//------------------------------// // Chapter Seventeen:Sometimes, A Lie Is Easier To Take // Story: What It Means To Be A Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// What It Means To Be A Dragon Chapter 17-Sometimes, A Lie Is Easier To Take "Wh-What did you say?" Spike stammered. This was certainly unexpected to say the least. "That's right, I called you my son. I'm your father, Spike. Welcome back." Spike backed up a little bit. "N-No, it can't be! My parents died years ago, or at least that's what I was told." "Tsk, tsk. Have you ever heard the expression, 'Sometimes, a lie is easier to take'?" "Wait. So, they told me a lie, to avoid the pain of the truth?" Spike realized. "Exactly. I tried to save you, but they took you away from me." Spike's curiosity, turned to anger at his words. "You're wrong. Those ponies are my friends, yet you speak as if THEY are the enemies, instead of you!" Kazami laughed, the sound echoing all around the cave. "That is exactly what I meant. They have corrupted you, and made you soft. I'd rather not have to, but I will kill you if that's what it takes, to make you see the truth." "Fine, I'll hear you out. But, if I don't like what you have to say, you'll be gone. Nothing more than extra bones on the floor." Spike stated, boldly. He tried to make it seem like he was braver than he actually was on the inside. "Hahaha! We'll see about that. I'll begin my explanation, now. You see, your mother was killed by a pony samurai. He is the same one, whose soul is trapped in the blade you carry with you. I used ancient dragon magic to get my revenge on him, linking him to the sword, eternally. I tried to protect you, but the ponies saw it as an attack, and hid you somewhere I couldn't find you. I am glad that you are okay." Spike didn't question how he knew about the blade, for that didn't matter. Spike growled at him, teeth bared in a snarl. "I heard you out, and I didn't like what you had to say. That, is just a big pile of lies! I know, what you're trying to pull." Spike circled the dragon. "Oh, yeah?" Kazami was surprised, that he already had it figured out. "Yes, you were planning to confuse me with lies, until I can't see the truth anymore." "You got me. What are you going to do, now?" Spike stopped moving in a circle, thinking. "I haven't gotten that far." "Well, I see that you won't change your mind, so you leave me no choice. Out of many lies, this is the absolute truth. I'm going to add you to the list of those who've failed to beat me. It's time for this to end." Kazami moved closer to Spike, as he grinned evilly. Spike just smirked, and pulled the sword out of his pack. "You took the words right out of my mouth!"