//------------------------------// // Sweet Apple Acres // Story: Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures // by Banshee531 //------------------------------// "There it is!" Applejack cheered from the top of a hill, the others now looking down at their destination. "Home sweet home." "Applewood City..." Rarity added as she pointed at the town in the distance. The group now took in the sights, seeing many large buildings in one corner with what appeared a shopping district in the middle with a suburban area taking up the rest of the city space. From the corner opposite of the skyscrapers, they spotted a path leading to a large farmland, most of it covered in trees. "Is that-" Applejack nodded at Twilight's question. "Eeyup. That's Sweet Apple Acres, mah family farm and home to the Applewood City Gym." She began to walk down the hill, the others following, "Heck, the farm's the whole reason this city exists. Mah great grandpappy started the farm with vendors comin' to buy his apples. Over time, they decided to stick around and open stores to sell the apple products they made, and eventually, the town slowly began to be built into a city." Rarity nodded in agreement. "In fact, the name of the city comes from the wood used to build the first few buildings that made the town. Applejack's family sold them the wood from their orchard, namely Appletree wood." "Cool," Flash replied as he stared at the farm, practically vibrating at the sight. "Hey Applejack, what kind of trainer is your granny like?" "She's tough." Applejack instantly responded, a proud smile on her face, "People always say that Grass-Types are one of the weakest type, but that's only because they don't know how to properly use 'em to their fullest. Well, Granny Smith knows how, and that's why she's one of the toughest trainers in Equestria!" "Nice. I can't wait to-" "APPLEJACK!" interrupted a voice, making them all turn to see a trio of girls Spike's age running up, all three being girls they recognized. "RARITY!" Another girl yelled with a squeaky voice. "Apple Bloom!" "Sweetie Belle!" The two girls quickly met their sisters, both throwing their arms out and pulling them into a big hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you!" "It's great to see you too!" Sweetie Belle cried before pulling away. Applejack did the same, now looking Apple Bloom over as a tear came to her eye. "Oh, look how big you've gotten." "Aw, thanks Applejack." Apple Bloom then looked at the others, only to tilt her head at them, "Hey...aren't ya'll the trainers who were competing in the Hoof Cup with mah sister?" "Yeah!" the last girl pointed to Doc, "That guy's the one who won it!" "It's nice to meet you all," Twilight told them before they all gave their introductions. "Riolu," Springer said as he was the last to be introduced this time, only for Sweetie to let out an almost ear-splitting squeal. Before he could put his paws to his ears, she teleported over and pulled him into the tightest hug possible. "Ri! Riolu ri!" "He's sooooo cute!" She rubbed her face up against his, moaning in his fur. "He's so fluffy I'm gonna die!" The others all laughed at this sight, Springer whining as he tried to pull away. After a few minutes of this, Rarity leaned down and pushed her sister away, "That's enough Sweetie Belle." "But Rarity, he's so cute!" she whined, Rarity rolling her eyes at this. "Oh Sweetie...tell you what, would you like to see some more cute Pokémon?" "Really?" Rarity reached for three particular Pokeballs, all holding them up to her, "Meet my new Pokémon." All three spheres opened, revealing the trio of rock Pokémon as they exclaimed while posing, "HERB/PIE/FIRE!" "You three, meet my sister, Sweetie Belle." Sweetie's eyes went wide, unable to speak as Apple Bloom commented, "Oh wow, those are some purty Pokémon, Rarity." "Why thank you Apple Bloom, I'm glad you-" "SO BEAUTIFUL!" Sweetie screeched, only to pull all three into a snake-like hug, the trio screaming in pain. "Oh Rarity, I want them all!" "Sweetie! Don't be so forceful, you're hurting them!" Rarity cried as she started trying to pull them apart, the others all shaking their heads while suppressing giggles. A few minutes later, Rarity put her Pokémon away before they walked into town, now seeing the many stores filling the streets. There were cafes, clothing stores and many other places that looked like fun after visiting Sweet Apple Acres. And as they entered the suburbs, Rarity turned to the group, "Well darlings, we'll have to be off." Spike tilted his head at this, "You're not coming