//------------------------------// // Chapter 1:Transformation pt.1 // Story: FIM: Justice, Bolts, and Gears // by Jawmax //------------------------------// Chapter one: Transformation pt.1 In the hills just outside Canterlot there was a peach colored alicorn filly with blue hair and violet eyes. Her cutie mark was the sun with a ray of light going straight down parting two clouds. “Nova Spark! Where are you, big brother?” “Up here Midday Beam!” Midday Beam flew up to a nearby cloud and found the teenage Nova Spark. His cutie mark was a red and white burst of light. “What are you doing here? You’re going to miss your going away party! This is our last chance to hang out before you leave for Ponyville tomorrow!” Nova stared of to the small town in the distance. “I came here to think. Tomorrow I’m going to start in the School of Friendship. I’m not like you or mom, the two of you make friends so easily but except for my title there isn’t really any reason anyone would want to be my friend. I also fall short in being a leader like Mom and Dad. Ponies just won’t listen to me.” “Well I think you have a lot to offer a friend.” Twilight said as she flew up to her children. “Mom!” Midday cheered. “Middy thank your for finding you brother, but you need to tell somepony when you go off on your own.” Midday hung her head. “Sorry Mom.” Twilight then turned to Nova. “And as for you, young stallion, you know a lot about magic.” “Not as much as you do.” Nova said looking at his cutie mark focusing on the white center. “I had a lot longer to learn. The real problem is that you lack confidence because you keep comparing yourself to me. I know I can cast a long shadow Nova, that’s why I think it will do you some good to learn friendship somewhere else. You will find your way.” “So, can we please go back for your party?” Midday asked. “Daddy made our favorite, thin crust daisy and mushroom pizza.” She a big smile. Nova Spark took a deep breath and smiled. “That there is one spell I never can resist. I never could say no to that smile.” “It’s a magic all her own.” Twilight said. The next day Nova Spark stepped off the train at the Ponyville station. Luster Dawn was there to meet him. “Hi Nova Spark. Have a nice ride?” “It was just a twenty-minute ride on the maglev.” Nova said. Luster Dawn then blushed. “Oh right! I’m so used to teleporting or flying to places that I forget that we switched to those after those shock stone crystals began growing in a lot of places after the Alicorn Event.” Luster then mentally facehoofed herself. “Way to make yourself sound old Luster. What are you thinking? You are old compared to him! Yes, he is a nice guy and he is very good looking, but you’ve known him since he was in diapers! You even foalsat him a couple of times! Just put these feelings away.” “So, Mom said you were going to show me to her old castle where I’ll be living in? It’s right next to the school, right?” Nova lifted his luggage with magic. “Right this way, I can give you a tour of the town after your orientation at the school.” Luster Dawn pointed in the direction of the castle and smiled. As they trotted off Nova thought. “She does have a cute smile, but she will never be interested me. Luster probably still sees me as that colt that got zap apple jam on the spell she was working on. I still can’t believe she just laughed it off and tried to make me feel better. She deserves somepony better than me, somepony she could be proud of.” After a short time, they got to the castle. “I’ll take your things to your room while you get to orientation. As you can see the school is right over there.” Luster said going inside. Nova Spark took a deep breath. “Right, well here goes.” Starlight Glimmer was waiting right behind the front door. Naturally she had replaced the clothes that were shredded from her alicorn growth spurt. “Nova Spark, glad you’re here. Feel free to mingle with your new classmates and grab a syllabus, orientation will begin soon.” “Yes, headmare Glimmer.” Nova said. As he walked away Starlight could help but think back to the faculty meeting that they had last week. “I can’t believe that not only we’re going to have five aliens for students…” Trixie said. She was the only fastest to express her surprise and confusion. The other teachers, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Smolder, Ocellus, and Silverstream were in stunned silence. Sunburst was the only other staff member that knew the truth before the meeting. “Half aliens.” Starlight corrected. Trixie continued. “…but Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wants us to spy on them! Her own son included!” Starlight opened her wings. “I know this all is strange but all we are supposed to do is observe them. Twilight said the truth of what they are was hidden from them so they could have normal childhoods. She believes these five coming together might shake something loose and we’ll learn how we can help their off world…cousins. And as near we can tell from scanning spells the only difference between them and others of their kind is that they two additional organs. One by the heart that seems the contain the energy