//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: To Love the Changeling Queen // by Mightyfinemorning //------------------------------// It was certainly strange. The more Chrysalis thought, the more she failed to understand the current situation she was facing. A few hours ago, her scouts had confirmed that a single unicorn had arrived upon their land. There was hardly any doubt; he was bound to be a mighty warrior intent on avenging Celestia’s defeat. After what had happened that day, it was most natural that the ponies return the favor. She had originally resolved to greet the lone warrior with all the courtesy she could muster. She may have been defeated, but she was still Queen of the Changelings, and thus was expected to properly receive whatever Equestria had sent to her. But this… Chrysalis thought, staring at the unicorn in front of her. Could this creature possibly be the champion of Celestia? Were the ponies mocking her? The unicorn was smiling. Not just any kind of smile, but one that expressed pure joy and bliss. Out of focus, enchanted, mouth drooling, and lost in thoughts, his expression reminded Chrysalis of Shining Armor under her influence. Of course, once her spell was broken, his enamored gaze had quickly changed into a look of disgust, like every other creature who had witnessed her true form. To others, she was a terrifying monster who was to be feared and abhorred. Not that Chrysalis particularly cared. If she and her broods were to take love away from others to feed, the scarier the better. Others had to be afraid of her. That was not the case for this unicorn. He did not show any signs of detest or horror, and if he was showing anything, he seemed delighted to see her in her current form. She had to make sure that this unicorn ‘confessing’ his love to her was not a Changeling who was too much into the mask he wore and forgot who he really was. But no, this was a pony, a unicorn, not one of her minions. That only served to complicate the problem, though. It was important that she did not reveal how baffled she was. Being the Changeling Queen, a certain degree of power and authority was always required. For the past few days, her broods had been whispering of her failure, and it was absolutely necessary to show them how the Changeling Queen handled the situation, and ultimately, why she was still their Queen—regardless of the recent invasion ending in complete disaster. She glanced across the unicorn again, from his horn to the hooves. He was not a warrior, at least from his looks. Even the dumb Changeling drones could have told her that. He was average… sort of. There were no particular signs to take notice of, except for his complete insanity. But extremity made everything dangerous, something that could not be taken lightly. Perhaps he was indeed a skilled fighter, able to hide his true self and reveal it at the most unexpected moment, like what she had done at the wedding. If that was the case, Celestia could not have chosen a better champion. “Not many have said such words,” Chrysalis said, keeping her voice menacingly low to reaffirm her superior position. “But who are you? You look familiar, but I may be mistaken.” Even showing her curiosity had to be done in an impressive manner, giving the impression that it was she who had everything under her control. “Yes. It never tires to say that I love you. Not without a doubt. Absolutely. Undeniably…” The unicorn’s voice trembled. “For the second question, that is not so important. What am I? It is nothing compared to the question of who you are. Now that is the question worth answering for. You are Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. For those saying you are not beautiful, they are worse than the blind, really, for your magnificence goes beyond your appearance. The blind can hear your voice; the deaf can intake the sweet fragrance that heralds your presence; the one that has been deprived of all of his five senses would still be able to feel you, I am sure. Ignorant are those who say you are not beautiful.” Chrysalis wished he would realize how much of an idiot he sounded like; it was shameful to hear his jabbering. He made embarrassment contagious. Seeing her slightly annoyed look, he quickly added, “But since you granted me the honor of saying my name, I will speak. I am Lock On, whom you have granted the honor to gaze at you and hear your voice. After that fateful moment, I had to look out for you.” Oh, that fool. Chrysalis shortly frowned. Her short inspection told that his pupils did not have the multi-colored rings. It was clear that he was not under the effect of the Love Poison. There were no others signs at all that he was affected by other charms, either. Her own enchantment needed some time before it began to show its effect, and yet, the unicorn acted as if he was under her influence forever. Usually her prey managed to show some degree of resistance, but this one seemed to be an exception to the case. She sighed. Remember what happened at Canterlot. You made a fool of yourself. Never underestimate in any situation. Who knows, he might be more than what he looks to me right now. “Why?” Chrysalis asked, although almost snapping at him. She knew her tone implied her interest, but she could not ignore it. There was something special about this pathetic creature. Perhaps he was not so pathetic at all; the thoughts kept coming back to her mind. He might be one those who could change at their will like her own kind did, sometimes even better. The most unlikely could, in fact, turn out to be the most likely. The unicorn dumbly stared at her. Seemingly short of breath, he coughed few times, not before heavily panting to inhale some air. She forced her body not to cringe at the sight. “Do I have to make myself clear? Explain; why you do love me?” Chrysalis walked towards him and hissed, like she had to Princess Cadence. In a matter of seconds, green flames sprouted from the floor and surrounded him, flickering, responding to his every movement. He looked very startled, like a drunkard who had just came to his senses after committing horrendous acts under the influence. She grinned widely. “Seeing your kind again has put me in quite a sore mood. Walking right into the Changeling’s land, eh? Oh, well you should actually feel honored to receive this ‘treat.’ I only reserve it for the most worthy foe, the hardest to break. Should your words be at odds with your thoughts… to say you will get burnt would be a gross understatement.” Chrysalis waited before resuming her speech, making sure the unicorn fully understood the implications. “Now, I will ask you again. Do you love me?” The flames were just for the dramatic effect. Her real ‘treat’ required her to use a significant amount of magical energy to cast, and Chrysalis had no intention of using it on this poor, maddened soul. A mere show was enough. She dearly wished to do this to Cadence and Shining Armor, to watch their terrified faces while she laughed at them. But for now, she was content playing around with this fool. “Yes. I love you,” the unicorn said. His face showed the look of an adamant soldier. The flame did not react, not even the slightest flicker towards LockOn. It kept circling around him, but the light from it grew weaker, until nothing surrounded the unicorn. “Hmph. Quite skilled, I should say. Not easily broken, are you?” She tilted her head. How was this possible? She raised her eyebrow, beginning to feel a little uneasy. The spell was not working. “No, my lady,” said the unicorn. She found his sugary voice very disturbing. Regardless of her look, he continued to speak. “I am already broken, for that happened the moment I saw you.” …What? “But seeing you, I feel I can be whole again, to be repaired from my shattered state. Of course, if you wish, I can be broken again. If you wish, that is. I merely await your command.” The unicorn stared at him. Indeed, extremity made everything dangerous, but could one go that far? Was the word ‘crazy’ not enough for him? She was about to say no, but his unchanging look of pure satisfaction forced her to think otherwise. Did he really love her? She suddenly found herself plunged into the real world where her faultless logic again failed her, just like the last time; so much for her perfectness. “This is the only reason I came for you, as you can see right now.” The unicorn smiled. “It is because I love you. I cannot do anything but love you. I just cannot help it.” Chrysalis covered her face with her hoof. Really, I mean really? Perhaps, this was what Equestria chose as a means of returning the favor. And it was working really well. They knew it already. She did not think it was possible, but circumstances surely told her it was the case. They knew how Changelings operated; ponies were cleverer than she had previously thought. Lock On’s heart leapt. For a while, he really was afraid that he would never be able to meet the Changeling Queen, but be defeated by one of her bigger minions. That would have made a great tragedy, but as much as forbidden love greatly amused Lock On, he did not at all desire to be its protagonist. His love had to be a different sort, a happy ending where he and Chrysalis could both achieve their desires. Even her flustered face was stunningly alluring. “And the reason I love you, my Queen,” he hesitated for a second, searching for an adequate word to properly explain his feeling. If he could impress her, there was better chance of her accepting his unbound love. “Is because I was captivated by you and everything that consists of you. Your look, your voice, the way you walk, and the way you blink your eyes; I can go on, if you grant me to do so. You have charmed me.” There was a prolonged silence. “Will you accept my love, my Queen? You can have as much of it as you want. My love is not for others. It is for you only. I sincerely do not think there would be any reason for you to object my offering.” Lock On thought his heart was going to burst. Chrysalis, Chrysalis… He uttered the name with extra care. What a lovely name; Chrysalis. Every part of you I equally love. She was going to say yes. She had to. He gets her, she gets his love. She wanted love, and he wanted her. A complete win-win. It was an offer she could not refuse. “No,” Chrysalis said in a clear, loud voice. “Ponies these days… now they are making fun of me. So what did Celestia promise you? If her intention was to mock me, well, good for her! Kudos for your Princess! I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, fool! How dare you insult me!” Even her anger Lock On could take with supreme delight. So cruel, yet so graceful; he was willing to take it all. Every piece of her emotions deserved to be worshiped, like everything else that made her. It was alright; it was expected that she would be so hostile towards him. He could hardly blame her. If only he had stood up back at Canterlot, if only… He was determined not to be intimidated by the sudden change of her mood. “You do not understand,” Lock On said, trying to be as apologetic as possible. “I do not follow our Princesses’ orders… at least not for the moment. I just love you based on my own feelings. That is all.” “No, it is you who doesn't understand,” Chrysalis said coolly. “I honestly never thought I would say this to a pony, but I suppose to a fool gold is hardly any worth.” “I will not say any word of protest when you take my love. I will not scream. I will not yell. I will shut myself off, to be silent as the night without any stars and the Moon. If you want me to be quiet, I WILL—” “That’s the problem,” Chrysalis growled quietly, but it was enough for Lock On to become silent. “I need to take love away from you. You DO NOT give love to Changelings.” She chuckled. “A willing victim is no longer a prey. It becomes a predator. You want me to want you. That just doesn't happen.”