//------------------------------// // Chapter Nine:The Reason // Story: Time Stops For No Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// Time Stops For No Dragon Chapter 9-The Reason Spike was floating in what could only be described, as an endless sea of darkness. He tried to focus on his objective, and where he needed to go. He decided to go to the moment after he defeated Discord. The pendant around his neck glowed brightly, and Spike was pushed forward at lightspeed. The darkness was changed to the scene he had pictured, and now, he was suddenly there in his body. His pack was still on his back, the pendant was still around his neck, and Discord lay dying nearby. Spike walked over to him, just like before. "Are you sure that I'm not just a figment of your imagination?" "I'm pretty sure that you're real." Spike said, as Discord touched his head. As he lost consciousness, he heard hoofsteps coming his way. This time, though, the dragon noticed something that he hadn't before. Discord teleported away, as a weird, black smoke escaped his chest wound. Fluttershy and Twilight appeared in the corner of his vision, and the black smoke cloud entered Fluttershy's mouth, causing her to cough, as she tried to speak. She managed to talk after a moment, asking Spike if he was okay. Nopony but Spike had noticed the black smoke cloud, and now, he knew exactly what had happened. A part of Discord had entered Fluttershy's body, and long after his death, had taken over her body. All that he needed to do was figure out how to get it out of her, and she would return to normal. After passing out, Spike woke up in the bed with Fluttershy in her cottage. He wished that he could lie there forever, but he needed to leave. Now that he had found what he was trying to, he had no reason to stay. Spike got out of the bed and pulled out the torn page, intending to return to the future, and tell Twilight what he had learned. He flipped it over to read the side that had the future spell on it. He read it out loud, quiet enough that it wouldn't wake her up. "What has yet to happen, but it soon will. May my wish to return, be easy to fulfill. The winds of time carry me on my way. Back to where I was, in the present day!" The winds blew through the cottage, causing Fluttershy to shiver under the covers. A portal appeared on the ceiling, and Spike's soul departed into it from his body, looking back at the sleeping mare one last time. After the portal closed, the old Spike took back over, continuing as before. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The dragon once again found himself floating in the dark, wishing that everything was as it used to be. He had been doing that a lot lately, since his life had gone downhill. He was filled with a new hope that maybe, she still loved him, but could no longer control her actions. If he could get her to fight back, then she just might be able to drive out the darkness. With all his might, he clung to the thought of home, and was soon there. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX He entered his body, taking a deep breath of fresh air. It was too bad that all he took in was water, and not the air he desperately needed. The dragon clawed his way to the surface of the small pond. Above him was the balcony he had been on the day before, so Spike was pretty sure that he had made it to the right time. Spike made a mental note that if he ever did something like this again, to pick a better spot to leave his body. The portal must have only been a filter, which separated his soul from his body, leaving it at the bottom of the pond. He got out of the water, shaking himself off, and began to head to the Princesses' Quarters.