//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Betrayal // Story: How I Lost My Mother // by Stardust456 //------------------------------// "Well done, Cozy Glow! I must say, I have never met or heard of a pony with abilities like yours." Cozy's teacher said. "Thank you, professor." Cozy said. Cozy just completed the last spell in her magic lesson, and it was to grow any plant with magical effects straight out of a pot of soil. The spell worked better than Cozy's professor thought it would, and Cozy managed to grow the Voloverlangen flower. Rarely anypony knew about it's magic properties, but thanks to the information from a book in the Canterlot Archives that Cozy carried around with her, she found out that the Voloverlangen Flower was a flower that can grant wishes for good and not evil, and every time one wish is granted, one petal would fall off and disappear. "Why don't you keep that flower? We already finished studying it. You can keep the flower and make some wishes. Besides, I'm sure your mother, Princess Celestia, would be very proud of you if she found out you could do this." Cozy's teacher said. "Thanks! I can't wait to show her!" Cozy Glow chirped. "You don't need to wait." Cozy's teacher pointed at a clock on the wall. "Your lesson is over. Unless she's busy, you can tell her right now. You're dismissed." "Goodbye professor!" Cozy grabbed her bag and flew out of the castle's classroom. Her horn lit up, and the Voloverlangen flower was encased and floating inside a crystal jar to keep it safe. She flew up and down, left and right, until she came to the doors of the throne room, and to her surprise, her mother was waiting for her with a troubled look on her face. "Hi mommy! You won't believe what I did in class! I was able to grow this flower straight out of a pot of soil." Cozy gestured to the flower encased in a crystal jar. "The flower of Volo...villy.. verla...um, this flower can grant wishes as long as they're good. We can share the petals! Can I go first?" "Oh! Um, yeah. Cozy, that's very nice but, well...," Celestia took a deep breath before continuing. "Can I talk to you in the throne room?" "Okay, mommy. But aren't you busy with other ponies in there?" "Not at all. This morning after you left for your tutor I responded to my student, Twilight Sparkle, with some duties to check on the preparations for the holiday in Ponyville. I don't have to deal with a lot of ponies until the Celebration. But enough about that. I must speak with you alone." She turned to the two guards guarding the throne room door. "You're dismissed from your shift." The two guards nodded and went off. Celestia opened the doors and looked both ways in the foyer to make sure nopony was there, then closed the doors. She stood at the bottom of the staircase that led to her throne and Cozy was in front of her, at the back of the room as she put her stuff to the side neatly on the ground. It was like Celestia looked at a subject at the back of the room. "What is it, mommy?" Celestia took a deep breath, bracing herself for what came next. "This morning, before I wrote back to Twilight, I casted a spell. It ended up getting twisted and resulted in giving me a prophecy." Celestia created a projection of the prophecy's words in thin air. Cozy read it, and her eyes widened in shock. "Why would I turn evil? Even though it's only a chance that it will happen. And it says it will only happen if my heart is pained by magic. But why would any prophecy think I'll turn evil?" Cozy asked in disbelief. "I don't know, Cozy. But you know how powerful your magic is. You hold the power of uniting the sun and moon together. You hold powers over life and death. Even if it's unlikely you'll get pained by it, I'm not taking any chances if it comes to danger against Equestria." "What do you mean?" Cozy was starting to feel that things were about to be very ugly. Celestia's horn was covered in a golden aura. Six crystals teleported in front of her, five of them shaped like normal gems, one shaped like a six-pointed star. "The elements of harmony. Wait- What are you doing?!" Cozy fearfully stepped back. "I'm sorry, Cozy. But I can't just risk having one pony to have a happy life if they become a threat against Equestria. Especially if they have abilities like yours. The magic you could cause if you turned evil would destroy Equestria, which is why I have to do this. I have to use the Elements of Harmony to turn you into a Pegasus." "Wait, What?!" Cozy didn't even get a chance to say any more because the The Element of Harmony started circling around Celestia's horn. The Elements temporarily enhanced her magic, making the light blinding Cozy Glow. Celestia blasted at Cozy Glow, and she levitated into the air with a bright, golden aura. Cozy screamed. The spell was extremely painful. Her alicorn wings shrunk into Pegasus wings, and her horn was covered in cracks of light before it shattered. Celestia looked at Cozy's pink magic which was still where Cozy's horn used to be. She knew that even if she turned her daughter into a Pegasus, her magic couldn't just disappear, and that it would have to go somewhere. Celestia used