that made them what they are and another near the stomach that we have no idea what it does.” Silverstream then asked. “So, I get that Prince Nova Spark is one of the five. Who are the others?” “I have the files right here.” Ocellus opened the first file. Back in the present Nova Spark picked up a syllabus. “Nova Spark! It’s been years.” It was a female griffon with brown fur, white feathers with blue highlights, and green eyes. “Airazor? Last time I saw you was at Junior Speedsters flight camp.” Nova Spark was surprised to see his old friend. “So, the second hybrid is Princess Airazor of the Griffonstone. Her and Nova Spark are the only ones who know each other.” Ocellus read. “She is the daughter of the appointed Queen Gilda and her husband Zephyr Breeze.” “That was a couple nocreature saw coming.” Scootaloo said. “How’d they have a kid? I didn’t think ponies and griffons could have children together.” “It’s not easy.” Silverstream answered. “The odds are very slim, and any children would be the same kind of creature as their mother.” “It was my aunt Fluttershy’s idea. There was a tiny little accident back home.” Airazor got her index talons close together. Ocellus continued to read. “It says here that her grades in science are excellent.” Sunburst readjusted his glasses. “That may be, but she can get carried away with her experiments. The last one Airazor did she literally blew the roof off her castle!” "I heard something about a explosion?" Nova asked. Airazor got an annoyed look on her face. “Those chemical compounds were theoretically stable!” “We’ll just have to make it clear to her that she can’t use the science lab without a teacher present.” Starlight said. Nova and Airazor were approached by a yellow muscular dragon with red wings and underbelly. He also had orange eyes and two straight horns at the back of his head. “Hey, name’s Grimlock. Could you two show me where my first class is.” The young dragon said trying to read a map. Smolder looked at the next file. “Wait a minute! One of the hybrids is my nephew Grimlock, and Garble and Maar never told me?” Starlight sighed. “With the exception of the those that were with Twilight when she learned about all this and the children’s doctors it was decided only the parents and some of the most powerful creatures like the rulers of the countries that they live in should know in order to protect them.” Smolder then shrugged. “Well this doesn’t change how I fell about him. He’s a sweet guy, loves video games, dreams of being a hero. There’s only one problem…” “I think your holding that map upside down.” Nova Spark flipped the map. “Thanks!” Grimlock pull Nova and Airazor into a crushing hug. “The world will thank you for this one day after I save it!” Grimlock’s tail was wagging like a puppy until it smacked a young male black buffalo with brown eyes in the face. “Hey, watch it!” the Buffalo shouted. “…he’s a bit of a klutz and I say that as a loving aunt.” “You mess with Cliffjumper you get the horns pal!” the Buffalo named Cliffjumper snorted and got ready to charge. “Oh, you better step off!” Grimlock aid with a bit fire coming out of his mouth. “Take it easy guys!” Nova Spark said as he and Airazor got between the two. “Yeah this is a friendship school remember?” Airazor added. Applebloom opened another file. “You’re not the only one learning the truth about a family member today. My cousin Braeburn’s son Cliffjumper is one too. His mother, Strongheart, became chief of the buffalo tribe when her father Thunderhooves retired. Cliffjumper has great pride in his buffalo heritage. He’s headstrong and has the Apple family stubbornness. Not a great combination but when he does a task, he goes at it like a stampede.” “He’ll be the first buffalo student we’ve had in three years.” Sunburst said. Cliffjumper took a deep breath and calmed down. “Just watch where you swing that thing.” Then the front doors swung open and what seemed like a pony in a cloak came in only her to throw it off revealing a zebra with gold colored stripes, blue eyes, and mark on her flank that looked like a sun in a tribal pattern shining a ray diagonally down. Sweetie Belle looked over the last file. “The last of these five would be unusual even if she wasn’t part alien. Sunstreaker is the school’s first zebra student.” “So, we’ll have to listen to a lot of rhyming.” Trixie said. “Only zebra shaman like Zecora talk in rhyme.” Applebloom corrected. Sunstreaker snapped into a pose. “Creatures of the School of Friendship! Your eyes do not deceive. You are graced by the beauty of the one and only Sunstreaker!” “I thought that zebras had black stripes?” Sliverstream asked looking at the picture of Sunstreaker. “According to the file she’s what’s called a Golden Zebra.” Sweetie Belle answered. “One is born every four or five generations and they are considered very beautiful to zebras, so it has made her a little vain. Sunstreaker’s parents are her father Zakkas and her mother Urula.” Applebloom got a surprised look on her face. “Zakkas? That’s the name of Zecora’s son. I was certainly surprised when she told me she told me she left her family behind for her