Reach for the Skies

by The Blue EM2

I Goofed... Again

I tried to process what Vapour had just said to me. Was it true, that she had been keeping things from me again? Our friendship nearly didn't recover from the boosting incident, so what was it now. "Sorry?" I asked. "What did you say?"

"I kinda have a confession to make too," she repeated, looking into my eyes with a mixture of worry and sadness. "Those flashes I got are echoes of my old life, and now so much makes sense. Like when I spoke to Twilight and Rainbow about us, I called us 'kids', not 'foals'. I'm not from here either."

I was starting to lose it. "Well?" I asked. "Who were you?"

"That Jimmy guy you mentioned?" Vapour replied, her eyes increasingly pained. "I was him. Jimmy Hook of Manteo and known across the internet for various transformation related things."

"Well, how did you get here?!" I snapped. I misjudged the tone of the situation, but by this point I was too broken to even care. "I remember there being two boxes, what about the other one?"

Vapour started off on her story. "I got home after getting the Kirin into its box at about 7 at night, and noticed the door was unlocked and my note was removed. It wasn't there, so I assumed you were in and had simply forgotten to lock the door. So I opened the door and locked it behind me, and then walked into my corridor when I saw a pile of destroyed clothes on the floor, I assumed the worst and saw that there was a pair of boxes sitting in the living room. One was opened, and the other was closed.

"I went closer to it, and then an unknown voice stated that they had already got one and that the other was almost theres. That box then came to life, opened, and I was hurled through the air and onto the floor. It was then I changed into Vapour Trail and my old memories were erased and replaced with Vapour's. Or so I thought, as these flashes would suggest otherwise."

My memory was suddenly drawn to an incident at Epcot in Walt Disney World where I'd ended up as Vapour Trail's Equestria Girls counterpart. "So why us?"

"Does it really matter?" Vapour asked. She extended a hoof to me. "We still love each other, and we can still be married, can't we?"

It was then I made possibly the biggest mistake of my life. I slapped her hoof away, and when she looked horrified, I launched off into another rant. "Does this not disturb you? We literally don't belong! Don't you want to go back to your own life and be human again?"

She began to stammer a response. "S- sky-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I screamed. "To think that you want to throw it all away just to live out some power fantasty sickens me! Vapour, Jimmy, whoever the Tartarus you are, you can forget about all this!"

Tears began to fill her eyes. "I- I can't believe you, Sky!"

"Oh yeah?" I shot back. "I can't believe you either!" And I took off into the sky, not looking back nor hearing Vapour's pained sobs.