with us?" "As much as I'd like to see Sweet Apple Acres again, I haven't been home in quite a long time. Sweetie and I will come around later, after I've caught up with my parents." The others all nodded at this, waving goodbye before they split up, Scootaloo also going home to do some chores. They then continued through the houses until they reached a gravel trail that winded into the countryside area, leading up to Applejack's house. The farm was surrounded by a low wooden fence, several broken posts running along the side that were all reinforced with chicken wire. As they neared the entrance, they saw a tall wooden arch which showed a faded, weathered chipped green and red painted sign. WELCOME TO SWEET APPLE ACRES! Looking past the sign, they spotted a red, white and purple building that appeared to be a house and a barn built into one structure. Around it were a bunch of sheds, chicken coops and a well. A nearby pen could be seen with a pair of Tauros inside while another pen could be seen holding a bunch of Wooloo prancing around. Applejack sighed at the sight, "Home sweet home." She then pulled out a Pokeball, "Come on out Winona, we're home!" The ball opened and unleashed the Redog, the pocket monster happily yipping at the sight of home. "GRANNY! MAC!" Apple Bloom suddenly yelled out, the words echoing over the farm, "APPLEJACK'S HOME!" They waited a few seconds, the door of the building opening up to reveal an elderly lady with green skin and white hair. She was wearing a cream colored top with an orange ascot around her neck that had apples on it, along with a long red skirt and high yellow boots while carrying a walking stick with a rounded top. "Applejack!" She slowly hobbled over to the hat-wearing trainer, Applejack making up more of the distance before pulling her into a hug. "Hiya Granny. So good to see ya." She then pulled away and pointed to the others, "Here, I want you ta meet mah new friends." "Howdy young'ins!" The woman replied while waving at them, everyone waving back. "Hey there, I'm Flash Sentry and this is my partner Springer." "Riolu!" "I'm Twilight," she said with a bow, "And this is my brother-" "Spike," he pointed to the Terragon on his shoulder, "This is Peewee." "Terra!" "And you can call me Doc." "Mighty fine to meet ya'll," Granny responded before looking them all over, her eyes soon falling on Flash, "Let me guess, you've come for a Gym Battle." Flash's eyes went wide, Granny letting out a guffaw, "Oh, don't be surprised! After all mah years as a Gym Leader, ah've learned ta tell on sight when someone's come to challenge me." Flash pointed at himself, "Well, I am here to do just that. What do you say?" "Ah say that ah accept...but how about we have that battle tomorrow? That'll give us both time to prepare and give it our all." Flash nodded in agreement, "I'm up for that." "Good. Now, why don't we show you and yer friends around once Big Mac shows up?" As if hearing her say that, a young man a few years older than them came into view alongside a Tauros that was pulling a large cart. "Ah, speak of the devil. Mac, come say hi to yer sister." The man showed a small smile before Applejack went up and pulled him into a hug, "Hey Mac, so good to see you." They embraced for several seconds before ending the hug, "Looks like ya'll been able to keep this place from burning down without me, huh?" "Eeyup," Mac nodded before returning to the Tauros and unhooking him. The bull Pokémon moved over to the pen holding the other two, Apple Bloom going with it to open the gate. Mac then opened the cart and took out an apple-filled barrel. "Want some help?" Doc asked, Mac nodding again in response. "Eeyup." They all began unloading the apple barrels and brought them into the barn, only needing two trips with all the help. "Thanks." He finished before kneeling down to scratch Winona behind the ear as she ran around his feet. Twilight took this opportunity to stare at the farm, now seeing its variety. Most of it was fields of apple trees, but there was also berry bushes and vegetable patches along with areas for the Pokémon to hang around. "So you guys farm apples?" "Only at first," Granny replied as they all began to walk around. "When mah pa first settled here, the apple trees were the first things that grew. But over the years, we've added to our produce." They passed by a berry patch here, the group now seeing Oran, Pecha, Rawst and other types of berries. "We grow these berries and sell 'em to a company in town who use 'em to make potions, antidotes and other healing concoctions." They then