Connected Worlds

by eragon13666

Meeting The Trainees (unedited)

When I woke up, the first thing that hit me, was that I was in a different room than the one I was used to, thee colors were different, the bed felt oh so soft, and, as funny as this may sound; the air smelt...cleaner. The only things I really unpacked was the things I would need the most as of right now, clothing, items, kitchen like equipment; things along the line that I knew I would need. If anything else were needed at the moment that wasn't unpacked, well that would be something I would deal with as soon as I was able.
Dealing with my morning routine that went about using the bathroom, brushing my teeth and checking my hair, knowing sooner or later I would have to get it cut, as well as trim my facial hair as well. I slipped on some clothing that were that of a basic blue jeans and white shirt to get my morning meal started.

Though Canterlot was a mostly Pony like town, with the new idea of races coming in, it became easier to gather say things like meat, and other meat like product. And that suited me just fine with what I was going to have this morning. Opening up doors and the fridge, I saw they were packed full of food already, there was some magical effect on the food that also allowed it to last longer and not spoil as quickly as say on earth, not that it mattered here at this moment; as the food was just brought in the day before. As pans were placed down and the eggs cracked in, I stole a glance outside and raised a eyebrow at what I saw.
Though it was only about eight in the morning, there were both ponies and one human at work on...something, now seeing it as Power lines. Remembering that those would need to be set up, as well as the power junction on the poles, I was surprised to see how quickly the ponies were just setting up the poles. four unicorns worked on the poles, one using his magic to seemly open the ground, the other three using their combine magic to set said pole in place, before it was covered to keep in place. A few tests to make sure it wouldn't move, and they were off after looking at a map. The other team with the human, taking of course far longer mostly because of the fact of they were climbing up, and putting the things together. The humans working on the power lines and setting up the boxes along the top, no doubt for the internet connection as well as electricity, were also teamed up with some ponies, training day, in a sense.
The way the program spoke, saying that it would take a while to have lights and possible Wi-Fi in ever home in Equestria as soon as they could, made it sound like it would take years...if it worked like this, I bet it would take maybe months; but that was only in my understanding.

After eating and cleaning up my mess, I went back upstairs to get myself cleaned up, even though I already dressed myself and seemly ready to go out into the world, I forgot about my shower and shave. The warm water colliding with my body, steam covering the sort of brought me back to thinking of one person, one pony I should say; Lyra.

After not seeing her for so long, and now just out of the blue I find out she is my boss...I mean, that's so much to take in, she was someone I would have to answer to if something went wrong, someone that I knew on a personal level someone, I can't think like that. She is my boss now, the boat of which we could've sail, left the port without us, and I'll have to deal with that. Was that a little over the top poetry...maybe, but it doesn't matter, I guess it's just how my brain is wired I supposed.

I shook my head and sat down enjoying my meal, before truly sitting down went out and saw that the paper was here, a hot cup of coffee beside me, flipping the page open to read as I ate. Thinking on it, to myself, I felt sort of like those old style movies, the guy reading the morning paper, drinking a cup of Joe, ready to start their day. Course, I don't think any of them would've been on a world where it's not humans, but talking anthro animals of myth and legends. The paper was normal, as one could tell, normal morning news and such, a few little reviews on the next big book by someone, and then again more about humans and vice versa living in the new worlds now just a train ride away.

I came out of my train of thought, to a knock on the door, jerking my head up slightly, I looked over and noticed it was close to ten now, my food half eaten and now cold, I shrugged and went to answer, and got quite a surprised. Two mares were waiting outside, wearing everyday clothing, though I noticed their jeans and shirts seemed a bit...huggy.
The first was a bit shorter then I, possible the top of her head coming to my chin, a smoky grey like coat, with surprising deep golden eyes, her hips were a bit on the wide side, and I only looked beside she had a enclosed letter along her side that caught my eye. Her jeans were deep black, which for someone with fur and on a rather warm morning, would've thought she be burning up. A unicorn clearly by the horn jutting out her forehead, long dirty blond mane that slightly covered her right eye. Her tail matched her mane, but slightly curled along the end. Her chest...well I could see it clearly, though from the way she dressed it was like my female friends back home would say 'rock 'em if you got 'em.' And it showed that this one, in a sense was clearly...rocking them.

