//------------------------------// // Ch.7 - Reunion - Pt.2 // Story: A Little Adventure in Alola // by CommanderX5 //------------------------------// A Little Adventure in Alola - Chapter 7 - Reunion - Pt.2 Ash watched two of Giovanni’s lackies, ones that seemed very familiar, activate their jetpacks and escort their boss over the sea. He quickly looked at Astra with a look of pity as the trainer just dropped to her knees, either tired or shocked by the experience. While he had had his own bad experiences with Team Rocket in the past, most of the time they were more of an inconvenience rather than a serious threat. Astra however seemed to have some sort of history with them, one involving dead parents and… some sort of an organization.  Actually, the more he learned about Astra, the more he wanted to meet her. Pikachu had already told Nica quite a lot about him, and Nica most likely told Pikachu a lot about her trainer. Now was his turn to get to know her. He shook his head as his attention focused on Pikachu, who, ironically, was now on Astra’s shoulder, the same as Nica was on his. More than a week ago he was going crazy with worry, wondering what the heck had happened to his partner and his other pokemon, yet, in a sense, being summoned to another world kept them safe from the invasion that took place three days ago. “Pikachu…” he said as his eyes started to water and his throat suddenly became dry.  Astra stood from her knees and turned around as both trainers once again faced each other, this time with no outside distractions as the surrounding pokemon formed a circle. Emily, Lillie and Lana keep a respective distance as well. Both pokemon jumped from the trainer’s shoulders, now standing next to the humans and across each other. Ash looked between Astra and Pikachu. While he wanted to learn more about this amazing trainer, his desire to reunite with his dearest pokemon topped that immediately. He dropped to one knee and spread his arms in an inviting gesture. Nica looked between her trainer and Pikachu, both showing signs of hardships and battles by their bruises and cuts. It had been more than a month since she had last seen her trainer, yet she knew that they would reunite sooner or later. Her mind filled with stories that just waited to be shared and the good news of successful mission she volunteered for. Still, there was also Pikachu who had to face the dangers of Alola, most likely searching for her. She wanted to embrace her hero and reveal her feelings to him. Astra looked between Ash and Nica. She wanted to rush and hug her precious partner, to once again feel her soft fur and affection while congratulating her for a job well done. In fact, she felt the extreme desire to tell Nica how incredibly happy and proud she was. However, the presence of Ash Ketchum filled her with hesitation and anxiety. Her job was to escort and reunite the Pikachu with his trainer, but interacting with the trainer she admired wasn’t something she was looking forward to. Taking the example from Ash, she knelt and spread her arms, inviting Nica to jump into her embrace while keeping a respectful distance from the other trainer. Pikachu looked between Ash and Nica. It was a fact that he missed Ash, that he wanted to reunite with him as seeing him in one piece despite the ongoing invasion filled him with joy. However… not long ago he experienced something else, he started to like and care for Nica and he felt terrified that she would be dead. His heart raced as seeing Nica alive felt even more important than reuniting with his trainer. Now when he had to choose who to hug first, his worry for Nica’s life proved stronger than his desire to accept Ash’s invitation. As both trainers awaited their partners to jump towards them, Nica looked at Ash, then at Pikachu and then at Astra. She smiled brightly as an idea came into her mind. She wrapped her tail around Ash’s belly before charging forward, pulling the confused trainer alongside her as her three hurting paws proved strong enough. Pikachu ran towards Nica, only to stop upon noticing that she was pulling his trainer. He took a step back while Astra blinked in confusion.  With a cheerful “Chuuu!” Nica jumped towards Pikachu, grabbing him with her left forepaw. She leaped towards Astra, pushing herself into her embrace before pulling her tail. A mere moment later, she nuzzled her trainer’s chin while also nuzzling Pikachu’s cheek, her paw and tail wrapped around their necks.  Pikachu ended up trapped, from one side feeling the strong affection of the enthusiastic Raichu as she nuzzled him without a care in the world, on another side he was pressed into Ash’s chest.  