walked past another patch, this one growing Nomel, Durin and Belue berries. "These berries we sell for Poke-Muff or Poffin making, or we just eat them ourselves." "Cool..." Spike commented as Granny picked a few and handed them over, everyone taking a bite with huge smiles, "So good!" "Terra!" Peewee added. The Apple family continued to show their friends around, first showing them the Wooloo herd that they would shear to sell the wool. But as they passed that, they then got to their pride and joy. "And this here's the apple orchard," Granny smiled while tapping one of the trees with her walking stick. "One of many covering the farm." "Is this one the first orchard you planted?" Doc asked, only for Granny to tap the side of her head. "Well...yes and no. This orchard was the second one we planted, but the first one to grow to full maturity." "Really? Fascinating." "Eeyup. Mah pa an ah planted them ourselves, though an orchard don't just grow overnight. Mah family an ah almost starved to death while waitin' for them to grow." The others frowned at this, only for Spike to ask, "How'd you survive?" Granny turned around with a big smile, "We had a little help." "That reminds me." Applejack chimed in, "Where are all the Orchardacre?" "The what?" Spike asked, only to hear a loud boom, the ground shaking as noises of snapping twigs and rustling branches began to fill the area. They all turned to the source, now seeing a Pokémon that looked like a giant walking tree, similar to that of a Trevenant, that stood at around ten foot high. Unlike Trevenant, it had an afro of leaves with many apples and vines around it, its long branch arms having large bushes at the ends of them with five long stick-like fingers coming out. Just below the afro was three holes, two smaller ones with glowing yellow eyes above a larger hole. Not only that, the Pokémon's legs were six spider-like roots that allowed it to scurry across the ground. Several seconds later, another of these Pokémon appeared out of the trees, soon followed by what seemed to be a whole horde of the trees. Each one appeared to be carrying a large metal bucket, the sloshing sound of water now being heard as a bunch of Pipple also hopped along the ground beside them. Spike turned to Applejack, "I'm guessing those are the Orchardacre?" "They sure as sugar are. They've been a part of Sweet Apple Acres since it was created." Applejack replied as Flash pulled out his Pokedex. Name: Orchardacre Category: Orchard Pokémon Type: Grass Info: The evolved form of Pipple. This Pokémon wanders the land looking for dead places which it cares for until a forest is born. It is said that the apples that grow on it become Pipples when they fall. "That's just a silly superstition," Granny grumbled while rolling her eyes. "The apples are plain old apples. Heck, all the Orchardacre have to do with the apples is its taste. For example, the sweeter the apples, the more healthy the Orchardacre is." "Cool." Flash remarked. Twilight then turned to Granny. "Are they the help you were talking about?" "Eeyup. Ah remember it like it was yesterday. It was a month after we arrived and planted the first seeds as all our food had run out. That night, ah heard a rustlin' and came out to see what was happenin'. It was then ah found the Orchardacre, all of them tending to the land. Turns out, they had stumbled across our place and wanted to help it grow into what you see now. Not only that, it saw we were out of food, which they then chose to give use the apples they were growing." "They didn't need it for themselves?" Flash asked, Applejack smirking at his question. "Naw, they don't actually need to eat. They just need water and sunlight to survive." "Cool." Flash repeated. "The apples they grow also take a lot longer to do so," Granny continued. "In fact, it takes almost a whole year to grow 'em. That's where the myth about their apples being Pipple comes from." Twilight rubbed her chin at this information, "So...you just happened to meet the Orchardacre when their fruit was ripe?" Granny did a small nod. "That's right. The apples they make last a lot longer than regular ones, so we enjoyed them delicious apples every day for a month, plantin' the seeds of the first patch and makin' this here orchard. We don't know why, but something about them seeds make these trees grow like wildfire, with the Orchardacre all lookin' after them and pickin' the fruit for us." "Wow..." Doc commented as they now started to watch the Orchardacre begin to water the trees, "What amazing Pokémon." However, Applejack just stared