Shout At The Devil: Road Trip

by Bucket of Skies

Chapter 7 : You Have Reached Your Destination

Oh good. You weren’t too mad I called you a horse fucker for expecting a detailed account of sex and came back.
I wasn’t going to describe that anyway because it was our business. I can’t believe some sick people would want to know that. I feel dirty now.
Oh quit your whining about rule 34 and finish this story already.
Alright fine. It was the morning after smoking the weed that Brim had given us. I was laying down on whatever was underneath me. When I woke up, the light of day had blinded me making my vision fuzzy for a solid minute or two. Once my vision got back into focus, I saw Sunset, still naked from what we did last night, on top of me.
Shortly after waking up, I brushed her hair from out of her face, accidently waking her up in the process. Not that she didn’t mind it. When she opened her eyes, she gave me a soft smile to let me know that she was happy to see me. She snuggled up next to my chest before kissing me.
“Good Morning my Rocky.”, she said with slight seductiveness.
“You slept well?”, I asked her.
“Like a baby.”, she answered running her hand across my chest.
Something told me that she wasn’t done yet, not from last night. Not that I had any complaints against it.
“You want to go again? You know Brim isn’t going to like that,”, I said smiling.
“Eh, let him watch. I just want to do you again.”, Sunset said before kissing me again. 
At this point, both me and Sunset were full on getting ready for “round 2”, from last night. We were just about to get there when we both took a second and realized something we hadn’t noticed when we had woken up; we weren’t in the woods. We were in the backseat of the Speedwagon that was moving. Looking out the window, it looked like we were driving down the highway. After our initial shock to the realization that the car was moving on its own, we looked to the front seat to see Brim driving the car while holding a cigarette outside the drivers window.
“Oh would you look at that? The two horny love birds are finally awake from last night. Hope you guys didn’t mind that I stole the role as your driver.”, Brim said sarcastically looking back at us. 
“Brim! You have been driving with us naked back here the whole morning?!”, I asked him.
“Uh yeah. That’s kind of the situation we’re in.”, Brim said looking back at us in the mirror. 
"And you didn't think to clothe us?", I asked him.
"Did you ask me if I wanted to be a part of your night time fuck last night? No. So therefore, this is payback for including me. Now the seven people who saw you naked on the road can say they saw you naked.", Brim said sarcastically.
"Are you serious right now?", Sunset asked him.
"Ah quit complaining,  the only saw it from the front. They were pulled up in front looking almost at the driver's seat. Kind of weird to be looking from that direction.", Brim said.
Then it occurred to me that they weren't looking at us. 
"Brim. They weren't looking at us. They were looking at the car that seemed to have been driving itself with no driver!", I exclaimed. 
Brim took a second and realized what had happened. 
"Oh, now that makes a whole lot more sense! All this time I thought they were trying to get a front seat view of you guys. I kinda forgot I didn't exist in their reality.", Brim said with an embarrassed smile.
"Oh good grief!", I said laying back down with Sunset sitting up and covering her chest.
"Well, my plan of revenge backfired. If you want to put your clothes back on, it's there on the floor. I just grabbed whatever was laying around in the bags and threw it back there to have for y'all to wake up.", Brim told us.
Grabbing our clothes off the floor, Sunset and I changed while Brim had taken over driving for a while. For once we were able to feel what Brim had felt like by simply riding in the back while he drove. If I could say one other thing that was positive about the Speedwagon, it had the comfiest seats of a car I had ever laid on. I could see how Brim would fall asleep on them with how plump yet comfortable they are. I almost fell asleep again before the car had suddenly came to a stop on the side.
"What's going on? Why are we stopping?", I asked.
Brim took the keys out of the ignition and turned back to us.
"What do you think I stopped for? We're here.", he explained. 
"Wait what?", Sunset asked.
"What do I need to say it in a GPS voice? You have reached your destination. We made it!", Brim said opening his door.
Stepping out of the car, we stood at the side of the road in front of the sign of Canterlot. It was a huge white and blue sign with a picture of a small family on the bottom right hand corner. It looked very nice from my perspective. However, Sunset’s face said a lot more. It said that she had been gone for so long and was happy to see her home again. It looked like she was about to cry tears of joy from seeing her hometown again. I stood next to her and put my arms around her as she wrapped her arms around me.
