//------------------------------// // Silver Sky // Story: We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... // by Desperate Dawn //------------------------------// Silver Sky opened his eyes, feeling a little dizzy and nauseous, most likely on the aftermath of what happened yesterday. Looking to his side, he found his roommate still asleep with his legs sprayed all around his messy bed, Avalon, the poor bloke, he took more drinks than any other within his platoon. Silver had to carry him back to bed, seeing the poor S.O.B couldn’t even walk straight nor speak comprehensibly. He glances towards the wall-clock, the time pointing twenty before seven. Letting out a loud yawn, Silver hopped off his bed, neatly folding the covers before heading off to the washroom. At first, he considered getting his wing preened, but with the state of his roommate currently on, he opted to do it later. Finishing his morning routine, Silver left the washroom feeling refreshed and unusually energetic, he did a couple of stretches before donning his Royal Golden Armour. His armor looked the same as the others, but with a slight difference, he had a silver horizontal insignia, an officer insignia. He hasn’t yet transferred to the Officer Quarters, it was still a month off, until then, he’s stuck with his shared quarters ever since he graduated Bootcamp. Silver Sky wondered why he advances through the ranks so rapidly. “Look out!” Silver Sky pushed his commanding officer out of the way in time for the loud screech coming above rained down on the squadron. “GARUDA!!” Avalon exclaimed as the large eagle-like creature flapped its mighty wings near them, stumbling the squadron out of the sky due to the sheer amount of wind it blows. "Bloody hell, it’s an adult one, we can’t take it without sufficient gear,” Kriegsler said, banking to the right to regroup with the others after recovering from the massive shift on the wind. “Damn, the blasted beast will outspeed us, no matter what.” The Officer looks around, “We need to draw its attention away.” “I’ll do it, sir!” Silver Sky volunteered. “What, are you insane?!” The Officer barked. “I will not let my men sacrifice themselves, I’ll be the one to-“ "Sir!" Silver Sky intruded. "I know a pass not far from here if I can lead it away from the squad. Then you guys had a much better chance of survival." The ear-piercing screech of the Garuda once again rang out in the air, making the squadron to head for shelter below a narrow cliff. Everypony but the officer backed Silver’s suggestion, thus with heavy heart, the officer agrees. “You better get your wings back on the outpost, you hear?” the Officer threatened, pointing his hoof at him. Silver Sky merely grinned as he replied. “I’ll be back before you know it, sir.” The wind above rattled as the creature flew past them. Silver Sky made his move, flying below its gigantic shadow as long as possible. However, with the ear-piercing screech and the sudden disappearance of its shadow made Silver Sky aware that he got the Garuda’s attention. He beat his wings as fast as he can, attempting to hear the sudden shift on the wind around him. Then he felt it from above, banking hard to the right, Silver manage to avoid the deadly claws of the Garuda. ‘That was a close one, but I’m still far away.’ As Silver Sky looked behind him, one massive golden bird flapped its mighty wing behind him in an attempt to catch up. 'Yeah, that's a big bird.' The Garuda let out another ear-piercing screech, moving ever closer with its beak open. Silver maneuvered to the side, avoiding the beak and kept continuing to outmaneuver it. The Garuda, tired of its prey evading its beak, lifts higher to use its sharp claw. Even then, the Garuda couldn’t even touch a single feather. ‘Almost there, I just need to-’ Silver Sky flattened his ear as the Garuda let out another frustrated screech and flew off beyond the cloud, ‘Ah, heaven all mighty.’ At once, Silver Sky dived down towards a small ravine perfectly fit for a Pegasus his size. Another screech, the Garuda dived down, quickly coming down to close in the gap between the two. It opened its beak, and then- CRASH! Silver Sky went through the entrance at the exact moment the Garuda slammed headfirst into the entrance. Its head was stuck, it struggled for a moment before it finally pulled away, screeching in rage. Silver Sky let out a relieved sigh, but then immediately turns into a grunt of pain, he glance over to his wings, sprained, most likely due to his rough landing earlier. 