//------------------------------// // Heart–To–Heart // Story: A Fire of Friendship Heart-To-Heart Talk // by Phantom-Dragon //------------------------------// Dark clouds loomed over Ponyville, painting the sky a gloomy palette of dark grey, to match the negative tone of the Princess of Friendship's sorrow. Inside the Castle of Friendship, Twilight slumped in her chair, with a small cup of hot chocolate in front of her, as she thought back to yesterday when she visited the other world to meet Sunset Shimmer after so many moons, and to pick up Spike the dragon, who was turned into a dog in said world. Yesterday "Spike! I'm glad to see you're okay," Twilight smiled, walking up to hug the little dragon-turned-dog. "So how were you? Did you have a great time here with Sunset?" "Oh have I got a story for you," Spike answered. "Well come on. Let's go home then, and you can tell me all about it," but before the two reunited friends could leave, Sunset stopped them with a hand to Twilight's shoulder. "Actually, I'd like to talk to you about something important, Twilight," Sunset looked down at Spike, "Why don't you play with Ray for a bit, Spike? This may take awhile." "Okay," With that, Spike walked over to the little leopard gecko's tank, while Sunset and Twilight went to the next room to have a private talk. "So what's so important that you need to talk with me now, Sunset?" Twilight asked. "We kinda need to get back right now, and you could've just–" Before Twilight knew it, Sunset grabbed her by the scruff of her coat, and the flaming red haired girl pulled her close and she glared into her lavender eyes. "You and your friends had better start treating Spike right, because you mark my word. One of these days, Spike will get sick and tired of being left out on so much of your bonding experience that it'll be the last time you'll ever see of him again!" Sunset scowled. "I mean, do you have any idea what happened to him, because you weren't here?" Still shocked, if not frighten by Sunset's sudden angry outburst, Twilight shook her head, "No? What happened?" "He slipped and fell into a lake of freezing water, that's what happened to him!" "WHAT?! When did–" "Oh don't you start freaking out now, Ms. Princess of Friendship. Don't think I don't know about that Winters Wrap Up event, where you and every pony else all just stood back and laughed at him when he fell asleep on a floating block of ice, and then it melted, and he fell in and caught a cold!" "When have I–" "And let me ask something else. Where was he when you and your friends had your birthday party moved to Canterlot, because Rarity's cat was sick? Huh? Aren't you even the least bit worried that something bad would happen to Spike, if you left him alone again?" "Of course I do!" Twilight finally answered. "I'm always going to worry about Spike! But...he's a growing dragon. I just thought he'd like to have some time to himself to become the dragon he's meant to be." "Well, do you ever talk to him about it? Let him know how you feel for him? Or ask him how he felt about it? You think he's okay with you and the girls leaving him out so much on so many overdue bonding experiences? You need to set the records straight, and don't say I didn't warn you Twilight." "What?! How do you–Ugh!" shaking her head, composing herself in her attempt to process everything Sunset had said to her, Twilight started, "Sunset. Can you please start from the beginning and be the least more clearer, please?" Realizing she had once again let her temper get the best of her, Sunset Shimmer pinched her temples together, before she took a slow deep breath and calmly lets it out, "I'm sorry, Twilight. It's been a long day," Sunset sighed. "Well, a few long days for both me and him," she gestured through the window on the door, pointing at Spike who was getting himself acquainted with Ray. "Listen, remember that whole Anon-a-Miss incident that happened a few moons ago, or so?" Sunset asked solemnly. "Who can forget that?" Twilight asked. "But what does this have to do with Spike?" "I'm getting there," Sunset continued. "Let's just say all the Christmas decoration and all the cheers wasn't doing me any favors. I...all it did was bringing back some unpleasant memories. And then Spike came. But you didn't know that, did you? Because you and your friends were at a party, at Sweet Apple