My Little Pony: The Light of Harmonys Hope

by kahnac

The Beginning of the End Ch. 1

"I'm really gonna miss having you guys around. Promise you'll write back every day, okay?" Sandbar asked his friends as they gathered at the train station.

The School of Friendship was nearly complete, and at the concluding point. Even so, the teachers and headstallion felt, after all they had gone through during the events that required the school to be repaired in the first place, some time off would be prudent. The prince offered to have the students use his school as a temporary location to catch up on their studies until the repairs were done. It was most fortunate that Finals were already drawing near before the Magical Theft incident. Though it was earlier than scheduled, the kids all managed to handle their exams, and Summer Vacation came to them early as compensation for the experience. While for many this was awesome.......for the six group of friends who had saved the students of the school, and actually bested one of the greatest villains equestria had ever known, it was going to be the first time they had been separated from each other since the school had first been closed down - by Chancellor Neighsay after an accident, and then by the explosive return of Lord Tirek. Now they were all going their separate ways for a time - and it felt odd.

"Wouldn't dream of it, buddy." Smolder remarked, giving the pony a friendly elbow to the shoulder. "Just gotta ask Dragon Lord Ember how to work our mailing system, and we're all set." She then sighed. "Maybe I can finally help out my brother with whatever funk he's in, since he hasn't written in a while."

"I think we ALL might have something to do once we get back home." Silverstream said. "I really can't wait to officially tell my family about you guys! They've always enjoyed my talking about you, so getting to do it in person is gonna be a hundred times better!"

"Maybe we can even ask our parents, leaders and teachers if we can visit each other's home." Ocellus said with a chipper tone. "I would love showing all of you the hive, and how beautiful it's grown over the past year." SHe then nervously giggled. "After I share everything i've learned, as Headstallion Dusk Shine suggested, being a model student, and all."

"I'd share the sentiment, and the offer, but...." Gallus trailed off for a moment, "I honestly doubt there's anything in Griffonstone that's changed since I left. Plus, i don't think anyone here deserves typical griffon hospitality." Suddenly, Gallus found himself in a huge group hug, held tightly in Yona's strong hooves. "Friends always welcome in Yakyakistan! Yona will miss friends!" she said emotionally.

"Smolder.....miss.....breathing!" Smolder strained in the yak's grip, which thankfully broke off when Yona made her realization, and apologized for nearly squeezing the life out of her friends. She then heard the familiar call of the train heading for Yakyakistan. She gave her friends one final hug each before boarding the train. All of them watching it go by, waving back to her as she did to them. A few minutes later, and King Thorax and Dragonlord Ember arrived to pick up both Ocellus and Smolder respectively. Both of whom waved back to their remaining friends as they took off for home.

The next to arrive was Silverstream's brother, Terramar. "Come on, sis! Mom, and Dad are waiting, and they're really looking forward to seeing you!"

"Me too, Terramar!" Silverstream exclaimed excitedly as she said, "There's a whole lot of new things I want to share with you guys when we get back! I've learned alot these past months I think you're gonna like!" She paused in midflight as she put a talon to her chin momentarily. "Though I wonder how i'm gonna explain the intricacies of indoor plumbing. That's not even getting into plumbing in general." Terramar just shook his head with a smile as they continued on to Mt. Aeris. Now, it was just Gallus and Sandbar left on the train platform. A while passed by, and yet no griffons showed up. Sandbar had been expecting that old buzzard, Grandpa Gruff, to show up spouting something old, and grouchy at Gallus as they flew back to Griffonstone. And if not him, then at least some other Griffon to bring him back. And yet noone showed up at all, which got Sandbar quite curious. "Uh,....Gallus? Is your pickup chaperone running late, or something? It's been at least ten minutes, and no griffon's shown up yet."

Gallus made a deep, almost repressed sigh. "That's because noone's coming."

This surprised Sandbar. "What? Why not?"

Gallus then looked to Sandbar with a rather melancholic expression. "Because.....there's nothing for me back in Griffonstone. I want to believe things might be improving back there, but it's too hard. You've seen Grandpa Gruff, right?"

"Well, yeah? But....surely he cares enough to-"

"To what? Treat me like actual family instead of an obligation?" Gallus said evenly, but with bitterness clear in his tone. "The only reason he bothers with me is because he's the representative of Griffonstone - also Gilda, and a griffon named Gabby Gums convinced him to send me here when they noticed how I was living." He chuckled humorously. "Funny, considering i wasn't living anywhere except alleyways, and streets." Now it was Sandbar's turn to feel sad for his friend. "Oh, man. I-..i-i'm sorry, Gallus. I had no idea you were living like that. I mean you mentioned during Hearth'swarming Eve, but......."

"Yeah. You can see why I don't like talking about myself alot." The young griffon remained silent with his friend for a few moments before shaking his head to get his head on straight. "But anyway, the point is that I found a way to avoid going back to Griffonstone for the summer."

"Oh, really?" Sandbar asked in genuine curiosity.

"Yeah." Gallus answered, before his expression soured. "Unfortunately, I have to find someone willing to let me stay with them for the summer......or else I have no choice but to go back." He sighed again. "Maybe I should have thought about it better, since I have NO idea who'd be willing to look after me for the summer. Prince Dusk Shine's already provided for us by letting us stay, so there's no way i'm going to keep taking advantage of his hospitality. The last thing I want to be is a freeloader."

Hearing Gallus talk with such consideration brought an honest smile to Sandbar's muzzle. "You know something, Gallus?" he asked, earning his friend's attention. "You've really changed since we first met - and I mean that in an honest, meaningful way. The way you're more concerned for how others feel, and show consideration towards them? I don't think the old you would have even given it a passing thought unless there were some bits added in for him. It's.... really awesome, and I wanted to point it out." he said with a cute smile, which actually made the blue and yellow griffon blush a little under his feathers. But he cleared his throat, and in a bit of a bluster said, "Th-thanks, man. That means alot coming from you........just don't go making a big deal out of it, okay? I'm still a griffon, and got a rep to hold."

Sandbar giggled in amusement before replying, "Anything for you, bud." Then an idea came to his head. "Well.....if you need somepony to look after you for the summer, i'm sure I can ask my parents if they'd be willing to let you stay with us." This took Gallus by surprise. "Dude, are you being serious?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? My folk's 've been wanting to meet my friends for a long time." Sandbar smiled brightly. "I'd say having you bunk with me as a roommate for the summer is a good first step."

Gallus couldn't actually believe what he was hearing. It was almost too good to be true, and he wanted it to be. But he had to be sure, first. "But....a-are you sure they wouldn't mind? I don't want to be imposing on them. Do you even have enough space for me?"

"Dude, relax." Sandbar said calmly, putting his hoof to Gallu's shoulder. "Like I said, it's all good. We've got air mattresses for guests, so you can sleep with me in my room, like I said. Besides, we already talked about visiting each other's home during the summer: you just get the luck of the draw by being a summer guest at MY home." He chuckled, "And I know my family's gonna trip having a griffon for a roommate. That doesn't happen alot with ponies, you know."

For the first time since the day got started, Gallus was smiling. Smiling more brightly than he had been all day long, because he feared his plan was doomed to fail, and he'd have to return to the hovel meant to be his home. Now, one of his closest friends was offering him a place to stay, and it was his ticket to salvation. So how could he not laugh appraisingly while hugging his best friend, exclaiming, "Thank you!" at least three times in a speedy tone. Sandbar, taken by surprise from the embrace, held a similar expression....and even a light blush from the physical contact. But then he smiled, and shared in the hug. After a minute, Gallus remembered he was being huggy, and broke off the embrace with a fake cough that hid his reluctance.

Though he wouldn't admit it.....he actually did like that hug.

"Okay, so what are we waiting for?" Gallus asked taking to the air. "Let's go meet up with your parents so that they can go speak to the Headstallion for the permission forms to be filled! I wonder how Gabby will react when she finds out about this?"

