Everymare Loves Chrysalis

by ThePinkedWonder

Chapter 3: Fighting over the Lovebug

Walking down the path leading to it, Queen Chrysalis was on the way to Twilight Sparkle’s home: a castle anchored on top of a tree, both made of crystal. The purple castle’s light-blue tree (though the part of the tree near the bottom was dark-purple) with a light-blue crystal in the shape of Twilight’s Cutie Mark on top of the palace, was an okay sight. The glistening of the crystal, thanks to the sunlight, hurt some of the appeal it would have had otherwise. However, unlike the houses in town with hay roofs, it had a real roof. Perhaps the Princess of Friendship wasn’t as foolish as Chrysalis thought: she understood the value of a good roof.

However, five ponies, walking together, came into view. They were Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

“Uh-oh.” Chrysalis hopped into a bush, but found her true form a tad too big to fully fit.

“Ugh, guess the love I ate was higher in calories than I thought. Now I will have to only eat low-calorie love for a while, and that stuff sucks! Wait, why am I hiding anyway? I can change into a pony again, then walk by those fools.”

With that, Chrysalis shapeshifted back into the green unicorn she was before, with the blue four-curl mane, came out of the bush, and trotted towards the five ponies.

Hoping it would help her not seem suspicious, Chrysalis greeted, “Hi.”

The five friends stopped walking and looked at each other. Then they stared at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis’s body briefly flashed with a magenta aura. Once the aura vanished, the mares batted their eyes and they all simultaneously asked, “Will you be my date?”

Something was gravely wrong. Not only did all five mares ask Chrysalis for a date, but Fluttershy did too. Even for the “new” Fluttershy, which Chrysalis knew about, this wasn’t natural!

“Uh, no,” Chrysalis flatly answered.

The mares walked closer, with smiles, as if “no” meant “yes” to them.

Even if there were no threat of later being on the wrong end of a “curb-stomp battle” with Twilight or Starlight if she tried, Chrysalis would not have attempted to fight back. Five-against-one and all.

All Chrysalis could do was turn around and run, with the ponies chasing her, begging for her to stop.

Chrysalis would never live this down. It was pathetic enough that she had to run from those ponies, but she was running from Fluttershy. Fluttershy! It wasn’t like that Pegasus would rain death if she was angered or possessed a ferocious temper that even the Lord of Chaos feared.

An idea popped into Chrysalis's mind. Those five mares are heroes, so why not use their sickening bleeding hearts to her advantage? She stopped and pointed in a direction behind them. “Hey look, somepony needs help near Twilight’s castle!”

The five idiot heroes stopped running and turned their heads to where Chrysalis pointed. They all asked, “Where?!”

Chrysalis turned on the jets and darted behind the nearest building and out of sight. The mares sped towards the castle to find the “pony” that needed help, so they didn’t see where Chrysalis went.

Safe for the moment, Chrysalis sat down. She needed to think of her next action. But at least those five fools stayed together.

After a minute, Chrysalis stood up, peeked from behind the building, and found her enemies were nowhere in sight. With the coast clear, she again made her way to Twilight’s castle.

But a smiling Rainbow Dash flew in from the sky and landed in front of Chrysalis.

Forgetting that she was a proud, unreformed villain, Chrysalis let out a girly, “Eep!”

Rainbow said, “Oh, that’s cute. And I know why you said a pony was in trouble.”

“Why?” Chrysalis genuinely asked.

“Because it was a test to see who loves you the most, and by finding you first, I passed.”

The Changeling blinked two times back-to-back, then did it again. This kind of “logic” was all but alien to her.

“Not that I needed to pass a test anyway, because you can’t do better than me! I’m twenty percent cooler than the average mare.”

Chrysalis felt herself being pulled to the left by magic. After three seconds, she found herself face-to-face with who was responsible: Rarity, who wore a smile and batted her eyes.

“Oh, don’t listen to her! You deserve a mare of class and refinement for your Hearts and Hooves Day date!”

Rainbow flew to Rarity and said, “Hey, Rarity, she’s mine! Get your own date!”

The surprise made Rarity lose her magical grip on Chrysalis and she countered, “What do you think I just did, Rainbow?”

