Goranger: One-shot Story: Nightmare Night Speical

by Saphirus92

The Ballad of Tam Lin

Outside the Goranger base near Ponyville, Applejack and Aiya wait for the arrive of their teammates. Teammates who are extremely late.

“Gotdogit! Wher’ are they?” Applejack swears as she paced.

“Aj, relax. I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason their this late.” Aiya reassured her friend.

“They better do, they should have been her’ yesterday Twi.” Applejack replied.

After a few minutes, the large eight-wheeled ‘Ranger-Tank' rolling down the hillside.

"They're here," Aiya said as she spots the Ranger-Tank.

“about time!” Applejack huffed.

Once the Ranger-Tank pulled up to the base, the rear hatch opened as Hyde, Blaster, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie all walked out.

“Wher’ the sam-hell has ya’ll been?!” Applejack demanded.

“Had a slight…detour…” Hyde grumbled.

“Well, what happened?” Aiya asked.

“We helped some girl get her elf boyfriend back.” Rainbow Dash explained, puzzling both Aiya and Applejack.

“Technically he wasn't an elf," Blaster said,

“Maybe not, but we did find elves and fairies.” Pinkie commented.

"Are ya'll gonna tell us what the sam-hell happened when you were out?" Applejack asked.

"Look, Jackie...it's been a long trip…let's just wait till later…" Hyde grumbled.

"Nope, we want to hear what happened, Now," Aiya demanded.

“ugh…fine…” Hyde grumbled as he began to explain the earlier events,

“We were driving through Trottingham as you told us to, looking for recruits, but with no luck. So we decided to stop by a local pub for a few drinks.

“a few drinks?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow

“Nothing too strong, Mom!” Rainbow Dash mocked.

“anyway…” Hyde said as he continued his story,

"We were just hanging out until someone was calling to us,

“Excuse me, Excuse Me!”

It was a young lady about our age, fair skin and orange bushy hair, bushier than Damien's from where I was sitting.

“You’re those Ranger guys I’ve heard about around town, aren’t you?!” she asked us

Now most of us were kinda freaked by how easily she figured out who we were.

“Hehehe…wh-what makes you think we’re those Goranger guys?” Rainbow Dash nervously laughed.

“Y-yea…I mean those guys wear masks and Helmets; how do you know their us?” Pinkie innocently smiled.

The girl wasn’t convinced by what Dash and Pink said

“You rode in on the same type of Tank the Rangers use…” she deadpanned said while pointed to the Ranger-Tank packed outside.

“Told ya we should have gotten a paint job…” Blaster whispered to me

“Shut up.” I told him before turning to the girl, “OK miss, so you figured us out. What do you want, an autograph or what?”

No, Not really. I need your help!” The lady told us before explaining herself.

“really? A story within a story?” Aiya asked.

“Trust me, it’ll all make sense," Blaster reassured her

"Yes, now Shut up," Hyde told the group before continuing,

“She told us her name was Bonnet Janet or Bonny as she likes to be called. Before tells us her story she tells us about the woods of Carterhault. It’s like Ponyville’s Everfree Forest expect that Carterhault as the bonus of being haunted by a spirit, a spirit by the name of Tam Lin. According to Bonny young maidens are should be cautious when going through Carterhault, that they should leave a token behind when traveling through the woods, like jewelry or a cloth, and if they don’t, Tam Lin will appear and take their virginity instead. This is when our girl Bonny strolls into Carterhault like she owns the place”

"Wow, she's bold," Aiya said with amazement.

"Yea, as it turns out, she kinda does. Her dad owns like one-third of the surrounding lands and he ended up giving it all to her." Blaster explained.

“anyway…” Hyde said before continuing,

"Our girl Bonny is strolling down a path until she sees a double-headed rose, she picks it and then runs into Tam Lin himself. Tam Lin, trying to be mystical and mysterious, is all like,

“Uh, what are you doing here at this time of night? Haven’t you head like the stories about me?”

But instead of being freaked out like any rational person, our girl Bonny walks up to Tam Lin and goes like

“Oh darn…I left all my jewelry and clothes at home…oh well, there must be something I can offer you~" she smiles. At this point, Tam Lin wasn't getting so instead of our girl Bonny finally had to spell it out for him, “Look, you’re cute and every other guy at my dad’s place is old…so~” That’s when our girl Bonny pounds on our dude Tam Lin.

