The Long Nightmare

by The Sonic Mage

Chapter 1: The White Knight

Many, many months ago...

Manehattan. A city that many consider a slum, despite it being a very technologically advanced city, considering the time period. 

Here in this city domestic busy work, business, and transportation fill the streets. While the sounds of construction, street performers, and arguments echoed through the air. 

Those weren’t the only things that fill this city. There was something else: Crime.

Manehattan was notorious for being home to more robberies, vandalism, legal scandals, corporate corruption, and mob activity than any other major city in Equestria.

It’s a city considered by many as hopeless, unsalvageable, a complete lost cause.

It is the very city that Prince Blueblood is trying to save.


“Stop! In the name of the law!!”

“Bite me, rust buckets!!”

In this city, Royal guards chase a black pegasus, carrying a satchel, through the streets, pushing past civilians and hopping over carriages.

The pegasus is Max Revenue. He’s a stock trader in Manehattan. He’s also been engaging in shady business dealings and sketchy financial activities for a while. And now he had been discovered. 

“All air units, stay on him,” The captain ordered over the connection in the guards’ enchanted helmets, “If gets out of the city and into the countryside, we’ll never find him!”

“Either somepony catch up to him, or cut him off!”

Max was making hoping to make a quiet, clean getaway, but one can only hope for so much.

‘Damn guards,’ Max despised law enforcement of any kind, unless it worked in his favor. He kicked over a fruit cart before resuming his run. He was only a few blocks away from the bridge that would lead him out of the city and into the countryside. There he could disappear, leaving no trace as to where he went. 

The guards were finally beginning to gain on him, but he had something for that. 

Max Revenue reached into his bag and pulled out a small red jewel. It was brimming with magic, just waiting for release. 

Max flapped his wings to gain some forward momentum. He spun around mid-air and threw the jewel down to the ground in front of the guards chasing him. 

In an instant the jewel cracked and engulfed the sidewalk in an explosion of scorching flames.

“Put that on ice, tin cans!” Max heckled the now blocked soldiers. He started flying close to the ground, as fast as he could with his bag. There ahead of him, he could see it the bridge, the countryside.

It had been a struggle, but soon, all his efforts would be rewarded with-


-A piece of metal smashing into his face. 

His body’s momentum continued forward, pressing his muzzle forward, before swinging him down to the ground, skidding on his back for three feet. 

His ears were ringing, his vision was blurry. He couldn’t make out anything specific. Then a fuzzy shape stood over him. 

Max’s ears stopped ringing and vision began to clear up, just as the shape began talking.

“Division 1 Baseball, one of the top 10 batters on the team. Also, division 1 Boxing, one of the top 5 hitters in the school,” the pony standing over Max said, “Put them together, mix them with magic, and you get one hell of a swinging arm.” 

Max realized that he recognized the voice, and he wished he didn’t. 

His vision continued to refocus. The unicorn standing over him had a white coat, blond mane, and a very smug smile on his face. 

“In other words, Mr. Revenue, I believe you’re down and out for the count.” 

The one and only Prince Blueblood rested a shiny metal bat over his shoulder. 

“Screw you, you blond fleabag!” Max coughed out through his broken teeth and bloodied nose. 

“Aw, shucks, I hate you to,” Blueblood said. His expression became serious and stoic, as he pulled out a pair of hoof-cuffs, “Now how about I read you your rights before I lock you up for a long time.”

The other royal guards rushed over after putting out the flames, grabbing the broken pegasus and dragging him to his hooves, slapping the weighted cuffs on him

Max spit at Blueblood, his crimson spittle landing on the Prince’s neck.

The Prince didn’t even flinch. “Maximum Revenue, you’re under arrest for manipulation of the stock market, and embezzlement of funds.

“You’re scum, Blueboy.”

Blueblood simply began to read him his rights. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law.”

“You’re never gonna win this city!”

“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the state.”

“You’re messing with things way bigger than you, your aunts, even Equestria!!!”

On of the Royal Guards hauling Max to the armored carriage grabbed his head and pushed it down into the doorway. They slammed the door on the pegasus, sending the transport off to the Federal Penitentiary.

The Captain of the unit stepped up to the Prince, and saluted him. Thank you for your aid, Your Highness.”

Blueblood saluted the Captain. “At ease, soldier. And please, it’s my privilege to work alongside you.”

“Nevertheless, thank you, Your Highness.”

