Daring Do's Bipedal Adventure

by insaneponyauthor

Chapter 3: Your Lyra Is In Another Chapter

“Look, Bonfire, she’s waking up!”

“Ugh, Lyra, no, that sounds terrible.”



Daring Do felt worse than the time she failed to evade a swinging log trap in the Jungle of Jascone. The soreness she felt was compounded by the fact that she had yet to grow accustomed to this new alien physiology. Her eyelids felt heavy, and she could barely make sense of the chatter she heard as she slowly came back to consciousness. But soon she recognized a very familiar voice, and her eyes snapped open as she bolted upright.

“YOU!” She pointed an accusing finger straight at Lyra. “Give me…” She immediately regretted her actions, as it felt like the room suddenly seemed to tilt as her vision clouded over.

“I think you need to leave, Ms. Heartstrings”, said a firm, commanding voice. “You’re agitating the patient.”

“Oh. I guess I’ll just wait outside, then?”

“And you,” said the nurse who just now came into view, “do try to take it easy for a bit. Now let’s have a look at you.”

“There is no time! I must pursue--”

“Take. It. Easy. NOW.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

For the next ten minutes, Daring Do was subjected to a horrifying battery of probing tests. A light was shined directly into her eye. At some point, the nurse shoved a stick into her mouth.

“You’re lucky you didn’t suffer a concussion from that.”

“I’m not sure what happened, exactly. One second I’m attempting to open a door, then I suddenly lose consciousness and wake up here.”

“Oh, Lyra accidentally slammed the door into you. Believe me, you’re not the first person she’s sent here doing that.”

Soon afterwards, after the nurse was content that there was no lasting damage, Daring Do was allowed to leave. She would have to work double-time to pursue her quarry. Because of the delay caused by the nurse’s examination, Lyra now likely had a healthy head-start. No matter, she had successfully pursued the thief and her compatriots this far. And if Daring Do could catch at least one among their number (though that does beg the question of where the other four had gone), she would be that much closer to recovering the real Falcon.

Imagine her astonishment when that very person appeared out of nowhere, wrapped her in a tight embrace, and uttered a string of apologies.