“Canterlot.”, she said silently.
“Canterlot.”, I said in agreement.
“Oh it’s only a sign!”, Brim said leaning on the door of the car.
We looked back at him slightly annoyed at his comment.
“What? I gotta make my movie reference quota somehow.”, Brim explained.
Sunset and I rolled our eyes at Brim and continued standing there in front of the sign for a little while. I did it for Sunset since she had been gone for so long. I couldn’t imagine being far away from a place you had been for all of your life for so many years.
I can. I sure as Hell could argue that my distance from Hell has made me great. Maybe a few nights at some bars in Hell at the most, but the distance is great.
After letting Sunset have a few more moments to take in the homecoming, we got back into the car to drive into the town; this time with Sunset driving. Taking a gander at her town made me feel fairly happy. Almost like I had been there before. It’s not quite deja vu, but somewhat like it.
Like the uneasy feeling I’m feeling now?
No, not at all like that. You feeling okay?
Yeah I’m fine. I just have a bad feeling about something. I don’t know what.
Anyways, we drove around the town for a little while, passing over this huge school with a statue in front that Sunset went to. She told me numerous stories of her time there, even the bad ones where she described herself as an evil entity. Kind of a scary story to tell me if you think about it. But then again, it wasn’t any different from me having Brim come into my life. 
Aw, you’re so sweet. It’s almost convincing enough to make me think you’re gonna buy me dinner later. I’m being sarcastic by the way.
Moving on, after a while of driving down Sunset’s memory lane, we approached a nice roomy house on the outskirts of the city. It had a big tree in the front and a large backyard from the height of the fences. As we got out of the car, we heard a rustling from the bushes nearby. It gave me an uneasy feeling knowing what was in those bushes. After a few seconds of anticipation, out came a small bunny carrying a carrot. It walked over to Sunset as she exclaimed excitedly. 
"Angel Bunny!", She exclaimed as she picked it up and hugged him.
"You know this bunny?", I asked.
"Oh course I do! This is the cutest little bunny I have ever seen.", She explained in a child like voice petting Angel.
Brim rolled his eyes at Angel. Then, Angel started directly at Brim with the weirdest look I have ever seen an animal do.
"What are you looking at small cheeks?", Brim asked in a mockingly way towards Angel. 
There was a brief silence before Brim suddenly got a little upset. 
"What the fuck did you just say to me?! You better watch your tone you small insignificant ball of fluff!", He snapped.
"Brim!", Sunset said sternly. 
"What?! He called me a cunt. I can't just sit here and take that. Oh shut the fuck up! You must be this tall to enter this conversation you prick!", Brim exclaimed at Angel.
"You can talk to the bunny?", I asked him.
"I can talk to all animals. It's something that demons learn when they travel throughout the world.", He explained. 
"Just promise you will behave yourself and not trying to start anything with Angel. You don't need to make Fluttershy angry by hurting her pride and joy.", She said putting him down.
"Hey, remind me who Fluttershy is again?", I asked Sunset.
"She is a friend of mine way back since high school. She is a bit weird with how close she is with her animals, but who isn't?", She explained as we approached her door.
"The one you used to bully back then?", I jokingly said. 
"We don't talk about that.", She said with a slight embarrassed groan.
She rang the doorbell by the door as we waited for someone to answer. Brim on the other hand was getting more and more bothered by Angel who was next to him. From what I could tell, he was insulting Brim a lot more. Brim kept his composure and tried his best to ignore him.
Right before Brim could curb stomp Angel, the door opened up to a surprising sight. Behind the door was not the friend that Sunset had been describing, but rather a tall and slender middle aged man with a gray beard under his chin. The part that irks me the most about him was his eyes being a shade of yellow. But despite all of these details, the man seemed to have recognized us, or at least Sunset I guess. 
"Ah, you must be Fluttershy's friend coming all the way from Manehatten. And I'm assuming her partner you are?", he spoke to me with an effervescent accent.
"Uh, yeah. I'm her boyfriend. ", I explained. 
"Splendid! Oh, I see you have met the sweet little Angel already. ", the man said.