“You stole my date, that’s what you did!”

“How could I steal what isn’t yours?”

As those mares argued, Chrysalis made a break for it. She couldn’t pass on this chance to get to Twilight’s castle.

From the air, Fluttershy swooped down and wrapped her forelegs around Chrysalis, with a smile, and carried her away. Chrysalis thought Fluttershy being so shy before was sickening, but now she would prefer that version of Fluttershy back.

“I thought about it, and let’s just skip the date and get to kissing once we are in my cottage.”

“You put me down right now, or else!” Chrysalis warned.

A lasso flew through the air from nowhere and hooked Chrysalis by a leg. With a yelp, she found herself yanked from Fluttershy’s grip and to a pony on the ground. The pony’s name: Applejack.

“Hoo-wee, look what I caught! One grade ‘A’ date!”

Chrysalis growled. The mighty Queen of the Changelings had never been treated like a thing before and her blood was boiling. There will be Tartarus to pay when she’s able to use her magic again!

“If you don’t release me, then--”

“I’ll get a kiss?” Applejack interrupted and batted her eyes.

“No--wait.” Chrysalis thought about this. If she said “yes”, Applejack might let her go and she could flee before the kissing started. Then again, Applejack could simply catch her again with her lasso. Chrysalis didn’t know what to do, and even started stuttering.

Fluttershy landed beside Applejack and bit through her lasso.

“What was that for, Fluttershy?!”

“For taking my date and kisses!” With Chrysalis free, Fluttershy picked her up and flew away with her again. This time, she flew higher in the air, in case Applejack had another lasso nearby.

“Hey! Get back here with my date, Fluttershy!” Applejack yelled.

Chrysalis was missing the old Fluttershy more and more.

A voice demanded, “Hey! You’re not going anywhere, Fluttershy! Not with my date!”

Fluttershy and Chrysalis both turned to who yelled. It was Rainbow Dash in the air, approaching them with gritted teeth.

“No! She’s mine!” Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow zipped closer and rapidly spun in tight circles around Fluttershy, forcing her to spin and lose her grip on Chrysalis. Rainbow then swooped down to catch Chrysalis and brought her back to the ground.

But once on the ground, Chrysalis flashed in a magenta light. When the light vanished again, with a yell, Fluttershy flew into Rainbow and the two rolled on the ground grunting. Chrysalis was at least impressed with the takedown.

But Chrysalis found herself pulled by magic again to Rarity.

Rarity didn’t even get a chance to say anything. Applejack threw an apple at Rarity’s head to break her grip.

“Ow! Applejack, how crude!”

“Well, that’s what ya get for tryin’ to take my very special somepony!”

Back on her hooves, Rainbow corrected, “You mean my very special somepony!”

“No, she’s my very special somepony!” Fluttershy yelled, also back in her hooves and stood beside Rainbow.

Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all walked to, and faced, each other in a circle and argued. Something changed, because they suddenly wanted more than "just" a date! Chrysalis noticed that Pinkie Pie didn’t take a turn, and she was thankful for that little mercy. But more importantly, with the four mares fighting, their attention wasn’t on Chrysalis, so she used the chance to dash to Twilight’s castle.

Fortunately, she made it without being seen.

At the castle’s grand, gold, double doors, Chrysalis forced her feet through them and into the lobby. She was too rattled to even think about knocking, especially since it wasn’t her style anyway.

The inside was a lot bigger than it appeared on the outside. The purple crystal walls and two circular stairs in the lobby were an all right sight.

“Princess Twilight! Are you in here?!”

No response. The Princess was either in another castle, or simply somewhere else. Chrysalis had no idea where to go, so she picked a path and walked down the nearest hallway.

In the hallway, the castle looked bigger still, and closed light-green double doors hid the inside of the numerous rooms. Maybe one of the rooms had some books with info on what might have happened to her. Chrysalis knew about how Twilight loved reading books.

Luck chose to favor her this time: one of the first doors Chrysalis picked to go in was one of the doors to the castle’s library. Once in, she sat down to catch her breath from the “activities” she had earlier.