"Probably pretty excited for you, given how nice, excitable, and caring for others she is." Sandbar answered as he trotted along. "I met her at the post office once, and I gotta say: she does NOT act like a Griffon in any way I know. Almost like you, Gallus."

"Yeah." Gallus absent-mindedly agreed, before he caught the remark, and in a lightly outraged tone asked, "Hey, what does that mean?"

"Oh, nothing bad, I promise!" Sandbar quickly defended. "It's just......the two of you seem like you're the best things to ever come out of Griffonstone - and it makes me wish other griffons could learn to be like you."

"Oh." Gallus said in quick understanding. "You probably mean griffs like Gilda. Boy, has she really gone, and taken a whole new direction. Last I was there, she actually was nice to me, and gave me one of those snacks of hers....I forget the name, but," he hummed. "Man, was it the best thing i've ever had in my life..........which....isn't saying much when you're a street rat. You'll eat just about anything at that point. But that was the first time I'd ever been given something by another griffon. I was afraid she was going to charge me, and i'd have to inevitably make a run for it."

"Did that happen?" Sandbar asked, concerned for his friend despite this simply being a retelling of past events.

"Nope. She actually offered to let me take a few more if I would be willing to work for it. That's how I earned my first odd job: advertisement." Gallus chuckled happily. "I really have to thank Gilda: she showed me that I could stave off starvation without having to steal like a common thief. Since then, i'd been doing odd jobs all over Griffonstone for what bits I could get. And some interesting stuff happened during some of those jobs."

"That already sounds interesting." Sandbar said. "Think maybe you can share some of those stories?"

"We're gonna be roomies, so I don't see why not." He smirked coyly. "And maybe you can share some fun little stories of your own in return."

Sandbar giggled, and said, "Deal."

This was already turning out to be the best Summer Vacation either of them had, and it was only their first day. Fate was certainly smiling on them. Something they were both extremely grateful for.

Things could only go up from here.

In the hallowed cavern that housed the legendary Tree of Harmony, sat a lone alicorn who gazed upon the great tree with melancholy. How could he not with all that Dusk Shine had recently experienced. His expression had become a somber one as he looked at each of the branches holding each of the elements of Harmony. The incident that caused immense, and terrible damage to his school - what he always intended to be a symbol of the magic of friendship, and that even other cultures could spread it to others - but also brought out many unexpected, and yet amazing revelations.

Right now, all he could think of was all that had happened back then, and what he now knows - and it weighed heavily on him.

"Dusk?" called out a familiar voice, stirring the alicorn out of his thoughts. As expected, it was none other than his faithful assistant, and younger brother, Spike. Flying into the cave, and landing right behind his older brother. "So here you are. I didn't think you'd be here, what with the school almost done, and summer vacation finally being here. I kinda figured you'd be setting up checklists for the new supplies, and making plans for the new school year instead of........" he then noticed exactly where they were, and the true question in his mind came out. "Uh,......what exactly are you doing down here, anyway?"

"Oh, hey, Spike." Dusk answered back, actually pretending he hadn't heard Spike entering. "I was just......thinking about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Spike asked curiously, and somewhat obliviously. Something Dusk felt bad for, because he couldn't actually get angry with his little brother for being curious. So, with a sigh, he gave him an answer. "The Future." Spike actually raised an eyebrow in confusion at that. "Seriously? The Future? Maybe you should consult Madame Pinkie, or Starlight about that kind of thing." the little drake quipped.

"I am not joking, Spike." Dusk said in a rather serious tone. "Alot has already happened in the weeks before, and quite frankly, i'm alot more concerned now than I ever was before." Spike got the message quickly as he thought back to the weeks prior to this, and observed the way his older brother eyes the Tree of Harmony. Afterwards, putting two and two together was easy for the intelligible drake. "This is about the incident with Cozy Glow, isn't it?"

At the mention of her name, Dusk wearily sighed as he closed his eyes for a few moments, and decided to bear his emotions to his little confidant. "In more ways than one. In many ways, that was all my own fault. Not only did I allow myself to be tricked by somepony who used everything I taught them, and manipulated me like a pawn on a board - I made a deal with the closest to the actual, literal devil short of Grogar in order to stop her, which only ended in The School of Friendship being reduced to a smouldering wreck." He looked to Spike with an immense sense of remorse. "And in the end, none of us had anything to do with stopping either of them. I caused all of that to happen in the first place, and I almost made things so much worse! Is it really no wonder the actual SPIRIT of the Tree of Harmony chose six of my own students to ultimately succeed us?" His gaze turned sadly back to the tree. "Don't get me wrong: i'm happy those six were actually honored by the Tree in such a way because they exhibited all the right qualities of friendship. But ............I never would have asked for them to have such a responsibility placed on their shoulders like it was. It's MY duty to keep THEM safe - and I couldn't even protect them from Neighsay, or Cozy Glow's manipulations. In the end, they cleaned up the mess I made, and now are more connected to The Tree of Harmony - to the Elder Goddess of Light, herself, than we ever were."

"Come on, Dusk, don't be so hard on yourself." Spike said while patting his brother on the shoulder. "Nopony could have expected any of that stuff to have happened like it did. Things just happen, and the only thing you can actually do is basically roll with it. That's what life's all about: taking whatever curveball it throws at you, and catching it head on. Don't let what happened break your spirit because of how unpredictable it was."

"..........Maybe you're right, Spike." Dusk said with uncertainty as he looked at the tree. "After all, it's not like my friends, and I were destined to be "Defenders of Equestria" forever. I just.......I didn't expect anything like this to happen so suddenly. How does one prepare for something like this? And what do we do after it's all said, and done? It's not like things can just go back to the way they were after such an immense change, right?"

Spike would have actually answered had he not felt the familiar, and unpleasant feeling of a magical burp being let loose. And with that belch, the familiar magical flame spike was known for produced a message. Dusk was quick to pick it up in his magic, and read it over. After he was done reading, his eyes were wide with shock, and then filled with haste. "Spike, come on! The Princesses have summoned all of us back to Canterlot!" he exclaimed standing upright, unfurling his wings, and bolting out of the cave with Spike flying after him. "Do you think it's something urgent?" The little drake asked.

"I'm not sure, Spike............but for some reason, i've got a bad feeling about this."


Half an hour later, and the pair had flown over Canterlot, and into the gates of the city where the rest of the mane six were awaiting. "Good, then we're all here!" Dusk exclaimed as he continued flying, while his friends all ran after him towards the palace. Rarity spoke up asking, "So did all seven of us receive an urgent summons from the princesses, without any context as to what the matter is?"

"Looks like!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Ah wonder what it could be that the princesses need all seven of us here?" Applejack asked aloud for the other ponies.

"I dunno!" Pinkie asked almost obliviously. "But did you know that when you run at this speed, it makes your eyes go all swirly? Just look!" With that, Pinkie did just what she said, and a few seconds later, with creepy swirls in her eyes shouted "WHEEE!"

"I really hope it isn't something too terrible!" Fluttershy said aloud in a kinda worried tone.

"Don't worry!" Spike shouted. "Whatever it is, i'm sure we can handle it!"

"Let's hope so, Spike!" Dusk said, as they finally entered the castle. It took a while, as usual, but eventually they all made it to the throne room. Both Celestia, and Luna were present, as hoped. Which meant no time would be wasted. "Princesses! We got here as soon as we received your letter! Is there something wrong?!" Dusk asked in concern.

"Please say it's something super awesome, and dangerous!" Rainbow exclaimed, receiving a smack from the tip of AJ's tail in response, ensuring she'd settle down. Once she was on the ground, Luna finally spoke up. "Oh, no, Rainbow Dash, it's nothing of such serious matters. At the moment, everything is fine." Such a statement caused all of the ponies, and Spike to make a collected "Huh?" in response. "Uh, forgive me, your highnesses," Rarity said in a respectful tone. "But are you certain nothing is wrong? I would hate that we all arrived on an urgent summons just to learn everything was just fine, and dandy all along!"

