//------------------------------// // Early Morning Meeting // Story: The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective // by Evowizard25 //------------------------------// Twilight yawned as she groggily woke up. She smiled down at Assassin as she held her in her arms. The little girl was snuggling up to her and didn’t seem to want to let go. Twilight couldn’t blame her. She was the same according to her mother. A little cuddle bug. Of course, Shining Armor always teased her about it. Then played a few pranks.  Which is why she was rather scared of ladybugs come to think of it.  Ladybugs aside, her daughter was something she couldn’t help but cherish more so each day she spent here. She leaned down and kissed her head, “Assassin. Assassin, mommy has to get up. It’s morning.” Assassin mumbled softly and rubbed her face into Twilight’s chest, “I don’t wanna get up.” Twilight giggled and brushed her hair softly with her hand, “Well I have to go to school and I like to get up a bit early to get a few things done before then. You can sleep with Spike until I get back.” Assassin hugged her tighter, “But I don’t want mommy to go.” Twilight hugged her closer, “Yes, but you’re just going to bare with me. Someday you’ll have to go to school too and I can’t be there for you all day.” “Then I don’t wanna go to school.” Twilight pulled back and looked down at her, “Assassin. Just because we spend some time apart, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. Distance can’t stop friendship and it certainly can’t stop a family from loving each other. Do you understand me?” Assassin was silent for a moment before nodding, “I think so.” “Good,” Twilight kissed her head, “Now I’m just going to go now but we can play a bit when I get back home, alright.” “Alright,” Assassin smiled which warmed Twilight’s heart.  It didn’t take long for Twilight to get downstairs after that. Thankfully, her magic let her get her clothes on in no time. While she did like to do things by hoof, she was still getting used to her new body in some ways. It was just easier to just snap her fingers and get it done then. As she went into the kitchen, she spied Sakura making some food.  “Oh hey Sakura,” Twilight smiled, “I didn’t expect to see you up this early.” Sakura looked over at her a bit surprised before smiling, “Ah Twilight. Yeah, I like to come over and fix things up for Shirou. Sometimes he stays up too late and sleeps in so I have to make sure he makes it to school as well as prepare breakfast.” Twilight nodded, “That sounds like him. Do you need any help?” “If you could help me put the food into our lunch boxes, that would be great.” “Sounds simple enough,” so Twilight went to work besides Sakura and they went at it for about a minute in silence.  “What’s your world like?” Sakura spoke up, breaking the silence.  “Oh it’s pretty peaceful, monster attacks aside.” Twilight smiled, “Ponies control the weather. Magic is everywhere and we have a good sense of community. When I came here, I was just surprised by so much. It’s so different yet it’s similar in some respects. We don’t have these ‘cars’ or other pieces of technology you do.” Sakura nodded, “I can see that. You probably don’t need so much technology with magic everywhere. I’m glad you’re enjoying your stay in our world.” “So am I,” Twilight said, “Maybe when this is all over, I can take you to visit my hometown. I’m sure you’d like it there.” Sakura paused for a moment and frowned, “I can’t leave.” Twilight looked at her in confusion, “Why can’t you?” “My grandfather wouldn’t let me,” Sakura said softly, “He’s not a… He just knows better then I do. About everything.” “Well if he cares about you,” Twilight pointed out, “Then he’d let you go visit a friend. The portal should be open long enough for a quick visit. It’s not like it’s permanent.” “Don’t let him know,” Sakura said firmly.  Twilight paused, seeing how tense her new friend was. “Sakura…” “Please don’t let him know,” Sakura looked her in the eyes, “He can’t know. Please don’t tell him.” Twilight sighed and nodded, “I’ll make sure your grandfather doesn’t know about my world and myself. I promise you that.” Sakura nodded, “Good. My grandfather…” She shivered, “Let’s move on please.” “Yeah,” Twilight said, “So you and Shirou are childhood friends?” She asked hoping to move on to a happier conversation.  “He helped me smile,” Sakura said, “He always looks out for me so I try to do the same for him. We practice together and laugh together. I can be myself around him and I think he feels the same way.” “Now that’s a good friendship as I’ve ever heard one,” Twilight nodded, “Shirou does seem like a really nice guy, so it’s nice to know he was always like that.” “Do you like him?” Twilight was caught off guard by the question. She blushed and played with a strand of her hair, “Of course I do. As a friend!” She waved her hands in front of herself, “Just a friend. That’s it.”  Sakura stared at her for a moment. She was looking right at her, as though peering into her very soul. It made her so nervous, “Alright. It’s good to see him make another friend.” Then she went back to what she was doing.  Twilight let out a sigh. She didn’t know why she was sighing. It was just a simple question. Yet… No. She was looking too much into it. Besides, Shirou was a friend. Just because he was really cute, helpful, willing to help others so selfishly…. She was not blushing! ________________________________________________________________________ “Read ‘em and weep, girls.” Adagio smirked as she put her cards down on the table. Her two sisters groaned as they watched their eldest sister take all of the coins to herself. She cackled, “It just gets easier and easier with you two.” “I hate this game,” Aria folded her arms together.  “Maybe you should get better then,” Adagio teased.  The trio had found the human world interesting in that there was always something to waste time on. Whether it was self enjoyment with food, watching people fight after a performance, or a game of sorts. They’d take this place over Equestria any day of the year. The only problem was the lack of magic. That meant they weren’t nearly as strong as they should have been. Oh there was magic around and it could at least give them enough to transform.  