at the Orchardacre with a small frown, "Hey Granny, is somethin' wrong?" The others all turned to her as she continued, "Why are they waterin' the trees like that?" Granny sighed and shook her head, "Cause it hasn't rained in over a month. The Orchardacre have been sloggin' back and forth from the nearby stream to fetch the water for the trees and for themselves." She started to slightly slump over, "But it's startin' to catch up with 'em. They can't keep up." Everyone all frowned at this, only for Applejack to smirk at their expressions, "So that's the problem, huh?" She reached for her belt and pulled out a Pokeball, "Well ah've got the perfect Pokémon to help. Lombre, come on out!" She tossed the ball into the air, unleashing the red burst of energy that revealed the kappa Pokémon. "Lom," he cheered as he stretched his limbs, happy to be out of the ball. "Lom, lombre." "Oh cool! Is that your new Pokémon sis?" Apple Bloom asked, Applejack nodding as she patted Lombre's lily pad head. "That's right. Now Lombre, could ya help us out with a Rain Dance?" "Lom," Lombre replied before beginning to wave his arms around. Dark clouds soon formed above them, quickly opening to unleash a downpour onto the trees. Everyone cheered at the rain as it soaked the ground, the Orchardacre all celebrating as they began to absorb the water. Even Winona, a Ground-Type, seemed to enjoy the rain as it began jumping around, forming big splashing puddles. "Yeehaw!" Granny exclaimed with a slap of her knee, "Nicely done Applejack! You too Lombre!" "Don't mention it, Granny," Applejack tipped her hat. "I'd offer to leave Lombre here for yah, but ah promised to show him as much of the world as possible. But we're stayin' for a while, so we'll be able to help out with things. And if you ever need him, ah could send him through the transporters to help out." "That's fine Applejack-" "PIPPLE!" a voice interrupted Granny, Applejack turning to the source before a big smile appeared on her face. She leaned down and spread her arms wide as a Pipple leapt into her arms, "Bloomberg!" She began to hug her close to her heart, "Look at you. Ya'll grown up, aren't yah?" "Pip!" Bloomberg rubbed her face into the trainer's chest, the others giggling at the sight. "Who's this little guy?" Twilight asked as she reached out to the scratch the Pipple's chin, "Friend of yours?" "Ah hatched Bloomberg here and raised him from a seedling. I wanted to take him on mah journey, but he was too young back then. Had to stay with the rest of the Pipple and Orchardacre." "Well that shouldn't be a problem any more," Doc said while looking Bloomberg over. "He looks to have reached maturity." "Eeyup," Mac added as he walked past them, the rain now stopping. Seeing this, Granny turned to her granddaughter, "Deary, do you and your Lombre mind using that move of yours over at the berry fields? Those fruits are just as thirsty." "No problem Granny." Applejack, Lombre, Winona and Bloomberg all walked away to the next field, Granny now glancing at the others. "Now...who wants to help shear the Wooloo?" They all smiled, Mac quickly walking by with a cart filled with razors and buckets. Handing them each one, the four teens all headed into the pen and picked a Wooloo. "Here Wooly Wooly Wooly!" Spike cheered as he tried to catch his Wooloo, the sheep Pokémon having curled up and now rolling around the pen. "Stay still!" "Wooloo!" it yelped as Spike and Peewee both tried to grab him...only to kiss dirt as it rolled away at the last second. "He knows ya'll are nervous," Apple Bloom told him. "He won't let yah shear him if he thinks yah don't know what yer doing. Scared ya'll hurt it." "So what do I do?" Spike asked as Peewee flew past the Wooloo, grabbing it as Spike looked at the others. A frown graced his face as he saw Flash had already gotten his Wooloo half-balled, Springer putting the wool into one of the buckets while Twilight and Doc were about a third done. "Relax youngin', that's all you gotta do." Granny said as she walked up to the two. "Let the Wooloo come to you." "Okay..." Spike turned on the razor and held it out. After a few seconds, he felt a pressure on the end and opened his eyes to see the Wooloo leaning into the cutting instrument. He then pushed the razor up, shearing off a chunk of wool that Peewee caught. He laughed at the sight before picking up speed, slowly catching up to the others. Eventually, each one finished shearing and had a bucket full of wool. "Ya'll did great. This here wool is sure to be made into something very useful to Equestria." Granny reached