//------------------------------// // The Dawn, and Twilight of the Gods, and Devils // Story: The Bahamut, and Djinn of the Harmoniaverse // by kahnac //------------------------------// Before there was time........before there was space, gravity, and matter....... before there was anything? There was nothing. And before there was nothing? There was Harmonia, the Source of all. From this single source, a universe burst into light, and with it came the first living beings. They were the Elder Gods, better known as The Bahamut. Dragon-like beings who existed in a time before our stories universe even existed as the sole caretakers of creation. Each, and every one of them important to The Balance of Creation. Most surprising was that there were Bahamut who were either many, or few in number, but also embodied the universal aspects that make creation what it is. There was fire. These were possibly the most fearsome, bold, and courageous of the Bahamut. Their fire burned hotter than even the stars, and their passion for combat was even greater. Much like the western dragons of myth, they were far too dangerous to confront head on unless you had some manner of aid. But do not take this for referring to them as though they WERE like those Dragons. They were simply masters of fire who always wished to test their might against other strong opponents. Neither good, nor evil were they: simply true to their nature. Then there was Ice and Crystal. These were cold, cool, and collected entities who embodied all the aspects of ice, and crystal. Also, important to note is that not all Bahamut resembled Dragons. There were actually some among them who were of a more humanoid persuasion. And yet, it made them no less Bahamut than their brethren. And the Crystal Bahamut could most assuredly give the Fire Wielders a run for their money as they are less emotional, and more level headed. But they are also less emotional than mortals, and come off as unfeeling due to their nature. But either way, any who challenge them risk facing the cold touch of defeat. There also had been Earth, and Water. These Elder Gods are as enigmatic as they are powerful. Though the Earth Dragons were limited only by two species due to lack of diversity involving their aspect, they still proved to be the physically mighty of the Bahamut. Their connection to the "Earth" they created made them more serene, and peaceful because of this - though woe betide any who angered these gentle giants. The Sea Elders, on the other hand, were as wild and dangerous as the Element they embodied. EIther as smooth, and steady as the calm river, or as fierce, and terrorizing as the raging ocean in a storm. All of them held themselves in high esteem due to the dominion their element held on other worlds, which more often than not was more than earth. And they often were at odds with the Fire Elders due to their opposing natures - but also because they were equal forces that could stand against each other on even footing. Incurring their wrath was to risk the ocean itself to swallow your cities, and counties whole like an avian with an insect. And, of course, there were also the Bahamut of the Wind. Despite their fearsome appearance, the Bahamut of Air were even more peaceful than the Earth Elders. Graceful, and able to bend with the wind they soar, the Air Gods saw tranquility in everything they saw, and had little desire to harm others - unless a soul attempts to harm them first, naturally.And ordinarily, they would attempt to keep to themselves, and out of the tiresome affairs of others so that they could spread their peacefulness wherever they went. Sometimes, however, there comes a time when even a pacifist must annihilate an enemy. The Rarest of the Bahamut, however, were those who embodied Metal. Noone knows how THESE entities came into being. As soon as they did, however, they brought with them the gift of metal, and science. It was these Elder Gods who brought forth innovation to the minds of the mortals of the universe. Sharing their knowledge of science, and how to develop technology. This was attributed as much to their high intelligence, and the instinct they held on how to utilize metal itself in all its forms. Often they would use their own weapons, and armor in combat, simply for the thrill of testing their abilities and innovation against those worthy of it. And they cared little for who wielded their knowledge. They were simply giving what they knew as their instincts instructed them to. Consequences be damned. Perhaps the most destructive of the Bahamut were the wielders of Quintessence, or as it would also be called, Lightning. Swift, and as deadly as the element all of them embody, The Bahamut of Lightning is the last kind of Elder God you want to cross. Their temper is close to equal to that of the Bahamut of Flame, but being of such powerful force, they are far more effective in their strikes against their enemies. Easily are they able to draw upon the very energy to give them strength, speed and power, and like the Oceanic Bahamut, are on equal footing with the Fire Elders: mainly because their fire is little, to worthless against beings who can coat themselves in the pure energy that meshes with fire. If one were ever to encounter a Bahamut of Lightning, then they would need to think twice about fighting them. Because if their lightning alone doesn't finish you........their godly attacks most certainly will. Five classes of Bahamut existed in the time before time who gave existence to five earthly aspects. Much like the Gods of Olympus, or even the Titans, they embodied their element down to the core. And it was by their power that worlds were shaped, and formed into being. Even if sometimes this came to pass through different clans fighting, it still came to be. And there may have been