"Oh?" Celestia pondered. "And why does something need to be wrong in order for us to want to see our dearest friends?"

The ponies conceded to that respectfully, until Spike quietly asked, "So......nothing's wrong, then?"

Celestia's smile died down only a little. "Well, I didn't say that. There IS something of importance we have need to discuss. And it especially concerns Prince Dusk Shine." Dusk himself was now curious on the matter that was about to be discussed. At this point, Luna took over for Celestia as she began speaking. "You see, Equestria has been enjoying its longest period of Harmony in many years."

"And it's all thanks to you, Prince Dusk Shine, and your friends." Celestia said earnestly.

"Who? Us?" Spike said in a smug tone, which Dusk held in check by lightly bonking him on the head.

"But recently, we have begun to sense something." Luna said, now beginning to sound serious, which earned the group's attention. "As you know, my sister has power of seeing glimpses into the future. The same as I am able to due to our connection to Harmony. For some time, all has been peaceful, and well.......but then the theft of Equestria's Magic, and the escape of Lord Tirek was the point in which our senses began to change."

"Indeed." Celestia said, picking up after her sister. "Neither of us are certain of what precisely awaits us in our future - but we both know it has to do with the balance of Harmony, itself. The events at your school seeemed to be the starting point of these new visions."

Dusk, feeling a bit worried, asked, "What exactly are these visions about, your highnesses?"

Luna shook her head, and said, "We cannot be absolutely sure. All we know is that it concerns the Tree of Harmony, and.......a great change is coming to Equestria. It borders along good - and along ill. Something immense is coming to Equestria, and we are uncertain of what it entails."

"But what we are certain of is that Harmony is changing." Celestia said. "Equestria is about to go through a time of testing. The likes of which has not been seen in over a millennia. But we are.......not part of whatever this great change is. Not in the way we have always been."

"The signs have all shown that the time of the Old Guard is ending." Luna said. "Though we have ruled Equestria for ages, destiny has shown us that our time as its rulers may be over." She then looked on over to her sister to finally get to the point of the matter. "And as such, both of us have come to the difficult decision we have ever made in our lives. But one that we both are confident in being the correct decision. It is time for us," Celestia said ominously, before proudly proclaiming, "to retire!"

All present for this daring proclamation gasped in absolute shock. In fact, none of them actually believed it to be completely true. And the sudden arrival of Discord in a reporter's outfit didn't help. "Oh, goody! The scoop of the century: "The Royal Sisters: Stepping down from a millennia long rule, and settling down for retirement"!" A flash of light dispersed his pencil, and notepad. "Oh, come on! Don't leave us in suspense! Share all the juicy details, and leave nothing out!" Dozens of question marks appeared around the alicorn sisters, making them roll their eyes at his antics.

"Discord? What are you doing here?" Spike asked curiously?

"What? A good friend can't pop in for a visit every now, and again? Especially during an occasion like this?" A flash got rid of the question marks, and his costume. "Besides, I also sense this great "change in Harmonies future" that's coming, and only wished to read out the full details." He then smiled towards a certain yellow pegasus. "And because a certain, dear friend of mine also happens to be here, not to mention." A sentence that made Fluttershy giggle and blush, much to the other's amusement. Dusk, however, remained oblivious to all that was going on, as his mind was still focused on what he'd heard previously. After a while, he finally shook his said, and said in a clearly confused tone, "I-i-i'm sorry, I must have blacked out for a minute. It almost sounded like you two said you were both stepping down from the throne, and retiring. But that's crazy, and there's no way that could actually be right."

An awkward silence passed over all in the room, before Spike himself confirmed the truth. "Actually, bro.....that's exactly what they said."

"Oh. Oh, okay, then." Dusk said calmly, much to the other's surprise. Then suddenly, he screamed "WHAT?!?" He actually tapped into his own royal canterlot voice for that moment, and almost blew off the princesses crowns. Discord's horns certainly didn't stick around for long after that. Following this, Dusk got into his full-on panic mode. "B-but that's insane! You can't do that, can you? You're the rulers of equestria! You can't just step down like this..........can you?" He asked uncertainly.

Celestia only somberly replied. "I'm afraid it is, much as we may all wish it wasn't. But my visions have rarely been wrong, and they have made it clear that change is coming. Nothing is meant to last forever, and Luna and I believe our time as rulers have come and gone."

"Bb-b-b-but........but who could possibly replace the two of you as the rulers of all Equestria?!" he asked sounding so bewildered.

"Oh, yes, indeed!" Discord exclaimed. "Who might be the candidates in mind? I mean, we all know Princess Cadance has the Crystal Empire to deal with, along with her hubby and baby, and that nephew of yours? Pfft! Puh-lease! We know that guy's more interested in lounging about than actually ruling." A double of him whispered into Fluttershy's ear. "Basically, the guy's a deadbeet bum dressed in a penguin suit." Discord two disappeared, and Discord asked, "So, are you actually coming to your senses, and considering putting a certain, handsome, charming, all-powerful spirit of chaos in charge?" A goofy smile crossed his face, and a bunch of neon arrows aimed at him. But Celestia, with her little smile, shook her head, and pointed her hoof at the only other alicorn in the room. "Oh, alright." Discord pouted. "Go with the obvious choice." All Dusk could do, however, was feel a new level of panic come over him as he began to hyperventilate. Luckily, Discord was kind of enough to give him a paper bag to help him calm himself down. Once he'd regained his breath, he said in an almost frantic tone, "Me?! You want ME to be the ruler of Equestria?!"

"That is what we said, yes." Luna said, almost finding Dusk's behavior adorable. "Should we say again in the royal canterlot voice to help you get the message across a little easier?"

"But........but, i don't understand." Dusk said incredulously. "Why me? I'm nothing special! There are surely other ponies more qualified for this sort of responsibility than me! A-a-and i've had enough problems running an entire school - I don't even know how I could be expected to lead an entire nation!" Taking deep breaths, Dusk felt all the energy drain from him when another thought came to mind, and hs tone became remorseful. "Especially when I endangered it only a few weeks ago." This got the groups attention, and now their concern for him became legitimate. "Dusk, darling, are you still feeling guilty about the whole cadaver with Cozy Glow, and Tirek?"

"Dude, come on! That wasn't your fault!" Rainbow Dash nudged him in the side reassuringly. "Those two on their own are super smart: but working together, they tricked all of us big time! We were completely blindsided."

"It doesn't matter, Rainbow!" Dusk snapped. "I allowed it to happen, irregardless! I should have done more to try, and figure out what was wrong - investigated the matter instead of just taking a hunch as a reliable source." He took a heavy breath, and a sad look crossed his face. "And because of my foolish decisions, the lives of my students were endangered. How could I be expected to lead Equestria when I end up making a mistake as serious as that?" His head lowered in shame, as that incident still weighed heavily on his mind. Even Discord and Pinkie couldn't find anything funny about this. The former, however, quickly said, "Oh, wait, know where this is going: this is the part where your friends all begin to comfort you, and the Princesses reassure you that everything that happened wasn't your fault. And that you're alot stronger than you realize. Ugh, I do NOT need to be here for this." He then poofed out of existence to leave the group to their "peptalk" as he would have referred to it. "Well, that wasn't awkward in the slightest." Rainbow said sarcastically. "Maybe, but at least he doesn't want the chapter to drag on, so we can focus on cheering up Dusky!" Pinkie said cheerfully.


"What? Pinkie quickly said, hoping to drop the issue. Thankfully, the rainbow maned pony did, and the focus returned to Dusk, who was still in his posture.

"Discord, and Pinkie's randomness aside," Applejack said, before lifting up Dusk's head to meet her gaze, "he does have a point. We understand how ya feel about how things went at the school. And we understand how y'all feel used, and betrayed by somepony y'all wanted to teach the meaning of Friendship to." Dusk sighed, and turned his eyes away in response. "But y'all ain't responsible for what others do. All y'all can do is roll with the punches, an' hope for the better." Dusk's ears perked and his expression lightened in surprise. "Hang on: Spike said something like that earlier."