"'Sweet'?! That fucker has no manners at all!", Brim exclaimed to me.
"Yeah, can we come in? I have been dying to meet Fluttershy again.", Sunset asked him. 
"Certainly. She'll be out in a minute. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Discord. ", he said holding out his hand.
A thing I noticed about his hand was that it seemed small. Like, really small. Almost to a point that it didn't look real. I didn't want to comment on it to not offend Discord. Brim on the other hand, was already getting negative vibes about this guy. 
"Okay, I already don't like this guy. Scary hand and his love for an asshole bunny already has me not liking him. ", Brim said silently to me. 
I shook his hand diligently as I could.
"Hi, my name is Rocky. This is Sunset. ", I introduced us.
"Nice to meet you Rocky. Follow me this way.", Discord said pointing it out with his other, not small hand.
Sunset followed him without hesitation, but I was a bit more skeptical. And by skeptical, I mean Brim was bothering me about how skeptical he was about this Discord character. 
"Rocky, I already don't want to touch this guy with a ten foot pole. Something about him seriously irks me.", Brim explained. 
"It's okay Brim. I am a little freaked out by his hand too. But just ignore it and we'll get through it.", I told him.
"Not the hands. Just this guy in general. There is something off about him. I am gonna find out somehow.", Brim said before following me into the house.
Whoever Fluttershy was, she definitely had the message of caring for animals painted everywhere. In almost every single picture I saw on her wall, she was holding some sort of animal. Even some exotic ones, for some reason.
As I walked into the living room, I heard a squeal of excitement from Sunset as she embraced her friend with curly pink hair and a beautiful autumn dress. This was the girl in those pictures. This was Fluttershy.
“Oh my goodness! It is so good to see you again Sunset.”, Fluttershy said softly, hugging Sunset in the process.
“It’s the same for me. It's been such a long time since I’ve been back home.”, Sunset explained.
They finally let out of the hug as Fluttershy took notice of me.
“And who’s this?”, she asked Sunset with curiosity.
"Let me introduce you to the person I have been seeing these past few months. This is Rocky. Rocky, this is Fluttershy. ", she said to me.
I waved as she walked closer. 
"It's nice to finally meet you. Sunset has told me a lot about you.", I said shaking her hand.
"And to you as well. It is so well timed.", Fluttershy exclaimed. 
"What do you mean?", Sunset asked.
At this point, the two of them sat down on the couch nearby.
"Well, about a month ago I started seeing someone who was so sweet and thoughtful. Everyone else thought he was a bit weird, but deep down inside he is a lovable little man.", Fluttershy explained. 
"Oh, who is he?", Sunset asked.
"That would be me.", Discord said suddenly behind me.
For whatever reason, him walking up behind me gave me a scare. More so Brim than me. There was something about his voice that made it unsettling. Maybe at the time that's what had Brim freaked out.
"Discord?", Sunset asked. 
"Why yes. You seem to have met him already?", Fluttershy asked.
As they kept talking, Discord sat next to Fluttershy and put his arm around her. For whatever reason, this made Brim groan.
"Ugh, disgusting. ", Brim said to me.
"What? I do that all the time with Sunset. ", I said quietly to Brim.
"Not that. The fact that she is dating a probable forty something year old and she is probably the same age as you.", Brim explained. 
"What's wrong with that? My parents met when my dad was priority and my mom was 23.", I clarified for him.
"Let me put it into perspective. When he was eighteen, she was probably not even born yet. Technically speaking,  he could classify as a closet pedo.", Brim said.
"That's a bit of a stretch Brim. I doubt he would be that person.", I said trying to calm him down.
"Maybe I'm a bit skeptic, but I know something is up. I'm gonna find out one way or anothe-ah fuck stop looking at me he is looking at us. ", Brim warned me.
As I looked back, Discord looked at me with a slightly confused look. By this point, I listened back in to what Sunset and Fluttershy were saying.
"So, you managed to meet him out on the street doing magic before he pulled out Angel from his hat? Sounds like a movie if you ask me.", Sunset said.
"It's true. With that one little trick alone he managed to make me want to spend more time with him until he was kind enough to ask me to a date.", Fluttershy said putting  her hand on Discord's. 
"Oh Fluttershy stop! You're embarrassing me. ", he said with a bashful chuckle. 