The other was a Earth pony, about the same height as myself, hell I think a bit taller with a deep red coat, and green like eyes. Her mane matching her tail, with a jet black color but she held curly like mane, and a matching tail, though her tail having a long pink streak going through it, possible tail dye. She was built more fit, showing that Earth ponies were not one to mess around with, from what I could tell, they had raw power and getting into a fight with one...oh boy. She had about three bags, one on each shoulder, and one along her neck, briefcase size with the company I was now working at, logo on the front. "Are you Mister Brandon Casey?' the unicorn asked me as I blinked for a moment, before nodding. "Great!" she exclaimed clapping her hands together as she smiled. "Thought we got the wrong house again."
"The last one was a gryphon after all," the Earth Pony pointed out. "So the fact you thought to ask if he was,, Brandon the Human...was rather stupid."
"Hey!" she huffed, puffing her cheeks out. 'I had to make sure!"
"Beside hearing that," I said giving a slight raise of my eyebrow. "You asked me, who I was...well...why do you want to know, and who are you two?"
"Oh, right!" the still unknown unicorn spoke as she brought her hand to her chest. "My name is, Lily Quarts." She answered my question before pointing to the other. "And this one is Ruby Plush!" I always did wonder about the strange names these ponies gave their children, Ruby Plush...Lily Quarts...the last one was alright but the first...
"Ruby is fine," The Earth pony responded. "My parents gave me the last part 'Plush' because of all the stuff animals I was given at my birth. They did it as a almost inside joke, and it sort of stuck." I could only nod at this, and tried my best to hide back a smile, I mean really, who names their child in such a way, that it was considered a inside joke, and then just let it stick?

Either or, I allowed both mares inside, so that I could get a better understanding as to why they were here. Ruby, setting down the three bags, claiming that one would be for the each of us, and one was for me mostly. Opening it up, and checking inside, was greeted with the basic gear I would need if I wished to set up the internet, phone, and TV when they were ready to be installed. Touch screen pad, with basic set up, which, if my hunch was right; I would need to explain to the two, as no doubt these two were assigned to me to be trained.
Finding a personal lettered confirmed such a idea, as I read over rather quickly on what I would need to do, a contact number, which confused me for a moment until I saw what else was in the bag; and also our work all that fit as I claimed a briefcase size bag...I still have no idea!
The last item in the bag that surprised me, was what looked to be a cellphone, with the company logo on the back. In this world in a sense, they would be considered like Apple, though as we were the first, it would make sense that they would supply their own phone, or cellphone plans. As I kept reading, basic Q@A's about where to buy such things if new customers wanted to buy said computers, phones, cellphone, then lastly TVs before I heard, Lily, speak.

"So..." she asked sitting on the sofa, leaning forward a bit and seemed to smile. "Someone like you have a marefriend yet?" Ruby, I saw, quickly shot her a glare before exhaling quickly. I had a vague idea where this was going, but I decided to just play with it, to see what she meant.
"Not at the moment," I answered truthfully, as I didn't understand where the future would lead me, still reading through a few pages, as I briefly caught, Ruby, reading her own, smaller user guide book.
"Really?" Lily asked with a sort of gasp at the end. "Somepony like you, and you don't have the mares, or gryphons after you, I simply can't..." Before she went on, I closed my eyes, sighing heavily and lowered my booklet before blunting asking.
"What's your gain with asking personal question, not even a hour after meeting?" she seemed taken aback, and even did a sort of splatter noise.
"What...I don't..."
"Forgetting for a moment, that in a sense not only am I your trainer, but your supervisor to make sure you do your job, today no doubt a interdiction to meet, and here you are, seemly trying to flirt with me." I raised my eyebrow, as her own eyes widen quite a bit, her ears splaying back as she rubbed the back of her head. "So, before anything else, I want to ask one simple thing; are you flirting because that's in your nature, flirting because your interested...or flirting because you are trying to get brownie points from me; answer carefully."

It may have seemed rough the way I worded things as such...but I needed to know and also to put some ground rules down. I know yesterday when I saw Lyra, a part of me wanted to just try and patch things up more, and then maybe... It would be a fools idea in my thought, I knew that. But if Lily thought she could try to do something to maybe cut her some slack...I didn't know, and I wanted to find out. "You're..." she started off as I watched her. "Not... a Coltcuddler, are you?"

