispered, her tears already beginning to fall. She crouched down, nuzzling him like there was no tomorrow.
If only it wasn’t so far from the truth for him.
She had made him two promises for when his time eventually came. Her first promise had been probably the hardest to get her to agree to.
When the time came, when his hours grew short, it was his choice as to how he wanted to go. In this case, he didn’t want to go in a hospital, hooked up to any number of machines that just prolonged the sadness of everyone around him.
He wanted to go outside, onto their favorite hill in Ponyville, surrounded by those he loved…
“Nurse,” Soothing called out from behind Twilight. “It’s time.”
There was some shuffling, and Cotton Swab came into view. Gently, she pushed Twilight back for a moment before she got to work. The heart monitor was turned off, Flash’s IV was removed and the entry point bandaged, and the covers were pulled back. Then, ever so gently, Flash was levitated onto Twilight’s back before a large fluffy blanket was draped over him.
He just didn’t have the muscle mass anymore to stay warm…
“I-I will miss you, Mr. Flash,” Cotton Swab said softly as she finished adjusting the blanket. “You were always such a joy to have around…”
“It was my pleasure,” Flash said, gently laying his head down on Twilight’s neck. “Thank you for taking care of me. And for listening as I told you all my silly stories, especially the long and rambley one about the time Twilight got her head stuck in the refrigerator.”
That got him a round of laughs from his family and an embarrassed blush from Twilight.
Cotton Swab gigged before smiling sadly and giving him a quick nod. The others thanked her as well and filed out of the room. At long last, the final leg of Flash’s journey had begun, and his family would be with him every step of the way.
They walked down the long blue hall, passing rooms and doctors and patients. Many of them looked up as their party passed, giving sad smiles and little waves and goodbyes to Flash as he passed. Bon Bon, Derpy, Lilly, Doctor Flu Shot, so many familiar faces passed them by one last time…
How he would miss the friends he made here.
Flash waved goodbye as best he could and Twilight's gentle magic helped to make sure he didn’t overbalance and go tumbling off. All too soon they left the friendly and familiar hallway behind and were walking down the tan stairwell, quickly emerging into another hallway, and then the waiting area. There were only three ponies here, one with a swollen hoof, another with a cast, and one talking with her doctor.
And then, they were outside. The warm evening sunlight felt wonderful, warming him to his core even as a cool wind blew through his fur and what remained of his mane. He could still smell the flowers that were blooming across the town, a welcome change from the bland smell of his hospital room.
As the door swung shut behind them, Twilight flashed of her horn and a bubble surrounded the group before vanishing. Flash felt a small tingle go down his spine as her ‘notice-me-not’ spell took effect, something that would let them hear and see everything around them, but make everypony else ignore them.
The perfect way to experience Ponyville as it was normally. No need to make everypony sad as they saw him being led down the street one last time. He had received enough pouts and sad looks from friends and strangers alike over the past few months.
“So are we going to walk in silence the whole time, or is somepony going to talk to me?” Flash asked as Twilight led the family down the steps of the hospital. He knew no one outside their little bubble could hear them, so they may as well make the most of it. “I’m not gone yet, so if you want to tell me about your day or your latest act of silliness, now’s the time!”
“You mean like me dying Dawn’s mane yellow?” Thrilling Tale asked, earning a smack to the face from Dawn’s wing.
“Yes, exactly,” Flash laughed. “Come on now, don’t be shy!”
Soon the stories began to fly: Soothing accidentally trapping Green Leaf in a giant pony-eating apple, Ginger blowing up the royal kitchens while trying to make soup, Sunrise being forced to make dinner that night using a campfire.
The group continued their journey, walking through the calm streets of Ponyville and regaling Flash with their best stories. It was as though it was just a normal day for them, the sadness temporarily forgotten as they laughed and joked and made the most of the time they had left with him. Everypony stayed close to Twilight as they made their way down the familiar streets. The ponies living here had changed, but the welcoming and lively atmosphere had never disappeared, even after Pinkie and Cheese had gone.