Fortunately, the numerous books in the bookshelves lining the library proved this was the best place for her to discover what happened to her.

“Okay, this day has just been crazy, but I need to focus and figure out what's going on. But at least, Starlight Glimmer hasn't come after me yet. Of all ponies, she’s the VERY LAST ONE I want hitting on me.”

Fate must have had a vendetta against Chrysalis. Starlight Glimmer barged through one of the doors with a huge smile. “There you are! I thought I heard your voice, sweet lips!”

Oh no. Not her. Chrysalis’s eyes widened. The very last thing she wanted to happen, was happening! “N-No, not you! Stay the buck away from me, Starlight Glimmer!”

Starlight chuckled and assured, “Oh, don’t worry. I saw what the others did to you and I don’t want to kiss you or ask you out for Hearts and Hooves day.”

Chrysalis relaxed her scowl. “You don’t?”

Starlight shook her head, but with a smile oozing desperation, she answered, “No. I want to make out with you! Come to mama!”

Chrysalis’s mouth dropped. Was this some kind of a sick joke? “No, no, no! I’m out of here!”

Chrysalis sped out of the library through a different door from the one Starlight used. Starlight chased in hot pursuit. This day was becoming a nightmare for Chrysalis.

“Hey, come back! I’ll be good!” Starlight begged.

“No! Leave me alone, you crazy pony!”

Chrysalis ran into a room, locking the door, and Starlight pounded against it with her hooves. Three seconds after Chrysalis locked the door, the odd magenta aura reappeared for a second.

When the aura vanished, Starlight’s banging on the door grew more intense.

“Come oooooon! Let me in!” Starlight begged in one of the most desperate voices Chrysalis had ever heard. She’s imprisoned helpless ponies in cocoons while they screamed for help, so that should tell you how desperate -- and pathetic -- Starlight sounded.


“But we’ll be great together, and I neeeeeed you!”

After more banging, a voice called out, “Where is that mare? I know she’s in here!”

The voice belonged to Rainbow Dash. Perhaps she saw Chrysalis go into the castle after all? Wonderful.

“Oh, uh, what are you talking about, Rainbow?” Starlight asked in a nonchalant voice. Interesting enough, Chrysalis respected her a little for refusing to share. No freebies: if you want something from somepony, take it from them in a duel! That part of Starlight was something Chrysalis could get behind, but it didn’t make her stop hating Starlight or want to make-out with her.

“She’s talking about a mare that came in the castle,” the voice of Rarity said. Of course it wouldn’t just be Rainbow.

“Who is mine by the way,“ Applejack pointed out.

“Uh, there’s no mare in the castle, besides me,” Starlight lied.

“Yes, there is! I can feel her love coming from in here,” Fluttershy said.

The five ponies argued. Acting on a gut instinct, Chrysalis carefully took a peek out and found the mares’ attention was away from the door, and there was enough space to sneak past them. She took this chance to escape.

But before she got far, Rarity exclaimed, “Hey, there she is!”

Chrysalis ran as fast as her legs could go. After she turned a corner, she ducked in one of the castle’s bedrooms and locked the door. She heard the crazy mares’ hoofsteps speed past the door.

“Whew! I’m finally safe! But I should stay here for a while. That bed looks like a good place to take a well-needed nap, but that blanket with Twilight’s Cutie Mark has got to go.”

Chrysalis’s idea to stay turned out to be a smart one because hoofsteps returned. From the sound of them, it was only one pony returning.

Chrysalis stayed still and quiet.

A turquoise ax cut through and made a hole in the door, making Chrysalis yelp. A persian eye from the other side peeked in through the hole.

“Heeeere’s Starly!” Starlight said in a more psychotic voice.


More chops of the ax brought the door down. Starlight’s lustful grin grew even bigger. Queen Chrysalis actually felt fear now and backed away with a frown.

“Y-You stay away from me! Or else!”

“Okay,” Starlight replied in a far more normal voice.

“R-Really?” Chrysalis asked. She didn’t think Starlight would actually listen, but she wasn’t going to complain!

Alas, the situation wasn’t what Chrysalis thought. Starlight indeed stayed put, BUT she used her magic to pull Chrysalis to her. Then she leaned her head forward, and her soft lips made contact with hers.