down to pick up one of the buckets, only for a crick to let out in her back, "Augh!" "Here," Twilight reached down to take the bucket for her. "Thank you lassie. These old bones ain't as flexible as they used to be." "Most people would use that as an excuse to retire." Flash commented as he picked up another. Granny shook her head as she rubbed her back, "Don't have the luxury of retiring. This farm needs all the hands it can muster, not to mention the gym." "Isn't there someone else who could run it?" "Yeah! You know, like Applejack's parents?" This statement made Granny, Apple Bloom and Mac faces shine dark frowns, making Spike gulp at his question, "Uh...did I say something I shouldn't have?" "No..." Granny sighed, "But I'm afraid me son and daughter-in-law...ain't around anymore." "Oh." Spike looked away as he muttered out, "I'm sorry. I didn't know." "Not yer fault. But it's...still a sore spot. Mah son Bright Mac was always goin on about taking over the farm and gym, but alas-" "We understand," Twilight interrupted, the others nodding. "You don't have to say anymore." "Its fine. Ah'll just say...ever since then, things have been hard, especially needin' to run two businesses and help look after a trio of youngins. But we managed as a family. And heck, a few sore bones never hurt anyone." They then walked away, not noticing Applejack had been listening in. And as they entered into the barn, she looked down at her Lombre, memories along with words from her Granny now flowing through her head. "Maybe...maybe ah'm ready." she told herself before looking back at Granny, "But ah need to know fer sure." It was here that the others finished the buckets and walked out of the barn, Applejack now coming around the corner before standing right in front of everyone, "Granny Smith, I wanna battle yah right here, right now." Everyone exchanged glances at this, Granny raising an eyebrow as she stared at her granddaughter, "It doesn't have ta be a Gym Battle. Just a match ta see how I stack up against yah." Granny just stared at her, only to nod, "Alright, we'll battle. Just be sure to bring yer A-game." Applejack shined a big grin back, "Ah intend too." It wasn't long till the group go to the farm's battlefield, the bunch of friends now spotting Rarity, Sweetie and Scootaloo walking across the farm. "Hey everyone," Rarity announced as they got close. "How are things going on over here?" "Pretty good," Twilight replied. "In fact, you're just in time. Applejack and Granny are about to battle." "Awesome!" Scootaloo cheered, "I've always wanted to watch a real-life battle with the gym leader!" Sweetie nodded in agreement as they headed through the trees, soon entering a large clearing. There they found the arena, trees all surrounding a battlefield as foliage formed a bowl-like covering with an opening in the center where the sun was seeping in. On the ground was a painted outline, a bunch of benches on the side as well. "Wow...so this is the Applewood City Gym?" "This is just one of the fields," Granny told Flash as she moved over to the far side of the field and stepped into the trainer podium. "We also have a barn that acts as an indoor arena for when the weather ain't so friendly, but with how things are today, we can enjoy an outside fight." She turned to her granddaughter, who was still holding Bloomberg. "Now lassie, are yah ready to show me everything yah've learned since leavin' home?" Applejack nodded before handing Bloomberg over to Apple Bloom. "Ah sure am Granny." She and Winona then stepped up to her trainer's podium, everyone else moving over to the benches. "Oh boy!" Apple Bloom cheered, "Ah finally get to see Applejack and Granny battle!" Twilight turned to her. "But didn't you watch the Hoof Cup? Applejack battled in that." The younger girl shook her head, "That was on TV. Now ah get to watch them both in real life." "But haven't you seen Granny fight challengers before?" Doc asked, the three young girls now all shaking their heads. "She didn't want to distract the challenger, so she never let us watch. Only Mac or Applejack got to watch, but only when they were acting as Granny's ref." As they said that, Mac appeared at the center of the field, "Alright, this'll be a one on one battle with no substitutions. The battle will be over when one of either side's Pokémon are unable to battle. Do you both understand?" "Eeyup," the two replied, Granny then holding up her walking stick. It was here she let go of the rounded top, revealing a Pokeball connected to the wooden cane. "Alright Applejack, yah knew this was coming. Mah very best Pokémon." She slammed the stick into the ground, causing the ball to open and release a blast of red energy, "Go, Timbark!" The energy hit the ground, taking shape of a Pokémon they all knew quite well. "HAWOOOOO!" The wooden wolf howled out at the top of its lungs, unleashing a wave of bad breath all over the field. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all covered their noses, letting out squeals of disgust. "A Timbark..." Doc whispered. Spike shivered at the sight, "Aw man...I was kinda hoping we never saw one of them again." Flash crossed his arms at this, remembering what Applejack had said about Granny Smith when she trained in the Everfree Forest and caught her strongest Pokémon there, "So Timbark's the one she was talking about. If this thing is as strong as those were or even stronger, Applejack's gonna have a tough time." Applejack stared at Timbark, glaring before looking down at her Redog, "Alright...ready to go Winona?" "Red!" Winona barked before running onto the field. "Why'd she pick Winona?" Scootaloo asked, "She's a Ground-Type." "I agree with the concern. Her best bet would have been Brawloey," Twilight added. "I wonder what she's thinking." Rarity chuckled at this, "Applejack knows what she's doing. She's been planning her battle against her grandmother since the start of her journey. She'll be alright." "Ah hope yer right," Apple Bloom finished. "Are both trainers ready?" Mac asked, getting a pair of nods in return. "Then battle...BEGIN!" "Use Sandstorm!" Applejack ordered, Winona letting out a loud howl. A tornado of sand appeared out of nowhere, filling the clearing as everyone cried out before shielding their eyes, the windswept sand now assaulting them. "My hair!" Rarity cried as tried to shield it as well. "I can't see!" Spike moaned. "Meaning neither can Timbark!" Twilight commented, the haunted mass of wood now squinting its eyes at the wall of sand. "Quick Attack!" Winona shot out of the storm and slammed into Timbark, causing it to stagger back a few inches while the Redog jumped back into cloud. "Now use Fire Fang!" Once again, Winona appeared out of the cloud as flames appeared in her mouth. "Terror Root!" Timbark's whole body glowed a green aura as it let out a loud howl. This caused the ground to shake before a giant root shot out between it and Winona. The Redog saw the root coming and used her Fire Fang to cut through, only for Timbark to charge at the distracted dog, "Wood Hammer!" "Bar!" Timbark's tail began glowing green before it spun around and struck Winona, sending the Redog flying. "Red!" She yipped as she hit the ground near the edge of the field, allowing everyone to see her. "That had to hurt," Spike commented. "But the Sandstorm is also causing damage to Timbark," Twilight pointed out, the wolf trying not to flinch at the sand. Applejack stared through the storm as she watched Winona pick herself up, only to see Timbark powering up another Wood Hammer, "Use Dig!" Winona leapt up in response before drilling into the ground, the Timbark howling as it pounced at Winona, only for the Redog to vanish in the dirt right as Timbark's paws hit the ground. "Alright!" Apple Bloom cheered, "Now Timbark can't find her." "Don't be so sure," Twilight told her. "Don't forget about one of Timbark's moves." "Terror Root!" Timbark's body glowed before the ground shook, multiple roots firing out of the ground. One of them was wrapped around Winona, the dog whining as she was squeezed and lifted high above the dust cloud. "Red!" "Use Fire Fang!" Winona's mouth became filled with flames as she bit through the root, cutting through it. But as she fell, another root swung up and slapped her back, slamming her into the dirt. "Red!" she screamed as the sand began to fade around her. "There goes the Sandstorm," Doc commented. "At least now we can see what's happening," Flash added. "Dark Pulse!" Timbark took a deep breath before letting out another howl, this time a barrage of dark circles firing out of its body. Winona saw this and began to leap away, dodging each blast as Granny yelled, "Now use Bite!" Timbark zipped across the field, instantly catching Winona in its mouth. "Redog!" She squealed as the wooden wolf's fangs bit into her. "Winona!" Applejack cried as she saw her best friend struggle in its grip. "Come on Aj...ya'll gotta find a way to get her out!" "Too late! Use Terror Root!" Once again, Timbark growled before the giant roots shot out of the ground. It then threw Winona into the air, the Redog unable to stop herself from being torn apart by a barrage of flailing roots. "RED!" She screamed as she hit the ground rolling, only coming to a stop right in front of Applejack. "Dang it!" Applejack yelled as she knelt down and looked her over, seeing she had taken serious damage from that last attack. Applejack then looked up at Granny, her mind racing a mile a minute. 