"I knew it! He created that little bastard! Get the fuck out of there Rocky, he is not one to be trusted. ", Brim exclaimed. 
At this point, I got up from where I was sitting. 
"Will you excuse me a moment?", I asked the group.
"Certainly, the bathroom is all the way down the hall to the left.", Fluttershy told me.
I went down to the middle of the hall with Brim following behind me before stopping to intervene with Brim.
"Brim, you can't keep doing this the whole visit. What has you so bothered?", I asked him.
"This Discord guy. I'm being serious. He is up to something. And I intend to find out.", Brim he explained. 
"What's the threat? So far the only thing that you have to say about it is his hand being smaller than the other one.", I told him.
"Rocky, when I get a feeling about someone it typically means that there is something else  really going on in them. This guy is grade-A sus. ", Brim explained. 
"Is something wrong?", the familiar voice of Discord said from behind me. 
This made me jump as I turned around as quickly as I could. He gave a suspicious look to me talking to Brim.
"Uh, no nothing is wrong. Everything is swell. Just er...looking at a wall.", I said trying to cover up Brim.
"Are you sure? You look like you seen a ghost. ", he asked me.
"Nope. No ghosts around here. I hope.", I said.
He eyeballed me a little more before I excused myself back to the living room. Sunset and Fluttershy were still catching up on old times while I sat down next to Sunset. She looked over at me with slight concern.
"Is everything okay?", Sunset asked me.
"Yeah. Just a little personal problem .", I said referring to Brim.
Sunset nodded understanding the issue.
"Oh, this sounds like a job that Angel can solve. He always seems to fix uneasy things with a few snuggles.", Fluttershy recommended. 
"Anything but that little dickweed.", Brim demanded me.
"I think I figured out what your issue is Rocky!", Discord exclaimed. 
This made my hair stand on edge. I didn't know what he was talking about. Could he be referring to my little incident in the hall? Or could he be talking about something much more that I didn't know he knew? 
Why are you asking the audience? They are the ones curious,  not you.
It's just narration. Anyways, there was a moment of silence before Discord rose up with excitement. 
"You are quenching for something to drink! That's why I made us all tea.", He said suddenly carrying a tray of tea.
Within a few minutes, my suspicions of Discord were gone. He seemed to really just be a weird guy, but in the good way. Plus his tea tasted great. Everything was going good.
By this point, I was having a full conversation with both Fluttershy and Discord without worry. In this case, I was discussing how I had met Sunset.
“So long story short, I knew that I met the one the day I met her.”, I explained to Fluttershy.
“Aw, that’s really sweet. You really got a sweetheart for a guy Sunset.”, she said holding Discord’s hand.
“Well, he was definitely an upgrade from the last boyfriend.”, Sunset said jokingly about her ex.
“He wasn’t so bad. At least from what I could tell.”, Fluttershy said.
“Oh Flutter, you have no idea what he was like behind closed doors.”, Sunset said with a chuckle.
“Oh do tell.”, Discord said curiously.
As they began discussing about the topic we spoke earlier in the week, I heard a small shuffling from the other room. Then from out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brim’s arm throw something off to the side. Not wanting to cause a commotion, I put down my tea and excused myself to the room where Brim was. How could I not have known something was up as soon as I knew the Brim was nowhere to be seen?
Walking into the room, I caught brim digging through a series of drawers looking for something. The room already looked trashed from the amount of things he found, but threw off to the side.
“Brim! What the hell are you doing?!”, I scolded him.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m digging for answers.”, Brim answered.
He continued digging through drawers, pulling out miscellaneous things.
“Stop that! You completely trashed this room. Sunset is going to be pissed when Flutter and Discord fin-”, I said before he interrupted.
“Sunset will not be pissed because I’m gonna put everything back.”, he corrected me.
“What the fuck difference does that make? You need to stop.”, I told him.
“No, not until I find out what is off about this guy. I’m telling you Rocky, as a demon from Hell who has gut feelings about off people, I know for damn sure that Discord is- Will you mind your goddamn business?! You must be this tall to enter this conversation you piece of shit covered in fluff!”, Brim said suddenly turning around to see Angel staring at him from behind.