mission to learn about the creatures outside of Zebraca. Is this Zakkas the same one?” Sweetie Belle looked over the file again. “We all were sad when Zecora was called back home after Twilight’s coronation.” Sweetie found a note in the file. “He is her son! Sunstreaker is Zecora’s granddaughter!” Nova Spark extended his hoof to Sunstreaker. “My mother Princess Twilight told me you were coming. She learned a lot from your grandmother. “A pleasure.” Sunstreaker said shaking his hoof. “I’m sure we’ll become good friends.” “Zecora knows the truth about her granddaughter. Since she came back to Zebraca she became one of the zebra king’s trusted advisors.” Starlight said. “Now we are going to teach them just like the other students. We just have to keep an eye out for if they say or do anything that might have to do with their alien heritage.” In the present Starlight began orientation. “Alright students, welcome to this semester of the School of Friendship. For those who are returning welcome back and for our new students in sixty days we’ll have our annual Friends and Family Day so you families can see for themselves the progress you’ve made. We hope that this and others will be an insightful experience for you.” She the muttered to herself. “Very insightful hopefully.” Fifty-three days later at the edge of the solar system the Darksyde came out of trans-warp cloaked. “Commander Starscream, we have arrived at the target system.” Blackout said. Starscream smiled. “Excellent now we begin the hunt for the Allspark.” Barricade then said. “Sir, regulation 374.373 requires that before we begin operations, we do a full scan of the system for all resources the mission requires and hold a briefing with senior staff discussing all threats, targets, and battle strategies. Failure to do so will result in a formal inquiry.” “And how long will this full scan take!?” Starscream growled turning to Soundwave. “Scan in progress. Soundwave reported. “Results of full scan in seven local solar cycles, target planet time.” “Seven solar cycles?! With the Allspark so close?! Can we begin the briefing now using incoming data? We can always update our plans later and I’d rather begin prepping our Vehicon drones for combat than sitting around waiting for scans. Emperor Megatron has been waiting for this for over four million stellar cycles and I do not wish to have him wait any longer for my…our triumphant return home with the Allspark.” Barricade thought for a moment. “It is permitted under subsection Gamma. But the full senior staff must be present.” Blackout activated the comm. “Demolisher, Knockout, repot to the bridge at once for a tactical briefing.” With a loud banging a large camo patterned Decepticon with a visor over one of his green eyes, treads on his legs, gun barrels on his shoulders, and missiles for fingers ran in. “Tactical briefing? That means we’re fighting soon! Oh, I can’t wait! It’s been too long since I blew something up!” “Protocol Demolisher.” Barricade warned. “Right, weapons officer Demolisher reporting for duty!” Demolisher saluted. Next walked in a red and white Decepticon with red eyes and wheels on his back. “Medical officer Knockout reporting for duty. I hope we can get through this without scratching my finish.” Starscream sat in his command chair and pointed to the main screen. “That depends on the resistance we’ll face. What do we know about this system so far Soundwave?” The large screen shown a model of the solar system. “System has orbital anomaly. Eight of the nine planets follow expected orbits of the class 4 star. The star orbits the remaining planet despite insufficient mass. Cause is energy field from target planet.” Knockout looked over the readings. “Well, the phenomenon doesn’t seem to be creating any electromagnetic fields or radiation that could cause us damage.” “Let’s focus on what’s important.” Starscream said. “Have you located the Allspark on that planet?” “Negative, no Allspark activity has been detected since initial incident.” Soundwave replied. “Are we sure that we’re even in the right star system?” Starscream was getting annoyed. “Scans of target planet show large energon deposits not consistent with geology. Crystals have grown in last twenty stellar cycles. Allspark is the only logical explanation.” “Looks like we’ll have to find it the old-fashioned way.” “Can we get to part where we blow something up please?” Demolisher asked. “I too want to know what kind of defenses these organics have.” Blackout added. “Local lifeforms have reached early industrial level of technology enhanced by energon. No space craft detected.” Soundwave reported. “We can take over the planet in five cycles with a long-range orbital bombardment!” Blackout said moving to the weapons station. “Hey that’s my post!” Demolisher yelled. “New data acquired.” Soundwave changed the display to an image of an alicorn. “The most populous intelligent lifeform on planet. Probability of dominance of planet 99.999%. Emits energy with matter altering properties. Energy match to field that alters stars orbit.” Blackout froze just as he was about to push the button that would fire the weapons. “We