//------------------------------// // Chapter Six:Royal Advice // Story: Time Stops For No Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// Time Stops For No Dragon Chapter 6-Royal Advice They stopped at the doors to the Throne room, where the Princess should be. Twilight put her hoof on the door preparing to open it, but stopped, when she realized that her companion wasn't following. "I'm sorry, Twi, but I need some time to think. Do you think, you could try to explain the situation to the Princess for me?" Spike pleaded. "Sure, Spike, take your time." Twilight watched the young adult dragon exit through a pair of doors to the right of the Throne room, onto a balcony outside. Then, she entered the room to speak to the Princess. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Spike supported himself on the railing of the balcony, taking in the beautiful view. From this height, one could see Ponyville and several towns that surrounded it, but as was usual these days, the dragon couldn't bring himself to enjoy it. He was surprised that the sun was already setting. They had spent a long time in the Library, yet had found nothing. It aggravated him that he was so weak. He slammed a fist onto the railing in frustration, feeling like he was a failure. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The balcony was visible from the Throne room, so Twilight and Celestia had a clear view of Spike. Twilight had just finished explaining what was going on to the Princess, but she was as clueless as her student. "I'm worried about him." Twilight admitted, frowning in the dragon's direction. "It will be all right, my faithful student. We just need to keep an eye on him. I don't know WHAT he will do, if he is desperate enough. Love can make someone do crazy things, trust me." Celestia got a far-off look in her eyes, like she was reliving a memory. "You sound like you speak from experience." Twilight commented, ever observant. "Um, yes, well…I'll go talk to Spike. I may be able to help him." The Princess, then left the Throne room to go see the dragon. Twilight observed from inside, wondering what she would do. "That's strange. She seemed to be hiding something when she dodged my question. It's not really any of my business, though…" She thought, watching the scene unfold. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "What am I supposed to do?" Spike said aloud, not to anyone in particular. "That, I'm afraid, is up to you." Princess Celestia walked up next to him. "I'm sorry. I know this must be hard for you. Believe it or not, I know what you are going through." Spike looked over at her, in surprise. "You…You do?" "I've lived a long time. I have been betrayed by ponies I called friends, lost loved ones, and I have had relationships. None of it has ever ended well for me. So, in a sense, I know how you feel." "Do you think I can fix this?" "I can't say for sure, Spike, but I want to remind you of something. You live a lot longer than ponies, so even if you DO rekindle your relationship, you will lose her, eventually. If you still want to do this, I advise you to enjoy every moment with her." "Thanks, Princess. I know what I'm going to do now!"