There was a small silence again.
“Oh? Now you want to bring mommas in this?! You know what your mom is? A whore, because she fucks anything that manages to rape her from behind. That's how you came into this world you little cunt!”, Brim said flipping off Angel.
By this point, Angel began hopping off in the opposite direction.
“Yeah yeah, walk away before you embarrass yourself even more. Geez, some animals have no manners.”, Brim said suddenly turning back to the drawer.
“Brim you need to stop! This has gone long enough.”, I told him.
“AHA! I finally found it! Everything to convince you that this guy is off!”, Brim said pulling out a black magic wand.
“A magic wand?”, I asked him.
“Not just any magic wand. This is the magic wand. It’s not made from some bullshit plastic. No, this is made from pure obsidian! The ones used by wizards and witches.”, Brim explained.
“Or because he has a career in doing magic tricks and wanted a nicer wand. Brim this is ridiculous.”, I told him dismissively.
“No it isn't. Rocky, I know my gut feeling. Look at the guy’s hand. That’s not irregular to you?”, he asked me.
“It was probably a birth defect. When will you admit that you have a fear of his hand?”, I asked him.
“I DO NOT!”, he said frantically.
“Is everything okay in there?”, Fluttershy asked from the other room.
“Uh yeah everything’s fine. I’m gonna be out in a minute.”, I told her before turning back at Brim.
“Rocky, I’m so close just let me-”, he said before I interrupted him.
“No! You are going to clean this room up and get out there, just so I can show you that you are being paranoid over a hand.”, I demanded.
“Ugh, fine. But when the guy spikes your drink with some drugs or some shit, I won’t be there to save you until you admit that I told you so.”, Brim said snapping his fingers to clean up the room in a snap.
"Whatever, can we please get back out there?", I asked him.
As we walked out of the room back to the living room, we noticed that it was empty. All we had heard from the group was from another room that was small murmurs that sounded familiar to the group that was just here. Not looking to be left out of the group, we walked into the room hoping to see the group there.
Well, we were partially right about seeing the group there.
When we walked into the room, we noticed how eerily dark the room was. It was almost gothic with the amount of candles that were surrounding the room. Whatever this room was, it gave me a sudden uneasy feeling.
As I was going to talk to Sunset who was in the room with Fluttershy, a door closed behind me with Discord following right behind.
“Glad you could finally make it Rocky.”, Discord said ominously.
I looked at Sunset in confusion before looking back at Discord.
“What is going on?”, I asked nervously.
“Yeah, is something wrong honey?”, Fluttershy asked with the same amount of confusion I was in.
“Why don’t you sit down while I try and explain?”, Discord asked pulling a chair from the table.
Not wanting to offend Discord, I sat down in the chair across from Sunset. She began looking at me like something went wrong on my side. I gave her a look back that pretty much said that I had no clue what he was talking about.
“I have brought you all here for something that I noticed since you two had arrived here that had my suspicions. I now realize it isn’t about you two, it is with you.”, Discord said pointing at me.
“I’m sorry?”, I asked him.
“Now’s your chance Rocky. Grab the closest sharp object and stab him before he turns you into a rabbit.”, Brim urged me.
“You have been acting very strange since the day you got here. Looking at a wall for no reason, taking moments away from us to yourself, even making a commotion in the other room. I have made a final deduction of a choice with my past experience with this sort of behavior that can be summed with one solution.”, Discord explained.
“Now’s your chance. Stab him in his goddamn esophagus before he does something that you might not expect.”, Brim warned me.
Discord then pointed at me from across the table.
“You are possessed by an evil spirit!”, Discord exclaimed.
There was a brief silence in the room. There was no way that we could have a repeat of the same situation with those hillbillies with Discord. Before I could protest, Discord pulled out a cross from under his shirt.
Brim had erupted in laughter. Almost to a point he was in tears from laughing so hard.
“This?! This is what my gut was feeling suspicious about?! A fucking priest?!”, Brim said laughing still. 
Not wanting to confirm any of Discord’s suspicions, I tried my  best to avoid whatever it was he wanted to do to my “evil spirit”.
“Uh. No no I feel fine. I’m Jewish so I don’t think this applies to me.”, I said standing up.
