Azure's Last Journey

by TheWingman

Epilogue 2: "Peace to the fallen."

Two Months Later


Friday, October 24th, 1071 ESY

Canterlot, Equestria

"May the magic of friendship grow and prosper, dad."

Iron Wingheart rerolled the scroll and put it in his pocket. Clad in his uniform, a white EAF officer’s suit with a cap and blue cape but more ornate, he stared down the Wall of Honored Heroes, a monument to heroes of Equestria’s past. Taking off his cap, his claws brushed against the marbled wall holding the names of heroes and legends Equestria had made. Iron was the son of one such legend, one that was now with the souls of legends past. He was another in a long line of such defenders, the Minister of Defense.

It wasn’t long before Iron came to a statue in the middle of the wall, one that depicted his late father, Azure Glide. The marble statue depicted him in his armor and regalia, pointing outward with the Lance of Solaris as if watching over the land with an ever-vigilant eye. Just touching its surface gave him shivers as if he anticipated a feeling of warmth but it felt cold. Yet, in a spiritual sense, the warmth was very much there. As he shared a moment of silent contemplation, Iron wondered if he was truly worthy of carrying on his father’s legacy.

“Father,” Iron thought to himself, “you’re a celebrated hero of Equestria. Even as I dedicate this Honored Heroes Parade in your memory, I still feel a shred of unease.” Emotions ran high as he shuddered between thoughts, “I’m expected to be just as good as you once were but… am I good enough?”

“Iron. My love, I was looking all over for you.” A light magenta unicorn stallion with a fiery orange mane approached Iron, “Your sister and her family have arrived and our kids are sitting in the bleachers. The parade is in an hour and I doubt they’ll want to start without their Minister of Defense.”

“Quasar,” Iron sighed, “I do apologize. I just… needed a moment to think, that’s all.”

“About what?” Sensing his husband’s distress, knowing what was on his mind, Quasar stood next to Iron and wrapped a hoof behind his neck, “Iron, I know how you feel. I feel just as much of the grief you’re feeling. When I was kicked out and had nowhere else to go, your father gave me sanctuary. For that, I’m indebted to him because I got a future with the one I love and to ask for more would be selfish.”

“I know.” Iron sighed and nodded, “It’s just that it had only been months since we’ve buried him and now I’m conducting a heroes parade in his honor. I’ve had his old job for years now and I feel as though I have a lot to live up to.”

“Iron, you got to where you are right now because you worked just as hard as your father did. He taught you a great deal and it certainly rubbed off on you. Are you worried that you’ll never be as great as he was?”

“Yes.” Iron teared up, “I’ve only heard about his bravery through the stories he told me before bed. I knew I wanted to be just like him… as great as him! Now that he’s gone, I honestly don’t know what to think. He accomplished much but will I ever reach his level?”

Quasar wasn’t one who liked to see his loved ones worry, especially Iron Wingheart. He loved Iron dearly with all his heart since school and no other would do for him, a powerful bond. He always looked up to Azure Glide but knew that to be a perfect copy of him is impossible.

“Iron,” Quasar said, walking in front of him, “I know you look up to your father and that causes a great deal of inner conflict for you. But, you must understand that you have to carve out your own path and be your own stallion. Sure, you may follow in his footsteps but you must also achieve that level of greatness on your own terms. You can’t live in your father’s shadow forever.” Quasar places a hoof under Iron’s chin in a tender display, “What did he say about you in that letter?”

“He... was proud of who I became.”

“There’s your answer. Now please, don’t be sad on your big day. This day belongs to you and those that came before. You now carry that torch.”

Hearing those words from his love elevated Iron’s spirits. His husband had a point. It’s one thing to idolize a hero but greater to reach the same heights on one's own merit. Iron accomplished that and wherever his father may be, he watches on with pride. He took his dreams and made them his own.

“You’re right.” Iron smiled as he placed his claws on Quasar’s cheek, “Today is not of mourning what could’ve been but what to look forward to.”

Leaning in, Iron and Quasar shared a quick but loving kiss, a moment of relief from stress. They looked into each other’s eyes lovingly as the tension fizzled away.

“I knew you’d see it that way, love.” Quasar smiled, “If you like, I can give you some extra time here.”

“I’d like that if you wouldn’t mind.” Iron replied.
“Very well. Just be at the parade grounds soon. We’ll be waiting for you there.” Waving Quasar goodbye as he left the area, Iron was left to silently contemplate on his own once more but in a new light. He continued to smile at the statue of his father with a sense of pride. His father made it, his sister made it, and so did he.

“Father, thank you… for everything.”

Putting his cap back on, Iron stood on his two hind legs and saluted with his right arm. “Peace to the fallen.” Going back to his fours, Iron flew off toward the castle with much to look forward to. Remembering the lessons his father taught him, he hoped to continue what he started and leave his mark. He’ll still be ready to act as sword and shield to all creatures of Equestria.