'Granny....Ah've always looked up to yah ever since ah was a kid.' The past... A younger Applejack and Winona, freshly hatched, were running through the trees towards the gym battlefield. Granny had received a challenger, and they knew they had to see it. "Alright Winona," she whispered. "We gotta be quiet." Winona yipped as they reached the field, both now hiding behind some bushes. They watched as Granny and the trainer faced off, Applejack's father acting as the ref. "Alright," Bright Mac announced, "Battle...BEGIN!" Applejack watched as the battle began, both sides firing off attack after attack, the two fighting their hardest. She dared not blink, fearing she would miss something amazing. Eventually, it was Timbark up against the trainer's Beartic. "Ice Punch!" The Beartic ran in with a fist now wrapped in freezing cold mist. "Terror Root!" Timbark's body glowed before the giant roots shot out of the ground between the two, Beartic smashing the wall and freezing it solid. "Now use Dark Pulse!" Timbark leapt over the frozen wall before unleashing a barrage of energy rings, all hitting Beartic's face. "BEAR!" It cried while staggering back, Timbark landing at the same time. "Wood Hammer!" Timbark rushed in with a glowing tail, spinning around before slamming it into the off-balance Beartic. "Beartic!" It fell back with a loud thud, kicking up a cloud of dirt. And when the smoke faded, Beartic was shown with swirls in its eyes. "Beartic is unable to battle, Timbark wins! All of the challenger's Pokémon are unable to battle, so the victor is the Gym Leader!" Applejack gasped at the sight, vibration as she hugged Winona, "Awesome. Yah see that girl? One day that'll be us. Ah'll be the leader of this gym, and together, no one will ever be able to beat us." "Red!" The Present... 'That was just a pipedream back then, but after ma and pa passed away, it suddenly became much more real. Now, if ah can win, ah might actually be able to take the strain off of Granny.' "That's why ah gotta win!" Everyone looked surprised at the sudden yell, Winona now picking herself up. "Use Quick Attack!" Winona let out a howl before zipping across the field, smashing into Timbark as she yelled, "Now use Fire Fang and aim for the leg!" "Red!" Winona's fiery mouth snapped onto the wooden wolf's front leg, bracing with everything it could do. "BAR!" It cried as its leg was scorched, staggering back while limping. "That's smart AJ...but Timbark doesn't need to move to beat'cha. Terror Root!" Timbark howled before the giant roots broke out of the ground in a circle, forming a protective cage before whipping around. "Dodge it!" Winona started jumping around, evading the roots before seeing a root coming right for her head, "Fire Fang!" "Flick it away!" The root bended to slap her, only for Winona to jump over the vine, getting past the cage as she got close to the Timbark. "Red!" She leapt with a flame-filled mouth, ready to strike. "Dark Pulse!" Timbark looked up and unleashed a blast of energy into Winona's face, the Redog's flames blocking the blast before being thrown back. "Sandstorm!" "REDOG!" The sand cloud exploded off of her, covering the field while blinding everyone again. "Quick Attack, back to back!" Winona shot ahead at high speed, practically invisible in the sand cloud. This combined with her Sand Rush ability let her zip around effortlessly, but Granny wasn't worried. "Terror Root!" More roots shot out, all whipping around aimlessly. Despite this, Winona evaded the barrage, quickly getting to the Timbark. "RED!" She slammed into the wood wolf, knocking it back before jumping back to pick up speed again. "Bar," Timbark growled while the Sandstorm caused it to flinch, Winona zipping by and slicing it with her claws. She then spun around and did the same attack again, each blow doing a combo into the wolf. Outside the cloud, everyone watched as white flashes appeared in it, all realizing that Timbark was taking a serious pounding as the Sandstorm blinded it. "This could be it," Twilight commented while crossing her arms, "Applejack might win." In that moment, Winona stopped her barrage before leaping back, the dog now heavily panting. Despite this, the sand began to fade, Applejack's eyes going wide as she