Acres, without him," the fiery girl scowled. "What?" Twilight flabbergasted. "He didn't came? But I thought–" "Well you thought wrong. Or did you honestly forget about that long list of chores you had assigned for him, while you and every pony else went and had a great time?" Sunset watched Twilight's eyes widened in realization, as epiphany and her memories finally caught up to her, like the rushing impact of a tidal wave. "Oh. Right," Twilight looked down, crestfallen as she remembered. Shaking her head, Sunset rolled her eyes, "Don't act like that was the first time, Twilight," the fiery girl scowled. "Like where was he when you and your friends were up in Cloudsdale, cheering on for Rainbow Dash? I mean, wasn't it obvious he didn't have wings then? Or how about when you and your friends agreed that it was a good idea to abandon him at the Grand Galloping Gala?" "We didn't abandon him!" Twilight protested. "At least, not on purpose. But still, we–" "So was it an 'accident' that you happened to hold him in your magic grip, using him as a live bait to a rampaging Winter-Zilla, against his own free will?! And you weren't even the least a bit worried he could've been KILLED had that Winter-Zilla got him?" Sunset berated to a further crestfallen Twilight, who was at a loss for words, unable to deny the truth Sunset had relayed to her, while no longer feeling sure of herself. "Well? Were you?! Or is this how the Princess of Friendship would react in the face of danger? Using her friends as tools for distractions? Is that how we're suppose to see our friends? Just tools?" "NO! That's not–It wasn't like that!" Twilight shouted. "I don't know why I did it, okay? I was under a lot of pressure, I don't know what to do! I panicked! I didn't–I never meant to hurt Spike that way! But now I...why now?!" the princess asked. "If he's been hurt this badly, why didn't he just talked to me about it sooner?" "Well, he tried to. But as usual, you never listened. You were always too busy for some other important things than to listen to a little dragon's rant," Sunset frowned sadly. "I should know, because I was inside his head," she gestured, twirling her geode amulet in her fingers. "And let me tell you something else! You remember that trip you and your friends took to Hope Hollow because Rainbow Dash was the 'guest of honor?' And you obviously left him behind to watch over the School of Friendship, even though you were going to make Starlight Glimmer the next headmaster of the school! Well if that was the case, WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING HIM ALONG THEN?!" *See Rainbow Roadtrip. Further ashamed, Twilight looked to the side, "I'm sorry you had to see that, Sunset. I–" "Don't apologize to me," Sunset scowled. "Apologize to him! I'm sure he's been hurt way more from you than I am!" Present As Sunset's words echoed in her head, Twilight looked tearfully at herself in her cup of hot chocolate, "How could I have been so ignorant?" she castigated herself. "And for how long?! How long had Spike had to put up with me, every pony, and–What kind of a Princess of Friendship am I if I couldn't even keep track of my very first friend?!" she asked herself in frustration, slamming her hoof on the table, bouncing her cup of hot chocolate, causing the hot beverage to fly up in the air, before coming back down a splashed on the table. Sighing and exhaling a deep breath, Twilight frowned, "Sunset's right. I have to set things right. Starting now." Just then, the doors opened up and stepping in were the rest of the Elements of Harmony, whom Twilight had invited to the castle. "Hey Twilight!" Rainbow Dash greeted. "So what's up? We've all got your letters." "And they all sound urgent, if you don't mind me saying," Rarity added. "That's because they are," Twilight replied. "It's about Spike." Later After the girls all took their seats around the Friendship Table, Twilight relayed everything that she had learned since her recent meeting with Sunset Shimmer. At first, the girls were pleased to hear that Sunset Shimmer was doing well in the human world, courtesy of Spike. However, when Twilight brought up the recent party at Sweet Apple Acres, which Spike was left out of, the girls' smiles disappeared. To further their heartache, they were even more horrified to hear how Spike and Sunset Shimmer had nearly frozen to death, upon falling in a lake of freezing water. "Oh goodness! Are they okay?" Fluttershy gasped in horror. "They're alright, Fluttershy," Twilight sighed. "It's a miracle they're both okay. But that's just the tip of the iceberg for why we are here right now." "Then what is it darling?" Rarity asked. Taking a deep breath, steadying her anxious mind, Twilight explained, "Sunset told me that she's seen everything in Spike's head. And the truth is, this wasn't the first time we've left Spike out, let alone treated him so poorly." "What?! What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What have we done to him?" "You had to ask?" Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash in irritation. "You would know a lot about that. Remember all those pranks you and Pinkie Pie pulled on him? Like that thundercloud stunt?" "Oh yeah! That!" the cyan pegasus laughed obnoxiously. "The look on his face was priceless! Those were good times, eh Pinkie?" "You bet!" Pinkie Pie laughed. "Well it wasn't so funny with HIM!" Twilight shouted, taking both girls by surprise when she slammed her hooves down. "You could've killed him with that!" "But...we didn't..." "You didn't then, but what happens next time, when something goes wrong, and Spike is seriously hurt? And THEN what will you do? The both of you would've gone to jail for that!" "We would?" Pinkie asked, slightly worried. "Hang on, Twi!" but before Rainbow Dash can say anything, Twilight interrupted her as she continued. "And that's another thing! Spike nearly froze to death when he fell into that lake, had Sunset Shimmer not fished him out. That shouldn't have to happen to Spike again. And now I feel like that's on me!" "Would you chill out, Twi? The important thing is, Spike's alright." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "He's back home with us. Thanks to Sunset. They both got over their colds. End of story." "Ugh, you're so insensitive, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight scowled. "Excuse me?" "What about Winter Wrap Up? Remember, Dash? It was YOUR idea to leave Spike on that block of ice, just waiting for him to drown!" "Uh, let's just rephrase that," Rainbow Dash began in her defense. "The idea wasn't to 'drown' Spike. It was more to give him a 'cold shower wake up call.' Besides, we've pulled that kind of prank to each other a lot of times before you came to Ponyville, Twi. I did that to Applejack a lot of times, and she got out okay. Right AJ?" "Yeah, I'm only okay, after recovering from a few sniffles," the apple farm pony grumbled. "But only you could raise the stakes higher for a kid, Dash." "See? That's my point!" Twilight pointed. "Hey, I had no idea the lake was that cold then! You think any pony would put up a sign that reads 'No Swimming?' And I said I was sorry!" Rainbow Dash frowned. "We all said we were sorry when we fished him out, didn't we? How were we suppose to know that dragons were sensitive to the cold then? If anything, you should've known that Twilight! You're the egghead! So in a way, it's kinda your fault." "Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy berated. "How dare you would try to pin the blame on Twilight?! You ought to know better, because Spike was just a child then! Would you do that to Scootaloo?" Unable to argue with that, Rainbow Dash slumped down in her chair, before she looked up and pointed at Twilight, "Well then, what about you Twilight?! You'd do the same to Spike! Remember that Hearth's Warming Eve, with the Winter–Zilla and you used Spike as live bait?!" "Hey! Don't try and pin that on me, Rainbow! YOU'RE the one who brought the Winter–Zilla to the castle!" "I thought it was a WinterChilla!" "Which turns into a Winter-Zilla at night! Everybody knows that!" "Are you saying I'm stupid?!" "Well obviously, any pony in their right mind wouldn't just go and give themselves away to Tempest Shadow with a sonic rainboom!" Applejack frowned. "And as I might recall, you're the one who made fun of Spike by saying he isn't like any dragons during that migration!" "Oh yeah?!" Rainbow Dash snarled, standing her ground. "Well at least I didn't use him as some sort of dummy during the Iron Pony Competition!" "Like you're any better than Rarity!" "I beg your pardon?!" the marshmallow unicorn scowled, feeling Applejack's statement came out of left field. "Where did you start–" "Don't