“Uh, don’t I get a say in this?!” a reasonably shocked Tam Lin asked.

“Nope” our girl Bonny replies before stripping off her dress and getting down to business.”

“Damn, She’s direct.” Aiya once again said in amazement.

“Sounds like someone I know…” Applejack said before staring at an innocently whistling Aiya.

"Yes. And apparently, she like that one night in the woods so much she began going back for the next few nights. Homegirl was thirsty." Hyde explained,

“Really?” Applejack said with an arched eyebrow

“hehe, yea,” Pinkie Pie chuckled, “She was thirsty for a Trottingham drink called Tam Lin”

“Ha! Nice!” Blaster said before high fiving Pinkie while Rainbow Dash chuckled as well.

Hyde shook his head and groaned form the two's playful joke before continuing.

“For the next few nights, our girl Bonny and Tam would continue their midnight ‘playtimes’, while unsurprisingly Our girl Bonny gets herself pregnant with Tam’s kid.”

"Because yes, that wants happens when people do too much of the sexing thing, AIYA!” Hyde said while directly referencing to Aiya and her “activities”. All the while Aiya innocently whistles to herself. Applejack rolled her eyes before Pinkie Pie continued the story.

“Yea, when Bonny’s dad fought out, he was all like

“Who is responsible for this?”

But Bony was all like,

"Hey, ain't no one responsible for this baby, except for me...and my elf boyfriend who lives in the woods…"

“You can probably imagine the look on Bonny’s Dad’s face when he heard that…” Hyde commented before continuing himself.

“Later on after that, our girl Bonny returns to Carterhault and considers using in herbal plan B, but as she does Tam Lin appears and then goes on to explain HIS back story.

“Seriously? A backstory in a backstory?” an annoyed Applejack interrupted.

“Yes and Shut up," Hyde said before continuing.

"As it turns out, Tam Lin isn't a fairy, elf or anything like that, but instead is an actual regular guy. One day while riding through Carterhault, he got lost and ended up in the dominion of the Fairy Court.”

“Wait…he got so lost he ended up in Fairy Land?” a dumbfounded Aiya said while raising an eyebrow

“Yea…we were just as surprised as you…” Rainbow Dash noted as Hyde continued.

"Anyway, while the Fairy folk doesn't take too kindly to outsiders, Titania, the queen of the Fairy Court, took a liking to Tam and allowed him to stay. Things were ok for a while, but things slowly started to go downhill. You see, the Fairy have this tradition were they pay tithe to Tartarus for some reason by sacrificing one of their own every seven years on a harvest moon. And since the fairy folk doesn't really like sacrificing one of their kind, they usually use any spare pone they have, and Tam Lin believes he is that sacrifice, mostly because it was the harvest moon that night."

“What are the Odds, am I right?” Pinkie commented.

"After hearing this, our girl Bonny wasn't having anything of it and opted to save Tam Lin from his fate. Just as she was about to though, she saw us come into town and thought we might be able to help.”

"Uh-huh…and how did you settle this?" Applejack asked.

"Now me being pretty rational, thought about the current situation and gave Bonny a reasonable but fair answer," Hyde told Applejack


Please!” Bonny pleaded to us, “I need your help! I'm up against fairies and who knows what else! For me, this is a whole new level, but this is a cakewalk for people like you!

Ah come on dude, she needs us!” Rainbow Dash complaints.

She’s got a point Hyde; we can't just reject her in a time like this," Blaster says to me.

Yea! Plus we’ve never fought fairies before!” Pinkie cheered.

I looked at the group and back at Bonny as I groaned under my breath, “There’s no way I’m doing this.

--A few hours later—

I can’t fucking believe I’m doing this.

“So there we were, in the middle of Carterhault hiding in the brushes until Finally, a group of fairies came along, with both Tam Lin and the Fairy queen in the center.