have to drop the cloak to fire.” Barricade said as he began to panic. “They could destroy this ship by throwing their sun at us. No Decepitcon ever encountered a weapon like this before! There are no regulations for this situation!” Starscream on the other hand was strangely calm. “Barricade relax, while it is true that we shouldn’t attack them from long range we can still use our ground bridge to send troops to the planet. They can’t leave so their greatest weapon would only result in their own destruction. We should hide the space bridge in orbit of one of the other planets in the system though.” Starscream then pointed to a wavelength on the screen. “Look at the energy pattern itself, doesn’t it look familiar? So long as we attack them on the planet itself, we have absolutely nothing to fear. Reclaiming the Allspark is just a matter of time now.” Two days later the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the office they set up in town after they outgrew their tree house headquarters. Scootaloo was reading a letter and sighed. “What’s wrong?” Applebloom asked. “My parents have been having trouble studying this so-called Ghost Beast.” Scootaloo replied. “Ghost Beast?” Sweetie Belle sounded a little nervous. Scootaloo explained. “For the past five years creatures all over the world have seen a large hairy animal. Before anyone can identify it, the thing disappears in a swirl of light. My parents have spent almost a year tracking it down and all they’d learned is that it is roughly thirty hooves tall, has black fur, and stands on its hind legs. In this letter they almost got a look at its face, but it just disappeared. They’ve tried everything! Traps, bait, spells, traps with spells and bait. Nothing works!” It was then that someone knocked on their door. “Come in.” They all said. “Hello professors.” Nova Spark entered the office looking glum. Sweetie was the first to react. “Nova is something wrong? Did something happen between you and your friends?” “No, Grim, Cliff, Sun, Air, and me are just fine. We had a rough start, but we all are doing fine. It’s just…I have been feeling like my cutie mark is incomplete, like there should be something more there. My talent is that I am good at balancing two or more tasks at once especially spells. I talked to Counselor Trixie about this and she told me that not only do you help ponies find their talents, but you help others who are having problems with their marks.” Applebloom placed a hoof on Nova’s shoulder. “That is true but, we never had somepony say they felt they had an unfinished mark. What do mean by incomplete, how long have you been feeling like this?” “Since the beginning of the year, I guess. I just look at my mark feel like something is missing. That I’m not doing all that I can do and letting everyone down.” “I think most ponies feel like that at some point.” Scootaloo said. “Some feel that because they have a talent in something means they should be the best in the field but fall short. What they forget is that effort, practice, even luck plays a big part too.” Nova Spark perked up just a little bit. “I don’t think that’s my problem but maybe I should try to some new spells or combinations. Thanks.” “Just let us know if you need any more help.” Applebloom said as Nova left. She then turned to her friends. “So, do we think this is just a normal cutie mark problem or something to do with his alien side?” “Hard to tell.” Sweetie Belle said with Scootaloo nodding in agreement. “In either case Twilight would want to know if her son was having problems.” “Still we don’t tell others about ponies cutie mark problems. It’s a real personal thing.” Scootaloo added. Applebloom then had a thought. “Friends and Family day is just a few days away. Let’s wait for him to tell her and only inform her if he tries to avoid talking about it about afterwards.” The Crusaders didn’t see the event that was happening right outside. Nova Spark saw Luster Dawn helping Davenport unload sofas stacked on a wagon when the pile began to topple. While Luster held some up with her magic the two on top still fell but was then held up by the blue glow of Nova’s magic. He had rushed in to lift them and the pair found themselves almost muzzle to muzzle. “Thanks, that could have really hurt. I can always count on you.” Luster said blushing. Nova just smiled and said. “Let me help you unload these.” After they were done Luster asked. “So where were you heading before you saved my flank?” “I was going to look up some new spells to try. See if I can make a something new.” “Have you tried Kirin spells? My friend Summer Storm taught me a few.” “Spells made by other creatures…no, I never tried any, that could be what I’m looking for!” Nova leaped in excitement. Luster smiled knowing she could help Nova. “I know where some are in the castle library. Follow me! I’ll show you!” As they flew back to the castle Nova thought. “Keep it cool Nova. She just wants to repay your kindness; it is NOT a date.” At the same time Luster thought. “What are doing Luster? He’s going to think this is date! He’s been here for weeks and if anything, these feelings just got