//------------------------------// // Chapter Fifteen:Revealing His Whereabouts // Story: Time Stops For No Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// Time Stops For No Dragon Chapter 15-Revealing His Whereabouts Twilight opened her eyes to find herself in a hospital bed, but she couldn't remember why she was in one. She looked around the room, seeing all of her friends in beds, as well. All of the sudden, the memories came rushing back. Unfortunately, so did the pain from the injuries that she had sustained. The last thing she remembered was using the last of her magic to teleport to the Throne room, so Celestia had probably taken them here. Twilight continued looking around the room, and she noticed a certain dragon lying on the floor next to her bed. "Spike?" Twilight was confused, since he was supposed to be in Saddle Arabia. "He must have returned, when he heard what happened." She thought. Though it was painful to do so, she managed to reach down and poke him with her hoof, trying to wake him up. To her horror, he didn't have a pulse at all! She felt like screaming, but she settled on crying, for now. As a few tears escaped, dampening her bed sheets, somepony spoke up in the quietness of the room. "He's not dead, Twilight." Princess Celestia stepped into her view. "No offense, Princess, but I'm pretty sure that the definition of death is not having a pulse." "He isn't dead. Well, not in the traditional sense, at least. I'm afraid, that I have a lot to tell you. I've been hiding some things, but I think you have the right to know what is going on." Twilight tilted her head slightly in confusion. "Princess…" The royal pony raised a hoof to stop her. "Allow me to explain. There will be time for questions, later." Although her mind was full of questions and curiosity, the lavender unicorn held off, until she heard what her mentor had to say. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "So, what you're saying is that Spike went back in time to stop Fluttershy from ever being corrupted, so that we would have a better future, knowing the dangers of manipulating past events?" Twilight recapped, making sure that she had heard right. Princess Celestia nodded in confirmation of the information, but Twilight still had one more question. "If he went back in time and changed things, then why is everything still the same?" "The changes won't come into effect in this time period, until he returns to his body, which is in a coma-like state, until his soul re-enters it. It will still change things where he is, but WE won't be able to see anything here, until he comes back." Celestia explained, helpfully. Twilight sat up, trying to get out of bed, but gritted her teeth in pain, falling back onto it. "We have to help him, Princess Celestia!" She pleaded, "There has to be something we can do!" "I'm sorry, my faithful student, but he HAS to do this alone. Besides, neither you nor your friends are in good enough shape to go anywhere. You alone, have cracked three of your ribs! The best you can do is wait, and hope for his safe return." Princess Celestia said, as Twilight sighed in defeat. "I understand, Princess." The Princess of the Sun shot her a sympathetic glance, as she trotted out of the room to do her royal duties. Twilight planned to let the others know what was happening when they woke up, and she shifted her gaze down to Spike's body. "Wherever you are, I hope you're safe. I need…we all need you to come back, safely. And, Fluttershy…oh, Fluttershy, needs you the most." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Spike stared down at the dining room table, running a claw over its smooth surface. He recalled all the times he had eaten at this table, seen Twilight studying at this table, or told Twilight his problems at this table, as he looked up to meet the concerned gaze of the very same unicorn from the other end of it. He sighed into his coffee mug, taking a sip of the creamy liquid that Twilight had brewed, watching her take a sip, as well. At some point, they had both realized that they might be up for a while longer, so they figured that liquid caffeine would be helpful. "So, Spike, are you planning to tell me what this is about? Because I can sit here all night, if I have to." Twilight was getting a little impatient, wanting to know what was troubling him. "Why did you ask if I knew anything about love?" Spike wasn't ready to tell her who it was, so he made up a scenario about his love. "So, say you had a crush on somepony, but if you were together, it could destroy the world. Do you think that's something that can be worked around, or…What would you do?" Twilight wasn't sure where he came up with that ridiculous scenario from, but she tried her best to answer him, anyway. "I don't know how you'd even get in that situation in the first place, but if I was, I'd probably find somepony else to be with. What does this have to do with your problem, anyway?" Spike gulped, nervously. "Haha…In fact, I'm not so sure I even have one, anymore! I think I'll just go to bed now, goodnight!" He backed up, almost tripping over the bottom of the stairs, before turning around and heading up them. "Hmmm…He's hiding something, and I want to find out what it is!" Twilight thought, attempting to take another sip of her coffee, only to find it completely empty. She glanced over to where Spike's unfinished coffee was still steaming in his mug, debating whether to finish it or not. The unicorn shrugged, and ultimately decided not to let good coffee go to waste, as she trotted over to a pile of unread books that she had just gotten the other day, the mug encased in a magenta aura. Since she was so energized, Twilight ended up doing some late night reading with a certain dragon's forgotten coffee in her grasp.