"It IS good advice, you know." Spike said.

"I think so, too." Fluttershy said. "It's not about dwelling on what happened, whether it's good or bad: it's about learning how to learn from experience, and adapt to the changes."

"Yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Kinda like how you guys helped me learn how to accept Tank's hibernation period. It was a big change that I never expected to go through, but thanks to you, and the other girls I learned to accept it. It's not easy, and it can be scary, but change is good." She quickly realized what she said, and then said, "Not that i'm scared, or anything."

Applejack chuckled in amusement. "Course not, Sugar cube." She then turned to Dusk Shine. "But she's also right: change is a good thing, even though it ain't easy. But it's a big part of life, an' the sooner ya learn to adjust to it, the better yer life will be."

"And no matter how hard the change is, you can rest assured that we will always be at your side to help you see it through." Spike said confidently, which only helped increase Dusk's smile, which grew with every bit of encouragement that was thrown his way. "Thanks, guys. And......sorry for acting like that. I've just been letting everything that's happened weigh on me, and make me question myself. I just wish I didn't act like a crazy pony and get panicked so easily."

"Eh. We're pretty much used to it by now." Pinkie said, leaning on his side. "It's just classic Dusking."

Dusk blinked in surprise, and said, "Wh-....'Dusking'? You made me a verb? Seriously?"

"That's okay, though: you can go ahead, and Dusk as much as you need to, and we'll be there for you." Fluttershy assured the alicorn prince, making him smile as the group decided to embrace. The sight of this put a smile to the two sisters faces, and urged Celestia to speak again. "A very fair point, I must say. What is the Prince of Friendship without his friends, after all? It will take a while to prepare for the coronation ceremony-" She noticed his widened expression, and his worry. "-which will take place in a few months, Prince Dusk Shine." She assured him, earning a sigh of relief from him. "I assure you it will give you enough time to prepare for the passing of power before it initially occurs."

"And with your friends beside you, aiding as your confidants, we have no doubt that you will prove to Equestria what you have proven to us time, and again." Luna said proudly. "You are a great leader, Dusk Shine, and you will be an even greater ruler than either of us could have imagined."

"I can assure you, without the shadow of a doubt: you are ready for this."

Dusk smiled to himself, as he considered what his friends, and teachers said. If there was anyone he could ever trust at face value, it was them. He knew they would never lead him astray, and that's why he will always believe in them. Why he chooses to believe them now.

"You know.........maybe I AM ready for this."


Meanwhile, deep in the other part of Equestria, in the Castle of the Two Sisters, there was activity of an evil, and nefarious kind at work. Deep in the hallowed halls of the old libraries of the castle, a certain red centaur, decked in the deepest, darkest armor, with a flowing cloak of black and red behind his back, was busy practicing some kind of spell. His horns were not igniting an orb of energy, but his hands were still glowing. And at the moment, he held several objects in a dark, and purple aura that was morphing, and changing into an inventory of small items. In his dark influence, these things were mere clay in his hands. And into one, he fused them together with a fiery red aura into a javelin of lethal pointedness. He took it in hand, and was prepared to test his throwing arm with it when he was interrupted.

"Hey, Tirek!" Cried out Cozy Glow from behind.

"It is LORD Tirek, foal." Tirek growled, annoyed by his apprentices impudence. "And what is it now?!"

"Iii.....I just wanted to show you my "best friends rock sculpture" that I made for us." She answered nervously, pointing to a tiny statue of the pair, with Cozy on his shoulders. Tirek merely rolled his eyes, and got back to his training. The curved horn around his neck glowing in silent communication with him as he hurled his javelin at one of the tapestries of Celestia - hitting her directly in the eye. With that out of the way, he got to work on a more advanced spell that was being projected into his mind. His hands formed horn signs, with his thumbs at the side, as he began focusing on creating some kind of portal. Cozy herself was quite curious about what Tirek was doing now. "So.......what'cha doing now, TIrek?" A deep growl, and a menacing glare made her correct her mistake. "Er, i-i mean, :LORD Tirek!"

Grunting in annoyance, Tirek said, "Training to utilize interdimensional portal magic in order to summon our first ally in the conflict against the forces of Equestria."

"Really?" Cozy asked in curiosity. "Who would that be, if you don't mind me asking?"

Tirek smirked. "A fearsome entity known simply as "The Pony of Shadows"."

"The Pony of Shadows?" Cozy inquired. "But......isn't he a good guy, now?"

"No.......not entirely." Soon, a fiery portal began to form. "As my benefactor has instructed me, the entity of pure darkness was merely separated from its host, Stygian. The creature himself is very much alive, and still imprisoned in the realm of Limbo." A small breach opened in the portal, leading into a void of nothingness. "He only requires an escape route out of Limbo, and back into our world. Not to mention a host filled with all of the negative emotions needed to stabilize, and complete him. For now, this is the best I can do." he said, as the portal finally closed, taking a deep breath. "But by the time we reach the well of shades, we will have found Queen Chrysalis, and i'll have obtained enough essence, and magic to give me enough power to tear into Limbo itself. Then, we will have our next ally in our possession."

A thought occured to Cozy Glow, as she spoke, and said, "Uh, Lord Tirek, sir?" The centaur looked to her. "I already get the idea of finding other baddies like us to help us get rid of Dusk Shine, and his friends - the more friends we get to help out, the better, sure. But are you sure we can trust those two? From what I heard, The Pony of Shadows is a serious maverik, and Chrysalis?" Cozy shudders a little. "I'd hate to think what she'd do the minute she sees me. You know: being a pony, and her being a changeling, she'd likely see me as a midmorning snack."

"Rest assured, Cozy, there is no need to fear." Tirek said, holding the curved horn in his hand as he sat. "The insect would have to overpower me to get to you, and I assure you I am above that insect in every way. If she turns hostile, she would find herself drained of her essence before she could blink. As for The Pony of Shadows......." The horn glowed once again. "All he needs to be culled is incentive of a much.......darker nature. The key, however, is the hatred they undoubtedly share for Dusk Shine and his allies for humiliating, and defeating the both of them. Insert that key into their base desires of conquest, and spreading darkness throughout the world, and they can be persuaded to aid us. From there, we can begin searching for others to aid our cause. And once our Legion of Darkness is ready, even the Prince of Friendship will tremble before our might." Tirek chuckled in sheer amusement. "Simple, innocent fool: he doesn't even understand that he's ignited the flames of war, itself."

And then Tirek, and Cozy Glow disappeared in a pure, black flame............which made Cozy's model crumble to pieces.


In the middle of the Everfree Forest, away from the castle, lay a small closing, filled with ugly, green webbing, and eerie lighting. In the middle of it all was a familiar, tall-looking mare with transparent, hole-filled wings, and a gnarled, crooked horn. An equine the size of Celestian, but more insect-like than pony. This was none other than the ex-queen of the changeling empire, Chrysalis. And once again, she had gotten into one of her tangents as she shouted to an unseen second party. Her tone betraying her less than stable mindset, dealt to her by her many months of isolation.

"One day! You will see: I will defeat Dusk Shine, Starlight Glimmer, AND their friends!" She giggled in a crazy tone, with her eyes splitting for just a second before shouting, "And they all shall pay for taking away my kingdom!" Unfortunately for her, the light violet log she had laid on a severed tree trunk couldn't exactly answer her. Perhaps had it still been the evil version of Dusk Shine in person before the Tree of Harmony reduced him to this, it'd be different. Now, all Chrysalis had was that log, and had numerous, ordinary logs which she had carved images of her original changelings into each surface. All of it was her attempt to cope with her situation, and give her a semblance of the old life she new. The only means of stability she still held.

As soon as she blasted another carving into another log after picking up the violet log, she disappeared in a mysterious black flame.