“The room will not open up until this evil spirit is revealed to us and is dealt with. I guarantee it.”, Discord explained motioning me to sit down.
“Uh Discord I’m sure there is a misunderstanding. Rocky would never act like that. I'm sure it's just nerves or something. ", Sunset interjected trying to defend Brim.
"All the more respect to prepare for any sort of irregular activity that could harm you and Rocky. This will only take a minute. ", Discord said.
"Ah don't worry about me guys. I have years of experience dealing with priests and them trying to kill me. I can handle this guy.", Brim said confidently. 
I looked at him with a look of doubt. 
"What? In my years of surviving all exorcisms,  this shouldn't be any different.", Brim reassured me.
I gave a small sigh before settling back into my chair to let Discord do his work.
"Fine, let's get this over with.''
Discord began by removing a sweater he had on to better get ready for his “exorcism”. I’ve only seen the examples of exorcisms in movies were with the person is strapped down to the table as the demon tries to fight his way out of the body to avoid death. This process was a lot more mellow and a lot less restrictive. 
“This won’t be dangerous will it?”, Fluttershy asked Discord.
“Oh it won’t be. Thankfully it isn’t strong. I had gotten the feeling that something weak was taking over when Angel had come up to me.”, Discord said holding up Angel before placing him on the counter.
“Why you little fluffy snitch!”, Brim exclaimed clenching his fist.
Before Brim could throw himself at Angel to fight him, Discord snapped his fingers and began the exorcist ritual.
“Spirit! Make yourself known to us! Show us that you exist with a simple tap!”, Discord announced to Brim.
There was silence before Brim spoke to no one.
“Nice try, but if you think I will willingly knock for you you are out of your-”, Brim said before Discord reached into his pocket and then threw some powder before Brim suddenly exclaimed in a child-like voice,” ANGEL DUST!”
Brim then threw himself on the table and snorted all the dust that landed on there, knocking his head on the middle of the table.
“At last! He reveals himself. Spirit, show yourself. Show yourself before I force you to show yourself!”, Discord exclaims.
Sunset began looking at me with concern for Brim. To which I looked at Brim with a questioning look. He looked back up at me with blood flowing out of his nose from snorting all of his Angel Dust.
“It’s alright, as long as that was his only handful. That shit is like catnip for demo- Don’t you even think about it Discord! I swear to Lucy if you throw another hand full of goddamn- ANGEL DUST WHOOO!”, Brim said as Discord threw another handful of Angel Dust.
The amount of knocking Brim was doing on the table was concerning. I tried to intervene and make Discord stop before he could do something to Brim.
“I don’t want to do this anymore. This is clearly fak-”, I tried to say before being interrupted bt Discord.
“Not Yet! I almost got him. Spirit! I condemn you to reveal yourself. Reveal yourself. REVEAL YOURSELF!”, Discord screamed out before waving his arms.
“Oh fuck I don’t feel so good Mr. Rock!”, Brim said suddenly orbing light around him.
Suddenly, the light got blinding to a point where the room began shaking. It was almost like an earthquake going off. As the shaking died down. The light began to die down, Brim appeared before them…..still the same as before?
“Oh my goodness!”, Fluttershy exclaimed and fainted.
“At last the demon exposed himself!”, DIscord said with excitement.
“Wait a minute! You got the wrong idea I’m not-”, Brim tried to explain before Discord pulled out a bible and spoke.
I knew exactly what was happening next. As quickly as I could I stood back up from my chair.
“Demon! I condemn you to hell for all eterni-”, Discord tried to yell out before I interrupted by throwing myself in front of him.
“Rocky!”, Sunset screamed out at me
“No stop! You don’t understand why he is here!”, I exclaimed at Discord.
“He is a demon! He must go back to where he belongs! Don’t tell me you are going to defend him.”, Discord said.
“I am. He is my friend. I didn’t want to explain it because I would seem crazy, but he is my friend.”, I explained to him.
“Yeah, I’m his friend you fucking racist! I don’t tell you to be separate from society because you have a small hand.”, Brim said from behind me.
After all this commotion, the doors opened up and there was a brief silence between us before Discord lowered his bible. By this point Fluttershy had woken up from her fainting. She sat up and looked around and saw Brim.
