//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 The Gala. (Edited) // Story: My Little Pirate. // by Regis Stella //------------------------------// Tonight was going to be the night of myself and my Nakama. It’s the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. It’s going to test our resolve and test the nobles of Canterlot of how they're going to react to Gilda and Zecora. And think of how my Mom and Aunt have employed us into the navy and invited Pirates to the Gala and the fact that I'm the long lost son of Princess Celestia and Ramsey Singh. I should probably explain how that is even possible. Mom and Dad discovered that Mom was carrying me just a few weeks after Dad's first voyage to the Sea of Thieves. And no, they did not make love before they got married. Mom said it was the magic of the Sea of Thieves, and possibly the whole world willed me into existence and Mom gave birth to me as what I am today. As for how I came to the human world is something that Mom did not want to talk about, so Dad told me that I was foalnapped from my castle home and taken to the human world by none other than Captain Flameheart. Who found out about me and cast me to earth as a way to slowly destroy my family. And maybe cause another Nightmare Moon or worse than that. After they both explained how I became an Alicorn, one born by Celestia and Ramsey Singh and how I went to earth, a party was held in my honour, to which all of Ponyville came and had fun. Some weeks passed by quickly, and during that time, my Nakama and I bonded more closely and became more and more friendly to each other and continued to grow the crew bond. And let me tell you that the crew bond is sacred, no matter what you may think of it. We were preparing for the Gala, and all of my crew were taking their time with their Gala dresses. But unfortunately, Gilda, Trixie and Zecora did not get dresses ready in time. Luckily Mom said that my crew and I could wear out. Pirate outfits and Rarity made more fitting outfits for both Trixie and Zecora. Trixie was wearing a white sailor’s shirt with a light purple bandana around her neck as sailors did in the old days, a bright purple sash going around her waist and a light blue bandana on her head. Zecora was wearing what a can describe as the same outfit as the Order of Souls, but more fitting for her like a few potions and a necklace more like from her homeland. “You sure you can’t just call a pegasus chariot to go to the Gala, Will?” Twilight asked me. “I may be a Prince of Equestria and the heir of the Sea of Thieves, Twilight,” I said to her, “But I don’t want to come off as a demanding Prince, like my many times removed cousin Blueblood.” and yes, my readers, Mom said that I was not only a Prince of Equestria but also the rightful heir to the Sea of Thieves that is according to Dad. “I sure your Mom can make it happen with just this one exception, just this once,” Rarity said to me as a giant pegasus chariot came from the sky and landed outside Rarity’s shop. It was big enough to fit all of my crew and then some more. "Well, it seems that she must have heard about our problem," Pinkie pointed out. "Yes, it seems like it," I said as I approached one of the guards pulling the chariot. "I guess my Mom sent you here?" I asked the leading guard. "Yes your majesty, but it was Prince Blueblood who called for us to get you and your retainers,” the leading guards-pony said to me. “Retainers?” my crew said together. “Yes, he has asked my squad to pick all of you up and take you to the Gala,” the guard replied to us. “Thank you, good sir,” I said to the guard, “We should get going, we don’t want to keep Mom waiting,” “Yes, sir!” all of my crew said at the same time. “Your majesty, we’re here,” a guard called to me as we landed at the front of the castle gates. “Thank you,” I said as my crew jumps out of the chariot. “Enjoy the rest of the night,” I then told as the guards saluted me and took off into the night. “You’ve been a Prince for a few weeks, and you already know how to act like one,” a voice came from the gates, I turned to see it was Blueblood himself, smiling like a cocky Prince that he is. “It’s good to see you too, Cousin,” I said in a formal tone, “And thank you for the ride,” “It was nothing, Cousin,” Blueblood replied to me, then turned to my crew, “So these are your retainers, and they are not dressed right for the night,” “Mom said that we could wear what makes us comfortable and as