“You’re welcome, Captain.” Blueblood dropped the salute, turning around to watch the prisoner transport and escort team roll down the street. “You think they’ll get there without incident?” 

The Captain looked on, “Getting the scum bag there won’t be a problem. Keeping him there is a whole other matter.”

“Right. Either somepony will bail him out, or the trial will deliver a ‘not guilty verdict’.” It was times like this where Blueblood wished he had fists to clench, just to quietly express his frustration. 

The Captain placed his hoof on the Prince’s shoulder, and gave him a hopeful smile. “Don’t worry,” he said, “We’re setting a standard here. It may be slow progress, but it’s progress nonetheless.”

Blueblood couldn’t help but smile at the optimism on display before him. “Thank you Captain.”

“Well, I’ve got to get back to the station,” the Captain said, straightening out his uniform, “And I’m willing to assume that your aunts will want to see you after this.”

“Oh, they sure will,” Blueblood chuckled, “I better get going then.”

“Take care, Sir!” 

“And you, Captain!”

And so Blueblood threw on a grey coat and hat, making his way down to the train station.

“But what if he hurts himself this time?”

“Tia, we have been over this.”

Ever since Blueblood became very involved with the efforts of the Royal Guard, and various police districts, to crackdown on criminal activities, and spent much of his time fighting crime, Celestia and Luna have developed a habit of taking turns worrying about his safety and well-being. This time it was Celestia having a Twilight-esk worry-wart session, while Luna sat on her throne calmly reading a newspaper. 

“But what if he gets captured? What if he’s tied to a chair getting beaten about the face right now? What if-?”


Celestia was broken from her panicked thoughts by her sister’s shouting.

“You’re overreaction is preventing us from reading the newspaper.”

“I’m sorry Luna,” Celestia sighed, “I just can’t help but worry about him.”

“Considering everything he’s been through, that’s understandable,” Luna concurred, levitating a glass of water over to her older sister, “But you can’t let your hyperbolic concerns dictate every moment of your day.”

Celestia accepted the glass, taking a sip out of it. “I just don’t want to wake up one morning and find out that I need to put the country into lockdown…again.”

“To be fair,” the sound of the throne room door opening and a familiar voice caught the attention of the sisters, “Locking down the country really isn’t a card you play twice.”

Standing there in the doorway, in a grey high collar trench coat and fedora was a proud Prince Blueblood.

“Blueblood!” The two Royal Sisters put down whatever they were holding and rushed over to their nephew

“Hi-*oof!*- aunties.” Blueblood was tacked into a bear hug by his aunts, who were crushing his lungs with love. 

“Welcome home, Blueblood!” Celestia gave her nephew a loving squeeze. 

“Uh, Auntie Tia,” Blueblood wheezed, “I’d like to breathe.”

“Oh, goodness,” Celestia and Luna released their now beloved nephew, “My apologies.”

“Never be sorry for the fact that you love me,” Blue said, finally able to breathe, “How was your day?”

“Stuck up nobles and self-righteous dignitaries,” Luna answered, “And you?”

“Police action and high speed pursuits,” Blueblood responded, “In other words nothing new for either of us.”

“It would appear so.” Celestia said before reaching in for another hug, “Oh, it’s just so good to see you home safe again.”

“I’m guessing she was the one panicking about me this time,” Blue asked as Celestia snuggled him.

“Indeed she was.” Luna smiled at the scene before her. 

“You’re on a streak this week Aunt Tia,” the young Prince jokes, using her affectionate nickname “You had best pick up your fair share of worry slack Aunt Lulu, or I might start to think you don’t care.”

Luna smiles despite her rolling eyes. “Hush now, you know we both love you equally,” Luna walked over to him, Celestia releasing their nephew in order to let Luna have her fair share of hugging time, “And can you truly call me having faith in your abilities ‘not caring about you’?”

Celestia arched an eyebrow, “Did you have faith in his abilities three weeks ago?”

“Hush, sister.”

“You know, if it helps you calm your nerves a little, you are always welcome to join me from time to time on my patrols. We could be like a badass crime fighting family” Blueblood half-joked, in an attempt to calm his aunts.  

“Don’t give us ideas nephew, or we might take you up on that offer,” Luna mentioned with a smirk.  

“Don’t you dare Luna,” Celestia warned her sister, “Tartarus will freeze over before I let you leave ruling the whole kingdom to me!”  

“Oh, like it will be any different. Come now Tia, you already did it for a thousand years, what is one or two days more?” 