'Well, at the very least, I didn't rip it off,' he thought jokingly. He then reaches up for his pouch, grabbing a flare and opened the tube. He laid on the ground, staring at the skies as the smoke bellow of the flare went up. Silver Sky heard a knock on his office, pushing away his paperwork aside, the door opened as a familiar Pegasus entered. “Ah, Avalon, what can I do for you?” “Umm, the Captain wants to see you,” he said, worried. Silver frowned, “Its unusual for Captain Hawk to-“ Avalon interrupted him, “No, the Captain wanted to see you. He’s coming to the outpost as we speak.” Silver’s eyes widened, scrambling to clean up the mess that is his office. Avalon watched silently as the Second Lieutenant frantic, yet disciplined induced panic as he cleans his office as fast as he can. He even noticed that the purple unicorn plushie that Silver usually kept was neatly stacked and hid behind his pile of paperwork. “Alright, all finished,” Silver murmured, turning over to Avalon. “When he would arrive?” Avalon sighed, “He’ll be coming in just an hour.” After hearing such news, Silver let out a breath of relief. “Seriously, you’ll have plenty of time before the Captain arrives, why are you getting worked out?” Silver blushed, his eyes not meeting the pony in front, ”I-I thought he’s coming soon, so…” “No excuse,” Avalon deadpanned. “Ever since we’re back from hauling that dragon treasure, you have this happy face you put for the entire week.” Avalon imitated Silver’s happy expression, pointing at it as if emphasizing his statement. Silver’s reaction is the usual Pegasus reaction whenever they were flustered, which is fluffing his cheeks. “T-that was our first mission out of routine. You can’t blame me from getting happy over it.” Avalon has the expression that said, ‘Like I’m going to believe that,’ nonchalantly nodding. Avalon sighed as he turned to the door, “You better tell her before its too late.” “Huh?” Silver turned his head, but Avalon was already out of the door, leaving him in the silence that followed soon after. After a moment, he let out a sigh as he leaned back at his chair. His gaze then shifts towards the purple plushie. “Do you want to be friends?” The pale lavender filly offered him her hooves, yet he can only stare at her in confusion. They were on recess, while most other foals would rush out of the class to play in the yard, Silver stayed behind and opted to read a book. However, the new filly didn’t, and now here she was, asking him if he wanted to be friends. “Um, maybe?” He said hesitantly, uneased by her dragon-like pupil and teal sclera. Many asked her why she had those creepy eyes, but her answers were unsatisfactory, saying that she was born with it. “What are you reading?” The filly he knows by the name of Twivine asked as she comes closer. Silver, in respond, pulled the book away and wrapped it around his hooves, “N-nothing!” Twivine scrunched her face, suddenly the book he held glows pale purple and then yanked out of his grasp. In surprise, Silver shouted, “Wha- Hey, give it back!” “History of the Royal Legion…?” Twivine read out loud, frowning as she examined the book closer. Silver manages to grab his book out of her magic and held it even closer. “Y-you wouldn’t understand this kind of book,” he simply said, looking away in shame. Twivine meanwhile, shook her head, giggling, “No, I understand clearly. My big brother also wanted to join the Royal Guard you must be too, aren’t you?” Silver didn’t know what to say, only letting out an ‘Umm’ as the two stared at each other. Suddenly, the filly clapped her hooves, “Oh yeah, I haven’t got your name.” “It’s Silver Sky,” he mumbled quietly, but unfortunately, the filly didn’t hear it as she asks him again. “What was that?” “It’s Silver Sky,” he repeated, a bit louder than before. The filly smiled as she took his hoof without his consent and shook it, "Nice to meet you, Silver. I'm Twivine, but you already know that." “N-nice to meet you too, um, Twivine.” “Hey, why don’t we go out and play?!” Twivine suddenly burst in energy as she pull his hoof, Silver reluctantly put his book away and was dragged to the yard. The two arrived at the yard. Many foals are playing around, be it on the playground, sandbox, or the field. Twivine, however, dragged him away from that. They were heading towards a lone tree by the distance, a bit further