stronger! You must talk to Mom and Twilight about this! They can talk some sense into you!” That same day in orbit of Equus Soundwave stood on the hull of the Darksyde. “Lazerbeak eject. Operation: Covert Surveillance.” Soundwave’s chest opened and launched what looked like a large flash drive that flew into the atmosphere. Once it cleared reentry it shifted its form with an oscillating sound into a grey and black robotic bird. What no one could see was that Soundwave could see and hear everything Lazerbeak did. This was the best way the Decepticons could gain detailed information of the planet. Without a word Soundwave went back inside to continue his work. The night before Friends and Family day Nova Spark found himself dreaming, he was back in Canterlot but it was covered in fog. “Nova! Nova we need you!” a voice echoed in the air. “Dad?” Nova asked. “Hurry!” Nova Spark ran until he got to the throne room to find metal statues of his father, Spike, his sister, and his mother sitting on the throne. He first came to the statue of Midday Beam as it quickly began to rust. “Big brother… help me.” It said with her voice but when she became covered completely in rust, she fell into a pile rust flakes. “No!” Nova cried then turned to see Spike was almost covered too. “Nova you got to stop this!” Spike said as he fell apart. “Uncle Spike!” The next thing Nova knew the ceiling was torn off by a giant shadowy figure with red eyes. It stood on two feet and had a long tube on its right arm. “Son.” Flash cried falling apart like the others. Strangely Nova saw Grimlock flying toward the shadow. “Hold still so I can punch you!” Grim said but he just flew through the shadow as it laughed in mocking tone. Grimlock landed next to Nova. “Nova Spark? What are you doing in my dream?” “Your dream? This is my nightmare!” Nova snapped. “No! No!” the turned to see Airazor going through a pile of books while Griffonstone crumbled. “Got to find a way to stop it! But none of these books make sense!” Every page was covered in gibberish. “The flames!” Sunstreaker was running to them a savannah behind her covered in fire. “My home is burning!” “Get me out!” In the opposite direction Cliffjumper was in the middle of a lake struggling to keep his head above water. “I’m going to drown!” The shadow laughed again reaching his hand to the rusting statue of Twilight. “Stay away from her!” Nova Spark yelled. Then they all heard a roar from the distance. Cliffjumper was pushed out of the water, the flames were put out, the books vanished, and the Twilight was free of rust. The Shadow screamed in anger and pain as it broke apart. Then the Twilight statue glowed a violet light and a glowing younger version of the ruler of Equestria stepped out of it. “The time has come. Our world needs you all.” She said. Airazor realized what was happening. “Professor Ocellus told me about this. You’re the spirt of the Tree of Harmony!” The young Twilight nodded. “A darkness has come. But with it also comes a time to fulfill a promise made long ago.” They heard the roar again. “Find the Watcher in the Woods. He will help you maximize your potential.” A wind began to blow the five friends away. “Wait I don’t understand!” Nova Spark pleaded. “Transform your destiny!” Was the only reply the tree said. Nova Spark awoke with a gasp. Looking around his room he gathered his thoughts knowing what he needed to do. “I got to talk to the others.” He opened his window and flew down to the school entrance to find his friends sneaking out. “So, we all had that crazy shadow dream.” Cliffjumper said bluntly. “Should we really be doing this?” Airazor asked. “I never cut class before and our families are coming!” “Are you kidding?” Grimlock said punching the air. “I’ve been waiting for this my whole life! The Tree of Harmony has called us on a heroic quest! I’m sure everyone will understand.” Nova Spark thought for a moment. “Well if there really is a Watcher in the Woods then that means we have to go into the Everfree Forest.” Sunstreaker began to move. “My Majaja told me all about that place.” “Majaja?” Cliff asked. “It’s the word my kind use for grandmother. She lived in there for years.” The group followed their zebra friend. “I got a real bad feeling about all this.” Nova Spark said. Starscream was inspecting to vehicon drones. They were transformers without sparks. Identical in looks they were all black and silver with wheels on the ankles, guns on their forearms, and a single red visor for an eye. “Good, all ready for combat but I don’t think we’ll need more than a few.” “Good that means more targets me!” Demolisher said as Soundwave came into the bay. “Language decrypted. Prepare for download.” “Do we have to talk to the fleshies?” Knockout asked as he felt the new information pour into his head. “They probably know where the Allspark is.” Blackout then pounded his fists. “That means we can make them tell us! I’m going to love their pain!” Soundwave turned a nearby monitor on. It had a picture of Princess Twilight Sparkle. “Priority target identified. Leader of most powerful nation. Female.” “Then our first mission will be her capture. We’ll