her magic to create a red rook chess piece, and Cozy's magic drained into the rook. Instead of a normal chess piece, it was now glowing in the same pink magic as Cozy's. Celestia opened a portal that lead to an empty void, and she threw the rook in. Then all the light faded. All the light faded, The Elements of Harmony disappeared, The portal with the rook vanished into thin air, and Cozy Glow landed on the floor with a thud. "Mommy, why would you do this?" Tears were pouring out of Cozy's eyes like a fountain. "I'm sorry." Celestia fought back tears of her own. "But I can't take any chances, even if they're very little. I can't have you pained by your magic, so I have to take it away. I need to protect Equestria. The prophecy said so." "P...P....Please, mommy. Please...don't do this." Cozy's voice was shaky as she gulped in breaths and the tears continued to stream down her eyes. We can find another way to fix this. All of it. Please, just don't do this." Celestia was getting tired. All the planning she had to to ensure her sister's return went well left her exhausted. She wasn't used to hearing Cozy Glow complain. "So your saying, that even though I banished your aunt to the moon to protect Equestria, you're saying that if it happens to you, you're pleading for it not to be this way? You thought that banishing your aunt to protect Equestria was a right thing for me to do." Celestia's voice was starting to get more suspicious. "Well...I..." Cozy wasn't sure how to answer her mother's question. "You don't really care about Equestria do you?" Celestia's heartbreak was starting to fall to rage and disbelief. "You didn't have any objections when I told you I banished my sister to the moon. And to think, your aunt spent a thousand years alone and isolated, and I felt like I lost her forever, but it was the right thing to do. If you really care about Equestria, then why are you having objections right now to when I'm doing the right thing?" "Well, it-it just felt more like you had a better reason to do so!" Cozy didn't mean to sound selfish, she didn't mean for the truth to slip out of her lips. She truly did feel like Celestia had a better reason at that time to banish her sister, but she couldn't put her hoof on why. "I love Equestria, mommy! I really care about you kingdom! But why would you do this?" "I told you I need to protect Equestria!" Celestia's voice started sounding agitated, taking her daughter's honesty as offence instead. "I explained many times already. Wouldn't a real daughter understand?" She all of a sudden felt guilty for the words that slipped out of her lips, but she had to protect Equestria at all costs. "But-" "And I'm afraid there's more than that. That spell also wiped out everypony's memory that you ever existed. History books, certificates of identification, gifts that you gave to your friends, everypony! You and I are the only one's who know of your existence. The only proof that's left that you ever existed is your room, which I will keep locked and label as a 'Princess Only' room, and I'll be able to convince Luna to not go into it. The other only proof that is around is your stain glass window, which I will cover with a banister, and a few pictures of you in my room, which I will keep hidden. Luna won't find out, and nopony else ever would either. This prophecy said that it is just a chance, but it's not a chance I'm willing to take." "If you only wanted to take my magic to protect Equestria, I can get that. But you never said I would no longer be your daughter!" "I would believe in a prophecy more than you if it means to protect Equestria." Celestia said with a stern gaze. "But you've faced so many villains before! Even if I turn evil, can't you face me? You cant deny that a lot of the villains you faced are more powerful than me. And even then, I can learn from my mistake of being evil and reform!" "You're right Cozy. Many of the villains I faced are a lot more powerful than you. But I don't have time to fight against a crazy powerful filly. I've fought enough villains during my time. Nightmare moon is returning the day after tomorrow, and I'm not letting any new threat to Equestria emerge to ruin a era of peace that I can have with my sister." Cozy's heart shattered. She was already feeling very weak without her alicorn immortality, and seeing her own mother betray her knocked the wind out of her. "Im afraid you are now dethroned from your title as the Princess of Light. You no longer live with me in Canterlot, and starting from when the sun sets today, I banish you from Canterlot forever. I can't have you using any secret books or passages in Canterlot to prove that you're my daughter." "But mommy! Where will I go? Can I ever at least see you again?" "I'm afraid not. I'm sorry Cozy. I really am. But a real Princess would never take even the smallest chance when it comes to one pony and her kingdom. Not even for her own daughter." Cozy's lip quivered as she whispered softly . "But a mother would." Cozy quickly put the crystal jar with her flower inside her saddlebag, pulled them over her back, and ran out of the throne room crying harder than ever before.