Ash felt Pikachu’s side and Nica’s back press against his chest as his hands ended up wrapped around both pokemon and the female trainer. Astra’s face became red as she ended up hugging two pokemon and her hero, struggling not to faint while finding her predicament both pleasant and uncomfortable at the same time. Nica kept everyone close with the help of her tail, which was now wrapped around everybody, not allowing anyone to leave. “Astra, I did it, I completed my mission and saved Equestria! I finally got the chance to use my skills and power and I kept those ponies safe and made many great friends! I was helpful! I did good, I did great. You’re proud of me, right, right? Please tell me you’re proud.” Astra felt tears slide down her cheeks. She had faith that her partner would overcome the danger, but seeing her in one piece and admit her great success, it filled her heart with pride. “I’m proud Nica, I really am. To think you could achieve it on your own.”  She closed her eyes and pressed her face against Nica’s cheek, tightening the embrace. All those years filled with hardship and challenges, all the years where her partner endured one struggle after another, all the painful training she had condemned herself to. All that power and skill finally put to great use, saving countless lives while keeping a nation free from slavery. Moments like this were what gave her life meaning. “And the moment you returned, you risked your life to free us from the gigantic beast, giving us hope of saving Alola and pushing back Team Rocket. I am beyond proud. I’m the most proud trainer in existence.”  “R-really!” Nica asked with a squeaky voice before bursting into a cry of joy, feeling as if her heart was about to explode. Not wanting to interrupt the reunion, Pikachu started nuzzling his trainer’s chest. “Ash, I’m so happy we’re finally together. I’m really sorry I left you on your own, especially now when you needed me more than ever.” “It wasn’t your fault. There was nothing you could do, so don’t feel bad about it,” Ash said as he rubbed the back of Pikachu’s head and then in between his ears. They looked at each other with teary eyes before hugging each other again. “What’s important is that we’re together again. What’s more, not only did you help save Alola from that large monster, you made great friends. I am just happy everything is finally going right.” “You don’t have to say that again. It’s actually nice to be able to talk with you, I can finally tell you how much I appreciate you as a trainer, your good heart, and your dedication to help others improve.” Pikachu grinned, adding in more relaxed tone, "It certainly outweighs the times when you get clumsy or make some dumb decisions." “Gee… thanks,” Ash responded. Pikachu smiled sheepishly as he pushed himself away from his trainer’s hug. “Please, don’t be angry, but… truth be told… I didn’t miss you as much as I thought I would.” “Huh?” Pikachu sighed. “Let’s just say that Nica did her best to make my stay in Equestria as pleasant as possible.” He blushed and tapped his paws together. “She… she made me feel similar… to how I felt when I was around you. I’m sorry.” Ace’s ears perked up as he smiled from his spot on Starlight’s back. “Why are you sorry for that?” Ash smiled. “I’m actually glad you two got along so much that your stay was pleasant. The last thing I wanted was for you to go crazy with worries like I did.” He looked at the Raichu as her head was still very close to his face. “Nica, I can’t thank you enough.” The Raichu looked away from her trainer, her attention now on Pikachu who looked at her at the same time.  With some difficulty in turning while trapped in the large hug, Pikachu raised his forepaw and gently touched Nica’s face, noticing black marks on her eyes. In fact, her whole body looked beaten up as even her ears seemed creased. Her fur and cheek was more red than usual and her right forepaw looked especially nasty. “What… what happened to you?” “Nothing really. After Ace saved me from drowning, he ended up captured by Team Rocket while throwing me to the Pokemon Center,” Nica started. “Drowned?” Pikachu asked before glancing at Ace on Starlight’s back, who waved at him as his body looked as if subjected to torture. If he wasn’t trapped in a hug, he would jump at Ace to deliver a hug of gratitude. “Thank you! Thank you for saving Nica!” Ash spoke up, “We worked together to rescue Ace, fighting three Ultra Beasts, and I must say, Nica knows the meaning of teamwork.” His pokemon nodded in agreement, so did most of Astra and Emily’s pokemon. Nica blushed at the praise before continuing, “And here’s the best part. I challenged Mimikyu, who at this point had the power of Totem Pokemon on his side, to a duel. It was a long intense fight, I tell you.” “Mimikyu? Power of Totem Pokemon? Did he beat you so hard?” Pikachu asked, remembering his encounter with the little powerhouse. To this very day he had still failed to defeat him in a straight fight.  “And you managed to defeat him?” “Of course I did, who do you think I am?” Nica asked, taking some of Pikachu’s lessons as she decided to allow herself to display at least a tiny bit of pride. “I actually managed to outplay him thanks to my trusty tail and use his rage to my advantage. I tried to talk some sense into him, but he just threatened that if I evaded his Z-move, he’d use it against Ace instead. I was forced to let him hit me with ‘Never-Ending Snuggle.’ It… kinda hurt, like… a lot.”  Pikachu gasped, staring in disbelief. More than once he had witnessed her durability, yet she still managed to surpass his expectations. Nica was like a combination of a selfless heroine and a walking shield. “I bested that meanie and got that team that has been harassing you for years into prison. You’re finally free! I am so happy for you,” Nica said with an enthusiastic smile on her face. Pikachu opened his mouth, but closed it immediately after. He didn’t deserve to meet this Raichu, nor to be in her presence. She called him a hero, yet in reality he was out of her league. NIca withdrew her tail, freeing everyone from the forced hug. Pikachu jumped onto Ash’s shoulder, nuzzling the side of his cheek while looking at Nica in admiration. “What about you? You seem beaten up as well?” Nica glanced at Rainbow Dash, who looked even worse.  Dash stood on her rear hooves and started punching the air. “A lot of fighting against pokemon with exploding heads, pokemon that looked like walking buildings.” She spin kicked. “We ended up chased by the enemy boss and his lackeys while using nearby water to our advantage.” She wiped sweat from her forehead. “I feel as if I have had a week-long dose of adventure. Pity my wing got broken in the middle of it. It kind of stinks.” Astra added as she looked at Ash, “I got to cooperate with your Pikachu, and I must say, he’s well trained and incredibly talented. Very durable considering his fragile body.” Ash was about to respond, but Pikachu beat him to it. “Hey, I wanted to evolve! You’re the one who didn’t let me,” Pikachu complained. “Wait, what!?” Ash flinched. He grabbed Pikachu with his hands, staring at him in disbelief. “You wanted to evolve?” “Really?” Nica asked. “I did. We were outmatched and I wanted to find you. Astra suggested the use of a ‘Thunderstone’ to increase our chances.” He frowned and crossed his forepaws. “But she took it away before I could use it.” “Because I didn’t want to evolve you against your will,” Astra pointed out. Pikachu pressed his little paws against Ash’s hands, pushing himself free as he spun in mid-air and gave the female trainer an angered glare. “It wasn't against my will!” “Really?” Astra asked before reaching for small pouch inside her backpack. She took out the ‘Thunderstone’ before presenting it. “Go ahead, use it, be my guest.” “Well…” Pikachu looked at the green stone with a lightning bolt as he started rubbing his arm nervously. “Maybe another time.” Astra raised her head arrogantly. “See. Now when the crisis is over and Nica is with us, you want to stay as a Pikachu. I rest my case.” Nica dropped her paws and head, whimpering sadly. “Awww… so no long-tail-fencing sessions. Don’t raise my hopes up only to dash them. That’s… a bit mean.” “What… I didn’t mean,” Pikachu said in panic before shooting Astra a raspberry. Not that he didn’t like her as he actually felt strong respect and trust towards her, but she was just too careful, not reckless enough for his liking. Actually… maybe that wasn't the case. “Astra.” “Yes?” “Thank you,” Pikachu said with a warm smile. “When you took two powerful blows for me and Dash, it was very brave of you. I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t.” “I just… did what was important. I had armor and shield, using it to keep you both safe was the right thing to do,” Astra said as she massaged her arm nervously. “Well, if you ever decide to evolve, just tell me. It’s your call,” Ash encouraged as he lowered himself to pat Pikachu’s head. He looked between Nica and Astra before adding, “Astra. Thank you for keeping my Pikachu safe. I appreciate it more than you think.” The female trainer blushed, hiding it desperately be looking to the side and at the sky. Ash stood up as competitive flame was lit in his eyes. “By the way, after seeing what your Raichu is capable off, I can tell that you’re a really great trainer. You really have to tell me all about your adventures and your goals. Maybe we can help each other achieve them.” He gestured at surrounding pokemon. “Once this crisis is over, I want to have a battle with you.” He looked between his Pikachu and Nica, who now stared back in panic. “I bet my Pikachu would love to have a one-on-one fight against your Raichu. It would be sooo epic. Right Pikachu?” “I pass,” Pikachu said as he crossed his hands and looked to the side. Nica sighed in relief before giving the smaller pokemon a grateful smile. “See, he would love… wait… Pikachu, I think I heard you wrong,” Ash said as he ducked and exposed his ear. “I said I’m not interested. I would love to train with Nica if she’s fine with it, but I don’t want to fight her,” Pikachu