offer to spare he people if she tells us where the Allspark is.” Starscream said with his hand behind his back. Barricade pointed at the screen. “Sir! Regulation 45.867 states termination of enemy commander is required before conquest of alien world is considered complete.” Starscream turned to his political officer. “My dear Barricade you should always show compassion. It’s a good cover for your true motives.” Barricade got a look of realization. “Ah, regulation 2. Use false information to gain an advantage whenever possible.” “It is why we’re called Decepticons after all.” The sun was just coming up over the forest. “So, do we have any idea what this Watcher looks like?” Grimlock asked. “I think we’ll know when we see it.” Nova Spark said moving some branches aside to reveal a river. “Great more water.” Cliffjumper groaned. “Can your guys fly me and Sunstreaker over?” “That’s not a good idea. Look.” Sun pointed to an insect nest hanging over the river. “Flyders.” “Finding a way around could take a long time.” Airazor put her claw in the water. “It’s deep but not fast. We can swim across.” “You sure we can’t make a bridge or something?” Cliff asked looking nervous. Nova Spark turned to Cliffjumper. “If we make too much noise the Flyders are going to bite us. This about your nightmare last night, right?” “I live in the desert. I never learned how to swim.” Cliff hanged his head in shame. Sunstreaker took his hoof. “My Daja, my dad told me this story and Majaja told it to him. A young lion woke up one morning to find that the rains the night before flooded the river and the rock that he slept on was surrounded by water. But his friend a crocodile came up to him and said that the water won’t hurt him. Water is like friendship if you let it lift you up it will take you where you need to go.” She led her friend to the river and helped him float.” “This feels wrong.” Cliffjumper said but they made it to the other side. The other three following. “Let me dry you guys off!” Grimlock said ready to breath fire. “Grim wait!” Nova stopped him. “If you use too big a flame you could burn the whole forest down.” “Oops.” Grimlock said putting his flame out. “Let’s find a clearing and make a fire pit.” Airazor suggested. And they did just that, as they dried off something was circling around them. “You know this has actually been kinda fun.” Nova Spark said. “Going on an adventure with my friends just like my mom in her stories.” “And just like her you make a great leader.” Airazor yawned. “Leader? Me? No.” Cliffjumper chuckled. “Come on Nova you always keep this group from getting into trouble or help get our homework done on time.” “And you always know what to do when I’m feeling homesick.” Sunstreaker added. Airazor continued. “You’re smart and kind, you listen to all points of view.” “If it weren’t for you, I’d break like, twice as much stuff.” Grimlock patted Nova on the back. Nova Spark just shrugged. “I just, do what my mom and dad taught me that’s all.” Then something long, orange, and furry shot out of the trees and wrapped around Nova Spark lifting him up. It was the tail of a giant fox and it had four more. “A kitsune! At least five hundred years old by the number tails.” Airazor said taking off. “Hang on Nova!” Clifffjumper charged at the beast. “We’re coming buddy!” Grimlock said flying beside Cliffjumper. Just as Cliff was about to hit the kitsune’s leg he and Grim found themselves wrapped up too. Nova and Grim tried to use magic and fire to get out but the Kitsune waved its tails around throwing off their aim. “Lookout!” Airazor yelled as a stray magic bolt almost hit Sunstreaker. You hit high, I’ll hit it low.” Sunstreaker told Airazor as she got ready to kick the beast only for the last two tails to catch them. As the Kitsune began to lower Novaspark into its mouth they heard the same roar from the dream they all had. A tree was flung at the monster’s feet and a black furred beast that stood on two legs and had large hands grabbed the tail holding Nova and punched the Kitsune forcing it to drop its prey. “What is that?” Nova asked shocked. “It’s a gorilla from my homeland but I never seen one that big!” Sunstreaker said. The great ape pounded its chest and roared while the Kitsune whimpered and ran back into the forest. “Is this the Watcher in the Woods?” Cliffjumper asked. The gorilla tuned to the five and a glow came from its chest showing a small spark of light. Five more just like it arose from the group of friends but then all the sparks went back inside their bodies. “The dreams were true. You’re the children of Cybertron that are not of Cybertron.” Everyone looked at Sunstreaker confused. “Uh, gorillas don’t normally talk.” She said. “Don’t let my appearance fool you. It’s just another form I take. I am Optimus, an Autonomous Robotic Organism from the planet Cybertron or an Autobot for short.” Nova Spark stepped toward the Autobot. “Thank you saving us. I’m Nova Spark, these are my friends, Airazor, Grimlock, Cliffjumper, and Sunstreaker. A dream told us to find someone in this forest too.” Optimus nodded. “Come with me to my ship. There is much for you all to learn.”