//------------------------------// // Epilogue 1: Final Letter // Story: Azure's Last Journey // by TheWingman //------------------------------// My friends, family, and everypony I’ve ever held dear to my heart in my life, I can say with the utmost confidence that I’m dead by the time this letter is received. Even as I pour my heart into this and as my form grows weak, I can’t help but shed a tear over this. I know my end is coming and I’m fairly certain most of you do. It is with my hope that you don’t weep for my coming passing. I’m prepared for it as I’ve reached the pinnacle of my life, a journey’s end. I’ve experienced a great many things, faced many dangers and threats that plagued Equestria, and traveled to many places, all in my lifetime. I dedicated my life as a soldier, being sword and shield to a nation I’ve called ‘home’. Yet, as I aided in defending all of Equestria, each battle exacts a toll on my heart. The violence and fighting… I’ve felt at times that there was no end to it all. As I kept it all bottled up inside over the years, there was one thing that seemed to be a silver lining, a sign of hope for the future I’ve dreamt of. During the Battle for Canterlot against The Storm King’s forces, that was where I’ve met Celaeno. As we fought together against the odds, I felt something click but to this day I still can’t accurately describe it. The best reason that I can think of was in relation to what my cousin, Cadance, once said to me: “Sometimes, love is what you need. You won’t know when it’ll come but when it does, it’ll be your light in the darkness.” I couldn’t agree more with her. After the battle, we became the best of friends and eventually… lovers. Even beneath that guarded exterior, I could see a kind soul in her with a tireless dedication to ending The Badland’s slavery problem. The day I confessed my love for her was when I felt alive. Even though we’ve spent our time apart, I was happy to have made my vow to her at the altar as she carried my first in her womb. It was the moment when my heart warmed and I truly felt complete. Even though she’s gone, I’ll still keep my vows to her. I’ve been living on this farm for the past ten years after I buried the love of my life. I couldn’t face the world without her and I closed myself off from all love as a result. Even as I lived quietly, tending to my fields, the violence never escaped me. It never did. Every intrusion from bandits reinforced that fact. I was just so sick of it all. I wanted an end to all the fighting. I wanted my salvation through peace. When Cadance diagnosed me with cancer a year ago, I knew that was it and it was only a matter of time before I joined Celaeno. Humorous that my desire for solace is coming via the cold hand of death itself. Though it’s inevitable, I’m not afraid of the end. Still, I had much that needed to be said to my mother, Celestia. Though we aren’t bound through blood, she treated me as such when my birth parents were gone. Having gifted me a weapon she forged so long ago, I feel that it’s time to give that power back. Tomorrow, I will go see her and give my final goodbyes and my cousin knows where she is. Since this is the point of no return, I have some things that I want to say: Twilight, my cousin, I remembered when you were but a little bookish filly, always desiring knowledge and snout in the books. I wondered why my mother chose you as her pupil but as the years went on, but now I finally understand. In you, I see a leader who truly comprehends what friendship is all about. You have the same qualities for leadership as Celestia and Luna did, truly worthy of being their successor. I’ve watched you grow over the years and even had the honor and privilege of being your first Minister of Defense, a title now held by my son. Speaking of which… Iron Wingheart, my second born, you’ve grown up quite a bit. You even managed to take my place as MoD through hard work. Even though you chose that career path despite my protests, I’m nonetheless proud of the stallion you’ve become. Since that night when you came out to me, I knew your heart was in the right place and never once did I judge you on that. You love who you love and I was proud to see you and Quasar at the altar. I know you love him very much and he’ll miss me when I go. Tell him I said ‘Hi’ and I’ll miss him very much. He’s your husband; treasure him always. You are, and always will be, my son. Gale Blitzwing, I was elated to find out that your mother was pregnant with you after I asked her to marry me. For me, it was the happiest moment of my life and my joy had no limit when I got to hold you in my hooves for the first time. You grew to be very much the spitting image of your mom, every bit as caring and committed to a just cause. I wished that I could go with you on your many trips to Ornithia and see the beauty of your mother’s homeland. You and your brother will be on your own from now on. Be strong and watch out for him. Family is important as it always is. I’ll miss you very much, my dear daughter. So closes the book of my life. Never again will I see the beauty of Equestria. Even now, I can hear the spirits of my parents and Celaeno call to me. So must I go there but not before I see Celestia one more time. To all my friends, family, and creatures I had the honor of serving and defending all these years, I bid thee farewell. May the magic of friendship grow and prosper. With much love, Azure Glide