said with a firm nod, only to yelp in surprise when Ash brought him up to his face. “Are you really my Pikachu?” “What? Of course I am.” He started shaking his little paws in aggravation. “Why would you think that?!” Nica chuckled at the scene before her, only to feel the hand of her trainer on her shoulder. Her senses quickly picked up an aura of growing regret. She turned around, now seeing guilt on her trainer’s face. “Nica, I want… I want to apologize,” Astra said as her partner tilted her head to the side in confusion. “When I shared my ideology with you, I also tried to teach you how to be humble. I didn’t want pride or arrogance blind you, so I tried to teach you humility. I wanted for you to strive to be better by knowing that there’s always someone better, someone to take example from.” She looked to the side. “I had no idea that my action caused you to suffer from an inferiority complex, to feel a lack of accomplishment and sadness for years.” Nica blinked before looking at her smaller friend. “Did Pikachu… mention it to you?” Astra nodded. “He told me how bad it got. If I knew it got that bad, if you even mentioned it… Nica, I am so sorry… I know it is too late to fix my mistakes, but if I can do something to repay you, just tell me, and know that I truly regret what I did.” Nica stood on the tip of a single paw, stretching herself in order to pat her trainer on the shoulder. “To be honest, it was my fault. You had the right idea, it was I who took your teachings out of proportion. I had no idea it was even an issue in the first place, and I already got better thanks to Pikachu and my pony friends. Besides,” Nica booped her trainer’s nose, “I love everything you taught me no matter the hardship it caused. I love who you helped me to become, and most importantly, I love you as my trainer and partner.” She embraced her trainer’s neck, feeling her hands warp around her back. “Why wouldn’t I forgive you a tiny mistake when I am grateful and happy for everything else?” “Nica…” Astra said before closing her eyes, allowing herself to be lost in the affectionate hug. What was once a room reserved for Twilight and her experiment had now become a chamber containing a portal to another world. Ash stared at the portal with growing interest and with Pikachu perched on his shoulder. “So what you’re saying is: I can use this portal to visit your home and come back whenever I wish?” he asked as the alicorn pony and Torracat stood by his side. Nica, Ace and Ninetales stood further back as bruises and cuts were no longer present on their bodies, all pokemon healed after a solid rest in the Pokemon Center. “Of course, though I’ll need to recharge it from time to time with my magic. Since there’s no magic in Alola, my reserves don’t recover, so I’ll need to do it from the other side,” Twilight explained as she patted the trainer with her wing, pushing him forward encouragingly. “Go on, test it out.” “Sure, sure, but I need to ask you about something,” Ash said. “Yes?” “First, can I keep one of those translating collars for my Pikachu and Torracat?”  “Sure,” Twilight said with a warm smile before standing on her rear hooves while taking a closer look. “Still, this one seem somewhat damaged, a side effect of wearing it during battle. We’ll need to replace those cracked gems with new ones.” “Sounds good to me,” Pikachu said in approval. “I’ll be sure to take it off before any battle.” “What’s your other question?” Twilight asked. “Well…” Ash tapped his fingers together. “You said that you couldn’t find Rowlet and Lycanroc when you tried to get all the pokemon back to Alola. Why is that?” “Simple. Maud Pie must’ve taken him on some exploration and they lost track of time while I lacked time to look for them. As for Rowlet,” she shrugged, “I have no idea where he has gone. Derpy said he was no longer with her when she woke up.” “Then we’ll just have to find them,” Ash said with an enthusiastic shake of his hand. “We can ask my friends to help us out, I’m sure you’ll like them. Pity that Astra is too busy preparing an attack plan to join us,” Twilight pointed out as her ears drooped.  “No kidding. To make it worse, I can’t even help her because of the hostages, and it may be just me, but I get the impression that Astra has been avoiding me.”  “She must be stressed about responsibility as fate of Alola now rest on her shoulders,” Twilight said. Nica raised her eyebrows. “S-sure… let’s leave it at that.” “Hey, Pikachu. While we’re in Equestria, I’ll be counting on you and Twilight to show me around. Also, if you learned anything from Nica about Astra and her adventures, tell me about it. I really want to get to know her better.” Nica ran over and gestured at Pikachu with her paws while shaking her head. “Sure.” Nica’s ears drooped, so did her paws. She could only imagine Astra’s panicked reactions and Ash’s fanboying rush. Torracat took a few steps forward before turning around, now looking up at Ninetales. “I… I wish you the best of luck. I know that you’re skilled and strong, but I can also tell that you’ll face extreme danger.” He lowered his head. “I wish I could come with you.” Ninetales said before correcting himself. “Don’t die, please,” Torracat said with a pleading voice, his eyes displaying nothing but worry. Ninetales rubbed the top of smaller’s pokemon head with his long thin paw. “That’s reassuring,” Torracat said as he rubbed his taller friend’s paw.  