play the innocent routine with us!" Applejack continued. "It's clear as day, 24/7 to be precise, that Spike's head over heels for ya! He practically worshipped the ground you walked on, but you only see him as your favorite errand boy and you took advantage of his feelings for ya!" "Now look here!" "And don't get me started on the whole drama you brought up when ya found out about him and Gabby!" Applejack berated. "I mean that's a new low for you! So what if Spike's found a new friend? You would be so willing as to get in the way of his happiness by driving a wedge between him and this new girl? And I thought Discord was an expert in that!" in response, Rarity gritted her teeth, unable to deny the truth that was piercing her heart like arrows, while at the same time struggling to suppress her anger and sadness altogether. "I mean why so jealous, Rarity? It's not like YOU actually cared about him, let alone shared milkshakes with him!" "DON'T YOU DARE SAY I DON'T CARE ABOUT SPIKE!" Rarity stomped her hoof. "ENOUGH!" Twilight shouted. "I didn't ask you girls here to argue! I want to set things right between us and Spike! Because I don't want him to think so badly of us anymore!" Realizing they had gotten off topic, and how they had gotten to that point, the girls exchanged solemn looks, before they sat back down in their chairs and resumed the meeting. "I wanted us to have this talk, because I wanted it for Spike's sake," Twilight began, wholeheartedly. "Because it hurts me to find out after all these years that we've been taking him for granted, how much we've left him behind on a lot of things, aside from Friendship missions, and I want to set things right between us and him. You should know that, as well as I just how precious Spike is to me, not just as a friend, but as a family! And how honored I am to be his family, and I want him to know that!" Applejack tipped her hat as she looked at Twilight sadly, "Twi, you know I'm a family mare, and I completely respect your family relationship with Spike," the country pony said. "Heck, we're all here in one big family gathering, aren't we?" the ponies all exchanged random agreements, before Applejack sets her sight on a single empty throne in the room, "Well...y'know, most of us that is. Though, now that I think about it, I guess we have sort of lost track of Spike now and then. Oh, crab apples. Poor fella's had to endure this much heartbreak, didn't he?" "Oh the poor thing," Fluttershy whimpered. "I know I came off as a little harsh sometimes," Rainbow Dash frowned sadly. "And alright, I get it, I can be a little insensitive, but I really do care about Spike. I just wished he knew that. Or how much I wished I could take back all those things I've said to him, and all those tricks I pulled on him." Pinkie Pie was sniffling quietly, before she burst out crying, "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO FORGET SPIKE! I DON'T KNOW WHY I KEEP FORGETTING HIM! I WAS JUST DOING WHAT THE WRITERS TOLD ME TO DO!" Pinkie's bawling came to a cease when Fluttershy pulled her close. "Shhhh, there, there," Fluttershy coaxed her eccentric pink friend. Rarity, being the last pony left to express her heartfelt feelings for Spike, spoke up, "I never meant to come off as stuck-up and off-putting to Spikey-Wikey. In truth, I'm happy to have him around. Granted, I know how highly he thinks of me, and yes I admit, I sometime took advantage of his feelings to get some things done. But it's only because I enjoy hanging out with him, and I wanted us to have something to do together. Even for a dragon, he's very attentive, always ready to anticipate my needs, and he does make a great soundboard," drying a single tear from her eyes, Rarity sighed, "But now that I think about it, maybe I valued him a little too much." "What was your first hint?" Rainbow Dash began. "How you used him as a pin cushion, or how you tried to steal him away from Gabby?" "He volunteered to be a pin cushion. I didn't ask him to be one!" Rarity spatted in her defense, before cringing at the second. "And yes, I'll admit. I was jealous of him and Gabby. But I do care a lot about him, contrary to what you said!" she said the last part, directly towards Applejack. "I love spending time with him. After all, I'll be blunt with all of you darlings. None of you could ever replace him. And I do hope we could make amends with the little darling, just as much as you wanted to Twilight." The girls all exchanged solemn looks with each other, with several sad nods to go with them, "Wow. That was beautiful!" a voice spoke up, revealing itself to be– "Spike?" Twilight gasped. "H-H-How long....I mean, how much did you hear?" "I think I've heard enough," the young dragon confirmed. "So you really don't think that I'm a foreigner then? Or just some fire breathing reptile you used for your own amusement sometimes?" "Of course not, Spike! You're-wait. Foreigner?