Ponies walked all about, some buying good from the stalls not yet closed, some rushing home for dinner, some just talking happily as they just enjoyed the day. A few foals ran by, chasing each other in a game of tag and laughing loudly, making Flash remember when his girls had been that small. A pony nearby was selling seeds for those still planting their new spring gardens, and offered a quick wave to a passerby. Two pegasi flew overhead, one playfully holding a box of donuts out of reach of her stallion partner despite his insistent pleading. Another pegasus was napping on a nearby cloud, her snores audible even from this distance. A pair of earth ponies were sitting on a nearby balcony, snuggling just like Flash and Twilight used to before his went into the hospital.
Stupid rule against snuggling. Though given how tall Twilight had gotten, they may have needed a bigger bed.
Nonetheless, it was all so…perfect. No sadness, no glum looks cast their way, no unbearable silence. Only the sights and sounds of a happy and friendly village going about its day like normal.
Just a normal, perfect day.
Twilight’s ‘notice-me-not’ spell was working flawlessly, and Flash wouldn’t have it any other way.
They continued to walk, Flash just soaking in the sights and sounds of his favorite town. They passed the town hall, recently rebuilt after a hydra attacked the town. In the distance, Flash could see the Castle of Friendship, still just as magnificent as it had always been and still just as full of life. He could barely see Canterlot as well, and he wondered how Celestia and Luna would react to his passing.
He was just glad they would be there to help his family through it all.
Slowly, the houses and shops became more spread out until at last they stopped altogether. Now all that remained were the rolling green hills stretching out into the distance, each coated in a rainbow of different flowers.
It was beautiful, and Flash was glad he would be here to enjoy it one last time.
After another minute of walking, they finally ascended one of the many hills surrounding the town. The tall old oak had been here as long as Flash could remember. He could still see himself sitting there the day after his second anniversary with Twilight, smiling as Twilight played with her new telescope. Or that time Dawn had gotten stuck in the tree trying to befriend a squirrel. Or that time Soothing tried to befriend a frog only for it to leap on her face and make her to run around in a panic for a full minute straight. Or maybe that time Tempest had been hit in the face by a piece of pie when she was still learning to control her prosthetic horn.
Or just the many, many picnics they had all shared beneath its branches as a family.
So many memories…
Twilight stopped just next to the truck and lay down. She gently levitated Flash off her back and onto the ground, resting him against her chest so her right foreleg acted as a pillow. The rest of the family gathered around them and lay down as well, Dawn and Soothing both resting their heads gently upon his chest.
Flash smiled as he ruffled his daughters’ manes one last time. This would be hard for them, he knew it would be, but they had their own families to help them through it, as well as each other. They would be fine. Flash was sure of it.
“Now you two stay out of trouble, ok? Dawn, no painting the castle orange again, and don’t be afraid to be the most exciting Princess ever, ok?”
“Ok, Dad,” Dawn sniffled, giggle-hiccuping at Flash’s mention of her most recent super-prank.
“Soothing, be the best Guard Captain/Princess you can be, and try not to let Snowflake destroy too much of the town next time there’s a monster attack.”
“Daaaaad…” Soothing whined in embarrassment, likely remembering her favorite ice wolf/magical construction and all the damaged he caused fighting off that hydra. But even that wasn’t enough to stop the sad smile that spread across her face.
“Just kidding, sweetie…I know this is hard, but just remember that I love you, and that I always will…Keep an eye on your mom for me, you know how she gets.” Flash flashed his wife a grin, earning a sad snort from Twilight and a round of giggles from everypony else. “I love you both more than I can ever say.”
“We love you too, Dad,” Dawn said, nuzzling close as her tears continued to flow.
“Yeah. Say hi to the best aunts ever for us,” Soothing said, burying her face into his chest.
“I will. Hay, I bet Pinkie’s already got a party waiting for me,” Flash chuckled weakly. The girls laughed through the tears at the totally likely possibility. Flash hugged them as much as his weakened body would allow, and gave them each one last kiss on the forehead, right below their horns.
He would miss them so much, but he was glad that he had given them as much time as he could.