You know those old school cartoon, where when the mind stops, you hear a tire SCREECH to a halt, never knew what that felt like; until that moment! "WHAT?!" I almost roared out, not in anger, but utter surprised! A Coltcuddler, from what I understood, was a term calling when two stallions, or two males were in a sexually relationship. The other side would be known as a Filly-Fooler or something along that line; but the fact that she just asked me that!
"Lily, what the buck?!" Ruby yelled just as loudly as she stood up and quickly spoke. "Mister Brandon, please, excuse my friend! She has the habit of speaking before her brain can kick her in the flank, she no doubt didn't mean it as..."
"Explain, now," was all I said, my eyes slightly narrowing as Lily only laughed sheepish.
"W..well," She started as Ruby was still gazing at her with a rather wide expression. "I heard in your world, the males are normal the one in charge...and seeing some human movies that came over here, I saw it was the females you know...flirting with the boss to keep their jobs; I guess I thought that...was the common thing to keep one job?" I didn't know if she was ether freaking stupid...or being truthful with me with that sort of thing. Her friend was possible thinking the same thing as me, because she was just groaning and shaking her head back and forth, her finger and thumb rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. "W...what, and even then I heard that males in your world are in a more higher I just thought...I would take what stallions do here, and flip it?" she said again releasing a sheepish smile. "I just thought because you didn't...seem interested that you were..."
"Gay?" I simple answered with a matter of fact tone, as she looked down, ears flatten as I sighed and held my chin in my hand, eyes closed as I thought about it.

"Allow myself to be clear, once; and only once." I told her, and Ruby as I gazed at the two mares before me. "Flirting with me, or trying to cozy up to me, will NOT give you brownies points. As not only am I teaching you the basic of how these things work," I said pointing to the bags of machine and tech. "But, if I feel that you are not grasping, I have to tell Lyra of this, and see if one can be replaced, because at this point, there would be no reason to train someone who can't do the job, are we in agreement so far?" Ruby nodded rather quickly, Lily, a bit after but there was still a slowness to it, either because of the shock of me calling her out, or something else. "So, what was said here...that's the only warning I'm giving, I don't care that you thought I was gay, what I care about was that you were trying to flirt your way to keep a job mind you, you never even started. Do that again, and I will have you resigned, or request to be placed somewhere else, clear?"
"C..clear," Lilly spoke with another nod. "I'm sorry I just..."
"Just don't do it again, I want this to work, I want a friendship in the workplace, but if you think I'm going to make it easy because you bat a eyelash, then you should find a place to work somewhere else."

After such, they left with their bags, ready to read from the books themselves before the first job. If our building were to be the first to be hooked up, it would be good training to show them. was already a weird morning with that. And with the time it already was, it was just a little bit after lunch...and my gut was growling. Going off to just make a quick sandwich, I was about to pull the bread out...when a knock came to my door. With hands grasping the counter, I thought about ether answering, or just leaving it be...I was going to leave it be, until the knock came again. Releasing a sigh, I went on over to answer the good, about to greet them, when I blinked in surprised, and confusion. For Princess Cadance herself, was standing outside my doorway!

"Hello!" she spoke with a clear glee to her tone, her hands clasp along the front of her hips, her pinkish dress and crown sat on top of her head. "Brandon right? May you permit me to come inside, so we may speak?" what was I to do, a princess, mind you a princess not of Equestria but of the Crystal Empire...which thinking about it, is the Crystal Empire outside of Equestria border...and shouldn't she and her husband be King and Queen? "It's nothing bad," she must've took my silent as a form of hesitation. "Please?" she asked, holding her hand out toward my door...with a nod I moved to the side and allowed her inside, maybe it was just to get a worded knowing of me doing well in my new home. I've heard the princesses were nice, they were nice enough when I first met them, and this world did have different...logic then that of the human world. Not really knowing what else to say, or even if I should have even allow her inside, to hear whatever she had to say, was one of the reasons I allowed her inside anyway.

