//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Terror Time PT II // Story: An UnCozy Reformation // by AnUnCozyGlow //------------------------------// Outside the school of friendship the cold night air blew in the wind and two figures looked down from a nearby hill. "Well boss, looks like the shows started, just like you planned" Chummer purred. "Indeed a second cloaked figure gruffly agreed. Nothing in sight but their four cloven hooves. "Tirek saw the child as nothing more then a means for revenge, if only he had known she was so much more!" The gruff voice chuckled. "So you think she'll be able to beat that Hexspeak mare?" Chummer asked with a slightly nervous chuckle. "If the child is as smart as your intel claims I have no doubt she will succeed and perhaps she'll also be one step closer to realizing what she really is in the proccess" The gruff cloaked creature cackled. "Well, well alright, let's get this show started!" Chummer smiled. 'I love a good action scene!" Meanwhile inside the school of friendship.... "BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!" Hexspeak maniacally laughed. "Now All of Equestria will be mine!!" the now demonized mare continued to gloat as most of the room set there mindless with glowing eyes. "First The School of Friendship, Tomorrow The World!" "What do we do Cozy!?" SIlverStream nervously asked looking at the small Pegasus filly. "I-I dunno. I-I didn't come back to the school to fight monsters, I came back to learn about friendship!!" Cozy angrily pouted. "Well Part of friendship is helping your friends when they've been attacked and mind controlled by a crazy power hungry demonic pony-sphinx hybrid!!" Silver Stream angrily shrieked, accidentally getting Hex and the hypnotized ponies attention. "Uh-oh" Cozy and SilverStream gulped. "What!? How did you two avoid my spell!?" Hex angrily growled. "Uh....just dumb luck I guess" Silverstream nervously chuckled in response. Cozy hiding behind the hippogryph. "Well, no matter" Hex chuckled. "There's only two of you and many, many of me!" She snarled as her hypnotized minions began to move towards the two. "GET THEM!" She shrieked. Causing Silverstream to grab Cozy in a panic and flew out of the room as fast as she could. "Run run little foals, but eventually everything in this land will be a mere extension of my will!" The halls of the school were dark, dark and quite, this would have been creepy on any regular night, but was extra creepy now considering there were so many mind controlled creatures walking through the school like zombies looking for the two that had escaped their mistresses grasp, "This is bad, really bad!" Silverstream whispered, "N-no duh!" Cozy angrily retorted. "Hey miss sassy pants, I do not need your attitude right now!" Silverstream angrily growled. "S-sorry" Cozzy stuttered. "No, i'm sorry, its just...this is crazy. Like I always knew there'd be more baddies coming after the school, but I never thought i'd have to fight them without my best friends!" Silverstream began to sob. "yeah, well...you....you still have me, for whatever that's worth" Cozy sighed. All of a sudden Silverstream stopped crying and began to smile as a light bulb came-up over her heard. "You're right, I do have you, and you have your cutie mark!" She excitedly exclaimed. "I-what?" Cozy asked rather confused by this statement. "Your cutie mark was all glowy and hurty earlier right?" Silverstreak reminded her. "Uh, yeah....now that you mention it, that was kinda....weird" Cozy shuddered thinking back to earlier tonight as her mark began to make her writhe in pain. "What of it?" "Well, what if that's some kind of sign, what if its what protected us from being mind controlled and like maybe you're the only one that can destroy that crazy thorny crown thing Petunia used to transform!" Silverstream explained. "I mean its worth a shot right!?" "I mean, I suppose it might be possible" Cozy agreed. "But how do we test your little theory without getting blasted into brain dead zombies like every creature else?" Cozy asked the hyperactive Hipogryph. "You leave that to me, i'll distract her and when the time is right, you swoop in and take the crown!" Silverstreak stated, determination in her voice. "But, how, how do you know this will even work, how do you know you're right, what if, what if I can't do it, what if I fail you, fail everyone!?" Cozy began to tear-up as worry started to take over. "Hey, none of that!" Silverstream stated as she gave Cozy a quick but powerful hug. "You're my friend now too, which means you won't fail, cause like our professors always say, friendship is magic! Right!?" "haha, right" Cozy chuckled as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "OK, let's go do this, let's go save our friends!" "Ugh! What is taking you fools so long!" Hex growled at the mindless pony minions. "It shouldn't be that hard to find two creatures, the school isn't that big!" she hissed. "Well good thing we came to you!" a voice taunted causing Hex to look-up and see Silverstream fluttering above her with a cocky triumphant face. "GET HER!" Hex commanded as A group of flying creatures included Gallus, Smolder, and Rainbow Dash quickly flew towards the young bird horse. "Yikes!" Silverstream yelped as she began to fly around the room as fast as she could, doing her best to avoid her mind controlled friends grasp without hurting them. "I know none of this is you guys fault, but Gallus, if i'm being honest i'm gonna tease you about this for week, you two smolder, I thought you were both way to stubborn to be manipulated by some silly spell. Totally weak!" she teased her hypnotized friends. And proffessor Dash, 20% cooler, more like 20% lamer, like what teacher lets herself get brain washed by a student. The three creatures stopped in their tracks all hovering around SIlverstream. "I-I am not weak!" Smolder angrily growled her eyes still glowing read. "D-don't call us lame!" Gallus and Rainbow Dash angrily growled. "Well then prove me wrong and break free of Hexspeaks spell." That is unelss you can't and i'm totally right about you all being pushovers!" Silverstream chuckled. "What in Scorpan's name is she doing?" Hex speak asked herself confused as she watched the whole scene that seemed to be out of a bad