what we are going to be, in a few days,” I said, not hiding my pride. Blueblood approached me and whispered, “It will be your head if the Union finds out about this, that a Prince of Equestria is going to live the life as a Pirate,” then he stepped away from me and said, “Follow me, my good friends,” “Is something going on between you two?” Zecora asked me, “I’ve heard only whispers, and it sound like it was a threat towards you,” “Its nothing, Zecora,” I said to her. “Are you sure?” I said as I raised my left forehoof to her muzzle. “If Blueblood makes a mistake by trying to hurt either me or all of you, then it will be on him,” I said to the whole crew, who was listening to what I was speaking to Zecora. “If you say so, Captain,” Applejack said, “Now we have a Party to get to,” We then headed to the ballroom, where Mom was waiting for us. “The son of Princess Celestia and the Heir to the Kingdom of Equestria, Prince William Hunter and his retainers!” The Announcer said as we walked into the ballroom. Right away, the Noble Ponies saw me and nearly fainted at the sight of myself, my Nakama and, I imagine, the outfits that we were wearing tonight. “It’s so wonderful to see you again my son,” Mom said with a tear in her eye, “and you look so handsome tonight,” I blushed, “Well, you said we could come in our Pirate outfits,” I countered her in a teasing tone. “Yes, I did. But right now, I think we need to talk about that thing,” Mom said with a wink. “Yes, we do,” I said and turned to my crew, “Before we begin the Gala, there’s something that we must do,” “What are you planning, Will,” Twilight murmured to herself. We headed for the public gardens, where Dad and Aunt Luna was waiting for me. ”There’s my colt,” Dad said as myself, Mom and my crew came into view. ”Now, my dear Pirate, he had just arrived at the Gala just a few minutes ago, ” Mom said to Dad, “Is everything ready, Sister?” “Yes, Tia, we are ready to do this,” Aunt Luna said, “But, I have to ask you, my Nephew. How do you know that he will escape in a few days?” I sighed, “That’s the thing, he will escape, Mom will make him an ally of Equestria, and he will cause more chaos than even the most insane Ponies will care to admit to him,” I said as I walked to the statue of the most chaotic creature in the whole of fiction. Discord. "You don't need to explain again, my Son, you already told me about the future and what will happen if we do not act soon," Mom said to me, trying to cheer me up. “Thank Mom, it will be nice to know that Equestria will be safe while Myself and my crew are away from our homes,” I said as I began to activate my horn. and yes, Twilight was the one who was teaching me magic and Rainbow teaching me to fly as soon as my transformation back to my pony form and I was more comfortable with it. (Cue Shiver my Timbers, from Muppets Treasure Island,) “Are you all ready?” I asked my family and my crew to which they all nodded as we all begin to sing. As soon as Discord’s Statue prison was broken, Mom, Dad and Aunt Luna, caught him in magical chains as I pulled a Flintlock from a holster and pointed at his head, as myself and Mom sang the last part of the song. And in a flash of powder and fire, Discord was now and forever gone, dead at last. “It’s over, my Son, Discord is no more,” Mom said to me as I took a deep breath in. “Now there is peace in the future,” I said to Mom and everyone else. “Now, how about we head back to the Gala?” Everyone nodded and headed back to the ballroom. All of my crew was in joying the Gala thanks to some changes to the whole thing. Mostly because I asked my Mom to let there be more ponies from all corners of Equestria, and to my surprise, she said yes. All kinds of ponies came from all around the kingdom and, much to the nobles hate and criticism, they were a likable lot. Many of whom supported me and my trip to the Sea of Thieves and want to join my crew, to which I politely declined. “Where’s Will?” Rainbow said as the rest of the crew gathered at the stage. I told them to wait at the stage as the Gala was beginning to close off for the year. The whole room went dark and a spotlight shined on me, on the stage that I was now on. “This is a song from my human world, and it is a classic that I sing, so I hope you will all enjoy,” I said as the music began to play. (Cue ‘I am Australian’ by The Seekers) The crowd cheer and stomped their hooves together as the party continues into the night. To be continued.