“Who is the new guy?”, she asked innocently.

After that whole debacle, we had a long discussion with Discord and Fluttershy about how Brim became my personal demon. After explaining everything, Discord explained how the spell worked on Brim. Turned out that not only did the spell make it to have Brim be shown to both Discord and Fluttershy, but now everyone can see him. Discord said he could try to reverse the effect, but Brim disagreed with it.
I’d say it allows me to be more social. Thankfully it let me keep my demon powers. Kind of a win-win if you ask me. I can now share my spastic personality outside of Sunset and Rocky here.
Anyways, Brim had gone outside to smoke a cigarette and I followed him out there to talk with him. To be honest, it felt awkward to talk to anyone else besides Sunset and Brim about this, so I decided to stay outside with Brim while Sunset was talking with Fluttershy.
“Hey.”, I said to Brim.
“Hey.”, he said back to me.
I sat down next to him on the steps of the house as he continued smoking.
“I want to apologize for not believing you about your suspicions with Discord. I had no idea he was that crazy.”, I told him.
“It’s alright Rocky. I should’ve suspected you would think I was crazy for being as suspicious as I was. Plus, I know that you humans lack the gut feelings that demons have.”, Brim said.
“I know, but you could have been sent back to Hell forever. I know how much you hated that place, especially with Lucy being there.”, I said.
“Pfft, they would have kicked me out of Hell again as soon as I showed my face to Lucy.”, Brim said tossing his cigarette off to the side before pulling out a box of raisins,” Plus    if I could say one positive thing about this whole experience, I got free raisins”.
As he opened the box and ate a handful of them, his face suddenly turned sour as he spat them out on the lawn.
“That little shit!”, Brim exclaimed throwing the box off in frustration.
“What?”, I asked.
“That bunny bitch shit in the box and passed it off as raisins. I swear to Lucy I’m gonna have a rabbit stew if I don’t leave anytime soon.”, Brim said in disgust.
Right as we were discussing, the door opened up with Sunset and the rest of them following behind. We both stood up from the steps to talk to them.
“Well, I thank you two for coming to visit me and Discord. We really appreciate you coming to visit after such a long time.”, Fluttershy said with a smile.
“Yeah, it was fun. Well, until about an hour ago.”, Sunset said with a nervous scratch.
“Again, I am terribly sorry for almost killing your friend. Can we let bygones be bygones despite you being a demon?”, Discord asked Brim holding out his hand.
Brim hesitated a little bit because it was with his smaller hand, but delightfully shook his hand.
“Bygones are bygones.”, he said after letting go.
“It was nice meeting you finally Fluttershy. I can definitely see why you and Sunset were close back then.”, I said to her.
“Well, I would definitely say the same about you. You better take good care of her.”, she said with a smile.
“I will”.
After we said our goodbyes to Fluttershy and Discord, we got into our car and drove off back into the city. We were cruising along in silence for a while before Sunset spoke finally.
“Well…..we did it! That’s our road trip.”, she said faintly.
“Yeah. I have to admit, this was definitely better than I thought it was gonna be.”, I said.
“And on top of all this, I am now part of your society. Gonna miss the days where I could where absolutely nothing and not feel judged. Well, except by you guys.”, Brim said putting his feet up on the seat in the back.
“Yep, but it’s still not over yet Brim. We got to head home.”, Sunset said looking back at him.
Suddenly, a thought popped up in my head. I thought about what would happen when we would get back and how we pretty much would start from scratch again with my busy schedule. I was silent for a moment, but then decided to speak out.
 “You know, we could last thing before we go home. You know, one last thing for the road?”, I suggested.
“What, you already are too much of a pussy to go back to work?”, Brim asked me.
“No, I’m just saying we could do one more thing. After all, it might be awhile before we can do something like this again.”, I said.
“Pfft, you’re part of a story fool. You will have no time to go back to work.”, Brim said.
“What are you talking about?”, I asked.
Right before Brim could discuss what he was talking about, Sunset spoke up.
“There is, one thing we can visit since we are here in Canterlot. The only thing is, I want to know if you guys are down to try something crazy.”, Sunset suggested.
Brim perked up.