She walked in to take a look around the boxes of my moving still around as she crossed her arms, in a more of a casual way than anything, before she then spoke. "Still unpacking?" she asked looking back towards me as I nodded.
"Haven't really had a lot of time to unpack as much as I want." I responded with a shrug. "only those of what I will need right off the back, and my bedroom." When she nodded at this I added. 'I have some Red Rose tea...Orange Peaco flavor, would you like to try some?" she seemed to light up but nodded at this.
"I do enjoy tea," she agreed as she took a seat in my living room. "Though I haven't tried any human tea, is it your favourite brand?"
"I...Don't really drink tea," I admitted but started up the water to boil. "My brother's girlfriend gave it to me a few days before I was was..." I was going to say my own girlfriend's type of tea, every pay I had to buy at least two boxes to last until the next pay, I didn't mind all that much. But remembering of the tea, almost brought back the habit of saying it, but the Princess of Love, was working on her title.
"You're Marefriend, Lyra?" she finished as I sighed and moved back to the living room as the kettle went on to boil.
"Ex," I reminded her. "She's my Ex."

There was a slight pause, not really sure why she was here, or even knowing what to say to get the talk flowing. However she did say something, or the way she said it, caught me off guard. "Why are you hiding your feelings for her and not working on it?" I jerked my head a bit again as she said such things to me, her eyes still showing the same kindness to them when I met her yesterday and just a bit ago, but I could see the gears turning. "I mean, why did you..."
"If that is the reason you are here," I spoke looking her dead in the eye. "You might as well leave, now. What happened between the two of us, is between the two of us; no third party allowed!"
"But what is the reason?" she almost demanded. "I can feel the tug you have for her, I am not called the Princess of Love for nothing, and I can feel she had the same toward you, so why..." Before she could go on, I stopped as I raised my hand up. She stopping as I answered.

"There are things about humans you have to understand," I spoke calmly and slowly, trying to hide what I was feeling, as I didn't want her to know too much, as it really wasn't any of her's anyway, to know of mine, or Lyra's past love. "And that we don't tell a lot of people about our past, even more so when they think what they are doing is supposedly right. That boat has sailed and it won't be coming back to the same dock." The Alicorns hands clasped over her lap as she watched me, studying me in a way as I went on. "So I'll ask you nicely to back off." There was a short pause as I heard the whistling of the water boiled as I got up to get it, cups in my hand...before roughly clanking them to the table as she asked.
"Is the reason," She asked as I sighed, before my eyes widen at what she said next. "The reason you broke the same thing you're running away from?"
"Running away?" I repeated as she nodded her head as I came back to the living room, but didn't sit. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You moved away from home, sold everything I'm guessing, and decided to live here. A family you said, and you only spoke of your brother...but not of your father or mother," when she said mother, I slightly jerked, I didn't mean just happened. "Ah so that's it...something to do with your mother? Did she and your mother have a disagreement?"
"You can go now," I said with a frown as I turned my back to her. "Like now."
"Whatever it is I'm sure..."
"You don't know ANYTHING!" I raised my voice and even saw moment outside my window...her guards perhaps as I sighed and took a deep breath. "You may be the Princess Of Love. But let me tell you something so you will understand with human is different. Sometimes hugging and saying sorry won't help okay, thats one, two, driving into things you," I made the point by pointing to her. "Have no right asking, and I'm asking you, to NOT speak to her about that. If you wouldn't want someone to be in your relationship with whoever you are with, and start saying what they think is right until you either cave and let them deep in, or whatever your trying to do!" I looked away and again, sighed heavily. "Stay out of it, there nothing to fix, nothing to go back to. I may of a long time ago had feelings for her before, but those...Look just go."

This time there was a long pause, before she came up to me, I was about to go on her again, before I watched as she placed a card on the counter, her name, her address and another set of numbers. "I may be a Alicorn of love, but I did take quite a bit of classes on helping people in times of need." She spoke, placing her hand along my shoulder but I refused to look at her. "If you need to talk...send me a letter here, and put the number on the envelope, it will tell the post office to send it to my personal box.
"I could see the pain you had when you saw her the other day, and the possible wanting...i can tell you both have a path and I want to at least help with it. And your Shiny even says sometimes my...hobby of playing match maker can be...rough." She softy chuckled but released my shoulder to leave. "Being alone...isn't always the answer young Brandon. Remember that."

The click of the door closing as I turned off the oven before slumping along the counter. I looked to the white, pinkish card, her name in gold. I flicked it on the table as scuffed, I was fine...i was...however one thing stuck up to me, to what she said.

"Am I running away from it..." I spoke mostly to myself, and mostly to anyone that would listen.