//------------------------------// // Original Plot Chapter 5 // Story: A Little Girls Love // by darkmage1997 //------------------------------// Dusk soon fell over the quiet town of Ponyville, as the group all made their way back to Twilight's castle, "And here is my castle, Mavis. Not quite as big as the ones in Canterlot or the Crystal Empire, but it's just as lovely," Twilight explained. Mavis just kept her eyes glued to the ground, not wanting to raise her head. The adults kept questioning why Mavis was so reluctant to do fun stuff, but they kept choosing against asking her. Twilight then saw it was getting late, "You guys are free to stay the night. I have more than enough rooms for you," Twilight offered her brother and sister in law, as well as Mavis, who tensed up. She didn't want to impose on a Princess, but she also didn't want to be outside in case the Demon Bus was to appear. With her options limited, she chose to go with the choice she thought was the least stressful. "Thanks Twiley, I think we'll take you up on that offer," Shining Armor agreed. "Quite right," Cadence agreed. "What about you, Mavis?" Twilight asked. Mavis flinched at being directly talked to, but nodded, not wanting to anger Twilight, "Alright then, I'll show you all to your rooms," Twilight said, inviting them into her castle. Mavis only rose her head just to see where she was going, but was in awe at the crystalline structure. Once she was inside, she returned her gaze to the floor in front of her, as not to get lost. It took about seven minutes to find their rooms, "Your room will be directly across the hall from Cadence and Shining Armor's, so if you need them for anything, ok?" Twilight asked. "O-Ok," Mavis fearfully replied, as she got into bed. She was glad that they didn't see the tears that began flowing down her face. Twilight looked sadly at Mavis, wanting so badly to help her. "I'm sure you two can keep things in check here, while the girls and I go and try to find that bus?" Twilight asked. "Of course. But be careful. We don't know what this Demon might do," Cadence pleaded. "We will. I'll be back in a little bit," Twilight said, as she made her way back to the entrance. Mavis could faintly hear them talking about what they were going to do, and felt worse by the second. She feared what the Demon would do to them, what ponies would think if they traced connections to the Ghost to her, what she could be punished with. Mavis simply covered herself with the sheets, and sobbed quietly, holding her Teddy Bear even closer. 'Why do things have to be this way? Why am I a cursed girl? What did I ever do to deserve all this torment?!' she thought. On the outskirts of Ponyville, The Mane Six were all venturing to the outer limits of Ponyville, in hopes of finding the Demon Bus, but found nothing. Fluttershy felt they should just go home, but knew they had to resolve this issue, for the sake of not only all of Equestria, but for Mavis' sake as well, "I'm starting to think this Ghost is going to be a no show. We've been out here for nearly twenty minutes, and it hasn't shown up!" Rainbow Dash yelled in annoyance. "Yeah, maybe we should call it a night and try again tomorrow," Twilight reluctantly agreed, as a fog started rolling in. "That's weird. There's no forecast for fog tonight," Rainbow Dash commented. "Didn't that human say one of the signs was a heavy fog?" Fluttershy quietly asked, feeling scared. It was what happened next that scared even Rainbow Dash beyond reason. "Mavis...… Mavis...… where's my little baby? I love my baby," a ghostly voice said, as they heard something approaching them. But the fog was so thick, the Mane Six couldn't tell where the sound was coming from. Soon, a demonic laughter came from deep within the fog, as a red glow shown through, as the Demon Bus made it's horrific appearance. "S-So... you're the Demon Bus?" Twilight carefully questioned. "It would appear that my reputation precedes me. Yes, I am the Demon of the 308 Bus," the Ghost replied, as two red dots and glowing red, razor sharp, smiling teeth appeared. "Well, I guess introductions on our side are due," Twilight commented. "There is no need. I know all about you and your friends, as well as why you came out to confront me," the ghost replied, the smile turning into a frown. "Ok, so.... is there any particular reason you're..... haunting Equestria?" Twilight gingerly asked. "There is. In fact, you all met the reason for my being here earlier today," the ghost replied. The Mane Six were shocked, to say the least. The Demon Bus really IS after Mavis! "If you think we're just going to give her up to something as creepy as you, you got another thing coming! She's suffering enough!" Rainbow Dash yelled defensively. "Quite right. I will not allow you to harm even one strand of hair on that poor dear's head!" Rarity agreed. The Demon Bus chuckled. "Do you honestly think I can harm Mavis? If anything, she is the only living creature I am unable to take the soul of!" the Demon explained. This made the Mane Six even more confused. "Now hang on there.... If ya ain't wantin' ta hurt Mavis, then why are ya after her?" Applejack questioned. "Unfortunately, I am bound by the rules of death to NOT give you a direct answer at this time. However, I will tell you this; You may think giving her toys and treats could help her feel more secure, but would she truly feel that happy?" The Demon riddled. "Ok, so if you aren't going to harm Mavis, then how can we help you move on from this world?" Twilight asked. "I said I couldn't collect her soul or harm Mavis, but that doesn't mean she and I aren't connected in some fashion. In fact, she is the key to allow me to pass on," the Demon explained. "In what manner?" Rarity asked. "There are three requirements that she MUST feel, before I am able to leave this world. They are as follows," the Demon said, holding a piece of paper, and donning some reading glasses, "They pretty much require her to feel a certain way. She must feel Happy, Free, and above all, Safe. Remember what I said about gifts. They may not help Mavis. If anything, they could end up making things worse for her...… I sense an evil presence somewhere that could be targeting Mavis. I must go now. Remember my words," the Demon said, as the Bus reversed into the fog, before disappearing. To say the Mane Six were shaken would be an understatement. "So, all we got to do to get rid of the Demon Bus is to make the kid feel safe, happy, and free? Sounds easy enough," Rainbow Dash commented. "Easier said than done, you mean. Keep in mind what he said about Mavis' reaction to gifts. If toys and treats won't make her feel any happier, than we need to find an alternate solution to help her," Twilight replied. "Maybe something will come to us in the morning. We're bound to have clearer heads in the morning," Rarity replied. The others agreed. "Ok, then tomorrow, we can start mulling over ways that can help with Mavis' situation," Twilight said, as the all went back home. Meanwhile, in the darker part of Equestria, A black mist rolled in, as glowing, green flaming eyes appeared within the mist. A unicorn pony soon took the shape of the dastardly King Sombra, who looked quite pleased with himself, "Ah, I can feel a tremendous amount of fear somewhere in Equestria! This could be the right amount of power I need to finally take what is rightfully mine!" he cackled, before sensing another presence, "Hmm, something else is here. Something very powerful. But no matter; once I attain this source of fear, nothing can stand against me!" he said, as he disappeared into the shadows once more.