Chrysalis couldn’t believe it. That vile, sickening, goody-goody Starlight Glimmer, one of her most hated enemies, was laying A BIG FAT WET ONE on the Queen’s lips! It got even worse when Starlight’s tongue slipped into Chrysalis’s mouth. She would never look at Starlight the same way again. Chrysalis struggled to flail her legs to free herself, but the strength of the Unicorn’s magical grip made it pointless.

When Starlight released her lip-lock, Chrysalis spit Starlight’s...yuck...saliva out of her mouth. Chrysalis didn’t care about learning what happened to her, or the possibility for her revenge. She just wanted to get as far away from Starlight Glimmer as possible. As well as from Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

But how? Starlight’s grip was inescapable and the look in her eyes and grin screamed that she wasn’t done. Luckily, Chrysalis remembered Starlight’s fondness of kites, which Chrysalis learned through spying on her when plotting for revenge. The idea Chrysalis thought of was a stupid idea, but she just got kissed by that pony, so she would try anything.

Almost anything.

Chrysalis said. “Oh, look behind you! It’s a kite.”

Starlight released her magical grip on Chrysalis and turned her head. “Where?”

Chrysalis pushed Starlight to the floor in the room, threw the blanket covering the bed over her, and zipped down the hallway and out the front door of the castle. How she picked the correct way to go was something Chrysalis didn’t even think about. Outside, she shapeshifted to her true form and took to the air.

“Ugh! Even if it’s out of their own magic, what kind of nut job opens doors with axes?! And what’s that?!”

To Chrysalis’s right, a swarm of Pegasi was flying closer, screaming her name. Two of them were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, one was the brown mare that Chrysalis first stole love from. All the Pegasi were mares. Now Chrysalis had a crowd chasing after her!

“You fools will never catch me! Never!”

A loud boom came from behind Chrysalis. Before she could even turn around, something hit her from behind and wrapped what felt to be forelegs around her. The impact forced Chrysalis to spin end-over-end, then crash and roll on the ground.

Chrysalis growled and turned her head to see who was still hugging her from behind. It was a pink Earth Pony with a huge grin.

Yes, it was Pinkie Pie. Chrysalis heard of a fabled cannon known as the “party cannon” and figured that the “boom” she heard was Pinkie launching herself from it. Pinkie is a pony with guts, which Chrysalis would have respected if not for being so sick of being chased!

Chrysalis was too worn down to even try to pry Pinkie off of her.

“Oh, this is just not my day.”

“But it’s about to be your day, Lovebug! I was waiting for a Unicorn I saw earlier to come, but I’ll take you instead! Now, where are my million kisses?”

The voice of Applejack said, “Those kisses of hers are for me, Pinkie Pie! I’ll take a queen over a ‘normal’ mare anyway!”

Chrysalis looked to where the voice came from. It was a mob of Earth Ponies and Unicorns, and Rarity, Starlight, and Applejack were part of it. The Pegasi also continued to come closer and soon all the ponies surrounded her; Pinkie remained latched onto her. Everypony bore creepy smiles. Chrysalis wondered what she did to deserve this. Even for what she had done in the past, this was too cruel a punishment.

“No…no! Leave me alone, please! I’ll never steal love from ponies again! I won’t try to get revenge on Starlight Glimmer! I’ll even reform! Just, stop trying to kiss and make me be your very special somepony! I’m not even a pony!”

The mares crept closer, but abruptly moaned, wobbled on their hooves, and collapsed to the ground. Their eyes were closed. Pinkie’s grip weakened when she lost consciousness.

Chrysalis had no idea what happened, but this was her chance! With a crazed laugh, Chrysalis gently moved Pinkie off her -- she did not want to risk waking her up -- took to the air and fled Ponyville. She would never come near the town again, unless she was on the verge of losing her mind. At the very least, Chrysalis was glad that Princess Twilight never got into the act, and Chrysalis didn’t give a buck as to why. She also never thought of the idea of draining the ponies’ love to incapacitate them, so she wouldn’t have needed to flee, but every villain has their off-days. Especially on days like these.