Ace asked as he spread his forepaws in invitation. Nica glanced at the fire cat pleadingly, unnoticed by her brother. Torracat frowned in annoyance. “F-fine… but only because you did a fine job beating that giant and saving Nica. Just don’t get used to it.” He approached and stood on his rear paws, hugging the self-levitating Raichu who immediately trapped him between his paws. “I… I wish you great victories and a safe return. Let the water you like so much aid you in sweeping those Rocket members and beasts away. Hit them with the power of a storm and a tsunami.” Ash observed the friendly exchange with a warm smile, though understanding only his pokemon. “Good luck, I know you’ll succeed.” He walked towards the portal. “Pikachu!” “Huh?” Pikachu asked, his attention now on Nica. He jumped onto the floor. “You already said your goodbye, but I don’t mind doing it again.” Ash turned around, observing the exchange while standing close to the portal with Twilight by his side. Nica took off her translating collar, and she did so with Pikachu’s one. Now sure that their talk wouldn’t be understood by Ash, she spoke. She rubbed her forepaw nervously. Pikachu blinked before nodding. She seems to be making progress, but she still has a long way to overcome her overwhelming humility. He stood on the tips of his tiny feet, stretched up to place his forepaw on her shoulder and gave her an encouraging smile. Much to his surprise, he felt Nica’s tail wrap around his belly before raising him very close to her head. What followed was not anything he expected. He felt Nica’s lips press against his, delivering him a firm, direct, and very strong kiss. It wasn’t an attack move, but a real affectionate approach.  His cheeks became red and his eyes wide as he could only stare ahead, his heartbeat increased in speed. A few seconds later, he was released from the kiss, now staring at Nica’s blushing but proud face. “She… kissed you!?” Ash asked as he stared in shock. “Oh, how lovely,” Twilight commented. “I must say, they look adorable together.” Ace stood on the tips of the white patches on his rear paws and started a cheerful dance atop his levitating tail. Torracat hesitated at first, but a moment later followed his example.   Pikachu felt his feet touch the ground and tail release his belly. He looked up, his mouth agape as he was lost for words. Pikachu asked, not realizing that their experiences lead to such affection. Now that he thought about it, he did feel great as long as he was in Nica’s presence. As long as she was around, he didn’t miss his trainer all that much, and when her life was in danger, he felt as if his heart was about to break. Is he feeling the same? Nica nodded, only for her ears to droop as she continued in a somber tone, Pikachu took a step back. How was he supposed to answer a statement like that? A moment later he noticed Nica’s paw land on his shoulder as she gave him a cheerful… yet forced smile. Both Ace and Torracat stopped dancing, now shaking their heads at Nica while Ninetales slammed his forepaw against his own face. Nica grabbed Pikachu by his side while gesturing over the room. Pikachu asked as his confused brain still tried to comprehend what the superior Raichu was telling him. Ash and Twilight looked at each other, wondering what the duo had been talking about while Ace and Torracat held each other, ready to burst into tears. Pikachu’s eyes became wide as he finally understood what Nica had tried to tell him, but before he could even come up with an answer, he ended up pushed into the portal. The moment his little feet made contact with Equestria's soil, he shook his head and ran back in, but Nica was nowhere to be found. Ace looked at him with pure disappointment and tears in his eyes. Pikachu took a step back as Torracat approached him and hissed in his face. Pikachu’s ears, head and paws drooped as his body suddenly felt a lot heavier. All this time he never for a moment considered the idea of having a relationship with the amazing Raichu other than friendship. Now that I think about it, I tend to ignore this kind of stuff a lot, he thought, remembering other pokemon which made advances towards him, specifically one particular Buneary. He whimpered sadly, feeling as if he had missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. If there was a counting device that would go up by one each time he screwed up, it would no doubt jump up by a hundred.