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean by that?" Walking over to a chair, where he took a seat, the young dragon began, "Well, you remember about that time in Yakyakistan, with the dragons, and the Wonderbolts? And remember that time when Princess Luna and I went to Dragon Town in Fillydelphia during that Fire Snail infestation?" *See IDW Comics: Wings Over Yakyakistan and Friends Forever Issue 14. The girls all nodded, while getting a bad feeling at where this topic is going, "Let's just say that there're still some ponies who still see dragons like me in a negative way." "Spike. That's their loss," Twilight said. "You should really–" "No, just listen to me!" Spike held his claw up. "Even after I saved the Crystal Empire, or made Ember Dragon Lord, or befriended Garble and took poetry classes with him, and even after we opened the School of Friendship to dragons, there're still so many ponies who still look at us and point at us saying, 'Watch out! Walking volcanoes! Cold blooded, fire-breathing, pea brained reptiles! Hot heads!' And don't get me started on the stereotypes, where there're still some stories that depicted us dragons as treasure thieves, bad guys the knights have to fight to rescue damsels-in-distress! And don't think I forgot about how you said, what would I know about turtles, or tortoises, since I'm a dragon, Rainbow Dash," he glared directly at the pegasus. "Spike, I said I was sorry," Rainbow Dash frowned sadly. "That's not even the worst of it," Spike sniffled. "The worst I ever had to experience was the time Twilight deliberately used me as bait to a WinterZilla," he looked sadly at Twilight, whose face was completely guilt ridden. "You didn't even gave me a chance to suggest something else! You just used your magic and levitated me in front of a ravenous beast, against my will! And that's as close to Queen Chrysalis nearly plucking my wings off!" "Spike! I'm sorry!" Twilight apologized, with tears welling up in her eyes. "Sorry doesn't cut it," Spike shook his head. "And the latest was, you didn't even let me come with you to the party at Sweet Apple Acres! You just gave me a long list of chores to do, and left without hearing another word from me! This is just like the time you girls left me behind for Rainbow Dash's Young Flyer Competition in Cloudsdale, or that time when you went to Hope Hollow and left me behind to look after the school, even thought it was Starlight's job! I thought being crowned Sibling Supreme meant I won't get left behind or forgotten again!" *See the 200th episode of MLP FiM. "But you did," Spike looked down at the floors, sadly. "So I guess that was the last straw for me, to know that you're just like every pony in Equestria, and that you only see me as a foreigner, not a friend," if the girls weren't so guilty before, then they were utterly distraught, if not heartbroken to hear the young dragon's sorrow. "That's why I left to visit Sunset. Because in a way, she's someone I could relate to." "Oh, Spike!" Twilight sobbed, flapping her wings, kicking her legs, pouncing the young dragon in a hug, with the others joining in. "I'm so sorry we made you feel that way!" Spike shook his head, "Sorry's not going to cut it." "I know," the Princess of Friendship continued to cry. "But you're not a foreigner, Spike! You are our friend! And we never meant to forget you!" "Then why did you? Am I that easy to forget? Or do you think of me as just another fire breathing reptile for your own amusement?" "No! Of course not, darling!" Rarity frowned tearfully. "We've always appreciate you for being yourself." "We were just so busy with a lot of stuff, we kinda overlooked!" Applejack explained. "We never meant to forget you! I mean, I even forgot to invite Babs Seed to the party. This sort of thing happens to every pony