//------------------------------// // Chapter Fifteen:How To Win A Sword Fight, Part Two // Story: What It Means To Be A Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// What It Means To Be A Dragon Chapter 15-How To Win A Sword Fight, Part Two Spike opened his eyes and panicked, since he couldn't see anything. He thought that he was blind, surrounded by the darkness. "You are not blind." A voice said through the dark, startling Spike. "Wh-Who are you?" He called out, in the direction he assumed that the voice had come from. A circle of light shone down on the dragon, as a being floated into view. The transparent wisp took the form of a pony. "I am Prometheus, the 'Spirit of the Sword'." Spike was more confused now, than he was earlier. "So, why are you in my sword?" He asked, trying to make sense of things. "I AM the sword! I was a wandering samurai pony that went on a quest, to rid the world of evil. My soul was fused into the blade, when it was created." Spike, remembering the events that led up to this, had a horrible thought. "Am I…d-dead?" He asked, hesitantly. The spirit chuckled slightly, before turning back to its serious nature. "You are not dead…yet. I called you into the realm of sleep, but you are in danger. You must wake up, for if you don't return soon, you will be trapped in eternal slumber." Spike gasped. "What do I do? How can I wake up?" "To do that, you must bond with me. I can help you unlock the secrets of my prison. One of which, is needed for you to survive." "How do I do that?" "Simply, take my hoof." Spike touched the spirit, and they disappeared in a flash of light. Two words were whispered, carried by the wind. "Doragon Nayami." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX It seemed like a few minutes to Spike, but he woke up at the exact same second that he had passed out. Jiran stepped back in surprise, when Spike's eyes snapped open, and he slowly got to his feet. "Doragon Nayami." He muttered, swaying a little from blood loss. The seemingly ordinary sword reacted to its name, its appearance rippling in a wave, like dominoes. Its hilt changed to dragon scales, and the steel became bone. This sword was the legendary 'Dragon's Bane', thought to be nothing, but a myth. Jiran was shocked at the presence of the mythical blade, and he didn't know what to do. A green light spread from the sword onto Spike, erasing all evidence that he had been injured, from existence. Spike smirked, confident that he could win. In a flash, the Elder Jiran was on the ground, sword against his throat. The older dragon gulped. "Y-You win, Spike." He retracted the blade, and stepped back to give his Sensei some space. "How did you…" Jiran stammered. "I don't really understand it, either. I think I'm ready to fight him now, though. I'll leave in the morning. I don't know about you, but I'm beat!" Spike grinned and walked back into the castle, leaving the Elder to stare after him in amazement.