“great, there’s Bonny’s baby daddy. Now what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"Leave that to us~," Pinkie said, and she and Blaster smiled to each other, I had a bad feeling about that…and I was right…

As the procession came by, they were suddenly stopped. I'll let you guess who. A few feet from them was Pinkie and Blaster, dressed in like something from a carnival party, dancing and singing in the middle of the road. I honestly didn’t know who was more puzzled by this, Titania and her procession or us.

"Quite an odd bunch, they are," Bonny says while pointing out the obvious.

“You have no idea…” Rainbow Dash noted.

Meanwhile, while Pinkie and Blaster were getting their funk on, Titania was about done with their shenanigans and summoned two of her guards to restrain them. However, Rainbow Dash and I leaped out and attacked the guard, surrounding Titania.

“Titania, my friends and I have come for the guy you’re about to sacrifice. Hand him over peaceful and we’ll leave you be.” I say to the queen, but sadly…she wasn’t having any of it.

“You Damned Mortals, you dare march into my wood and have the audacity to command me, ME, THE QUEEN OF FAIRIES?!” Titian said in a booming voice.

“Well when you put it like that, it is kinda dumb of us.” Blaster commented.

“Begone from my sight or suffer my wraith!” Titania demanded while putting on one hell of a scary fairy face.

Rainbow Dash chuckled at the Titania’s command, “Oh yea, you and what arm- “but before she finished, we were suddenly surrounded by armed fairy foot soldiers, thus causing me to whack Rainbow Dash upside her head.

Upon remembering the event, Hyde once again whacks Rainbow Dash across the back of her head.

“How many times do I have to say sorry?! GEEZ!” Rainbow Dash pounded

“So anyway, the four us went on to fight off the fairy guardsmen, Me using my hammer, Blaster using his crossbow, Rainbow with her daggers and Pinkie…using her giant ass party cannon...yea. We were outnumbered, but luckily that meant everyone was focused on us. As we fought, your girl bonny leaped out of the brush and grabbed Tam Lin right off his mount. However, this didn’t go unnoticed by Titania.

Pissed that someone was trying to steal her tribute, Titania went on to change Tam into a whole bunch of creatures, including a lizard, a snake, a bear, a lion, a chunk of hot coal and finally an actual fire, all in an attempt to get our girl Bonny to let go of Tam."

"Wow, the girl is one determined hugger." Aiya commented,

“that’s what I said!” Pinkie replied.

“Yea, but fortunately, since Tam is Bonny’s baby daddy, there was no way he could harm her, even in his fire form. Luckily there was a connivingly placed well nearby and Our girl bonny dropped fire Tam into it, thus returning him to normal.

Once Bonny had Tam, the four of us rushed over to the two to protect them from any hostile Fairies. However, to all our surprise, Titania had called them off and begrudgery admitted defeat. However before leaving, Titania tells Tam if she had known Tam would have ended up in a relationship with a mortal woman, she would have turned his eyes to stone as soon as they met.”

Aiya and Applejack both hands dumbfounded looks upon hearing that last statement.

"That was a red flag if I ever did saw one," Blaster noted.

“ya think?” Aiya and Applejack both commented.

"So after that, we got Bonny and Tam home, they are getting ready to prepare for the birth of their kid and then we came back here…the end." Hyde said with a hint of relief at finishing his story.

“Yea, so basically, we kicked major butt, as always.” Rainbow Dash said cockily while Hyde rolled his eyes.

"Well, Ya'll…that was one heck of a story." Applejack said

“You have no idea…” Hyde groaned as Aiya chuckled at him, soon enough she noticed Pinkie wasn’t with the group.

"Ugh, …where's Pinkie?" Aiya asked.

“Oh, she mentioned she was kinda ‘thirsty’ for some Runner juice”

Aiya quickly puts two and two together as she blankly stares at Rainbow Dash, "OH HELL NO!!" she shouts and races off to find Damien before Pinkie does.

“ugggghhh…ya’ll girls are killin’ me…” Applejack facepalms before walking back into the base with Rainbow dash fallowing her.

As Hyde begins to fallow Applejack in, he is stopped by Blaster.

“Hey Hyde, you left out something. You forgot to mention that Titania swore vengeance against us for interfering in her plans”

Hyde thought for a bit and did remember that part, but he shrugs off the thought, “Nah, I don’t think that’s something we should worry about that in the near future.” Hyde said before walking off with Blaster.