and creatures. Not just you, Sugarcube." Rainbow Dash then apologized, "And I'm sorry if I made you feel bad with my jokes and pranks. I tease a lot of creatures and ponies. I never meant to hurt any feelings. Well, except maybe Discord's, but still. Look Spike, if it makes you feel any better, I'd give up apple ciders for the rest of my life, for every cruel jokes I did to you." Rainbow Dash's offer intrigued Spike. For anyone who knew Rainbow Dash well enough, she is crazy obsessed with apple cider. To hear her giving up on her favorite beverage is as unheard of than to hear her giving up her pair of wings for someone else's sake. "Do you Pinkie Promise?" Spike challenged. "If that's how you want it," Rainbow Dash began. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." In response, Spike gave a light chuckle, knowing that it's not easy for Rainbow Dash to give up on apple ciders, and as everyone would remember from past experience, once a Pinkie Promise has been made, then there's no backing out on it, with Pinkie Pie....unless there are some loopholes to exploit. "And if it's not too late, I could throw you a 'We're Sorry and We Love You Spike Party'," Pinkie Pie offered, but Spike remained silent. Instead, he brushed the girls off him as he walked away with his back turned, "Is that a no?" Without looking back, Spike asked, "What choices do I have? You're the only family I have," he sighed. "Equestria's my home. And to be fair...I'm just as bad for choosing someone else over you girls." "Choosing? Someone?" Twilight asked, as she wiped her tears. "Like who?" "You know, a few years back when I joined the dragon migration, and I had my first meeting with Garble and his gang," Spike frowned at the unpleasant memory. "And our recent work with Sludge. I was a complete idiot for thinking I could learn to be a better dragon from either of them." "Don't be so hard on yourself, Sugarcube," Applejack frowned sympathetically. "You were just growing up and learning. You didn't know any better back then. Now you're wiser and you're smarter than you were back then." "Just like us!" Pinkie Pie chirped. Again, Twilight wrapped her wings around Spike and pulling him close, "You're not a foreigner, Spike. You're our friend," she said tearfully. "And we still love you, pony or dragon. Please, don't forget that. And I can Pinkie Promise that we'll treat you better in the nearest future. I don't know if we can make it up to you, or if you can forgive us, but–" Twilight was interrupted when Spike wrapped his arms around her in a loving hug. "You already have," Spike said, tightening the embrace. "So, do you forgive us?" Twilight asked hopefully. "What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't?" the young dragon asked. "As long as I don't have to fall into another ice cold water again." Applejack chuckled, "We'll make sure that doesn't happen again." "And next time, can we avoid another WinterZilla rampage that doesn't involve me as bait?" "Sure Spike. Of course," Twilight nodded, smiling tearfully. "We'll sacrifice Pinkie Pie instead, next time," Rainbow Dash offered. "She's literally a walking piñata." "HEY!" Pinkie Pie frowned. "Just kidding." Turning their attention back to the young dragon, Twilight asked, "So what do you say Spike? What do you feeling like doing now?" "Hmmm," Spike pondered. "Well, do you still have that Chancellor Puddinghead's recipe?" "Of course!" Twilight beamed. "Mmmm, pudding!" Pinkie Pie licked her lips. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Applejack asked, as straightens her hat. "To the kitchen!" "And after that, we'll go out and make snow angels and build a snow pony!" Pinkie bounced happily, as she followed her friends to the kitchen. Spike smiled as he followed his friends, but stopped when they passed the next room, where the mirror to the human world rests. He looked at the large mirror in the room, and thought of the fiery girl, Sunset Shimmer. Human World Sunset Shimmer was in her room, enjoying herself a cup of hot chocolate, with her pet gecko, Ray, perched on her shoulder and nuzzling against her cheek fondly. Just then, her magic journal was vibrating and flashing an aura of light, alerting her of a new message. Setting her cup down, Sunset walked over to turn the pages to read a message that reads: "Hey Sunset!" "Do you want to build a snow pony?"