gulped, "No way." Inside the cloud was a cocoon of roots, all wrapped around the wolf in a spiral motion. The vines were covered in scratch marks, all from Winona's attacks. It was here that the root retracted, now showing a perfectly fine Timbark. Everyone gulped at this sight, Twilight speaking up, "Oh no. It shielded itself from the Sandstorm and Quick Attacks." Flash gulped next, "Applejack's in trouble." "Dark Pulse!" Timbark unleashed the energy rings, instantly hitting the sluggish tired Winona, knocking her back with ease. "Redog!" She cried as she kept staggering back, her form trying to stay on its feet. "Winona!" Applejack yelped as she watched the dog began to fall, "Get outta there! Use Dig!" Winona tried to pick herself up, preparing to jump- "Terror Root!" As she leapt into the air, Timbark slammed its paws on the ground, causing a single Terror Root to shoot out of the ground and slam into her. "RED!" The root then shot up again, wrapping around her body before holding her in place. "Finish this. Wood Hammer!" "Tim..." the wooden wolf crouched down as its tail began to glow, "BARK!" It shot into the air, spinning like a wheel as Winona struggled to escape the vine's hold. "Fire Fang!" Winona bit into the root with her blazing mouth, slowly burning through the plant. But just as the grip started to give, Timbark reached her, smacking her with full force. "BAR!" "REDOG!" Winona screamed was batted into the dirt, slamming the ground while kicking up a cloud of dust. Applejack's eyes went wide at the sight everyone else gasped, "WINONA!" The cloud then faded, revealing a slumped over dog, "Redog," she moaned as swirls replaced her eyes. Mac inspected her before letting out a sigh, "Winona is unable to battle. Timbark wins and victory goes to Granny Smith!" "Winona!" Applejack rushed over to her fallen friend, the others all sighing as they got up and moved over to her. She picked the Redog up, "Ya'll okay girl?" "Red..." Winona moaned out while opening her eyes, trying to lick her before limping over again. "Oh Winona...ah'm sorry. Ya'll did great." She pulled her into a hug, "Ah'm proud of yah." "And ah'm proud of you, Applejack." She looked up, now seeing Granny and Timbark walk over to her. "Even though yah lost, ya'll have shown me just how strong ya'll have become." She reached behind her ascot and removed something attached to it, showing a badge that was shaped like an apple with a segment taken out of it. Flash's eyes grew wide at the sight, "Is that the Gym Badge?" Granny nodded at this, "It's called the Harvest Badge. And one day, it'll be Applejack's duty to give them to trainers who beat her." This made everyone's eyes go wide, Twilight now speaking, "Wait...Applejack's gonna be the Gym Leader one day?" The Apples all nodded at this, Granny chuckling as her granddaughter stood up. "Of course. She went on her journey so that she could learn everything she could to take over the farm and running the gym." She then patted Applejack's shoulder, "And it's clear now that ya'll grow into a fine Gym Leader. By the time the Equestria League is over, ah might finally get to retire." She let out a long sigh, "And boy do ah need it..." "Pip!" Bloomberg cried as it leapt out of Apple Bloom's arms and into Applejack's, the girl giggling as she held the Grass-Type. Applejack patted the little one, now looking back up at Granny, "Thanks Granny. Ah'll keep getting stronger, ah promise." "Ah know ya'll will." Applejack then turned to Flash, a cheeky smile on her face, "Ya'll up next partner. Think ya'll got a chance now that yah seen what yer up against?" Flash rubbed his chin at this, a half frown on his face before responding, "To be honest...I'm not sure." He then turned to Granny, "But, I do know one thing. I know I've got a chance." "Riolu! Ri riolu!" Springer cheered, Flash looking down at his friend before pumping his fists. "He's right. By this time tomorrow, that Harvest Badge is gonna be sitting beside my other badges." Granny let out a guffaw, "Now that's what ah like ta hear youngin'." Flash then glanced at Applejack, "You wanna referee our match tomorrow?" This made Applejack smirk, giving him a nod in return. "Alright! You ready bud?" "Riolu!" Springer nodded. Our heroes arrival at Applejack and Rarity's homes have been filled with much excitement. Meeting their families and exploring Sweet Apple Acres have been quite an experience. Now Flash must prepare for his Gym battle, but will he be able to overcome Granny's might and win the coveted Harvest Badge? You'll have to stay tuned to find out.