“Bitch, we nearly got killed by hil- I mean a crazy priest, stole back the bass for my musical hero, and managed to do so in a matter of a week. I think we are the kings of crazy.”, Brim said cocky.
Sunset looked over at me.
“What about you Rocky? Do you want to go on one more adventure?”, she asked me.
Would you do the same thing? Would you want to go on another fun adventure before going back to your mundane life for the road? I know for a fact I wanted to. It definitely beats going back to my boring job right away.
“One more.”, I answered with a nod.
“Great, then let’s go”.

We approached the town and stopped right in front of Sunset’s old school, Canterlot High. I never could understand how a facility this big could belong to high schoolers. It is literally comparable to a college campus in it’s large size. The town must’ve had money coming from the walls to make it that big and accessible.
Getting out of the car, Brim and I followed Sunset to the back of the Speedwagon where our bags were kept. Sunset opened up the hatch and grabbed her bag to start digging in it.
“What are you looking for Sunset?”, I asked.
“Something I brought with us just in case things wouldn’t work out and the day would be done soon. But since it wasn’t and you chose to, I figured why not use it.”, Sunset explained.
“Is it a gun?”, Brim jokingly said.
I looked back at him in disapproval with his remark.
“What? We are in front of a school. We literally look packed to the brim with our car. I couldn’t miss out on a school shooter joke.”, Brim said shrugging.
“Ah, here it is.”, Sunset said closing the bag.
As she turned around, I saw a small satchel with a design I had seen on a few of her shirts before. She shut the back and locked it before turning back to us.
“Alright, lets go.”, Sunset said as we walked with her.
“You said that already but okay.”, Brim said.
We walked a little bit into the school parking lot before we stopped in front of a statue of a huge and luxurious stallion. Sunset then turned to me and Brim.
“Are you ready?”, she asked me.
“Ready for what?”, I asked her.
She then grabbed my hand tightly.
“You’ll see. Just hold onto me”.
At the same time, Brim reached over to my other hand and grabbed it as well, although it was more fearful than tender like Sunset.
“What are you doing?”, I asked Brim.
“I don’t know, it just feels right.”, He explained.
Then, without announcing. Sunset began walking forward towards the statue. At first I thought we were gonna walk around it to see something behind it. But instead, Sunset kept moving forward.
“Uh Sunset?”, I asked.
She spoke not a word and continued moving forward towards it. Within a few minutes, we were up close with the statue to see the grainy texture of the stone.
Then, as Sunset reached for the metal plate on the front, it began gleaming with light as her arm began getting sucked in.
“Uh Sunset?!”, I asked out of fear.
“It’s okay, just hold on!”, Sunset said pulling me and Brim in with her.
“I didn’t fucking sign up for this! Mommaaa!”, Brim exclaimed as he was pulled in with me.
What happened next was the most extreme thing that had ever happened to me. I walked into this swirling void that kept spinning and spinning as I screamed from not knowing what was going on. The spinning didn’t stop until I hit a point where the light was almost blinding, causing me to faint.

I woke up to the sight of the floor. I looked up and let my eyes focus on what was happening. When they came back to focus, I saw that I was now in a library of some sorts. I gave a small groan before speaking.
“What the…”, I said softly to myself.
“Rocky! Good, You’re finally awake. Listen, you need to take this slow.”, Sunset’s voice said from behind me.
“What are you talking abou..”, I said before reaching out.
That’s when I noticed something truly strange. Instead of my hand, was a grey hoof. This made me jump and fall back. I tried to stand myself up on my two legs, only to fall down again to find my legs were replaced with hooves.
“What the hay?!”, I said almost unwillingly.
“Rocky, slow down!”, Sunset said.
I finally got my bearings and was able to lift myself up off the floor on this counter. As I got up there, I caught a reflection of myself and Sunset behind me. I wasn’t in my body anymore. No longer was I a human. No, I was now a full fledge unicorn.
“Oh ...Good...Grief!”

What? What’s going on?
We have a code cliffhanger! Get the author on the line!
Wait, What!? What the hell is going on?!
Right now, it’s action first, ask questions later! We got to end the story now!
Fuck it! You’re useless for an ending narrator! Roll the end credit music!.....I don’t know, just play anything! End the story so we can contain this code cliffhanger!