The Well of Shades had collected far more rubble than dust ever since the fall of The Pony of Shadows, and the salvation of its host, Stygian. By the power of equestria's Defenders, both past and present, the infernal shade had been exiled to the abyss known simply as limbo. And without a host like Stygian to give him the strength to even hold physical form, the shade had no true dominion in the mortal realm. Now, the dark half of the unicorn philosopher was an immatereal mass of black, inky darkness in a hole of emptiness. Never sleeping, yet never awake. Here, nothing was in motion, and nothing influenced the outside.

But then the black mass found itself being pulled out of a gold, and black gateway leading out of the infernal dimension. The Pony of Shadows literally poured out of the portal like syrup, in a gelatinous, unstable mass that could only hiss, and howl as it tried to garner some manner of physical stability. That soon changed when a speck of golden light - a wisp of a thing - flew itself into the dark mass. In moments, The Pony of Shadows felt sensations of strength, and sentience. A sense of identity he held, even when merged with Stygian, due to being his inhibitions manifested in an unrestrained form of Darkness. Soon, the nightmarish, alicorn shape of the terror of The Pillars began to take shape, and delivered a powerful laugh as he did so. A symbol of his return.

Then he also was engulfed by the mysterious black flames, and disappeared.


Somewhere, down in an underground cavern where only a little light actually got in from above. Nothing, and noone could be seen in the cave. And as such, it could easily be assumed that it was uninhabited. But that proved false as an unseen figure had begun to incite a dark, but brief ritual of sorts. With a wand-like stick, they drew a perfect circle in the soil, followed by a capital M in the center, and then a straight line crossed through the entire thing. Once it had been done, the mark had begun glowing an eerie blue color as small runes formed around the circle. A mystic circle which resulted in the emergence of a small, familiar black crystal sprouting in the middle. Only moments later, a cloud of dark smoke began to form. Swirling, and twisting around in a whirlwind of darkness.

And within this dark mass emerged a curved, crimson horn, and a pair of toxic, glowing green eyes radiating a purple miasma of mist out of both sides.


The next thing Lord Tirek, his apprentice, and Chrysalis knew it, they had found themselves in an unknown location. One that actually resembled the inside of a massive tree, with crooked, curved walkways leading up to a platform, where a hidden waterfall resided, and down to stone ground, where a round table with what resembled an Aramaspi's extracted eye, radiating with an eerie, yellow light, based in a swirl of darkness. The trio only took a few moments to observe their surroundings before they finally saw each other on two opposite walkways. "Lord TIrek!" Chrysalis exclaimed, easily recognizing the hellish centaur.

Tirek hummed in intrigue, and said, "A changeling who knows of me?" He then chuckled. "At least even an insect knows how to give respect to a god.......right, apprentice?" He growled out that last part while narrowing his gaze on the intimidated filly, as the trio began to approach each other. And Chrysalis certainly didn't appreciate the term Tirek used in description of her. "How dare you?! I am Chrysalis! Queen of the Changelings! Or at least, I will be, when I am restored to my rightful place!" She narrowed the gap by leaping towards the pair, just as they made it to the bottom. "Why did you summon me here?!" She snarled, letting her horn flare in threatening display. "What do you want?!"

"WAH!" Cozy exclaimed, jumping behind Tirek's front leg. "Oh, golly! We didn't bring you! To be honest, I thought you brought us here." She took another look around. "Wherever 'here' is."

"Though in fairness, we HAD indeed planned on finding you before this unknown event unfolded." Tirek added, unintimidated by the queens intimidation tactic. He easily could sense her reserves of essence were weaker than average. As such, the changeling was no threat to him. Even as she gave him a hissing glare. "Why?! Intending to soak up whatever magic I have left?! I'd like to see you try.........after I eat every ounce of love in your heart!" She then attempted to do just that, and made a sucking noise as her maw widened hideously. Tirek only laughed in amusement as he observed the creatures impudent attempts to drain him of something he no longer has. Chrysalis herself was quite surprised when not even a speck, or ounce of love was drawn from the centaur. " cannot be! Is your heart so black, even a speckle of love can no longer exist inside of you?" She asked rhetorically, and incredulously.

"You assume I even have a heart to begin with, insect." Tirek sneered with his arms crossed. "I cast that traitorous vessel from my body on the day my own brother betrayed me. It was easy when I was consumed by so much anger, and hate it could no longer hold it." He chuckled bitterly. "Ironic how that is the one piece of me that roams free, even to this day."

Chrysalis raised a brow at that statement. "What do you mean by that?"

"I imagine you'll find out some day." He answered simply. The horn around his neck glowed brightly as his mysterious 'mentor' spoke to him again. "Either way, expect some added company to arrive in a moment." Before either Chrysalis or Cozy could ask him what he meant, a black mist suddenly rolled in. A mist that both the centaur and changeling could taste was filled with malice, and hatred. An echoing laugh seemed to reverberate out of it as it surrounded the trio. Soon enough, however, the mist gathered together in front of the smaller figures, and formed The Pony of Shadows. His maniacal laughter echoing throughout the hidden domain as his piercing white eyes gazed upon the three before him. "A curious gathering of creatures never seen before." he said in his echoing, new voice that was deeper, and more sullen with a predatory undertone held within it. "Were I not more concerned with my new sense of self, I would almost be laughing at the hilarity of it all."

Tirek eyed the body of the shadowy giant before them. "The only humorous thing here is how presumptuous you are, Pony of Shadows."

"Hang on: THAT'S The Pony of Shadows we were after?" Cozy exclaimed in absolute shock. "I heard he was creepy, and huge, but this is ridiculous!"

The PoW hummed in curiosity before saying "So, I am known among others, am I. That is good to know." He then began charging up his horn as he got ready for an attack. "Because now I expect one of you to confess as to how you not only released me from Limbo - but also gave me substance, and my own sense of being! Unless you wish to return to the Darkness from which all who live originate from!"

"It wasn't us! It wasn't us!" Cozy pleaded, making Tirek roll his eyes as he said, "The young one speaks true. None of us were responsible for your current state of being, let alone your freedom. Although, I have been working to unleash you upon Equestria once again before we were brought here."

The Pony of Shadows expression widened in surprise, and his magic cut off. "Is that so?" Now, he was garnering a new interest in the centaur. Something about him was.......unsettling. But in a good way for the emissary of the Darkness, because as he gazed into the very soul of the centaur, he could feel an immense Darkness of his own. One that made all present pale in comparison, and was on a level he couldn't help but admire. "You surprise me, Lord Tirek, I believe it was?" When the centaur nodded in confirmation, the dark being continued, "We are both heralds of the Darkness. Kindred, dark spirits, I sense. Mayhaps we can be close allies in the future." Tirek grinned in satisfaction at the notion of having The Pony of Shadows impressed enough by him to ally with him. But his moment of pleasure was cut off by Chrysalis. "Yes, yes, it's all very fascinating. But if you, Pony of Shadows, was pulled out of Limbo itself, then whoever brought you here must be truly powerful, indeed."

Suddenly, a deep, booming laughter echoed throughout the domain. This one differing from the Pony of Shadows in the richness, and the echoless of the voice. It was the laugh of a powerful individual who held himself in high esteem. All eyes were diverted to the top of the ledge-platform, where black fire erupted. Out of this fire, emerged the all-too familiar form of a grey-furred unicorn donning armor, a fur-trimmed cape, a horned crown, and having a flowing black mane as well as a red curved horn, and blood red eyes adding to the arrogant smile he held as he looked down on the group of villains as though they were beneath him in every way possible.

"King Sombra?! You have returned?!" Chrysalis exclaimed in both shock, and fear. Even Tirek kept his guard up in the face of this new arrival. "Why did you bring us here?!"

"He didn't."