Yet it wouldn’t be for long. They’d rarely used it in the thousand years they’d been on the planet. It’s why this world had a plethora of tales of sirens even from only a few encounters. After those encounters, they’d have to stockpile magic again. It helped since mages and ‘heroes’ tended to try and kill them. Like that boy with pink hair and a dress. Oh how he got annoying with his acts of heroism. They were just lucky he didn’t tell anyone and those myths fell on the wayside. The sisters did not want to be remembered for losing to a pink crossdresser.  If they ever saw him again, they’d… they’d… oh they didn’t know what they’d do. Thankfully he was long dead. He’d have to be. He was one of the first beings they met in this world. The only thing they missed about those times was the coming ‘Dark Ages’ of Europe. Oh how much angst and anger they created. So wonderful~ “So do you trust that goldie locks?” Aria asked.  “I think he’s cute,” Sonata smiled, “For a human I mean.” “I don’t care if he’s cute,” Adagio scoffed, “He’ll give us what we want. Power. All we have to do is push around a few spirits and teenagers. That sounds easy enough.” “If it was easy, he’d do it himself.” Aria scoffed, “He’s playing us. Who’s to say that these ‘spirits’ won’t kill us?” “We’ve faced heroes before and survived.” “We were banished to another world by heroes,” Aria raised a finger then another, “And heroes have almost skinned us alive on a few occasions. Remember that time Sonata got shot by Calamity Jane?” Sonata rolled her shoulder, “She was a big meanie. Why was she so mad anyways? I didn’t kill anyone close to her.” “It doesn’t matter,” Adagio snorted, “We have access to more magic now then we did then. We’ll take them on and win.” “If you say so,” Aria said, still not looking convinced.  “Are you doubting your king?” Gilgamesh’s pompous voice came into the picture as he walked into the room.  “Oh it’s golden cutie,” Sonata waved at him with a big smile plastered on her face, “Heyo!” “What are you doing here?” Adagio quirked an eyebrow, “I thought you wouldn’t need our help for a few days.” “Things have escalated,” Gilgamesh said with an idle wave of his hand, “It seems my master is a tad worried about a little alliance. I can see his point. They almost killed Lancer. Their magic and teamwork could be something troublesome. So I thought you could possibly test them.” Adagio smirked, “And see how ‘strong’ their little alliance is?” Gilgamesh nodded, “Exactly. I knew you’d catch on quick.” Sonata squealed in happiness and clapped her hands, “Oh we get to fight heroes again. It’s been so long since I’ve tasted a hero. Are they still ripe with energy and juicy on the inside?” “I’d say so,” Gilgamesh said, “I take it you lot can handle them?” Adagio cackled, “Oh please. Don’t you dare doubt us for a second. We’re experts on breaking up friendships.” “Except for Starswirl and his buddies,” Aria mumbled, which earned a sharp look from Adagio.  “We don’t talk about them,” Adagio hissed. It sounded inhuman with the slight hiss.  Gilgamesh found it rather charming, so he chuckled. “Well I don’t care who this ‘Starswirl’ is. He’s long gone and in another world if I’m not mistaken. If you play your cards right, you might even get to repay his homeland a tad for his injustice. Just don’t mess it up too much. I’d rather not have my new kingdom in ruins. I already have to rebuild this world once I burn it down, I don’t need to worry too much about the other.” Aria huffed, “Why do you need to burn it down though? I think it’s alright. There’s enough strife here to last forever.” Gilgamesh frowned, “I will not tolerate weakness. Besides, the fires will create anew a world of meaning again. You don’t have to concern yourselves with the manner in which I do so. Just take care of this Twilight and Shirou and whoever else they are working with.” “With pleasure,” Adagio got up.  “Just wait until nightfall.” Adagio pouted, “You and your rules, but alright. Then we will strike at midnight.” ___________________________________________________________________ Rin chewed on her pencil as she looked down at a blank sheet of paper. This morning, she had decided to write down her future plans yet everything was blank. She knew there would be team ups in this war. It happened in previous ones but this? Using such skillful magic in such tandem? Teleporting a servant without a command seal? She needed to think and think hard, especially since she went to school with some of the masters.  “You seem upset,” Archer materialized next to her.  “Aren’t you concerned, Archer?” Rin threw her pencil and paper on the table before her, “She could teleport and they were able to almost kill a servant that almost skewered you.” “Debatable,” Archer crossed his arms, “I wouldn’t worry about them. The pink haired servant seemed rather weak and they only won that fight because of the element of surprise. If you give me the opportunity, I could take out pinkie quickly enough. I don’t know enough about the child servant, but I’d take it she’s on his level of competence and power.” “And what of the obvious Saber?” Rin asked. The power emanating off of the feminine servant awe inspiring or was that just her charisma stats? “Tricky,” Archer said, “I’d have to find underhanded to win in a straight fight.” “Then do so,” Rin said, “I don’t care how you do it, we have to win this war. Just make sure that Shirou Emiya and that other girl aren’t hurt.” “You want me to leave the masters alone?” Archer quirked an eyebrow, “How altruistic… and stupid of you.” “They are fellow students,” Rin huffed before feeling his eyes bore into her, “Fine, we’ll take them out if they become too much of a nuisance but I sincerely doubt it. I’ve only met Twilight a few times, but she seems like a bit of an airhead and too goodie two shoes. Same with Shirou. So we don’t have to worry about them too much.” “And the mysterious third master?”  “We’ll meet them soon enough,” Rin got up, “Now it’s time for school. I want you to keep an eye on me and make sure the other masters don’t try anything funny.” “I’ll do my best to watch your back,” Archer smirked, “It helps that you’ve got a nice one.” He dematerialized just as Rin threw her pencil at him. She could hear him chuckling.  “Stupid servant,” she slightly blushed. She’d let it slide for now. Who cared if a really handsome man thought she looked hot…. She didn’t. Not at all. Nope. Not one bit.