“Thrilling? Leaf? Keep an eye on them for me, would you?” Flash asked quietly, looking at where his two son-in-laws were laying. Each of them wrapped their necks around their wives in support.
“Sure thing, Dad,” Thrilling Tale said with a smile.
“I’ll make sure to keep her from burying herself in books again, both literally and figuratively,” Green Leaf said with a sad yet playful smile, earning a swat to the head from one of Soothing’s wings.
Flash chuckled. Never change, you two.
“Canvas, Ginger, Watchful Eye, Singing Star, Sunrise…You have been the best grandkids this old stallion could ever ask for. Even if I did end up half-covered in tomato soup that one Hearth’s Warming Eve,” Flash said, earning a few giggles and a blush from Ginger. “Keep pursuing your dreams, and make sure you don’t forget this crazy old pony now, all right?”
“We won’t, Grandpa,” Canvas said with a sniffle. “I a-already have an idea for a painting…”
“And a song,” Singing Star chimed in.
“Just be sure to get my good side,” Flash joked, and this time all the kids laughed, although their smiles were still sad. Good enough.
Only one more pony to go.
Throughout the walk through town and final goodbyes, Twilight had been silent, simply watching as she tried to hold back the waterfall of tears that must be raging just below the surface.
She didn’t like this idea, she never had. Flash was on his last legs, but the hospital could have likely kept him alive for a few more months. But at what cost? It hurt her enough every time she had to see him there, slowly wasting away in his bed. According to Soothing, she had spent days searching for a way to prolong his life, to make him better…
To give them more time…
But all he was doing was prolonging her pain. Prolonging how long she would have to watch as her husband slowly disappeared until there was nothing left.
It was better to end it now, all at once like a band-aid, rather than extend her suffering for another year at max. It would hurt her, it WAS hurting her, but the sooner it was over, the sooner she could start to feel better.
Besides, he was happier this way. Surrounded by his family in their special spot, on a clear spring day. It was the perfect day to be his last…
“Twilight…do you remember your final promise?” Flash asked, his voice soft. He could feel his body starting to give out, but he refused to let go until he made sure to say goodbye to his angel.
“Y-Y-Yes,” Twilight whispered, beginning to sob as the tears finally came out.
“Tell me it again, just so I know you remember.”
“I-I…” Twilight began, before gulping and starting again. “I c-can mourn y-you, I can m-m-miss you, b-b-but if somepony else c-c-comes and wins my h-h-heart…”
“You let them have it,” Flash finished with a smile. “Because…nothing could be worse than knowing…I left you alone. So promise me you’ll find somepony new one day…Somepony that sees you as the angel you are…that treats you right…and that is worthy of your heart…”
“I-I-I Pinkie Promise™,” Twilight whispered. “C-Cross my heart and hope t-to fly, stick a cupcake in m-my eye.”
Seeing such a promise made Flash finally feel at peace. No one broke a Pinkie Promise™, even if Pinkie wasn’t around to enforce it anymore. Though Flash wouldn’t be surprised if she came back as a ghost one day just to enforce her special promises.
Because Pinkie.
“Good. Knowing Pinkie will come haunt you if you break your promise means I have nothing to worry about,” his said, causing Twilight to snort in choked laughter.
“Y-You goofy pony,” she whispered, nuzzling his face again. Her fur was just as soft as it had always been. “T-T-Thank you for e-e-every day you g-gave me. I love you.”
“And thank you for making this life so worth living,” Flash whispered, leaning up for one final kiss. Twilight accepted it, and with his final mission complete, Flash leaned back in her grip and closed his eyes. “I love you,” he whispered as they broke the kiss. The feeling of her lips on his was the perfect way for him to go. He closed his eyes, his strength all but exhausted, but a smile still firmly plastered on his lips.
The gentle spring wind blew across his fur as he simply listened to the heartbeats of his loved ones, forming the perfect lullaby as the world slowly began to fade away…


“G-G-Goodbye,” Twilight whispered, feeling Flash’s pulse finally disappear.