//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: The Rise of Rage // Story: How I Lost My Mother // by Stardust456 //------------------------------// "Not betrayal. Teamwork." Cozy confirmed with a smile on her face. "If Tirek absorbs your energy, he might be strong enough to break through." Cozy explained while holding up one of Tirek's arms. "And then?" Chrysalis asked demandingly. "Then he gives it back." "I do?" Tirek's grin faded when he realized that becoming more strong was only temporary. "Mm-hmm" Cozy nodded. Chrysalis was still skeptical. "How do I know you won't take my magic and leave me?" "Would we do that to you?" Cozy asked while making her eyes and smile large and putting on an adorable face. Chrysalis wasn't falling for it. All she responded was giving Cozy an obvious look. "Okay, fine. Normally, we would." "I'll give you your magic back." Tirek confirmed with reluctance. Chrysalis hesitated. "Do it." She started giving him her magic as he opened his mouth to drain it. Her eyes became glassy and she started to feel weak. Meanwhile, Tirek was growing bigger and stronger. Eventually, when all her magic was drained, she collapsed on the snow. Unlike Chrysalis, Tirek was delighted. He raised his arms up and yelled "So much POWER!" He kissed one of his arms. "Welcome back, baby!" He hit the force field on the entrance to the cave with his magic. The gap he managed to make was very small, and Tirek couldn't open it any wider. "It's not big enough for me!" Tirek grunted. "Maybe not you!" Cozy declared and flew inside the cave through the gap. "Keep it open, or I'll be trapped forever!" And she flew inside the cave. She flew around a corner when the cave turned left, and it led to a huge, main space. There were jagged spikes on the domed ceilings and walls, and there were small boulders everywhere. On a stone table was probably the dullest looking bell Cozy has ever seen. She flew over and brushed the dust off it, then realized from the carvings and symbols on the bell that it was truly worth a lot of power. "Can't... hold it much longer!" She heard Tirek yell from outside. She quickly scooped up the bell and dashed back towards outside, but as she flew, something caught her eye. Beneath a small pile of rocks and spikes on the ground, was a glowing pink light. Strange, she thought. It was the exact same colour as Twilight's magic aura, the same colour as Cozy's magic aura. Cozy walked over to the light. The closer she moved towards it, the brighter it glowed. She put the bell on the ground and she pulled whatever was the light source out of underneath the rocks and spikes. It was the rook! The same chess piece that Celestia transferred Cozy's magic into and sent it where nopony will ever see it again. And yet here it was, all along! Cozy was shocked. The rook glowed even more brightly when it touched Cozy's hoof, and it was absorbed into her. Cozy got up. She remembered the diary explaining that it wouldn't turn her back into an alicorn, but it would give her back her alicorn powers, except this time, they will be fuelled by her rage. Cozy noticed she can summon the rook by will, and it will appear and disappear whenever she wants, but she would still have it within her. She willed the bell to levitate, and a pink projection of her horn appeared on her head. It wasn't a real horn, but the light was shaped like one, and it was covered in the aura's of what other unicorns would have when they casted different spells. The pink horn projection of light disappeared when she stopped using magic and reappeared when did. As she willed the bell to fly, the light horn glowed brightly, and the bell rose into the air, covered in Cozy's shimmering pink aura. The only difference with the colour of magic was that it had traces of red since it was now fuelled from her rage. "HURRY!" She heard Tirek yell. She quickly snapped out of her shock trance and willed the rook to disappear. She picked up the bell with her hooves and managed to fly back out of the opening just as it closed. She landed in the snow with a thud. "Ta-da!" Cozy beamed. "YOU FAILED TO RETRIEVE THE BELL?!" "We're sorry, almighty Grogar." Cozy trembled. "We worked together as you asked." Tirek assured. "We're just not as powerful as you." Chrysalis said. Grogar yelled as his horns charged full of magic. He blasted at a wall in his lair. "Obviously!" He said, oblivious to the three's temporal fright when he blasted at the wall. "At least you finally learned to work together." He headed into another part of the lair and left the three villains, who smirked at each other. "Of course." Cozy said. "Whatever you command." Tirek said. "Forget about that old bell. You were right! We're so much more powerful, when we work as a team." Chrysalis said, as the three villains looked down at the bell hiding behind a rock. They waited until he was completely out of sight and earshot, then Cozy picked up the bell. "I'm so glad he didn't see it. We would've ended up like Sombra did if he found out." "Where should we hide the bell?" Chrysalis asked. "I found a secret compartment behind a torch in one of the walls in the lounge. We could hide it in there." Tirek suggested. "Very well, then." Chrysalis said and Cozy Glow nodded. Once the bell was hidden, Tirek and Chrysalis sat down in the chairs. "So, we need to come up with a plan to use the bell against Grogar." Chrysalis said. "Cozy, are you going to discuss about this with us?" Tirek asked. "I'll be there in a minute." Cozy said. She opened one of the three doors and inside was her room. She didn't turn on the lights, but the moonlight from the window was still bright enough for her to visibly see her bed in the corner, and a small table and chair beside it with a stack of books and scrolls that she put there. She sat down on her bed and summoned her rook. It grew brightly and illuminated the whole room. She could even see the intensity of light through her closed eyes. She now saw so much potential now that she has taken back what's been stolen from her. She remembers the feeling when she was betrayed. She remembers the feeling when she was replaced. She remembers when she was sent to Tartarus by her own mother for ten months before Grogar released her. While she had caused havoc on Twilight's school and attempted to drain magic when she was ten, she had grown a little for those ten months, as she is now eleven. She was betrayed when she was four. Seven years, she was neglected, and Celestia didn't care. And this feeling ignited her rage. Seven years of revenge was to come, and every bit of rage coursed through her body. The rook could sense it to, and it glowed even brighter. "You have destroyed my heart, mother." The ground beneath her began to shake. She opened her eyes, and the rook's magic filled her eyes with sockets of red, hatred, lava-like light. "And now, you will pay."