Suddenly, our villains became aware of an unknown sixth arrival, who entered through what could be assumed as the entrance of this mysterious location. It was a massive goat, blue in fur color, and a mohawk of a mane that was pale white ran along his neck. He walked with his head in an arch as his large, curled horns of deep blue were on full display. And yet it didn't actually hide the red strap wrapped around his neck, adorned with four golden orbs engraved with ancient runes, with a fifth having a ring on it. His somewhat gangly appearance gave a dishonest air about him, because despite how old this goat appeared, a great power could be sensed within him. Even Cozy Glow grew nervous as he walked by the group after crossing the stepping stone bridge leading into the realm. King Sombra quickly disappeared in the same black flame that summoned all the villains here, after he jumped off the balcony. The Goat took his place behind the round table, facing the group of malcontents. And stomping his hooves onto the table to obtain the groups full attention.

"It was I. You may all call me....Grogar."

The group gasped in absolute shock - with the exception of Cozy Glow, who remained oblivious, while Sombra didn't seem to care as he rematerialized next to the group - though all had their own reasons behind it. The majority of it, however, was ultimately the same thing: the shock of the identity of their mysterious host. "THE Grogar?" Chrysalis asked in a bewildered tone.

"I......I thought you were only a legend!" The Pony of Shadows said in shock.

"Ah, yes." Sombra said with intrigue. "I've heard of you."

"Who?" Cozy questioned Tirek, who had an incredulous look on his face. In his mind, this was almost impossible to believe. Were it not for the glowing horn around his neck, even he might have believed it. But a moment later, he recomposed himself, and joined the others as they approached the table, and the necromancer standing before them.

"I assure all of you, I am very real. And I have not only returned to Equestria, but you have all been brought here as a part of MY plan: to rid Equestria of the infestation of Light, by destroying Prince Dusk Shine, and his friends - once, and for all." He chuckled with sinister glee to match his sinister smile.


A few minutes later, in what could now be seen as a gigantic ram skull of a fortress, that resembled an ancient fortress - or at least a part of it, based on all the moss, and mildew covering it as it stood there in the swamplands that bordered on the edge of the Everfree, Cozy Glow finally voiced her confusion. "Uh....excuse me?" She said, attracting all of the villains attention. "I am SO sorry, but the name "Grofar"? It just isn't ringing any bells."

"GROGAR!" The ram/goat roared in the face of the filly, and got her to fall backwards in absolute fright. She was then approached the startled filly, and remarked, "I have been away for far too long if my name no longer strikes fear in the hearts of ones as tiny as you." Before returning to his round table. "Perhaps a demonstration of power is in order?" Suddenly, his horns ignited in an aura of gold, and black to pull out a large cart from one of the entryways near the podium. It lifted up into the air, before the contents within were thoroughly dumped inbetween Sombra, and Tirek. It was a shattered, onyx statue of some kind of "horned" yeti...or maybe it was a satyr. While the others were rather confused as to the identity of this creature, Cozy Glow seemed to recognize it. Before she could say anything, however, King Sombra retorted by asking, "Really? You consider lifting a cart filled with a broken statue, then dumping said statue on the ground a 'demonstration of power'?" Grogar growled, "Patience, Sombra! And pay attention: you're about to meet your newest, and final ally." The orbs on Grogar's harness strap began glowing brightly, and from the larger orb in the front, Grogar pulled out a large ball of yellow magic. Blowing it like a feather, he allowed it to fly on over to the satyr statue, and infuse itself into the rubble.

That was when the real magic happened, and it began shaking. In a twisting motion, the pieces were spun around in a whirling of magic as the villains noted the reassembling of the statue. Every feature that had been reattached revealed each new detail of what all of them could now confirm to be a satyr wearing a suit of armor. And the horns on his head had actually been a crown, signifying he was of some manner of authority - undoubtedly a king (self-proclaimed, without any doubt) - before ending up in this state. They also saw that he was frozen in a fearful posture, as if something had happened just before he had gotten frozen. In mere moments, the black substance melted away to reveal the satyr of snow white fur, and blue skin. The armor itself was, ironically, black in color, with blue symbols shaped like the slits of eyes. He was in the middle of screaming in terror as the whirlwind cut off, and he regained his footing. Once he was on solid ground, his screaming began to die down, and he felt his body down while panting deeply. He wasn't quite sure if this was some kind of unnatural dream, or an illusion......but the neck ache he had was certainly real. With two twists of his neck, he snapped it back into shape before seeing menagerie in front of him. Seeing an audience in front of him, a wide, toothy grin, loudly proclaimed,"Ladies, and gentlemen! The Storm King is Back!"

Noone said a word as all stood around in an awkward silence that lasted a whole minute. Noticing how silent the group was, Storm King's excitement died down, and he annoyedly said, "What is this: an audience, or a mosaic?" He then approached the group, looking around at them with interest. "Gotta admit, this is quite the welcome party for little ole' me, and i'm really flattered. So who do I have to thank for the comeback?" Grogar cleared his throat, and garnered the Satyr's attention. "I am Emperor Grogar. And you owe your new existence to me. For it was by my magic that you once again-"

"Ah-tatatatatata!" Storm King cut off, annoying the goat immensely. "I might be partly fresh to this whole "villain" bugaloo business," he looks at the other villains, "and I recognize some of the weirdos in this menagerie - but your name, buddy? AIn't ringing any bells."

"Hey, that's what I said, too!" Cozy remarked excitedly, surprising the Satyr with her presence. Deciding not to drag this out any further......and deciding to play the partially surprised fool they all were being, Tirek explained the simple details to summarize. "Grogar is an ancient, and extremely powerful force." Both Cozy, and Storm King turned attention to the centaur who towered over them. "According to legend, he was considered no less than a god with all of the dark power at his command. He is older than even the 3 great tribes, and the founding of Equestria. But the land that would inevitably become Equestria was a mere collection of farms, and pastures until he arose from the Darkness, and declared himself Emperor of ALL he saw." Tirek chuckled, and sighed nostalgically as he said, "I remember hearing of the tales of his tyranny when I was young."

"I admit," Sombra finally spoke, "I am also one who has heard of the legends of the First Emperor of Equestria." He gave the ram a suspicious look. "Though there was almost little to no historical reference regarding his reign. But what information which had appeared made references to "The All-Father of Monsters". Even his formal title had been expanded to that of "Emperor of Darkness", interestingly enough."

"Titles I earned with great ease." The old goat began to recall, while also using his crystal ball to make a shadow-show depicting monsters devouring ponies, and his own terrifying shadow looming over the land. "I gave life to the foulest of creatures as I terrorized the land. And I allowed them to roam wild - taking whatever they want, and destroying the rest. My reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoc of Darkness in Equestria." Grogar was surprised when Chrysalis cleared her throat, and interrupted him. "Until Gusty the Great rose up, and banished you!" She said in an amused half-mutter than annoyed the ram, and culled Chrysalis' behavior. "That fool merely believed taking my bell would destroy me. But she only weakened me temporarily."

"Uh, Lord Tirek, and The Pony of Shadows are REEEEEEEEALLY old!" she said, earning an annoyed glance from the figures in question, which she caught onto quickly. "OH, no offense, guys, you both look great." She appologized and complimented, making the centaur's eyes roll, before she continued, "If the former heard about you from when he was younger, then we have super-different ideas on what 'temporarily' means."

"SILENCE, YOU INSOLENT WRETCH!" Grogar roared in Cozy's face, and making her back into Tirek's chest. She only parted his beard to look at the moving ram with a terrified expression. Grogar himself finished his backstory in an impatient tone as he rose up to the balcony above the table. "The effects of my own weapon's power had taken a heavy toll on my body. Thus, I have spent a millennia gathering power - biding my time! Awaiting the perfect opportunity to arise, regain all that I had lost, and seize power." Once at the top, he gave a disapproving glare to the gathered group. "And even observing all of you." The group was taken by surprise. "Indeed, i've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of Six Puny Ponies" He spat the last 3 words out like they were bile. "And any of you know WHY they've always bested you?"

"Because they cheat!" Chrysalis hissed.

"Because I trusted a pony to do my bidding, and she had to go all 'noble'." Storm King mocked.

"Because they are annoyingly lucky." TIrek deeply growled with his eyes shining.

"Because they treasure their precious, and foolish notions of friendship, love, and redemption!" The Pony of Shadows rattled.