a secret reason for this. And this reason being that it was destined to be so. The Source gave life to the Bahamut to create life, in turn. But there were more cosmic aspects of the universe that required their own governors of sorts. Those who would safeguard, and guide the wheel of fate down its intended course thanks to The Glass of Cronus, Clepys'Duntur. These two species of Bahamut were the beings who kept all of reality in balance, and synchronized in order to preserve all life, lest total annihilation be wished upon them. And they were the Elder Gods of Space, and Time. These were the caretakers of reality. While the Bahamut of Space safeguarded the walls of reality to ensure its stability, the Bahamut of Time safeguarded a sacred object which came into being at the same time Lignum Harmonia, The Source Tree of Harmony, in the realm of Sacrum Aeternitas, The Sacred Center of Eternity, where the heart of all Time coexists with Lignum Harmonia, and holds all of creation together. This being in the form of the artifact called "The Cronus Sphere", which was an hourglass that holds the destiny of all creation. Were one to possess it, and gain control of it, they could rewrite history, and manipulate time as they see fit. That was the eternal duty of these Bahamut: to protect the Cronus Sphere, and ensure no evil forces abuse it. But there exists only one other species of the Bahamut that serves as the true defenders, and the first line of defense against The Darkness. The Elder Gods who protect and serve Lignum Harmonia directly as its guardians. These beings are of the highest caliber of omnipotent power due to their deep connection to the Living Source, of which Lignum Harmonia itself is the universe's conduit as it channels the Cosmic Source that is the Aetherium - the essence of all reality from which life itself was born. It's thanks to this, these Bahamut are able to act as Divine Warriors who channel the pure magic, and holy light to give life to entire worlds, create the worlds from which life may spring, and challenge those who serve the Darkness, protecting the sacred balance of Harmony, itself. For they are the embodiment of Creation, Life, Light, and Harmony's children. The Archangels, led by the wise, and benevolent Elder King Yggdrasil. And the Archangels come in many shapes, sizes, forms, and enough numbers to last face any evil that lay before them, in the name of Harmony, and Light. But, as the universe, and The Source itself dictates, there always will be a balance to maintain. The struggle to maintain this balance is often considered the talk of Legends. But not every legend is as grand, or amazing as others might be. For in the grand scheme of all, there is a counterpart to all things. Wherever there is life, inevitably Death follows in its wake. Creation must eventually pave the way for Destruction. Harmony itself faces constant conflict with the elements of Anarchy. And as long as there is Light, there will always be Darkness. And that Darkness takes the form of the Fallen Bahamut known only as The Djinn, ruled by the prime evil who serves The Darkness: The Cruel, and Malevolent Apophis. In the ancient myths, and legends contained within the temple of Sacrum'Aeternitas, it was said that Apophis formed in the aftermath of the Birth of Harmonia. Some even say he existed even before Harmonia, as the Dark essence that flowed in the aethrium. Then Harmonia was conceived, and with it the splendor of Light. Apophis had no desire for such a thing in an already perfect world, and sought to end this by ending its newfound source: Lignum Harmonia, The Source Tree. But even as a tree, Harmonia's power shined far too brightly for the lone Devil to harm it. On his own, despite his overwhelming control over Darkness, he was little match for the sacred template of Harmony and Light. And with the creation of the Bahamut, he fared no chance on his own against such overwhelming odds. Until a day came when he understood that the Elder Gods, much like the mortals born in the light of Harmonia, were also susceptible to corruption. For when a Bahamut gives in to their own Hatred, which is considered the most evil aspect of all, they initially lose themselves to their darker urges. A mere whisper into their hearts, and Apophis began seeing a change in the cosmic scales. Slowly, but surely, said scales began tipping towards the Darkness' favor. In turn, his own might began to grow to even greater heights than what he already wielded. For he was the Embodiment of Darkness manifest, just as The Source Tree, Lignum Harmonia, is the Embodiment of The Light, manifest in physical form. As such, he was as much connected to the Source as Harmonia. The Bahamut themselves were offspring connected to the Source. And so, with every Bahamut that gave in to hate, a new demon was born in the end. And thus was born the dark race known as The Djinn. And yet, the worst of the abominable Fallen were those who had once been Archangels, themselves. Seven among them in particular had become something far more than any simple Djinn. These avatars of Darkness were Rage, Anger and Hatred incarnate, whose power over shadow rivaled their malevolent flames. They had become demon that had only been believed to exist in the realm of Middle-Earth, Arda, and Ea together in the same universe. Now, this universe had been given the curse of enduring the existence of the mightiest, and most terrifying of demons. The Balrogs. (Ignore the figure in the throne behind the group) Their leader, Grothmor, was an especially ruthless, and powerful Djinn-Balrog who knew the art of war, and combat more than many of the other primal, and savage Djinn in their species ranks. In time, the Djinn's number grew to nightmarish length, and they had become an army to rival that of the Archangels. So