“Here’s a thought: Why don’t you rule over a week, and then you tell me how it goes,” Celestia counters. 

“If it’s alright with you, aunties,” Blueblood said, interrupting the two alicorns, “I’d like to get some paperwork done and wash up before dinner.”

“Of course Blue,” Celestia said, Luna releasing him from her grasp, “Take care of your work, and we’ll see you then.” 

Blue gave a simple tip of his hat and a kind smile, before exiting the throne room and making his way to his room. 

“They grow up so fast don’t they?” Celestia said.

“Sister,” Luna groaned, “If you want to be an actual mother of children, adopt or find somepony.”

“Oh please, Luna,” Celestia scoffed, “Who in the world could I possibly have a child with out of genuine love and compassion?”

Luna smirked, arching an eyebrow while scratching her chin, “Well…”

“Don’t answer that,” Celestia said, making her way back over to her throne, “And don’t you dare give Cadance any ideas!”

Blueblood took his time walking to his room, allowing himself to appreciate the architecture, paintings, and potted plants throughout the halls. On his way he passed several members of the castle staff, from servants to soldiers, all of which he greeted with a kind smile and “hello”. 

He was almost to his room when he came across a familiar character sitting at a table, reading a book on the history of martial arts. A dark purple unicorn mare, with a broken horn and scars in several places. She was wearing a special kind of Royal armor. It was black with much gold detailing. The colors were meant to signify duel enrollment in both the Solar and Lunar Guard divisions, and the armor itself was reserved exclusively for Elite Corps. 

Blueblood approached the unicorn, Still wearing a kind smile on his face. 

“Tempest,” Blueblood said, addressing the mare, “It’s good to see you.”

Tempest looked up from her book, meeting the prince’s gaze. “It’s good to see you to, Your Majesty.”

“Getting some reading in before work?”

“Duty calls, Prince Blueblood.”

“Indeed,” Blue chuckled out of a sense of relatability. “Well, I won’t keep you any longer. Have a good day, Tempest.”

“And you, Prince Blueblood.”

Blue began walking to his room again, before turning back to face the purple unicorn.

“Oh, and Tempest.”

The guard in question looked up from her book again.

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Try to take care of yourself, I’ve heard that it’s going to be quite a black knight tonight.”

There was a glint in Tempest’s eyes, quietly registering that she knew exactly what the Prince was talking about. 

“Rest assured, Prince Blueblood, I’ll take care of myself.”

“Thank you, Tempest.” Blueblood resumed walking to his room down the hall. 

Tempest returned her gaze to her book. There would indeed be A Black Knight.

Blueblood took a certain level of joy from his subtlety coded conversations with the reformed Tempest Shadow (or Fizzlepop-Berry Twist to those who knew her well enough). But as much as he would like to keep the pleasantries going longer, both of them had work to do.

At last he arrived at his room. Untouched, exactly how he left it. Including the stack of legal documents sitting on his desk.

Blueblood sighed “Home, sweet home.”

He pulled the chair out and plopped down on it, pulling the first document up to his face with his magic. He brought one of the lit candle sticks over for better lighting. He had only begun to read it before he noticed two letters sitting at the center of his desk 

“What do we have here?”

He took the two letters in his hooves. One was from Ponyville, plainly sealed, with a name written in script, with the smell of flowers and nature. 

The other was from within Canterlot, closed with a rather fancy, red wax seal, and a lipstick stain on the corner below the elegantly scripted name. It smelled of wine, roses, and typewriter ink.

Blueblood couldn’t help but lean back in his chair and give a sigh of contentment. This new life of his was truly great. 

‘Can’t go forgetting that this is a new life,’ He reminded himself. 

For him, if he forgot the life he had before, he wouldn’t have a reference point for the life he had now. And he wouldn’t be wrong. Plus this life wouldn’t feel as special if he forgot.

This life had everything, loving friends, caring family, a job that felt good to do, and a house that actually felt like home. This was everything he could ever possibly want. Sure the money his position gave him was nice, but that wasn’t important.

What was important was that he was happy, and he was trying his best to make other people happy. Sure, it took dying in a burning pile of rubble, and a little intervention on Lady Death’s part, but overall it was simply:

“Worth it.” Blueblood leaned back in his chair, being happy that he was alive. 

He reluctantly put the letters off to the side, and refocused on the paperwork before him. Specifically, a document with a picture of a well dressed griffin on it.

“So, Mr. Falcon,” Blue said as he scrutinized the document, “What are you up to?”