//------------------------------// // After the wedding // Story: Forbidden Love // by vinyldash23 //------------------------------// It was the morning after the rather disastrous marriage in the apple orchard. The memories were still raw in Bright Mac's mind. After disowning his only daughter, Grand Pear had left his farm behind without even a goodbye. Buttercup had stayed up half the night, weeping uncontrollably. He had never seen his mother so enraged at anypony, even a Pear. Despite their rivalry, Ma had always remained fairly calm after a fight, but that night she sat outside all night, shotgun in lap, waiting, almost daring, Grand Pear to return. Buttercup was sleeping peacefully now, still beautiful despite her tear-stained face and disheveled mane. Bright Mac leaned over, and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek before leaving to start the chores. He walked to the shed to get chicken feed, and stopped, watching the workers tearing down the Pear place. The Apples had bought the land as an extension, and the local demolition company wasted no time getting it ready for them. After feeding the chickens and pigs, he walked to the house for breakfast. Buttercup was sitting at the table, sipping coffee and nibbling on some pancakes Ma had made before heading back to bed. He sat down next to her, and put a pancake on his plate. "Good mornin' ,beautiful". "Good morning", she replied her voice light, but still shaking slightly. "How'd you sleep",he asked, then mentally slapping himself for the stupid question, asked, "I-I mean, how as your night". This made Buttercup crack a smile before replying, "Well, besides the uncontrollable crying and bein' worried sick about my father, you mean?" "Yeah". "Well, it was alright. I didn't sleep too good, but then again I guess you didn't either". "Nope. How was Ma doin'?" "Not well. She's still madder than a wet hen, but she's calmed down a little". At this moment, Burnt Oak stepped into the kitchen. Bright Mac's friend had stayed over that night, trying to console Buttercup. "Mornin'", he greeted the newlyweds groggily, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "How'd y'all sleep?" "Not too good", they replied at the same time. This caused them both to giggle, making Burnt Oak roll his eyes jokingly. "Sorry I can't stay for breakfast. I've got the wood shop to run, and here before too long I'm gonna be gettin' a load of pear trees. I'm thinkin' about startin' a new line of smoker chips with 'em". After breakfast, Bright Mac suggested that Buttercup go back to bed, and then started bucking apple trees. He was carrying the first load of apples to the shed when he saw an all too familiar pony standing at the gate. His coat was a deep yellow, his mane dark brown with a grey strip down the center. All of the previous night's rage returned when Bright Mac realized who it was. Buttercup's father, probably coming to stir up more trouble. He dropped the apples and walked over to him, wondering what in Celestia's name he wanted. "What are you doin' here, old man?" "I'm here for my daughter".