"Well, technically, Dusk and his friends had nothing to do with thwarting MY plans.......and i'm just a kid, so....." Cozy trailed off with a shrug.

"Bah! All of you are pathetic!" Sombra snarled, earning glares from the others. "You fell to your own arrogance, and foolishness! The only reason I failed is because of that meddlesome dragon clinging to his master like the wretched pet he is." His eyes flared with darkness as he hissed.

Grogar, on the other hoof, palmed his face in annoyance as he let it slide down, before he corrected them all. "It is because they work TOGETHER!" The group acted confused, as if none of them understood what he actually meant - except for Tirek, who quickly picked up on what Grogar was implying. And his eyes narrowed as he remembered that Grogar mentioned watching them. He must have heard of his plan, and decided to claim it as his own. A low growl escaped his throat, as a small portion of dark essence arose in him due to his anger, and rage - something the PoW actually noticed, and sensed. However, after a moment, Tirek calmed himself before any other could notice. The red horn began glowing as it implied to him that he could benefit from this. A thought he agreed with as he smirked, listening to Grogar carry on. "It is obvious: where one is weak, another is strong! And thus united, they are a formidable force!" The ram himself now smiled as he thought of what would await the so-called heroes of Equestria. "But we shall use their own strategy against them, and together we will defeat them."

"What are you suggesting?" Chrysalis questioned.

"I suggest nothing." Grogar said simply, after he leaped onto the table. "I DEMAND that you join me," he exclaimed as he stomped a hoof. "And together, Equestria will be ours!"

"Yeeeeah, I ain't so sure about that." Storm King said in an unenthusiastic manner. "I mean, aside from the cutesy, pootsy elephant in the room-" "HEY!" "-all of us here have been solo acts for a real long time. How do you expect all of us to work together just like that?" He then looked over to the shadow king. "After all, I don't need some phony king cramping my style when i'm in business."

Sombra took great offence to this, and with a growl, ignited his horn to blast the Storm King, and encase his lower half in black crystal, followed by a crystal spike rising dangerously towards the satyr's neck - much to his fright. Especially when Sombra began to speak again. "You would DARE compare yourself to me, you insufferable wretch? I am an emissary of the Darkness, itself. Even before I heard your name, I could sense no magic, or power in your worthless hide. In comparison to me, you are insignificant, worthless, and as useless as an insect." He then smirked. "If you required a unicorn to do all of your 'dirty work', then it demonstrates how inefficient you truly are. I required no army to conquer the Crystal Empire, and rule it for as many years as I did before the alicorns overthrew me. I played the ponies of Equestria like my pawns at every turn, and came closest to reclaiming what is MINE, had I not considered a single factor. You, simply based on your appearance, are little more than a reckless brute who is too thick-headed to use his intelligence to accomplish his goals. In fact, I find your lack of wits disturbing." The point got closer to the sweating satyr's throat until it was practically puncturing it like a needle. "The world would surely not miss your passing a second time."

"Enough of this!" Grogar shouted. "Sombra, release him at once!"

The dark unicorn gave the goat a sideways glance before turning his attention back to the captive Storm King, and to the figures in the room who were either impressed, or afraid of his viciousness. He allowed his crystals to fall as he smiled gratuitously. He'd made the point of the danger he presents, and that was enough. "That is KING Sombra, old ram." he then turned back over to Grogar. "Besides, even in spite of his obvious weakness, the Satyr had a good point. I was not gloating, or boasting when I said I required no aid in conquering the Crystal Empire." His brow then furrowed as he turned to shadow, and stepped up to Grogar on the table in challenge. "I have no concerns for the domination of Equestria. All I desire is my empire once again. Nothing else matters." he said menacingly, and threateningly - which made Grogar smirk in response. "You certainly are confident in yourself, aren't you? I suppose I can't fully blame you, considering you DID overtake that realm once before, and came close a second time." He then jumped off the table. "Alright. This may actually prove interesting, so I am willing to make you a deal..........King Sombra."

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. "And that is?"

"My spell of resurrection used to bring you back gave you protection from the light of The Crystal Heart - or at least enhanced your resistance to its power. As such, you should have no fear of the ponies there using it against you, and beating you with it a second time. So, you are free to go, and try to take back your kingdom - I shall even send you there, myself. If you succeed in your endeavor, you may keep it as you so desire."

"Then get it over with!" Sombra hissed. "I am in no mood for wasting time!"

Grogar himself now grimaced as he said, "Hold yourself, shadow king, and listen to the rest of my deal. As i said, succeed and you may keep the empire." He then assumed a threatening stance as he said, "But when you fail, you will submit to me, and swear absolute loyalty."

"You truly doubt my abilities, 'emperor'?" King Sombra inquired.

"You failed once before: it is NOT impossible for it to happen again. And once it does, you will fully submit yourself to my command, and swear your full allegiance to our Legion of Doom!"

Sombra simply smirked, as he simply said, "Agreed. I will NOT make the mistakes as before. And this time, my reign will be eternal." Then suddenly, Grogar threw another golden ball of magic to Sombra, and it sent him away in a warping flash. Finally, the tension in the room died down. Cozy, Chrysalis, and Storm King let out a breath none of them knew they had been holding. Tirek, and The Pony of Shadows, however, were actually impressed with the display the crystal tyrant had displayed. And the level of Darkness inherent was......familiar to the centaur for some reason. He couldn't quite peg as to why, but he now felt a certain investment in the unicorn's success. Just then, Grogar began taking his leave. "I have other things to attend to for now. Consider all that I have said and mingle among yourselves. Because I suggest the five of you learn to work together."

"Teamwork sounds alot like friendship." Cozy said, flying inbetween Chrysalis and Storm King. " two are un luck, because I know all about it!" She exclaimed enthusiastically while leaning on the satyr's shoulder. With a deadpanned expression, he flicked her away like a fly, and sent her away. The two ex-rulers then noticed Tirek opening a portal to a snowy terrain. "And where do you think you're going?" Chrysalis hissed at the centaur. "You heard him: we are all free to take time to consider his offer. He simply didn't say where we could do it. And I intend to think things through somewhere else."

"Don't think the goat-boat will like seeing you not here when he gets back." Storm King tried to reason with little effort.

"And why should I care for the feelings of an arrogant fool as him? Do as you two wish - I am taking my leave." His eyes glowed, and his teeth flashed. "Unless either of you wishes to get in my way?" Neither of them had any such interest, and turned their heads away as Tirek made his way through his portal. Just before it closed, The Pony of Shadows slithered on through. Tirek was only slightly surprised by this. "You followed me?"

"Ordinarily, I could appear anywhere I desire on my own without using such a method." The shadow fiend stated, before he began to admit, "However, I am interested in you. As interested as you clearly are in Sombra. And I can only surmise it is for a single purpose."

Tirek chuckled. "Quite intelligent you are, Erebus. Something you obviously inherited from Stygian, even though you are no longer connected to him." The Pony of Shadows was once again taken by surprise. "W-what did you call me?" This time, Tirek let out a hearty laugh before he said, "It means "Shadow Demon" in old ponish. And I imagine you would prefer an actual name as opposed to simply going by a title."

"Names are of no significance to me." 'Erebus' said, attempting to sound uninterested.

"Even if said title associates, and mistakes you for the pony who, once bonded in mind, body, and soul to you, REJECTED you for his so-called friends?" Tirek inquired, catching the shade off-guard. He smirked, seeing how he had put his hook into the being's mouth. Now he just needed to reel him in. "You are a unique, and incredible embodiment of Darkness. You are the literal offspring of Darkness given freedom from the bindings of a weak, and worthless pony. Your might is yours, and only yours, to do with as you please. One as powerful, and respectable as you deserves a mighty, and imposing name to match it. Wouldn't you agree.........friend?" Tirek asked. At the mention of that word, Tirek feared he may have ruined his opportunity. But The Pony of Shadows laughed on his own, in an interesting manner, before finally speaking. "You have a grand, and impressive point, Lord Tirek. Perhaps a name would, indeed, be an agreeable means of bringing forth a new beginning for the emissary of shadows that I am." He then smiled at the centaur, and lowered his head in a bow of respect. "And perhaps we can indeed work well together if we are to eliminate our shared foes.........friend Tirek."

