//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Forever Alone // Story: How I Lost My Mother // by Stardust456 //------------------------------// Cozy Glow flew all the way out of Canterlot Castle and off the mountain it's built on, heading towards Ponyville. It was very difficult for her, because one, her Pegasus wings are much smaller than her alicorn wings, and two, losing her immortality made her very weak, and it didn't help matters that she was flying for a very long distance with two heavy saddlebags on her back. Cozy finally landed on the ground. She was exhausted and out of breath, and beads of sweat glistened around her face. She knew that she would have to rest a while and regain energy before she went any farther. She sat herself on a bench and pulled an apple out of her bag. While she was eating, she noticed her idol Twilight Sparkle reading a book by a windowsill in a tree that was used as a library. She also noticed that there were many banners with suns hung up, along with other decorations, and she figured they must've been for the Summer Sun Celebration. "Well, at least since the holiday is in Ponyville, I'd still be able to see it happen, and I'll know what my aunt looks like. I just won't actually get to meet her." Cozy said to herself, trying to make her feel better, but she couldn't stop feeling how much it hurt. Cozy knew exactly where she was heading after; The Castle of The Two Sisters. She figured it would be best for her to live there and to learn to take care of herself without magic. After all, no one lives in it anymore, she always liked to visit the castle, and it was full of stuff that belonged to her mother. After the dethroned princess was finished eating and regained her energy, she flew towards the edge of Ponyville and into the Everfree Forest. She was well aware of the dangers that lurked within. Whenever her mother is still busy with other ponies after Cozy's lesson was over, she'd sometimes play with her friends from Canterlot or Ponyville, help around with other ponies if she could, visit her step-cousin Cadence, or visit the Castle of The Two Sisters. She went through the Everfree Forest multiple times, and a few times where there was a dangerous creature attacking she was able to get away or defeat it easily. But right now she felt apprehensive about it, because she always had her magic to defend herself if something dangerous attacked her. Now she had to rely entirely on her wits and Pegasus flight to get by safely. It was sunset by the time Cozy reached the edge of the Everfree Forest. Aside from running into a plant called Poison Joke (where she was able to get rid of one ridiculously enlarged wing using a bath bomb potion from her saddlebag), she didn't run into any trouble to get here. She crossed the bridge that led her to the Castle of The Two Sisters. It looked just like it did the last time she was here. The same steps that lead to the main entrance, the same way the roof was missing, and the same way some of the walls were cracked and caved in. But it didn't feel like it before. Ever time she came here, she felt like she was home. But now that she's a Pegasus and no longer royal, she feels like she's staring at the house of a stranger. Coming here before felt like she was visiting her mother, but now she's not allowed to consider Celestia as her mother. Instead of looking at the castle like a home, this time she looked at it with guilt. Her mother had banished her aunt right here a millennia ago. And it was the right thing for her to do. How was this any different? "What if mommy was right?" Cozy thought to herself. "What if it was right for her to do this. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean it's not the right the thing to do. Besides, she's dealt with a lot in a thousand years. She should be smart enough to know what's right. And she's still my mother. I should still obey and listen to her." All of a sudden, this feeling made Cozy Glow feel extremely guilty. She complained to her own mother about the right decision, and she made herself seem naughty. Feeling like she doesn't deserve to live in a castle where The Princesses once lived, Cozy decided to find somewhere else to live. She looked in the distance, and very near here on the right side of the view, there was a small network of frosted mountains, so Cozy passed by the Castle and headed toward the nearest mountain. The mountain was very near, and it only took about half an hour to fly there and hike midway up the mountain. Cozy stopped and sat down to rest, and saw how there was so much flat ground here, about as much as a buckball field. She flew over the edge of the cliff, and she saw that there was a perfect view of everything. The Castle of The Two Sisters can easily be seen, and she from here she can also see the Everfree forest, Ponyville behind it, and Canterlot Mountain with it's city hanging onto it. Even the view of the dawn was beautiful, the way how the sun peaked out over the edge of the valley made the view breathtaking. This was it. This was where Cozy was going to hide. Where she was going to live. Cozy slipped the saddlebags off her back and crouched down. She nearly forgot that she didn't have magic anymore, and sighed as she carefully pulled the crystal jar containing the Voloverlangen flower inside of it. She glanced at the glowing, self-levitating flower and it's soft, pink, silky petals. She took a deep breath. "I wish for a home that will keep me safe." She said. A petal glowed and flew out of the crystal case. It fell on the ground and shattered. Where the petal fell, a bright light was replaced, it expanded and it stretched widely around the area. It formed pink crystal walls and roofs, and when all the light faded, the Cozy's wish was granted, and a few yards right in front of her was a castle made entirely out crystal the same colour as her horn aura. Unlike Canterlot Castle or The Castle of The Two Sisters, it was thin but tall, like the castle from the Crystal Empire that Cozy saw from pictures her mother drew. It was mostly one main structure, and it didn't have a lot of towers sticking out of it. On top of the castle was a long, thin spire with a star on the very top. A balcony was right below it, where inside was a room in the tallest part of the main structure. At the bottom of the small palace below that, was a set of stairs that led to a set of double doors as the main entrance, where one door was designed like the sun and the other was designed like a moon. Cozy looked at the rather small castle and pushed the double doors. She gazed around her new home. The walls and ceilings were made of different shades of pink crystal, And in the shadows were a bunch of doors that were blue or gold. A grand set of stairs led to a platform. Cozy walked up the stairs and out of the foyer, and when she got to the platform, she saw a long hallway on the middle level with doors that had a bathroom, library, storage, spare bedrooms, kitchen, and everything else she would need to survive. There were spiral staircases that Cozy assumed lead to other towers, and she went up the one in the middle of the hallway. It lead to the highest level, where there was the giant balcony above the main entrance outside. It gave her a perfect view of everything, including the Everfree Forest, The Castle of The Two Sisters, Ponyville, and Canterlot Mountain. There were only two other sets of double doors on the highest level. One of them led to a small study, and the other led to a giant bedroom, where the room was like a dark but starry night, and the curtains around the bed and lights on the nightstands glowed so bright, that they acted as the light source themselves. Cozy pushed aside the ceiling-to-bed curtain and lied down on her new bed. She rolled over on her side and she saw the moon and starry night from porcelain framed windows and her bedroom balcony. She saw that the Mare in The Moon was glowing very brightly, as she knew that tomorrow Nightmare Moon would return, and she would never be able to see her aunt.... "No, no, no, Cozy." she said to herself, snapping out of it. "You're starting to sound like you think mommy was wrong again. This was the right thing for her to do." "At least I can see Aunt Luna in Ponyville during the holiday. I just won't be able to get to know her." Cozy thought. She turned off her lamps and the bed curtains magically went off. But she couldn't sleep, which she thought was strange since she was awake all the way from yesterday afternoon till dawn. Even if this house could help her survive, and it magically taught her to be raised as a normal filly, it still didn't feel right. The small, pink crystal castle was beautiful, she can't deny that, while some of the rooms are normal colored or enchanted-looking, and it's furniture was exquisite, and everything seemed perfect, but yet, even with these gifts and benefits, she still felt lonely. This was how she was going to live the rest of her life. Alone.....Forever.