//------------------------------// // First objective // Story: Equestria Girls: Symbol Of Undying Love // by vortex123 //------------------------------// Cold Traffic's POV - memory As I make my way down the still unfamiliar hallway for the 8th time, or whatever it was, I shudder as my reluctant destination gets closer. Why her? Why out of everyone in this entire company, did I have to visit her? For some reason, me and five others have to spend time with some crack pot with a superiority complex and anger issues. Once I reach the right door, I absentmindedly open it and walked in. I walk for a bit before a hand stops me. Looking up to its owner, I’m face to face with the woman in question. She had long black hair in a ponytail and her eyes were red with slit pupils (her eyes seemed to glow a bit). Her skin was pale, almost the actual color white. She was a pretty tall woman, reaching 6,4. I’ve heard rumors that she had an unnatural growth spurt after taking part in an…unethical program a while back, though no one I’ve asked knows what the program was or how long ago it was. She was also wearing a simplistic outfit, she had on black pants, a white shirt, a red overcoat and black combat boots. There was a set uniform your supposed to wear, so she normally tries to go as simple as the dress code allowed. She probably had another outfit on coming here, but was told to change it a little, things like this were pretty common among the higher classes. "…And that's why all the E-Class men are going to have their 'jewels' removed today." I heard her say suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "WHAT!?!" I scream in shock, she deadpans. "Just testing to see if you were paying attention, which you apparently weren't." She says with a frown. I gain an agitated look. 'Well at least I won't have to worry about you multiplying, I doubt anyone would want to be with someone like you.' I think angrily, it wasn't a secret that no one has tried to hook-up with her, despite being one of the best looking women in the company, everyone either is afraid of her, hates her or both. "Sorry, what were you saying before?" I say with a frown. "I was saying that your early, you have about 30 minutes before we actually had to deal with each other." She answered, folding her arms. "I know, there's something I needed to tell yo…" I say. The memory fades away ???'s POV - Unknown Location I wake up after an unknown amount of time passed feeling much better than I did before, I'm able to move my body more fluidly. Before I get out of bed, I can't help but think about what I just saw. 'So Traffic had to meet with someone widely disliked on a frequent basis? Why? And who else was going to be there? I wish it hadn't cut out right before he could finish his thoughts.' I groaned before getting up. I look towards the man in question, only to find him missing. 'Huh, I'm not sure why, but for some reason I thought that he was dead.' I think in confusion. "At least I'm not a killer, not sure why I thought eating that weird heart would kill him though." Shaking my head, I walk towards the drawer that guy pointed out. Opening it, I see a tablet much thinner than seems normal, and a piece of paper. Shrugging, I decided to read it. Hello, glad you could get past the first part of the first hurdle! I won’t bore you with things like who I am and what not. But if you’re actually curious, play my game and you’ll find out at the end. With that out of the way, let me tell you about the game, you know, assuming you actually want to find out what happened to you. Now the game is simple really. Find all seven people relevant to the game, take their glowing ‘hearts’, and find me. You’ll of course, have to get past the guards and whatever else would hinder you (that includes this building as well), of course you’ll have to figure out how to leave each area as well. But since this is your first time, I've included a tablet with information on this building to help you escape from here. In the tablet is information on your seven targets (well six, but I threw in stuff on Traffic as well, in case you’re curious), there’s also something for you as well, though I only put what I felt you needed to know. Though like I said before, you’re more than welcome to not play my game. Your choices are: 1: Play along, and learn the truth if you win, 2: Don’t play, and just skip to trying to find me (though even if you somehow managed that, I doubt you’ll like the end result), or 3: Don’t play the game, and spend the rest of your life wondering “Who am I? What did those people do to me?” and so forth. The choice is yours, choose wisely. That’s all that’s written. I just sigh, whoever this is, has me right where they want me. Seeing no other favorable options, I decided to play this ‘game’. Taking out the tablet, I noticed a