"I am truly honored, Erebus." Tirek said with a gracious bow. Once he was fully upright, he turned around, and asked Erebus to follow him. "There is something out here, in the Frozen North, that requires my attention." The horn around his neck began glowing even brighter than before. "And I can already tell we are quite close." Almost as if on cue, the duo grew closer to a glowing, crimson object that was much bigger than it looked. There, kneeling in front of a large, spear-like crystal cluster that was also glowing brightly, was King Sombra. His words too low to be heard, and were equated to mutters as he seemed to speak to the Crystal in front of him. Said crystal, however, alerted him to the presence of his surprise visitors. A menacing glare aimed towards the two as he growled in threatening tone. "Please." Tirek said dismissively. "Indeed, you are a powerful magic user, King Sombra. But against a foe such as me, who consumes essence for power, your offensive magic is useless against me." He then raised a hand up in a defensive manner. "Besides, neither of us came here to fight."

Sombra, however, didn't fully trust the word of the centaur, and remained unconvinced. "Then why did you two, of all creatures, come to this region? Only I know of Mother's residence, and how to reach it." Tirek, and Erebus gave questioning looks to each other before the latter asked, "That crimson crystal is.........your mother, you say?"

"All that remains of her, sadly" Sombra said. His tone suddenly turned melancholy as his guard lowered - just a little. "When i was young, I learned from the Spirit of my own mother, once named Rabia, that I am of the Umbrum: the spirits of Darkness who once served under the Djinn of Darkness that was once Grogar." The unicorn sniffed with disdain. "That old goat - a meager shell of his former self, despite the power he currently wields." He turned back to the crystal. "When he fell, the Umbrum were also defeated. Banished to the darkest depths of the Underworld - The Realm of Darkness, from which there is no return........without aid. My mother told me that one of us could be freed from the Underworld if we poured all of our very essence into the spell. A spell that would make the umbrum half equestrian: an Umbrium Unicorn with power over the Darkness, itself. Hating the hardships our people suffered, I made the choice to be the chosen volunteer who would go into Equestria, and dominate it in the name of our Emperor of Darkness, and our race." His head lowered a little. "It worked all too well: I was brought into this world a colt. A side-effect of the spell robbed me of my memories as an Umbrum, and made infiltration into the Crystal Empire all the easier. But it cost the lives of what few of us actually remained. Rabia herself gave up her spiritual form to become what you see before you. So that when the day comes, we could meet, and she would reveal the truth about my past. It came all the sooner when the pony I loved betrayed me, and abandoned me, Though thanks to her, I found my mother at long last. On that day, my true potential was unleashed, and I was born anew!" he proclaimed with pride. "Now, I live as a symbol of hatred, and vengeance seeking to punish The Crystal Empire for their role in banishing, and then destroying my race. I simply came here to pay my respects to mother before I finally complete my mission, and claim what is rightfully mine."

Tirek and Erebus had remained silent throughout Sombra's whole backstory. Much of it intrigued them, given they actually heard of the Umbrum. Facing them was even worse than facing the Windigoes themselves. One one half, it was good they no longer existed. On the other, Equestria was cursed with King Sombra. Tragic Irony, or poetic justice. Tirek couldn't quite decide, but he knew one thing was true. "It appears we are kindred spirits of the dark, after all, King Sombra." Tirek said, slowly approaching the crystal. "Your account is quite similar to my own, though i'm sure divergences exist. In the end, however, I believe we are both the products of the same Darkness that gave Darkness its power." He then took the glowing horn he wore around his neck, and yanked it off. "Now, however, I have the opportunity to prove it."

"What do you mean, Tirek?" Sombra asked, before noticing exactly what the centaur held with a certain, grim disgust. "And is that my horn? From my old, dead body?!" Tirek chuckled as he stood before the "Rabia" crystal. "And yet it isn't as dead as you think, my dark friend." He looked down at the horn. "The day I found it was the day I had a true change, for the better. Something - or someone - has been speaking to me through the horn. Just like the one you call 'mother' speaks to you through this crystal. But look. See how they both dance, and they sparkle? Like Diamonds at night, crimson blood shed, shimmering in red?" He remarked to how both the horn, and crystal shined like bright beacons in the night sky, despite it being in the middle of the day. "Perhaps they are two halves of the same whole. Both of them beckoning to become whole again." He then grinned like a madman. "Perhaps we should grant them their wish!"

"What are you-?" Sombra's eyes widened as he saw Tirek raised the horn, looking like he was about to take a stab at the red crystal. He quickly realized that's exactly what he intended to do. "No! Don't you dare harm mother! I'll crush you under hoof if you so much as-!" But it was too late, and Tirek plunged the horn into the Crystal. Upon penetrating, something began to happen to Tirek. A blinding light began to overwhelm him, and the energies of the crystals began flowing into him. Something was happening that he couldn't explain. Something inside him, a breathtaking pain, was devouring, and consuming, and driving him insane. With a final, anguished roar, Tirek vanished into the light.

And it was here, in a nightmarish realm of unexplainable darkness that the centaur could sense as the Underworld, did he meet the true face of Darkness, Destruction, and Death.

He was but a speck before this flaming Bahamut made Djinn, whose very soul radiated with the pure essence of Darkness, itself. A deep, powerful, and hellish growl echoing out of its throat as the Elder God looked down upon the centaur. At long last, the moment had arrived for the fated meeting of his chosen. Tirek, himself, felt humbled, and honored to be in the presence of such great power. To know that THIS was who had been teaching him the ways of the Darkness all this time. Now, the Emperor of Darkness had more to teach the centaur, a bond to fully cement for the sake of power, and resurrection, and much more knowledge to share. Lightning spewed out of his eyes, and struck Tirek. And in that instant, he saw all that he needed to see. The history of Equestria, its Bahamut Mother and Father, the fall of the 3 generations past, the Bahamut of Darkness transforming into a Djinn as he conquered Equestria, and birthed foul, and unspeakable monsters, culminating in the Bahamut of Light, and the Great unicorn hero chosen by her to steal his sacred treasure, and use it against him, leading to the division of his essence AND soul as his body perished, ending with the Bahamut Elder Goddess of Light leaving the unicorn to infuse her own essence, and soul into a crystal seed.

Two Elder Gods made prisoners by their own treasures, who unwittingly have created a cycle of Love, Hate, and Doom for Equestria.

Lord Tirek soon returned to the real world as the crystal itself shimmered down. A deep, satisfied exhale of breath was released as he felt a rush of power he had not felt in ages. His powers had been restored to their fullest extent. What those six brats took from him was back, and better than ever. Erebus, and especially Sombra, however, were uncertain as to what exactly had happened. "Tirek?" Sombra asked, much calmer now that he could see 'Rabia' was just fine. "Is.. all well with you?" The centaur, after a few moments as he allowed his newfound dark power to settle, finally turned to the unicorn with a menacing grin of his own. "All is well.....and so much more! In fact, you could say Mother Rabia has provided me.....a moment of clarity." he lied. "In return for giving her back the lost piece of you she had wished to reclaim for so long after sensing your demise, has given me glimpses into the future. Knowledge of things I hadn't known before.......including the truth of the old goat who claims to be grogar."

Sombra hummed with interest. "Is that so?"

"Indeed. And before you set out for the Crystal Empire, allow me to share my newfound wisdom with you." He opened his hand, and a golden flame enveloped it. A sight that intrigued the Shadow King, and Erebus to no end. But it was what Tirek said next that proved more interesting. "And the true way to achieve our ultimate goals: destroying the source of harmony and light, and returning anarchy, and darkness to Equestria." He then stretched out his hand, and offered it to the unicorn for a firm shake.

"That is, if you are interested."


to be continued