much anger, so much hatred in the hearts of these omnipotent beings. What a feast it was for the evil Apophis. An abundance of corruption that mere mortals could NEVER have provided in even a single century. And the fear these Djinn instilled as they terrorized the universe was simply to die for. Needless to say, Apophis had laid claim to the spoils of such negative essence, and it was more than he could have ever dreamed. His power had reached its Zenith, and his children had grown in power and number. It was time to end the Age of Harmony, and Light. Grothmor himself was chosen to gather the Djinn from across the cosmos with his six brothers, and bring them to the All-Father of Monsters, and their one true Emperor. They recognized the name of Apophis, and knew of his terrifying power. Yet they hardly imagined it could reach the omnipotence he now possessed. When all were gathered, Apophis proclaimed that it was finally time. No longer would they be subject tot he whims of their opposing elements, that sought to weaken and control them. Neither would they need to suffer the culling that Archangels had subjected them to during their attacks. Their numbers were right, their strength was great, and it was finally time to strike against their common enemy: Lignum Harmonia itself, and The Bahamut who cherish it so. But Apophis would require a form that was more suitable for the conflict he had intended to wage against his enemy. One that would openly mock, and defile the sanctity of the forms of the Bahamut. So it was that Apophis transformed his spiritual form into the physical manifestation of Evil, itself. Held in iron, flesh, and molten ore from the fires of Darkness, Apophis would make the worlds quake, and tremble in fear as they would soon meet their fate.....in the shadow of his titanous wings. Now, the time had come for The Last Great War of Light, and Darkness to rage. It was a great, and terrible war that cost countless lives. Although the Archangels had held off attacks made by the Djinn before, this time was different. Under the leadership of Apophis, and his Prime General, Grothmor, they were unified in purpose, and desire. Their will was one, and their only goal was clear: to kill Lignum Harmonia, and end the reign of Harmony, and Light once, and for all. And with so much anger, and rage being put into this fight, and the fear of death high in the air, Apophis had never been stronger. Nor had his resolve to return Darkness to its rightful place. Nothing would stop him in his quest of total dominion, and all who opposed him would fall. He began by killing the Elder King, Yggdrasil, and crucifying the Bahamut to serve as warning. With the leader of the Archangels gone, the greatest obstacle to the Djinn's victory had ben abstained. Now, this war could escalate, and be taken further by going to the world said to protect, and house Lignum Harmonia: Avalon, The Sacred Realm. And with it, an even greater prize in the form of the hidden realm of Sacrum Aeternitas. Apophis had known it existed within Avalon along side Lignum Harmonia, but never alone could he ever hope to claim it as his own. But now, with his power as great as it is, and with his army fueled by hatred and fear, he would easily breach the Sacred Realm, kill The Source Tree, and then enter Sacrum Aeternitas in order to obtain the ultimate prize. The Cronus Sphere. With it, he could ensure his empire of Darkness is Eternal. Before, he ruled only the night, and in the darkest depths of The Underworld. Soon, he would hold the power to ensure Harmonia would never come to be. And instead, it would be he who would give rise to a universe where only the Djinn reign supreme. A reality created in his image. THe time of Eternal Darkness, and the only obstacle in his way were what remained of The Archangels who resided there to protect their charges. The enchanted forests burned, and the land was defiled by the Djinn's taint as they approached what they knew was the entrance to Sacrum Aeternitas. Soon their destiny would be fulfilled, and Harmony and Light would die. Little did they ever imagine that they would meet new resistance: not just from the Archangels, but from the mightiest of the other Eight Great Clans of Bahamut. With the death of Yggdrasil, for a time Anarchy did indeed rule throughout the cosmos under fear. But then, a Fire Bahamut calling herself "Life-Binder" began to inspire others to rise above their fear, and dissidance. For this was the power the Djinn feed upon. Alone, the Archangels were no match. But if the Seven Clans united as one, and opposed this evil, then they would keep Harmony, and Light alive. In time, her words reached out to many of the Six, and the remaining Archangels rallied under her. Before the invasion began, she learned the arts of all Nine Clans in the hopes that it would give her the edge she required to overcome Apophis. Her training ended a few days before. Now, at the gateway to the heart of their universe, itself, the forces of Good and Evil waged a final battle in their Last Great War that would change the fate of their reality forever. This day would be forever known as Ragnarok: The Twilight of the Gods. With each side strengthened by their resolve, the conflict proved more evenly matched between them. Neither side could actually seem to overpower the other. And it appeared as though it would go on forever. In time, Apophis would come face to face with the self-proclaimed leader of this insignificant rebellion. Life-Binder,or as she would name herself.......Laurana. A seemingly lesser Fire Bahamut turned Archangel, bravely faced off against Apophis, The All-Father of Monsters, and the Emperor of Darkness in a Duel of Fate. A True Clash of Light, and Darkness. Their combat shook the very foundations of the world they stood upon as