off from the school, but still apart of the school limits. “Why did you drag me all the way here?” Silver asked, but ignored as Twivine looked around to find something or somepony. Then, Silver found that should be remotely impossible. No, he doesn't look at the fact that there was another pony that looked like Twivine. No, he was looking at the large white pony that was trudging along behind the other Twivine with a motherly smile. “Hey, Twilight!” Twivine waved her hooves towards her twin counterpart. Twilight wave back, running as fast as her little hooves can carry her and hugged her. Twilight grins as the two broke away, “Hey, Twivine, guess whos letting somepony finish early?” Princess Celestia let out a chuckle as Twivine’s face brightened upon seeing her, “Hello Twivine, it’s good to see you as well.” Twivine ran up to the Princess, nuzzling her hoof. The Princess soon lowered herself to nuzzle the little filly. The two breakaway as Twivine looked up to Princess Celestia, "Princess Celestia, I thought court would make you busy." “Well, I am. However, spending time with my students is far more important.” She said, smiling. Then she turned her head over to Silver, who seemingly froze upon her noticing. “Well, who is this colt?” “He’s my new friend!” Twivine energetically exclaim. “I was going to introduce him to Twilight, but I guess I’ll have to introduce him to you, too.” Twivine then ran up to the shell-shocked colt. “Silver, I want you to meet both my sister Twilight Sparkle and my mentor, Princess Celestia.” She turned to the Princess and Twilight, “Twilight, Princess, meet Silver Sky.” Princess Celestia lowered her head an eye level to Silver, still with her motherly smile. “Well hello there, Silver Sky, I do hope that your friendship became strong in the future.” Silver gulped as he nods, “O-of course, y-your Highness.” “Oh, Twilight, should we show him that?” Twivine suddenly said, and at once, Twilight gasped. “We should do exactly that!” She exclaimed rather energetically. As the two fillies dragged him away to whatever they were going to show him, from that moment onwards, Silver knew they were special. There was a knock on his door. Silver steeled himself on what to come next. He let out a sigh as he addressed the pony behind the door, ”Come in.” The door handle turned, and the pony he expected appeared. The white unicorn stallion wore the Royal Purple armor, adorned with coat-of-arms similar to those of his cutiemark. He was taller than the average unicorn and was well-muscled as far an earth ponies goes. Silver saluted the Captain as he strides into his office. “Captain Armor, sir!” Silver addressed, standing up from his seat. “At ease, Lieutenant,” he said, halting in front of Silver’s desk before he looked around the unusually clean office room. “If my intuition was correct, you’ve just cleaned your office a little over an hour ago.” Silver stiffened, but he composed himself shortly. “I was informed of your arrival exactly one hour ago, sir.” Shining Armor nodded thoughtfully, “I can’t blame you if you were to impress your superior through first impression.” He turned to face Silver with a stern expression, “However, I would always expect you to be just that!” Silver Sky cringed, didn’t expect the sudden outburst. Shining Armor then sighed, “But, I’m not here just for a visit.” Shining Armor horn light up, pulling out a scroll and placed them on the Officer’s desk. “As you can see, my wedding is not too far off. I needed a capable second-in-command to handle unit garrisons and their organization.” Silver picked up the scroll and opened it, his eyes widening as he then stared at the Captain with disbelief. “Y-you wanted me to organize Canterlot’s garrison!?” “Not only that,” Shining Armor said. “You’ll be organizing some battalions from the other regiments as well. They were pulled to Canterlot to increase the security for the wedding.” Silver Sky can only stared with his mouth agape, speechless. It took him a while to form coherent words, even though stuttering, “S-sir, s-shouldn’t you put this on other officer’s shoulder?” Shining Armor smirked, “I could, however, amongst all other candidates I have, you-“ Shining point his hoof at him. “-are the most promising one.” “I…” Silver then dipped his head, “I am honored, Guard Captain Armor.” “So, you are up to it?” Shining asked with a raised brow. “Sir, yes, sir!” Silver reconfirmed. “Good, don’t let me down.”