sticky note on the back. It has an arrow pointing towards a button on the top. Pressing the button, the screen comes to life. First I noticed some black boxes in the blue background with bold black writing. There are a lot of greyed out boxes that are missing words as well. One of the black boxes has: [Soul Research Facility: Perseverance] The other box has: [M.D.S.] Curious, I click on it M.D.S. The screen changes to pure white for a few seconds, then it shows what looks like a profile page, mine in fact. I get excited for a moment, before my excitement is crushed as I noticed a lot of the stuff about me is replaced with [MOMENTARILY REDACTED]. Somberly, I check out what isn't redacted. Name: [MOMENTARILY REDACTED] Sex: F Weight: N/A - Subject seems to have wavering weight statistics, seems to rapidly gain and lose weight based on the current situation. The subject's physical appearance seems to change whenever the subject goes into M.D.S mode. The subject's hair turns pure white, and the subject's eyes change as well. The subject's sclera turns pitch black, and the irises turns pure glowing white. The subject's skin also seems to turn pure white as well, though this seems to be a defense mechanism as it automatically turns pure white in moments of great stress or fear. It seems to cause more changes, but we are unable to pinpoint what all happens as all scanning equipment fails at this state. (Further analysis is required once the proper tools are manufactured in the earliest possible time available. Until this option is available, do not attempt to research this phenomenon unless given clearance from a SO-Class or the CEO, failure to follow this command will result in severe consequences). Current abilities (Note: This section can and will change as time goes on, depending on the targets and subject's actions): Soul Chains: These 6 white chains are used for defensive, offensive and mobility purposes (it should be noted that other uses can become known through trial and error). Their main function is to wrap around the intended target, and absorb the target's body energy (it should be noted that body energy and soul energy are separate power sources). Their maximum speed, durability, strength and length limit is unknown at present. DT extraction/absorption: All SOULs contain a power source called Determination, the subject is able to safely extract this substance without killing or harming the target. The subject can gain the abilities of the trait(s) that are absorbed, but this ability is limited, the more it uses that specific trait, the more that specific type of Determination is used and drained. SOUL absorption: Like the Monsters from long ago, the subject is able to absorb human SOULs, but the subject seems to not be interested in any SOUL provided. It seems to enjoy the act of hunting the SOULs, but not actually consuming them. This is regrettable as consuming a SOUL would allow it to self regenerate trait sources, allowing it to conserve SOUL energy. Situational sight: The subject seems to be capable of altering it's sight, changing it from regular, to superior night vision (no green tint that normal night vision causes), the ability to detect other life forms through matter, and the ability to see the SOULs of others. (Further research is necessary as the chances for more features is possible). Perseverance abilities: Level 1: A low level ability given from this trait is canceling the users ability to feel physical pain, along with minor emotional pain from loss. Alternatively the user can forgo the immunity of pain and either take someone else’s pain, or make someone else feel the user’s pain. Note: Canceling pain does drain a lot of DT, and minor levels will only either make other’s pain slightly lessen, or simply cause phantom pains (I.E cause no physical damage. That’s all that’s readable, everything else is redacted for some reason, they couldn’t even tell me my name! And why do they keep referring to me as an "it"? It should be obvious what I am! Closing that page, I noticed a box for Traffic. I decided not to bother looking at his profile, I mean, I'm gonna see his memories anyway. Clicking on Soul Research Facility: Perseverance, the screen turns white again for a few moments before changing into what looks like a map. Based on this map, I'm in a medical wing, on the top floor of a 5 story building. The outside of the building is dark blue while the inside of it is light blue, the different rooms are separated by white outlines. And apparently, I'm the little red triangle with a black outline. "Well…not like I have many options,…no time like the present." I say, trying to ready myself. Without any alternative, I exited the room, hoping this won't be the last decision I'll ever make. First objective: Escape Soul Research Facility: Perseverance, alive!