//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 Zecora. (Edited) // Story: My Little Pirate. // by Regis Stella //------------------------------// Three weeks have passed since Trixie has joined the crew and became friends with us all in the process. Now we have a First Mate, a First Mate Assistant, two Fighters, a Cook, a Beastmaster, a Musician, an Outfit-Maker, a Quartermaster, each of whom wishes to get to the Sea of Thieves as soon as possible. But there’s no doctor to heal our crew when we get hit or injured. And I hope I can find someone to fill that position, sure the Ferry of the Dammed can help with that, in the Sea of Thieves but not outside of it. Luckily, I know a pony or rather a zebra that will be perfect for the job. Today was a beautiful, but quiet day in Ponyville, only there's no other ponies around the town's streets, except for myself, Twilight, Spike, Gilda and Trixie. "Anyone else feeling like that it's too quiet?" Trixie said to all of us. "Yeah, I have that feeling too," Twilight said, "You don't think something happened?" "PSST!" Pinkie's voice came from SugarCube Corner, "Get over here, now!" "Pinkie, what's going on now?" Gilda asked her. "Just get in here, NOW!" Rainbow said as she drags us into the shop. "Alright, what's with all my Pirates being scared in this shop? Is it something that you can't explain or something?" I asked them, but I already know what's going on. "We are hiding from her," Fluttershy said pointing her hoof out the window, being the brave Pirate Captain and wanting to show my crew that I'm not afraid of anything, I walked outside and saw her for myself. There she was, digging the ground, with a cloak on her body. “Hello there,” I greeted the zebra, “What brings you to Ponyville?” She then looked at me and smiled, “Ah, you must be the Pirate that I have heard about, you are probably wondering why I’m out?” “To look for some ingredients for a potion or two, but all of Ponyville is scared of you," I said, and I didn't mean to rhyme at all. "Yes, I can see, but you are not scared of me," she replied to me. "They are just scared because you look different from everyone else," I said, "And believe me when I say, that I have seen this behaviour from my world all the time," Zecora looked at me and said, “It is natural for ponies to be scared of something that they don’t know, and most of your people call it, Racism, was it?” “True,” I said then realised what she said, “Two things, one, how did you know that word? And second, you didn’t rhyme,” “Yes, I know of that word, and it gets annoying to think of words that rhyme’s with what you are trying to say,” Zecora replied to me, then added, “And if you want me on your crew, then count me in for the ride, and the chance to learn about the magic of the Sea of Thieves,” Then I heard tribal horns on the air. “That’s great, and all and I am looking for a doctor like you, for some time now. But I don’t think that my crew or all of Ponyville is convinced about you, yet.” I said with a knowing tone in my voice. (Cue Mother of Flame by Miracle of Sound and Sharm.) “I hear you, but maybe this will help with that,” Zecora said as she began to sing for me. Zecora: Flashes of frailty and thoughts of red doors Climb from the dirt to the skies Bloodlines that failed me compel nothing more Ambition it burns in his eyes. Cast beyond duty and passed through the scorn Voices that warn the discreet Whisper of beauty that's born of the storm And the tremors of eight thousand feet. Outcasts of the Abyss:Unbound Bellows of war resound Through high walls Tyrants of toil will fall. As if I knew what Zecora is saying and begins to sing by myself. William Hunter: Lord of the free The breaker of chains Empires will cry out my name Look to the sea To follow my claim Become the freedom's bright flame! Accept the new or die out in the old Ruthless my justice and truth Planting the seeds through my cities of gold Rip out the weeds by the root. Lord of the free The breaker of chains Empires will cry out my name Look to the sea To follow my claim Become the freedom's bright flame! Outcasts: Unburnt Spokes on the wheel still turn To crush down Unleash the hordes unbound. William Hunter: Bound no more Let my children soar To the distant shores We will glide over the world As the choir sang in the background, I felt my body change with magic of equine and piratical. Becoming a perfect union of two worlds, the Sea of Thieves and Equestria. As a Disney song once said; "Two world, one family," Lord of the free The breaker of chains Empires will cry out my name Look to the sea To follow my claim Become the freedom's bright flame! (End song) Everyone looked up and saw what had happened to me. “What are you all staring at me for?” I was the first to ask, now knowing something was wrong with my body. “You. Are. An. ALICORN!” One pony yelled in shock at me, and all of my crew were shocked and caught off guard. Twilight saw me and nearly fainted, “Will, you’re an Alicorn!” “What?” I said before I looked at myself and saw that I was not only an Alicorn but was still in my Pirate Captains outfit, "Okay, I am not freaking out right now," I said in-between quick breaths. "I'm an Alicorn. And there is no explaining about what just happened." As I looked at myself I was not only an Alicorn but I had the colours of Celestia herself as well. "There is a simple reason as to, why you have changed my friend," A voice came from behind my tail. "The Sea of Thieves and the whole world has seen your friendship, companionship and your devotion to your crew for such a short while. And knows that it needs a new Pirate Lord to answer freedom’s call." Ramsey said to my crew, and I as he and Celestia stand behind me as I fall over my new legs. “But, we haven’t entered the Sea of Thieves, yet. And I’ve known my crew for a month or two.” I said as I tried to stand up. “Perhaps there’s a reason as to why you were born an Alicorn?” Celestia said with some sense of hope in her voice. “But there is no way I became an Alicorn in my world,” I said, then it clicks as Celestia began to sing. (Cue Once Upon A December from Anastasia soundtrack) Celestia: Dancing Bears Painted Wings Things I almost remember. And a song someone sings Once upon a December. Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory. Celestia and Ramsey: Far away, Long ago, Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart Used to know Things it yearns to remember Once upon a December. As she and Ramsey sings, memories began to fill my eyes, as well as tears, as I soon remembered their lullaby that she sang. Celestia and Ramsey: Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory. Far away, Long ago, Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart Used to know Things it yearns to remember And a song someone sings Once upon a December... “Mom, dad?” I asked Celestia with tears pouring out of my eyes. “You remember us?” Mom asked me with tears coming out of her eyes. “MOM! DAD!” I said as I rushed into their forelegs for a hug, as Mom and Dad embraced me in their forelegs and their wings, crying as we let out our tears. To be continued.