their armies raged. Both tore the land apart, and tore through every obstacle they threw at each other. And for a time, it seemed as though Laurana herself was stronger than she seemed, and even matched the so-called Emperor. But her mistake was allowing their battle to be drawn out for too long: inevitably, he consumed enough hatred, and fear to overpower her, and begin overwhelming her. One of his blows dealt her so hard, and so far that it sent her to the snowy region of Avalon. Yet despite his superior strength and power, she took everything he threw at her, and then some. Facing him Bahamut to Djinn as it was meant to be. Apophis admired her tenacity, and boldness. But he made it all too clear that she would never defeat him alone. One single light can never hope to keep aflame in the crushing, cold embrace of Darkness. It was hopeless. And yet, all she could do was laugh at his arrogant proclamation. She then revealed that she already knew that she alone, despite the vigorous training she had endured, could not defeat the embodiment of Darkness alone. That is why it was good to have friends where you least expect them. She was not the only Fire Bahamut who had undergone The Training of Nine. She had found three friends long before this war had begun, being a much more benevolent Elder Fire God than most of her own clan. The same went for the other three, who were of the Earth, Sea, and Lightning. Now, there were four of these "Avatars", who had been blessed by Harmonia itself with such potential, unbeknownst to them. And it was thanks to their friendship, and unity they were able to overpower the Hellish Mockery of the Elder Gods, and finally subdue him. At the same time, the tides began turning in favor of the armies of Harmony, as the Djinn's resolve began to weaken as they sensed their leader's defeat. Now they were falling, or fleeing like cowards. Only Grothmor, the Balrogs, and the few Djinn who were not so cowardly stayed to fight. Still, the war was over, and the enemy of all that lived was defeated. Laurana and her friends had proven that the strength of their bonds were more powerful than his desire for destruction. Light will always triumph over Darkness. Instead of roaring in defiance, or outrage, or cursing his defeat, Apophis did the opposite: he laughed. He laughed because he had considered this fate would eventually befall him. But he would be damned if he allowed Harmony and Light to triumph over him. That was when he made a harrowing, haunting roar to the heavens that could be heard across the world. The surviving Djinn heard the call, and suddenly stopped fighting. As though it were programmed into their very souls, they lost all sense of will, and became like automatons. Then, to the fear of the Bahamut, the Djinn began to channel all of the powers of Darkness into a single point. An orb of destructive power Apophis called "Surtur's Knell". Since it appeared Lignum Harmonia, and Sacrum Aeternitas were lost to him, he would ensure his end goal was still accomplished. When Surtur's Knell strikes Avalon, it would create a chain reaction with the essence of Avalon, and create a Destructive Wave so devastating, all of existence would cease to be. Perhaps even those he sought dead would fall his final strike against Harmony, and Light. Before that would happen, however, he told Laurana that if Harmonia did indeed survive to rebuild the universe, then she and he would hereby be eternally cursed to eternally war with one another. As she had proven to be Light's ultimate champion, he would ensure that she would be forever doomed in whatever life she was reborn into that she would face Apophis, and his Darkness always. And those who ally with light also shall suffer the same fate. His final act as Emperor of Darkness before the end. Grim satisfaction in that he'd won, on some level......even if his own fate was sealed. It was a small price to pay to bring back the Reign of Darkness, if only for a time. The time finally came when Surtur's Knell struck the surface of Avalon - and thus did the universe turn to ash, and cast into death, and darkness. But while all did perish on the day known as Ragnarok, it was not truly the end. The Cronus Sphere had decreed it be that the realm of Sacrum Aeternitas be spared. And by its will did Lignum Harmonia indeed resurrect the universe that had ended. It would never truly be the same again, but at least it was a second chance for peace. And as for the Bahamut, and Djinn: as Elder Gods, they were above mortal concepts of death. While their material forms could indeed perish, their essence would remain. And in time, it would culminate in the recreation of the Nine Clans, with all memory erased of the experiences of the Time before TIme. This would be a cosmic reboot, and the essence of Fire, Ice, Crystal, Earth, Water, Metal, Lightning, Space, and Time would be recycled into something new, yet familiar. The same also applies for Light, and Darkness. As the central pillars of existence, they would need to be reborn, as well. Only, it seemed that the curse laid by Apophis came to pass when a Bahamut of Darkness, Destruction and Death came into being, eventually followed by a Bahamut of Light, Creation, and Life. However, the story of these two would be of its own complex, and intricate tenure. For while the forces did indeed clash, it did not become as the one fought between their predecessors. In fact, it lead to something truly special. Something beautiful that defies the curses of evil, itself. But for how long could it last? Would love truly prevail for these two young Gods? Or would it give way to Hatred, and reignite the great war that spurred Ragnarok once before? That there, is the true tragedy: not yet fully knowing what awaits The Bright, and Dark Ones. The Tragedy of Laurana and Grogar