comedy sketch show. "Can't do it, can't do it!" Silverstream continied to taunt making the three angrier and angrier. "OH JUST SHUT UP!!" The three angrily growled as their eyes began to glow brighter and brighter until it was so bright everyone in the room, including Hex had to close her eyes. As the lights dissipated she looked up and saw the three still just hovering there rubbing their heads, "Uggh, what happened?" Gallus aksed. "My head's pounding" Smolder added. "Totally not cool!" Rainbow Dash exlcaimed "Well you got mind controled by Petunia who, surprise surprise was another student who was secretly plotting to take over the school" Silverstream chuckled. "So Cozy and I came-up with a plan and while I was the distraction I decided i'd also do a double whammy and snap you out of Hex's spell by agging on your stubborn pride, and it worked!" Silverstream explained. The others still all looking very confused. "Say what now?" Rainbow Asked, still not sure what was going on. "Ugg, no time to explain, turn around and help me distract her before its too late!" Silverstream stated as she pointed down the others seeing what she was talking about. "Oh yeah, now I remember" Smoulder huffed. "That jerkicorn went all jerkasuarus on us! Get her!" Smolder exlcaimed as she swooped down and began to blow fire at Hex. "What, how dare you, how dare you!" She growled as she began to power-up her horn to fire a blast of dark energy at the group. But all of a sudden her power-up stopped and she looked-up to see Cozy Glow holding her crown. "Give That Back!" Hex snarled. "No, you just wanna use it to hurt my friends!" Cozy shrieked as she flew off towards Silverstream and the others. "Give that back!" Hex shrieked once more" And I said no!" Cozy snarled back as her cutie mark began to glow. "Whoa, whats happening!" Rainbow Asked rather surprised to see Cozy's cutie mark glowing so brightly. "I was right!" Silverstreak smiled. "What?" The others just asked confused. Cozy just smiled as she closed her eyes and let the magic energy of her mark flow throughout her body, all of a sudden the red gem in the crown began to glow as well and the energy of the gem seemed to seep out and be absorbed by the young foal, As the gems energy faded it began to dull and crack. Once the energy was gone the crown fell to the grown and shattered! "NO!!" Hexspeak screeched as the broken gem fragments and thorns lay on the ground. Hexspeak let out an unholy shriek as the dark magic ripped itself from her body and seemed to fly out in all directions through the open windows. All that was left a weaken, near exhausted young unicorn mare sobbing at atop her broken crown. With the dark influence gone the rest of the ponies and creatures in the room snapped out of the dark spell and all looked forward confused, still unsure of what just happened. "Uh, Rarity, did we just get mind controlled by a student who turned into a giant monster and somehow got defeated by an ex evil pegasus filly while we were out of action?" Applejack asked. "Yes it would seem so darling" Rarity responded as she rubbed the temples of her head. "oh if we don't stop getting attacked by villains so often i'm going to end up needing a therapist!" Fluttershy sobbed "Yeah, I think i'm gonna need a break first though" Starlight added with a painful chuckle. Trixie looking at her both concerned and releived. "Enough Banter girls, I think we have a student to deal with" Twilight interjected looking over at Hexspeak. "Petunia, what do you have to say for yourself?" She asked looking down at her student who was still sobbing trying to use her unicorn magic to fix her crown. "I-I dunno" Petunia stuttered as she stopped to look up at her Head-Mare. "I-I just knew I had to do it, they kept telling me it was time, I-I was supposed to be the one to bring order to Equestria!?" "They, who are they?" Twilight asked somewhat confused. "The voices, the voices in the shadows, they.....they told me." Hex speak began to laugh as tears continued to roll down from her eyes. Everyone in the room just looking at each other confused by her words. "Princess Twilight" Neighsay interrupted as he began to walk towards the two. "It seems quite obvious that my niece is not well, I humbly ask you allow me to handle this matter personally and get her the help she so obviously needs." Neighsay requested bowing in front of the princess. Cozy began to walk towards the group as well. "For what it's worth Headmare Twiilight, I agree with Mr, Neighsay, I know what its like to not be in a good place. And well....I mean sometimes a little help goes a long way!" Cozy exclaimed as she looked back at Starlight & Trixie as they approached as well. "I have no idea what happens, but you should probably listen to the kid, she is kinda smart or whatever I guess" Trixie agreed. Starlight just rolling her eyes at Trixie's rudely worded praise. "Yeah and Cozy was the one that totally saved the Day!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Her cutie mark was all glowing like ours do when we use the elements of harmony or solve a friendship problem, but like she absorbed the magic in that gem, it was awesome!" Dash exclaimed. "Wait, she what!?" Starlight asked. "Cozy, are you feeling ok?" "Yeah I guess i'm fine, I mean i'm a little tired, I think I could use a nap...like for the next 8 hours." Cozy chuckled "Uhh, that's just going to sleep" Trixie interjected. "The voices, the shadows, the shadows are alive. They're, they're calling to us all!" Hexspeak mumbled as Neighsay trotted her off, opening a portal back to their family home in Canterlot. "Well tonight was.....interesting" Occellus nervously chuckled. "Yeah, bummer coulda been a great party too" Sandbar sighed. "Oh well, plenty of other chances for fun pony parties, Yona just happy friends all OK now!" Yona exclaimed. "Me too!" Silverstream squeed. "Thanks for helping us save the day Cozy Glow!" Silverstream exclaimed. Only to find there was no reply as Cozy had already curled up into a ball and fallen asleep. "D'aww went the group as they looked down at the little filly. "I think it's time to get this little one home" Starlight whispered. "Sounds good to me, I could use a good night's sleep after all this" Trixie whined. "And a good glass of shardine!"