//------------------------------// // Chapter Four:Spike Goes To School // Story: Time Stops For No Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// Time Stops For No Dragon Chapter 4-Spike Goes To School While in the donut shop, Spike was able to forget about his problems, but as soon as he set foot outside the establishment, they came rushing back in full force. He headed towards the big building across the street, where Twilight should be. The building had several floors, and was hard for anypony to miss, even if they didn't know what it was used for. When Spike entered the lobby, the receptionist looked up from the front desk, before returning to her magazine. Spike approached her and cleared his throat to get her attention, resulting in the mare putting down her magazine and looking up at him. "Hello. Could you tell me which room Twilight Sparkle teaches in?" "Only her students are allowed to be in the room, during her class." "I'm a new student, uh…Spike Scalesworth." The receptionist raised an eyebrow, but otherwise, held the same bored look on her face. "All right, Mr. Scalesworth, her room is 156. I would hurry if I were you, her class started ten minutes ago." Spike rushed down the hallway, reading the numberplate above each doorway. In a few minutes, he found room 156 and peeked through the window. There were several rows of desks and a chalkboard at the front of the room, where Twilight was teaching. One row of seats was near the door in the very back, so Spike quietly entered the room and slid into a desk. Nopony noticed and luckily, none of the ponies present were sitting in the very back row where the dragon was. Twilight was busy drawing something on the board with a piece of pure white chalk. In a moment, the chalk floated over to a trough on the bottom of the board where items could be held, and settled on it. The unicorn turned her attention back to the class, about to explain what she had just drawn, when she noticed somepony who hadn't been there before. Although she hadn't seen him in a few months, she instantly recognized the dragon that sat in the very back, as her old assistant, Spike. She was about to say something to him, but he put a finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet. He mouthed the words, 'after class' and she continued her lesson. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Now class, for homework, I'd like you all to try a teleportation spell. I've explained the basics of how it works, so it shouldn't be TOO hard." The students filed out of the room, confused about why a dragon was in a class for unicorns. After they had all left, a magenta glow covered the door, closing it and securing the lock. Spike walked to the front, where Twilight was cleaning off the chalkboard. "Okay, Spike, what…" She had turned around to look at the dragon, who had tears streaming down his face. "What's wrong? What happened?" She walked forward and held Spike for a moment, until he had calmed down enough to speak. "Twilight, I need your help." "Okay. Well, what do you need help with?" "I need you to help me with some research." Twilight's eyes lit up, at the thought of doing something she saw as fun. "Oh, good. Is that all? For a moment there, I thought it was serious. What subject is it?" Spike's expression became dead serious, causing the unicorn to get a little worried. "It's Fluttershy." Now, Twilight knew why he was so upset, a few moments ago. "That's so sweet. He's worried about her. I wonder, if I'll ever find MY 'special somepony'?" She thought, rejoining the conversation, when Spike snapped his fingers. "Oh, no! What's wrong with her?" "She's sick, and if we can't find a cure, the future will be ruined!" Twilight rolled her eyes at his news. "Don't be so dramatic, Spike. It's probably just a cold. She's not going to die!" Twilight stopped, upon seeing that Spike still looked serious. "She's not, is she?" He gulped, and shook his head. "I'm not sure, but I know something bad will happen, if we can't fix her." Twilight raised an eyebrow, skeptically. "How do you know this, Spike? You mentioned something, about a bad future." Spike thought for a moment on if he should tell her the whole truth or not, but ultimately decided that for Twilight to help him, she needed to know it all. Now, whether she believed it or not, was another story. "How can I word this? Any way I word it will sound weird, so I might as well, just tell it to her straight." Spike thought. "Okay, Twi. This is going to sound weird, but I told MYSELF all of this stuff. That is, me from the future. I had a dream about it." "Spike, just because you had a strange dream, doesn't mean it was real." "I know, Twi, but you need to hear this, either way." "All right, fine. This had better be good."